Презентация "Parrots"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме

Щербакова Наталья Викторовна

Этим материалом можно воспользоваться в 6 классе для развития навыков говорения при изучении темы "Speaking about animals" по УМК "Enjoy English"


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Предварительный просмотр:

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Слайд 1


Слайд 2

New words Different parrots are different colours, and some are very beautiful. Most birds live in trees. My friend can’t eat because she has hurt her tongue . Birds can make a lot of different sounds . There are often sailors on ships.

Слайд 3

Main idea The passage is about ……. many different kinds of birds. a certain kind of bird that can talk. sailors who go on long journeys. all kinds of birds with big, thick tongues.

Слайд 4

Looking for detail 1. Which of these is correct about the story ? a. All birds can talk. b. Only one kind of bird can talk . c. Only parrots can talk. d. Parrots are not the only birds that can talk. 2. Parrots can live … a. only in hot countries b. anywhere c. only with other birds d. only on ships

Слайд 5

3. People like parrots because they … a. talk to sailors. b. don’t know what they are saying. c. are all called “Polly”. d. have beautiful colours and can talk. 4. Perhaps sailors took parrots with them on long journeys because … a. wanted to eat them. b. liked talking to them. c. didn’t know what to do with them. d. wanted to take them back to hot countries.

Слайд 6

Summary Fill in the gaps : same although talk know may Parrots are not only birds that can … . Usually they don’t … what they are saying, …they know their names and when to say “Hello”. They have big, thick tongues. However, this … not be why they can talk because some birds that have the … kind of tongue can’t talk.

Слайд 7

Will you translate? Попугаи не единственные птицы, которые могут говорить. Обычно они не знают, что они говорят, хотя они знают свои имена и когда сказать «Привет». У них большие, толстые языки. Однако, это не единственная причина, почему они могут говорить, так как некоторые птицы, которые имеют такой же вид языка, не могут говорить.

Предварительный просмотр:

There are many different kinds of parrots. Some are quite big. Others are very small. Many people like them because they often have beautiful colours, and because they can ‘talk’.

No one knows why parrots can talk. Most birds cannot. Some people say that parrots can talk because they have big, thick tongues. But some other birds that can talk do not have big, thick tongues, and some birds that cannot talk have big, thick tongues.

Parrots do not usually know what they are saying when they talk. They are only making sounds. However, they know when to say some words, such as “Hello!” and “Goodbye”, and they usually know and they can say their names.

Most parrots come from hot countries, but they can live anywhere. This is one reason why sailors used to take them with them on long journeys. Perhaps another reason was that they wanted someone to talk to.