Тренажер для подготовки к ЕГЭ по английскому языку
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему
Данный тренажер предназначен для учащихся 9-11 классов при подготовке к ЕГЭ по английскому языку . Материал интересен тем, что содержит ответы на задания и учащиеся могут проконтролировать себя сами, увидеть свои ошибки и недотчеты, что в последствии будет способствовать и повышению уровня знаний при подготовке к экзамену.
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Готовимся к ЕГЭ – 1: чтение (формат задания - множественный выбор)
- Просмотрите текст от начала и до конца.
- Внимательно ознакомьтесь с заданиями, обращая внимание на вид теста и характер информации, которую необходимо извлечь из текста.
- Прочитайте текст, на этот раз более внимательно, выделяя информацию, которая требуется для выполнения задания:
- не останавливайтесь при чтении на каждом незнакомом слове, информации, не относящейся к выполнению задания;
- обращайте внимание в тексте на опознавательные знаки, слова, которые могут подсказать, где находится нужная информация.
Ответы на контрольные вопросы могут потребовать неоднократного обращения к тексту. В целях экономии времени, отведенного на выполнение тестового задания, важно каждый раз правильно выбрать стратегию чтения. Стратегию прочтения всегда подскажет вид тестового задания и характер требуемой информации.
Обращайте внимание на заголовок текста. Возможно, что Вы уже что-либо знаете по предлагаемой проблеме. Это поможет Вам предугадывать содержание текста и его лексический состав.
Multiple choice (множественный выбор) – тестовое задание, при выполнении которого необходимо выбрать ответ из нескольких предлагаемых вариантов. При этом, как правило, лишь один из предложенных вариантов правильный. (Остальные – отвлекающие варианты.)
Albert Einstein is one of the greatest science philosophers.
Read a passage about his life. For questions 1 – 5, choose the best answer from the suggested. Put a circle round the number of the best answer. (multiple choice)
Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany on March 14th, 1879. When he was one year old, the family moved to Munich.
One story Einstein liked to tell about his childhood was a “wonder” he saw when he was four or five years old. His father gave him a magnetic compass. Albert practiced turning the compass every which way, soon becoming fascinated by the new toy. No matter which way he turned it, the needle would always point in the same direction. The compass convinced him that there had to be “something behind things, something deeply hidden.” This was probably something that sparkled his interests in physics.
According to the family legend Albert was a slow talker at first, pausing to consider what he would say, and did not read until he was seven. His parents feared that he was below average intelligence. Probably Albert was simply a thoughtful and shy child. From that time on, he attended a Catholic primary school. Although he got generally good grades, and was outstanding in mathematics, Einstein hated the school he was sent to, where success depended on memorization and good behavior. His teacher described him as “mentally slow, unsociable and is forever in his foolish dreams.” But he was an independent thinker and in reality he surpassed the other students. His real studies were done at home with books on mathematics, physics, and philosophy. Einstein’s mother introduced him to music, and he became a fine violinist. He also excelled in mathematics. At 11 he studied physics at the university level. A teacher suggested Einstein to leave school, since his very presence destroyed the other students’ respect for the teacher. The fifteen-year-old boy left school in mid-term to join his parents, who had moved to Italy for his father’s business.
When he was sixteen he moved to Switzerland. Einstein applied at the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich that would have allowed him to take a course of study leading to a diploma as an electrical engineer. But he did not pass the entrance exam as a result of his poor French. However after a year of reading on his own, he passed the exam and in 1896 he entered the Polytechnic to be trained as a teacher in physics and mathematics.
In 1902, as he was unable to find a teaching post, he accepted a position as technical assistant in the Swiss Patent Office. During his stay at the Patent Office, and in his spare time, he produced much of his remarkable work. While there, he wrote papers that would revolutionize the study of physics. One of these papers was developed from an essay he wrote when he was 16. This publication is known as the ‘Special Theory of Relativity.’ It introduced an entirely new concept of time and motion. In 1905 he obtained his doctor’s degree. As a result of his scientific papers, Einstein was regarded as the rising star of theoretical physics.
In 1908, Einstein became a lecturer at the University of Bern. Then, in1909, he became a Professor of physics at the University of Zurich, in 1911 Professor of Theoretical Physics at Prague. By that time, Einstein had been recognized as the leading scientific thinker. In 1916, Einstein published his Famous General Theory of Relativity. His theoretical research was tested in May, 1919 by two British Astronomer expeditions. The results from these expeditions agreed Einstein’s theory, and laid the foundation for Einstein’s world fame. In November 1921, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics.
Einstein always had a clear view of the problems of physics and the strength to solve them. He had a strategy of his own and was able to visualize the main stages on the way to the goal.
A1 In his childhood, Einstein …
1 got home schooling.
2 learned to play violin.
3 was a wonder-child.
A 2 Albert never found school interesting because …
1 of the teaching methods.
2 he was a slow learner.
3 the students were treated badly.
A 3 Einstein became interested in science because of …
1 a book his father gave him.
2 a compass his father gave him.
3 a musical instrument his mother gave him.
A 4Einstein graduated from the Polytechnics as …
1 a secondary school teacher.
2 an electrical engineer.
3 a technical assistant.
A5Though Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1921, his Theory of Relativity …
1 was still unknown in Europe.
2 had been written long before.
3 had not been proved by that time.
Готовимся к ЕГЭ – 2: чтение (формат задания - установление соответствия), лексика/грамматика (формат задания - краткий ответ)
Ответы на предыдущее задание. (В тексте выделена информация, на которой основываются правильные ответы.)
Albert Einstein is one of the greatest science philosophers.
Read the passage about his life. For questions 6 – 10, choose the best answer from the suggested. Put a circle round the number of the best answer. (multiple choice)
Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany on March 14th, 1879. When he was one year old, the family moved to Munich.
One story Einstein liked to tell about his childhood was a “wonder” he saw when he was four or five years old. His father gave him a magnetic compass. Albert practiced turning the compass every which way, soon becoming fascinated by the new toy. No matter which way he turned it, the needle would always point in the same direction. The compass convinced him that there had to be “something behind things, something deeply hidden.” This was probably something that sparkled his interests in physics.
According to the family legend Albert was a slow talker at first, pausing to consider what he would say, and did not read until he was seven. His parents feared that he was below average intelligence. Probably Albert was simply a thoughtful and shy child. From that time on, he attended a Catholic primary school. Although he got generally good grades, and was outstanding in mathematics, Einstein hated the school he was sent to, where success depended on memorization and good behavior. His teacher described him as “mentally slow, unsociable and is forever in his foolish dreams.” But he was an independent thinker and in reality he surpassed the other students. His real studies were done at home with books on mathematics, physics, and philosophy. Einstein’s mother introduced him to music, and he became a fine violinist. He also excelled in mathematics. At 11 he studied physics at the university level. A teacher suggested Einstein to leave school, since his very presence destroyed the other students’ respect for the teacher. The fifteen-year-old boy left school in mid-term to join his parents, who had moved to Italy for his father’s business.
When he was sixteen he moved to Switzerland. Einstein applied at the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich that would have allowed him to take a course of study leading to a diploma as an electrical engineer. But he did not pass the entrance exam as a result of his poor French. However after a year of reading on his own, he passed the exam and in 1896 he entered the Polytechnic to be trained as a teacher in physics and mathematics.
In 1902, as he was unable to find a teaching post, he accepted a position as technical assistant in the Swiss Patent Office. During his stay at the Patent Office, and in his spare time, he produced much of his remarkable work. While there, he wrote papers that would revolutionize the study of physics. One of these papers was developed from an essay he wrote when he was 16. This publication is known as the ‘Special Theory of Relativity.’ It introduced an entirely new concept of time and motion. In 1905 he obtained his doctor’s degree. As a result of his scientific papers, Einstein was regarded as the rising star of theoretical physics.
In 1908, Einstein became a lecturer at the University of Bern. Then, in1909, he became a Professor of physics at the University of Zurich, in 1911 Professor of Theoretical Physics at Prague. By that time, Einstein had been recognized as the leading scientific thinker. In 1916, Einstein published his Famous General Theory of Relativity. His theoretical research was tested in May, 1919 by two British Astronomer expeditions. The results from these expeditions agreed Einstein’s theory, and laid the foundation for Einstein’s world fame. In November 1921, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics.
Einstein always had a clear view of the problems of physics and the strength to solve them. He had a strategy of his own and was able to visualize the main stages on the way to the goal.
A1 In his childhood, Einstein …
1 got home schooling.
2 learned to play violin.
3 was a wonder-child.
A2 Albert never found school interesting because …
1 of the teaching methods.
2 he was a slow learner.
3 the students were treated badly.
A3 Einstein became interested in science because of …
1 a book his father gave him.
2 a compass his father gave him.
3 a musical instrument his mother gave him.
A4 Einstein graduated from the Polytechnics as …
1 a secondary school teacher.
2 an electrical engineer.
3 a technical assistant.
A5 Though Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1921, his Theory of Relativity …
1 was still unknown in Europe.
2 had been written long before.
3 had not been proved by that time.
Matching (установление соответствия) – вид тестового задания, при выполнении которого необходимо выявить (установить) соответствие между компонентами двух списков, рядов и т.д. (Как правило, одному компоненту одного списка соответствует один компонент другого.)
Understanding between the parts of a text
Между частями текста всегда существует взаимосвязь. Чтобы понять связь между предложениями, надо обращать внимание на лексические средства и грамматические конструкции, находящиеся перед и после частей предложений, вынесенных после текста.
You are going to read some information about Band Aid history. Several phrases have been removed from the article. Fill each of the gaps (1-6) with the phrases marked A-G. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.
Band Aid history
In 1984 a television journalist called Michael Buerk brought to the world's attention the full horror of a famine that was happening in Ethiopia, (1) ________
As people across the UK were sitting down to their evening meal the news channels screened horrifying pictures of children. (2)_____, and the nation was shocked.
A rock musician called Bob Geldof, the lead singer in a band called The Boomtown Rats, was so deeply upset by what he saw (3)_____________.
He put together a large group of pop stars – (4)________ - to record a single. "Band Aid" was born and from then on nobody could pretend they knew nothing about Africa's problems.
Band Aid was the name of the group (5)_______ .
Written by Bob Geldof and Midge Ure, the song was recorded on November 25th 1984 by a group consisting of almost 40 of the UK and Ireland's best-known pop stars of the time.
In early 1985 the idea of a concert to raise money for the cause was suggested.
The event had raised over ?65 million. It also made (6)_________ living half a world away.
- all of whom worked for free
- children died on screen
- that he decided something had to be done
- which recorded the original single "Do They Know It's Christmas? / Feed The World"
- sell over three million copies in the UK
- one of the world's poorest countries.
- People think of the needs of people
Short answer (краткий ответ) – тестовое задание, выполнение которого требует, сформулировать краткий, как правило, единственно возможный ответ на поставленный вопрос или проблему.
For questions 1-8 read the text below and fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs. There is an example at the beginning (0).
The European Union
The European Union (0) __is_ ( be) an economic and monetary union. Originally it (1) ______ (have) six members, but by 2001 it (2)____________ (grow) to fifteen. Other countries (3)____________ (expect) to join in the early part of the 21st Century. Advantages of European Union membership (4)_________ (include):
- Large market for businesses (5)_______ (sell) their products
- Access to the Common Agricultural Policy which (6) ______ (help) farmers
- The option (7) _______ (join) the Single European Currency (the EURO)
- Opportunities for people (8)______ (work) in other European countries
There's going to be a big vote in the UK about the European Union.
It's called a referendum and everyone in Britain who (9)________ (register) to vote can take part.
People will decide if they (10) ______ (want) to accept the new EU constitution, which is a set of rules about how the EU (11) ______ (run).
Most people agree that now the EU (12) ______ (grow) from 15 to 25 members it has got too big (13)_____ (make) decisions the way it used to.
This means the EU must get a new set of rules, or make fewer decisions. There (14)________ (be) a lot of arguments in the UK about whether any changes will be good for this country.
A referendum will let ordinary voters (15)_______ (have) their say.
Готовимся к ЕГЭ – 3: лексика/грамматика (задание на словообразование) Ответы на предыдущее задание. (В тексте выделена информация, на которой основываются правильные ответы.) Band Aid history (F) лишнее The European Union
The European Union (0) __is_ ( be) an economic and monetary union. Originally it (1) had six members, but by 2001 it (2) had grown to fifteen. Other countries (3) were expected to join in the early part of the 21st Century. Advantages of European Union membership (4) include:
There's going to be a big vote in the UK about the European Union.
Multiple choice (множественный выбор) – тестовое задание, при выполнении которого необходимо выбрать ответ из нескольких предлагаемых вариантов. При этом, как правило, лишь один из предложенных вариантов правильный. (Остальные – отвлекающие варианты.)
For questions 1-10 read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C, or D best fits each space. There is an example at the beginning (0).
What is EU enlargement?
The European Union is a (0) ___B__ of countries whose (1)______ work (2)_____.
It's a bit like a club. To join you have to agree to (3)_____ the rules and in return you get certain (4)________.
Each country has to (5) ______ money to be a member. They mostly do this through taxes.
The EU uses the money to (6)_____ the way people live and do business in Europe.
Countries join because they think that they will benefit (7)______ the changes the EU makes.
On Saturday 1 May 2004 the EU grew from 15 to 25 members.
This is the biggest (8) _____ of the Union (9)______ it started.
There were a lot of news stories in the UK about whether or not the enlargement would benefit the UK. Some people were worried that (10)_____ in the new member states would move to Britain to get (11)_____ paid jobs. They are often worried that the UK is losing its (12)___________ and identity.
0 A native B group C variety D lot of
1 A citizens B politicians C governments D goods
2 A with B much C well D together
3 A like B make C follow D know
4 A presents B advantages C freedom D varieties
5 A earn B export C maintain D pay
6 A change B research C achieve D launch
7 A out of B from C in D --
8 A rise B standard C expansion D review
9 A as B from C since D because
10 A refugees B goods C workers D trades
11 A best B better C good D much
12 A poverty B freedom C quality D independence
Готовимся к ЕГЭ – 5: лексика/грамматика (формат задания - множественный выбор, задание на словообразование)
Ответы на предыдущее задание.
What is EU enlargement?
The European Union is a (0) group of countries whose (1) governments work (2) together.
It's a bit like a club. To join you have to agree to (3) follow the rules and in return you get certain (4) advantages.
Each country has to (5) pay money to be a member. They mostly do this through taxes.
The EU uses the money to (6) change the way people live and do business in Europe.
Countries join because they think that they will benefit (7) from the changes the EU makes.
On Saturday 1 May 2004 the EU grew from 15 to 25 members.
This is the biggest (8) expansion of the Union (9) since it started.
There were a lot of news stories in the UK about whether or not the enlargement would benefit the UK. Some people were worried that (10) workers in the new member states would move to Britain to get (11) better paid jobs. They are often worried that the UK is losing its (12) independence and identity.
1 A citizens B politicians C governments D goods
2 A with B much C well D together
3 A like B make C follow D know
4 A presents B advantages C freedom D varieties
5 A earn B export C maintain D pay
6 A change B research C achieve D launch
7 A out of B from C in D --
8 A rise B standard C expansion D review
9 A as B from C since D because
10 A refugees B goods C workers D trades
11 A best B better C good D much
12 A poverty B freedom C quality D independence
Multiple choice (множественный выбор) – тестовое задание, при выполнении которого необходимо выбрать ответ из нескольких предлагаемых вариантов. При этом, как правило, лишь один из предложенных вариантов правильный. (Остальные – отвлекающие варианты.)
For questions 1-10 read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C, or D best fits each space. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Why do people (0) __B__ read books when there are a lot of other forms of (1) ___? Some people say that books are (2)_____, and not everyone can (3)___ books from the library. They may add that TV is more (4)____ and you can relax while watching a film. But books are still very (5)_____. They (6)______ the reader to use his or her (7)____. You can read just a few pages, and then stop. But it may be so (8)____ that you can’t stop. There are many different kinds of books, so you can choose an autobiography or a science (9)_____, or any book you like. Non-fiction books help you to be in the (10)____ about everything. And you can’t watch television on the underground.
0 A also B still C can D prefer
1 A work B opportunity C suspense D entertainment
2 A value B rich C notable D expensive
3 A borrow B lend C follow D know
4 A enjoy B enjoyable C enjoyed D joyful
5 A amusing B keen C popular D impressive
6 A inspire B include C imagine D make
7 A imaginary B imagination C amusement D honour
8 A suspenseful B interest C captivated D thriller
9 A film B fiction C fictitious D production
10 A place B know C information D description
Word building – (словообразование) – тестовое задание, выполнение которого требует, образовать слова, используя суффиксы и префиксы.
For questions 1 - 14, read the text below. Use the words given in capitals in the box to form new words that fit in the same numbered space in the text. There is an example at the beginning (0).
I don't know what career I want. How can I find out what job is right for me?
For most of us it is not easy to make a (o) decision about a career. The problem with that is you might miss out on a whole lot of (1) __________ because you don't know about them. | (0) DECIDE (1) OPPORTUNE (2) CERTAIN |
Ответы на предыдущее задание.
Adrian Boult
Adrian Boult was born in April 1889, and after getting an (0) education at Westminster and Oxford went to study in Leipzig, then the center of musical (1) schooling. The (2) composer Holst noticed him in 1918. | (0) EDUCATE (1) SCHOOL |
Готовимся к ЕГЭ – 6: чтение (формат задания - установление соответствия), лексика/грамматика (формат задания - открытый ответ (cloze test) Ответы на предыдущее задание.
Раздел: READING COMPREHENSION Matching (установление соответствия) – вид тестового задания, при выполнении которого необходимо выявить (установить) соответствие между компонентами двух списков, рядов и т.д. (Как правило, одному компоненту одного списка соответствует один компонент другого.)
What are the sights of traditional London. Match the information (1-5) with the titles (A – F). One title is extra. 1. Since opening in 1894, it has been raised for shipping many thousands of times. Reached by lift, the high level walkways offer breathtaking views. You haven’t truly seen London until you’ve seen these views. There are several exhibitions which give an insight into the design and history of this famous landmark. Visit the Victorian engine rooms which contain the original steam pumping engines. 2. One of the largest in the world. Contains a copy of every book, newspaper and magazine printed in the UK. Important manuscript and printed books including new Illuminated Manuscripts gallery. Strict procedures for admission to the Reading Room, but special exhibitions are open to the public. 3. National collections of archeology, prints and drawings, coins and medals and ethnography. An unmatched collection of antiquities, especially of Egypt, Ancient Rome and Greece, and a permanent display of Cypriot treasures. 4. Nearly two centuries of the development of the city are illustrated by historic buses, trams and trains Enjoy the many working exhibits, put yourself in the driving seat of a bus or a Circle Line train. 5. Discoveries and inventions through the centuries - from veteran cars, trains, and aeroplanes to the exploration of Space and the development of computers. History of medicine; nuclear and telecommunications galleries. Popular with all children.
Modified Cloze
Santa Claus has been around for a (0) long time. But how did (1) _____ start to know about Santa Claus? Why is Santa called Jolly Old St. Nicholas? Did he always put (2)_____ under Christmas (3)_____?
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Главная страница / Готовимся к ЕГЭ – 7: чтение (формат задания – альтернативный выбор (верно/не верно) |
Готовимся к ЕГЭ – 7: чтение (формат задания – альтернативный выбор (верно/не верно)
Ответы на предыдущее задание.
1. C. 2. E. 3. B. 4. A. 5. F.
Modified Cloze
Santa Claus has been around for a (0) long time. But how did (1) people start to know about Santa Claus? Why is Santa called Jolly Old St. Nicholas? Did he always put (2) presents under Christmas (3) trees?
Long (4) ago, in a land which is now (5) called Turkey, there was a bishop named Nicholas. Nicholas (6) lived in the fourth century A.D. He was very wealthy and generous, and he loved to (7) make children happy. Often, he would (8) give gifts to very poor children -- sometimes by throwing them into their (9) windows!
After Nicholas died, he was canonized as a (10) saint. His feast day is December 6 -- a (11) holiday in many countries. He is the patron saint of children and seafarers. In the Netherlands, the saint's name, Sinter Nikolass, became (12) shortened to Sinter Klaas. And as Dutch people immigrated to the United States, the name evolved into what it is (13) today - Santa Claus!
The Dutch Saint Nicholas also wore a beard and a red cloak trimmed with white (14) fur. Saint Nicholas left (15) gifts for good children in their (16) shoes -- not under (17) trees or in stockings, as he does today.
The tradition of having a Christmas (18) tree in the house comes from a different part of the world -- Germany. Since the Middle (19) Ages, or perhaps before, trees have been thought to be good luck. Whenever someone would start to build a house, a small evergreen tree would be nailed to one of the tallest beams. Gradually, this (20) tradition came to be repeated at Christmas time, by bringing a small tree into the house and (21) decorating it. As German immigrants came to the United States, they (22) brought with them the tradition of Christmas trees.
(верно / не верно) – один из видов тестовых заданий, предполагающих альтернативный выбор варианта ответа.
- Прочитайте внимательно задание.
- Познакомьтесь с содержанием контрольных вопросов. Если тест проводится на основе прочитанного или услышанного текста то, как правило, контрольные вопросы даются в том же порядке, что и информация в тексте.
- Выполняя тест на основе прочитанного или услышанного текста, не опирайтесь на свои личные знания по данной проблеме. Информация в предложенном тексте не всегда может соответствовать вашему опыту и знаниям. Задание следует выполнять относительно предложенной информации.
- Напротив, при выполнении этого вида тестового задания в разделе Cultural Awareness, где проверяются знания о странах изучаемого языка, вам необходимо опираться лишь на собственный опыт и знания.
Read the text below and mark the questions 1-8 with T if it is true and F if it is false according to the text.
The Commonwealth
Formerly known as the British Commonwealth of Nations, the Commonwealth is a loose association of former British colonies, dependencies and other territories - and Mozambique, which has no historical ties to Britain.
The modern Commonwealth has its roots in the 19th century, when the British Empire began to disintegrate. As some of its parts got varying degrees of independence from the motherland, a new constitutional definition of their relationship with each other had to be found.
The Commonwealth has no constitution or charter, but the heads of government of its member states hold Commonwealth Heads of Government Meetings (CHOGM) every two years to discuss issues of common interest.
As head of the Commonwealth, Queen Elizabeth II is recognised by its members as the "symbol of their free association". She attends the Commonwealth summits and the Commonwealth Games, which are held every four years. Also, on every Commonwealth Day, which is the second Monday in March, she broadcasts a message to all member countries.
The Commonwealth has been criticised for being a post-colonial club and for having little influence. But to its members it is a voluntary association of independent states which is in the business of promoting democracy, good government, human rights and economic development.
The fact that members share common traditions in many fields, including a common language, enables them to work together in an atmosphere of cooperation and understanding, strengthening even further the prestige of the Commonwealth.
Membership of the Commonwealth brings some practical benefits through the Commonwealth Fund for Technical Cooperation (CFTC). This is the main way in which the Commonwealth promotes economic and social development and reducing poverty.
- All Commonwealth members were parts of the British Empire. _________
- The Commonwealth appeared when the British Empire started to break up. ______
- The parts of the former British Empire needed to establish new relations. ______
- The constitution regulates the relations between the members of the Commonwealth. _______
- The Queen gives freedom to all member countries. _____
- The Commonwealth concentrates on expanding its territory.______
- People in all countries of the Commonwealth speak English._____
- Commonwealth members can get some financial help.______
Готовимся к ЕГЭ – 8: чтение (формат задания - установление соответствия)
Ответы на предыдущее задание.
- All Commonwealth members were parts of the British Empire. _F_____
- The Commonwealth appeared when the British Empire started to break up. ___T____
- The parts of the former British Empire needed to establish new relations. __T___
- The constitution regulates the relations between the members of the Commonwealth. ___F____
- The Queen gives freedom to all member countries. __F___
- The Commonwealth concentrates on expanding its territory.__F____
- People in all countries of the Commonwealth speak English.__T___
- Commonwealth members can get some financial help.___T___
The Commonwealth
Formerly known as the British Commonwealth of Nations, the Commonwealth is a loose association of former British colonies, dependencies and other territories - and Mozambique, which has no historical ties to Britain.
The modern Commonwealth has its roots in the 19th century, when the British Empire began to disintegrate. As some of its parts got varying degrees of independence from the motherland, a new constitutional definition of their relationship with each other had to be found.
The Commonwealth has no constitution or charter, but the heads of government of its member states hold Commonwealth Heads of Government Meetings (CHOGM) every two years to discuss issues of common interest.
As head of the Commonwealth, Queen Elizabeth II is recognised by its members as the "symbol of their free association". She attends the Commonwealth summits and the Commonwealth Games, which are held every four years. Also, on every Commonwealth Day, which is the second Monday in March, she broadcasts a message to all member countries.
The Commonwealth has been criticised for being a post-colonial club and for having little influence. But to its members it is a voluntary association of independent states which is in the business of promoting democracy, good government, human rights and economic development.
The fact that members share common traditions in many fields, including a common language, enables them to work together in an atmosphere of cooperation and understanding, strengthening even further the prestige of the Commonwealth.
Membership of the Commonwealth brings some practical benefits through the Commonwealth Fund for Technical Cooperation (CFTC). This is the main way in which the Commonwealth promotes economic and social development and reducing poverty.
Matching (установление соответствия) – вид тестового задания, при выполнении которого необходимо выявить (установить) соответствие между компонентами двух списков, рядов и т.д. (Как правило, одному компоненту одного списка соответствует один компонент другого.)
Here is some information about national parks of the USA.
Match the information (1-5) with the titles (A – G). Two titles are extra.
1. Going to this place once meant danger and even death. It's the hottest place in the United States and summer temperatures there can reach 54 degrees C! Today, it is a national park and thousands of people drive there (in air-conditioned comfort, of course) to enjoy the beauty of this strange land.
There are lots of ghost towns in this place. In the 1800s people streamed here looking for gold and silver. The terrible heat combined with hard work made people leave the towns. Today, you can visit these eerie ghost towns and look inside old houses, prisons and banks to see how people lived back then.
2. The Redwood National Park in California is home to the oldest trees in the world. One of them, called General Sherman, is more than 3,000 years old. It's about 84m tall.
The Saguaro National Park in Arizona is the only place in the United States where you can find the magnificent saguaro cactus. It's one of the slowest-growing plants -it takes seventy-five years before it even grows its first branch!
3. The Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado is famous for its 'cliff dwellings'. The Anasazi Indians, who lived there over a thousand years ago, built many houses, both underground and on the tops of the cliffs. For some unknown reason, the Anasazi Indians disappeared suddenly and mysteriously in 1300 AD.
4. In the Capitol Reef National Park in Utah you'll see lots of beautiful cliffs. Many of them are covered with petroglyphs (rock carvings) and pictographs (rock paintings). They were made by the Fremont Indians, who -just like the Anasazi - mysteriously disappeared in 1300 AD.
5. It is one of the true natural wonders of the world. It makes up most of the Grand Canyon National Parkand millions of tourists visit it every year.
The Grand Canyon is over 320 km long and up to 6 km deep. The top and the bottom of the canyon have very different weather and vegetation. In fact, going from the top to the bottom is somewhat like going from Canada to Mexico.
There are signs that people lived in the Grand Canyon 4,000 years ago
A. The Hottest Рlace in the World.
B. Mystery People.
C. Isn’t It Great?
D. The Biggest Trees.
E. Death Valley.
F. Rock Art.
G. Fantastic Plants.
Готовимся к ЕГЭ – 9: чтение (формат задания - установление соответствия)
Ответы на предыдущее задание.
A. The Hottest Рlace in the World.- extra
B. Mystery People. – 3
C. Isn’t It Great? - 5
D. The Biggest Trees. - extra
E. Death Valley. -1
F. Rock Art. - 4
G. Fantastic Plants. -2
1. Going to this place once meant danger and even death. It's the hottest place in the United States and summer temperatures there can reach 54 degrees C! Today, it is a national park and thousands of people drive there (in air-conditioned comfort, of course) to enjoy the beauty of this strange land.
There are lots of ghost towns in this place. In the 1800s people streamed here looking for gold and silver. The terrible heat combined with hard work made people leave the towns. Today, you can visit these eerie ghost towns and look inside old houses, prisons and banks to see how people lived back then.
2. The Redwood National Park in California is home to the oldest trees in the world. One of them, called General Sherman, is more than 3,000 years old. It's about 84m tall.
The Saguaro National Park in Arizona is the only place in the United States where you can find the magnificent saguaro cactus. It's one of the slowest-growing plants -it takes seventy-five years before it even grows its first branch!
3. The Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado is famous for its 'cliff dwellings'. The Anasazi Indians, who lived there over a thousand years ago, built many houses, both underground and on the tops of the cliffs. For some unknown reason, the Anasazi Indians disappeared suddenly and mysteriously in 1300 AD.
4. In the Capitol Reef National Park in Utah you'll see lots of beautiful cliffs. Many of them are covered with petroglyphs (rock carvings) and pictographs (rock paintings). They were made by the Fremont Indians, who -just like the Anasazi - mysteriously disappeared in 1300 AD.
5. It is one of the true natural wonders of the world. It makes up most of the Grand Canyon National Parkand millions of tourists visit it every year.
The Grand Canyon is over 320 km long and up to 6 km deep. The top and the bottom of the canyon have very different weather and vegetation. In fact, going from the top to the bottom is somewhat like going from Canada to Mexico.
There are signs that people lived in the Grand Canyon 4,000 years ago
Задание предполагает восстановление пропущенных элементов текста (в данном случае – фраз), опираясь на логические и грамматические связи внутри текста.
You are going to read an article about Royal family. Six paragraphs have been removed from the article. Choose from the paragraphs (A-H) the one which fits each gap (1-6). There is one extra paragraph which you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning. (0).
Our Modern Royal Family
As a little girl, Elizabeth didn’t know that one day she would be queen. Her grandfather was King George V. But George and his wife Mary had six children. Their oldest son, the handsome and popular Edward, was the next in line to be king. Elizabeth's father, Albert, was only the second child, born in 1895.
(0)- H
Albert, or ‘Bertie’, was shy, and the family made this worse for him. He wrote naturally with his left hand, but he was told to use his right hand. He also had a speech problem.
The name of the royal family was now ‘Windsor’. They changed their name in 1917, during the First World War with Germany. Their family names at that time were German, and it was better to have an English one. So George chose the name 'Windsor'. Windsor Castle is one of the old palaces where the royal family often stay.
Finally, he fell in love with an American woman, Wallis Simpson. He wanted to marry her, but Wallis was divorced -twice. The royal family didn’t like her, but the problem was even more serious.
They called 1936 ‘The Year of the Three Kings’. George died in January. When they carried his body through the streets, a piece of the royal crown fell off into the road. “That’s very bad luck”, people said. “Something terrible is going to happen”. Then Edward became king. At first, he hoped that he could marry Wallis and also be king. He wanted the people of the country to accept this. But they didn’t. They didn’t want Wallis to be their queen.
Bertie decided to take a new name - George, like his father - and so he became King George VI. He had no sons, so his oldest daughter, Elizabeth, was now the next in line. She was ten, and her sister, Margaret, was six.
It was a sad story, and in some ways a romantic one. But Edward was a weak man who wanted power and money. And Wallis was a difficult woman who ruled Edward's life.
The ‘royals’ have to work very hard at their duties; it is difficult for them to have a private life. But Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon was a happy, strong-minded girl. When she agreed to marry him, she accepted the ‘job’ gladly. Later, after her husband’s death, she became the Queen Mother.
A. Before he was king, they lived in a large house on Piccadilly, a famous street in the centre of London. It wasn’t a palace, but it was big enough. It had twenty-five bedrooms, a library, and a room for dances and parties.
B. Edward married Wallis Simpson, and they lived in Paris for most of their lives. They were never friendly with the royal family again. Edward was very angry about what happened.
C. He couldn't always say the words that he wanted to say. His father only laughed at his son. Later, he had help from a special teacher, but all his life it was hard for Bertie to make speeches.
D. Old King George died in 1936. Now Edward was ready to take his place as King Edward VIII. Most people in the country liked Edward, and they wanted him to be king. But they didn’t know much about his private life. Even his father was worried about Edward before he died. Edward loved a good time. He enjoyed women, drank a lot, spent money, and didn’t think about other people or his duties to the country.
E. So on 10 December 1936, Edward signed the official papers which ended his rule as king. He made a speech to the nation on the radio. And on 11 December, his younger brother, Bertie, took his place.
F. The year 1936 wasn't easy for Britain, but at the end of it the country got a popular and a sensible king. They also had a fine queen, and two beautiful little princesses. King George VI’s wife was a Scottish woman, Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon. When he fell in love with her, she didn’t accept him at first. Even in those days, she knew that a life in the royal family is not all magic and fun.
G. The British king also had to be the head of the Church of England, and the Church did not accept divorce. How could Edward marry a divorced woman and still be king?
H. When they were boys, Edward and Albert were often unhappy. The children only saw their parents for an hour every day. Their nurse was a hard woman and often hurt Edward. George V was a good king, but not a very kind father. "I was frightened of my father, and my children are going to be frightened of me!' he said.
(Ответы на задание вы увидите в следующий)
Главная страница / Готовимся к ЕГЭ – 10: лексика/грамматика (формат задания - краткий ответ) |
Готовимся к ЕГЭ – 10: лексика/грамматика (формат задания - краткий ответ)
Ответы на предыдущее задание.
Our Modern Royal Family
As a little girl, Elizabeth didn’t know that one day she would be queen. Her grandfather was King George V. But George and his wife Mary had six children. Their oldest son, the handsome and popular Edward, was the next in line to be king. Elizabeth's father, Albert, was only the second child, born in 1895.
(0)- H
When they were boys, Edward and Albert were often unhappy. The children only saw their parents for an hour every day. Their nurse was a hard woman and often hurt Edward. George V was a good king, but not a very kind father. "I was frightened of my father, and my children are going to be frightened of me!' he said.
Albert, or ‘Bertie’, was shy, and the family made this worse for him. He wrote naturally with his left hand, but he was told to use his right hand. He also had a speech problem.
(1) C
He couldn't always say the words that he wanted to say. His father only laughed at his son. Later, he had help from a special teacher, but all his life it was hard for Bertie to make speeches.
The name of the royal family was now ‘Windsor’. They changed their name in 1917, during the First World War with Germany. Their family names at that time were German, and it was better to have an English one. So George chose the name 'Windsor'. Windsor Castle is one of the old palaces where the royal family often stay.
(2) D Old King George died in 1936. Now Edward was ready to take his place as King Edward VIII. Most people in the country liked Edward, and they wanted him to be king. But they didn’t know much about his private life. Even his father was worried about Edward before he died. Edward loved a good time. He enjoyed women, drank a lot, spent money, and didn’t think about other people or his duties to the country.
Finally, he fell in love with an American woman, Wallis Simpson. He wanted to marry her, but Wallis was divorced -twice. The royal family didn’t like her, but the problem was even more serious.
(3) G T
he British king also had to be the head of the Church of England, and the Church did not accept divorce. How could Edward marry a divorced woman and still be king?
They called 1936 ‘The Year of the Three Kings’. George died in January. When they carried his body through the streets, a piece of the royal crown fell off into the road. “That’s very bad luck”, people said. “Something terrible is going to happen”. Then Edward became king. At first, he hoped that he could marry Wallis and also be king. He wanted the people of the country to accept this. But they didn’t. They didn’t want Wallis to be their queen.
(4) E
So on 10 December 1936, Edward signed the official papers which ended his rule as king. He made a speech to the nation on the radio. And on 11 December, his younger brother, Bertie, took his place.
Bertie decided to take a new name - George, like his father - and so he became King George VI. He had no sons, so his oldest daughter, Elizabeth, was now the next in line. She was ten, and her sister, Margaret, was six.
(5) B
Edward married Wallis Simpson, and they lived in Paris for most of their lives. They were never friendly with the royal family again. Edward was very angry about what happened.
It was a sad story, and in some ways a romantic one. But Edward was a weak man who wanted power and money. And Wallis was a difficult woman who ruled Edward's life.
(6) F
The year 1936 wasn't easy for Britain, but at the end of it the country got a popular and a sensible king. They also had a fine queen, and two beautiful little princesses. King George VI’s wife was a Scottish woman, Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon. When he fell in love with her, she didn’t accept him at first. Even in those days, she knew that a life in the royal family is not all magic and fun.
The ‘royals’ have to work very hard at their duties; it is difficult for them to have a private life. But Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon was a happy, strong-minded girl. When she agreed to marry him, she accepted the ‘job’ gladly. Later, after her husband’s death, she became the Queen Mother.
- лишнее
For questions 1-11 read the text below and fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs. There is an example at the beginning.
In 1829, an Englishman by the name of James Smithson (0) died (die) in Genoa, Italy. His death would probably have gone unnoticed if he (1) ________ (not leave) an extraordinary will. In it, he stated that his fortune should be left to: "...the United States of America". You can imagine what a stir this (2) ________ (cause) on both sides of the Atlantic! There (3) ______ (be) much debate both in Congress and in the American press about how (4) ______ (use) this money. Several ideas (5) _______ (put) forward, the most popular being a school or university of some kind. In the middle of these discussions, the United States Exploring Expedition came home from a around-the-world expedition. They brought home many interesting things from the places they (6) _______ (visit). Many people were anxious to see them, and it (7) _______ (decide) that the best way to use Smithson's fortune was to build a national museum. In typical Victorian style, the original museum (8) _______ (build) to resemble a castle. It (9) ______ (house) an art gallery, a museum, a library, lecture halls and a chemical laboratory. In the past 150 years, the museum complex (10) _______ (grow) immensely! Today, the Smithsonian Institution (11) ______ (have) 19 museums and research centres.
Главная страница / Готовимся к ЕГЭ – 11: чтение (формат задания - множественный выбор) |
Готовимся к ЕГЭ – 11: чтение (формат задания - множественный выбор)
Ответы на предыдущее задание.
For questions 1-11 read the text below and fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs. There is an example at the beginning.
In 1829, an Englishman by the name of James Smithson (0) died (die) in Genoa, Italy. His death would probably have gone unnoticed if he (1) had not left (not leave) an extraordinary will. In it, he stated that his fortune should be left to: "...the United States of America". You can imagine what a stir this (2) caused (cause) on both sides of the Atlantic! There (3) was (be) much debate both in Congress and in the American press about how (4) to use (use) this money. Several ideas (5) were put (put) forward, the most popular being a school or university of some kind. In the middle of these discussions, the United States Exploring Expedition came home from a around-the-world expedition. They brought home many interesting things from the places they (6) had visited (visit). Many people were anxious to see them, and it (7) was decided (decide) that the best way to use Smithson's fortune was to build a national museum. In typical Victorian style, the original museum (8) was built (build) to resemble a castle. It (9) housed (house) an art gallery, a museum, a library, lecture halls and a chemical laboratory. In the past 150 years, the museum complex (10) has grown (grow) immensely! Today, the Smithsonian Institution (11) has (have) 19 museums and research centres.
Multiple choice (множественный выбор) – тестовое задание, при выполнении которого необходимо выбрать ответ из нескольких предлагаемых вариантов. При этом, как правило, лишь один из предложенных вариантов правильный. (Остальные – отвлекающие варианты.)
You are going to read an article about the importance of reading in our lives. For questions 1-8 choose the correct answer A, B or C.
My husband has just returned from a trip to Iceland. He enthused about the natural and man-made wonders of the place: the geysers; the ancient glaciers; the fact that a large beer costs ?10 a glass. However, it was when he told me that 99 per cent of the Icelandic population are literate that I got excited. If Icelandic schools can produce such spectacular results, why can't ours in Britain? According to the Basic Skills Agency, one in six people in Britain has literacy problems. I think we must ask why so many children are leaving school (after eleven years of compulsory education) unable to read and write their own language satisfactorily. I was once told by a highly literate woman that: 'Reading and writing isn't everything. We should learn to value people for themselves, they have other skills.' We were in a literacy centre at the time, full of adults struggling to learn their own language. A couple of people were in their seventies and had spent a lifetime covering up the fact that they couldn't read or write. Some of their excuses were creative. One man wrapped a bandage around his right hand whenever he had an official form to fill in. Other, more common, excuses are: 'I've forgotten my glasses' or 'My handwriting is bad'.
I was a late reader myself, so I can empathize with the terror of looking down at a page full of incomprehensible black squiggles. I used to dread being asked to read by the teacher in my infant school (who was so unkind that my brain turned to porridge whenever I saw her). I learned to read during an absence from school. I was away for three weeks with mumps. My mother bought Richmal Crompton's Just William books, and I was so captivated by the ink drawings that I wanted to know what the captions said underneath. My mother read them to me, and somehow, by the time I went back to school, I could read the books myself.
For those of you who don't know the William books, I'd better explain their attraction. They start in the 1930s when William Brown is an eleven-year-old boy. He lives in a village in the country with his family. His mother, Mrs Brown, is a long-suffering woman prone to headaches. Mrs Brown can't quite bring herself to think badly of William, though God knows there is daily evidence that he is the son from hell. Mr Brown is a permanently angry man. Unlike his wife, he is convinced that William is the spawn of the devil.
William leads a gang called 'The Outlaws', but he is not a wicked boy. The books are wonderful and have a rich, sophisticated vocabulary. The reader sees the adult world through William's eyes and, like him, finds it a baffling, hypocritical place.
William Brown hated school and was constantly in trouble. And, judging by the letters he wrote (ransom notes, usually), he struggled with his spelling and punctuation. My literary hero never grew up, but I hope that a good teacher out there in Fictionland persevered with him and that he left school able to read and write. Because I fear that William's 'other skills' - disorderliness, hand-to-hand fighting - would not have adequately equipped him for adult life. Unless, of course, he wanted to join the foreign legion, whose only entry qualification is that applicants must have hands and legs.
Good teachers should be honoured by society. We should pay them more and stop being jealous of their long holidays. Boring, inadequate teachers should be sifted out before they leave teacher-training college. On no account should their fatal influence be allowed to pollute the lives of small children. One of my daughters wept every night for weeks because she was afraid of the 'shouting' teacher.
Millions of jobs have disappeared now, and will never return. However, unemployed people remain, and it's only fair that if they are to stay at home in, they should be allowed to pick up a book and be able to read it.
1. What the author of the article likes most about Iceland is
A. the geysers and a lot of ice
B. the prices of different products.
C. the level of education
2. According to the story the education in Britain is
A. better than in Iceland
B. worse than in Iceland
C. is absolutely different from Icelandic education.
3. In literacy centres in Britain you can meet
A. very creative children.
B. people who have been illiterate all their life.
C. people with physical problems.
4. The author of the story learnt to read
A. while she was ill.
B. at the lessons in school.
C while she was examining pictures.
5. The author liked the William books because
A. the boy hated school as the author did.
B. the readers could see the adult world through the boy's eyes.
C. the author feared for the boy.
6. The most important thing in life according to the author is
A. ability to read and write.
B. to have different skills that would be necessary for the life
C. to join the foreign legion.
7. According to the text teachers should
A. get special education at teachers-training college
B. influence the life of small children.
C. be respected.
8. According to the text literacy gives you an opportunity to
A. find a job.
B. spend the time better while looking for a job.
C. escape unemployment.
Готовимся к ЕГЭ – 12: лексика/грамматика (задание на словообразование)
Ответы на предыдущее задание. (В тексте выделена информация, на которой основывается выбор правильного ответа)
You are going to read an article about the importance of reading in our lives. For questions 1-8 choose the correct answer A, B or C.
My husband has just returned from a trip to Iceland. He enthused about the natural and man-made wonders of the place: the geysers; the ancient glaciers; the fact that a large beer costs ?10 a glass. However, it was when he told me that 99 per cent of the Icelandic population are literate that I got excited. If Icelandic schools can produce such spectacular results, why can't ours in Britain? According to the Basic Skills Agency, one in six people in Britain has literacy problems. I think we must ask why so many children are leaving school (after eleven years of compulsory education) unable to read and write their own language satisfactorily. I was once told by a highly literate woman that: 'Reading and writing isn't everything. We should learn to value people for themselves, they have other skills.' We were in a literacy centre at the time, full of adults struggling to learn their own language. A couple of people were in their seventies and had spent a lifetime covering up the fact that they couldn't read or write. Some of their excuses were creative. One man wrapped a bandage around his right hand whenever he had an official form to fill in. Other, more common, excuses are: 'I've forgotten my glasses' or 'My handwriting is bad'.
I was a late reader myself, so I can empathize with the terror of looking down at a page full of incomprehensible black squiggles. I used to dread being asked to read by the teacher in my infant school (who was so unkind that my brain turned to porridge whenever I saw her). I learned to read during an absence from school. I was away for three weeks with mumps. My mother bought Richmal Crompton's Just William books, and I was so captivated by the ink drawings that I wanted to know what the captions said underneath. My mother read them to me, and somehow, by the time I went back to school, I could read the books myself.
For those of you who don't know the William books, I'd better explain their attraction. They start in the 1930s when William Brown is an eleven-year-old boy. He lives in a village in the country with his family. His mother, Mrs Brown, is a long-suffering woman prone to headaches. Mrs Brown can't quite bring herself to think badly of William, though God knows there is daily evidence that he is the son from hell. Mr Brown is a permanently angry man. Unlike his wife, he is convinced that William is the spawn of the devil.
William leads a gang called 'The Outlaws', but he is not a wicked boy. The books are wonderful and have a rich, sophisticated vocabulary. The reader sees the adult world through William's eyes and, like him, finds it a baffling, hypocritical place.
William Brown hated school and was constantly in trouble. And, judging by the letters he wrote (ransom notes, usually), he struggled with his spelling and punctuation. My literary hero never grew up, but I hope that a good teacher out there in Fictionland persevered with him and that he left school able to read and write. Because I fear that William's 'other skills' - disorderliness, hand-to-hand fighting - would not have adequately equipped him for adult life. Unless, of course, he wanted to join the foreign legion, whose only entry qualification is that applicants must have hands and legs.
Good teachers should be honoured by society. We should pay them more and stop being jealous of their long holidays. Boring, inadequate teachers should be sifted out before they leave teacher-training college. On no account should their fatal influence be allowed to pollute the lives of small children. One of my daughters wept every night for weeks because she was afraid of the 'shouting' teacher.
Millions of jobs have disappeared now, and will never return. However, unemployed people remain, and it's only fair that if they are to stay at home in, they should be allowed to pick up a book and be able to read it.
1. What the author of the article likes most about Iceland is
A. the geysers and a lot of ice
B. the prices of different products.
C. the level of education
2. According to the story the education in Britain is
A. better than in Iceland
B. worse than in Iceland
C. is absolutely different from Icelandic education.
3. In literacy centres in Britain you can meet
A. very creative children.
B. people who have been illiterate all their life.
C. people with physical problems.
4. The author of the story learnt to read
A. while she was ill.
B. at the lessons in school.
C while she was examining pictures.
5. The author liked the William books because
A. the boy hated school as the author did.
B. the readers could see the adult world through the boy's eyes.
C. the author feared for the boy.
6. The most important thing in life according to the author is
A. ability to read and write.
B. to have different skills that would be necessary for the life
C. to join the foreign legion.
7. According to the text teachers should
A. get special education at teachers-training college
B. influence the life of small children.
C. be respected.
8. According to the text literacy gives you an opportunity to
A. find a job.
B. spend the time better while looking for a job.
C. escape unemployment.
Word building – (словообразование) – тестовое задание, выполнение которого требует, образовать слова, используя суффиксы и префиксы.
For questions 1- 10, read the text below. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the word in capitals. There is an example at the beginning (0).
The (0) Californian (CALIFORNIA) people we see on television are (1)_____________ (USUAL) tall, blond and slim. But California is an (2) _____________ (NATION) place and many (3)_____________ (differ) kinds of people live here. Lots of people are from (4)____________ (JAPAN) and (5)______________ (EUROPE) families. California is the place to find (6)_____________ (SUN) beaches and film stars. The most (7)_________ (FAME) beach in California is Venice Beach. It’s a lively place.
Many (8)_________ (TOUR) visit Rodeo Drive (a place for shopping), but they don’t want to buy clothes – they want to see American actors, actresses and film-makers. They live in big houses and go to (9)____________ (GLAMOUR) parties and film and film premieres.
And California is the (10)__________ (ORIGIN) home of the hippies. There is a special hippie part of town where you can buy clothes and music from the 1960s.
Готовимся к ЕГЭ – 13: чтение (формат задания - множественный выбор)
Ответы на предыдущее задание. (В тексте выделена информация, на которой основывается выбор правильного ответа)
Word building – (словообразование)
The (0) Californian (CALIFORNIA) people we see on television are (1) usually (USUAL) tall, blond and slim. But California is an (2) international (NATION) place and many (3) different (differ) kinds of people live here. Lots of people are from (4) Japanese (JAPAN) and (5) European (EUROPE) families. California is the place to find (6) sunny (SUN) beaches and film stars. The most (7) famous (FAME) beach in California is Venice Beach. It’s a lively place.
Many (8) tourists (TOUR) visit Rodeo Drive (a place for shopping), but they don’t want to buy clothes – they want to see American actors, actresses and film-makers. They live in big houses and go to (9) glamorous (GLAMOUR) parties and film and film premieres.
And California is the (10) original (ORIGIN) home of the hippies. There is a special hippie part of town where you can buy clothes and music from the 1960s.
Multiple choice (множественный выбор) – тестовое задание, при выполнении которого необходимо выбрать ответ из нескольких предлагаемых вариантов. При этом, как правило, лишь один из предложенных вариантов правильный. (Остальные – отвлекающие варианты.) |
You are going to read a magazine article about urban fashion. For question 1 - 5, choose the correct answer A, B or C. Mark your answers on the answer sheet.
Urban Fashion
There was a time when urban fashion didn’t exist. Fashion meant expensive designer outfits that only the very rich could afford. Think Paris catwalks, Vogue magazine and very uncomfortable shoes. And it was all about women. Even though the outfits were normally designed by men, there was very little interest in menswear. The outfits were very feminine, very expensive and impractical for anything other than walking in a straight line.
All of this has changed. Young people no longer dress like their parents. They wear comfortable, practical and affordable clothes which have probably been designed by somebody young: urban fashion has taken over the world. It began, perhaps, with the hippies of the 1960s who rejected mainstream society’s values and dress codes with their long hair and scruffy image. Next came the punks of the 1970s who went one step further with the shocking, scary outfits which offended ordinary people. Even today, if you go to London’s Camden Town at the weekend, there will be plenty of people with lots of tattoos, piercing and chains hanging out of their trousers. This punk-influenced style is all about looking different from everybody else – but exactly the same as your friends. Certainly, by the 90s, high street shops like Gap quickly followed trends from the streets, and designers like Stella McCartney began to sell street-influenced clothes such as ripped t-shirts for huge amounts of money.
Music has always played a part in urban fashion. Nu-metal fans, for example, as well as wearing Marilyn Manson t-shirts, tend to look different from people who like chart music, and many of today’s pop stars get their ideas from people on the street rather than the other way round.
In California, surfers needed comfortable clothing to wear on the beach, and the surf look spread throughout America via companies such as Quiksilver, Stussy. O’Neill and similar companies who originally produced clothes for sports. But the boom in extreme sports such as skateboarding and snowboarding has influenced urban fashion. Baggy jeans are better if you are wearing inline skates, for example, and hoodies (large comfortable sweatshirts) are influenced by practical snowboarding outfits. Of course there are plenty of people happy to wear the latest sporty urban fashion who never do any sport at all, just as most people who wear trainers rarely go near a sport center.
1. What does this in line 6 refer to?
A feminine outfits
B walking in a straight line
C attitude towards fashion
2. Why don’t young people dress like their parents?
A They want to offend others with their image.
B They prefer to differentiate themselves from the elders.
C They don’t have enough money to buy certain clothes.
3. How did urban fashion influence the fashion world?
A Fashion world rejected offensive urban fashion.
B Fashion designers began to use the ideas of street fashion in their collections.
C The elder generation prefers street-influenced clothes now.
4. According to the article
A nu-metal Merylin Manson t-shirts offend ordinary people
B music fans choose clothes similar to their favourite music stars’ outfits
C you can see the difference between the appearances of a pop music fan and a metal music fan
5. What are the relations between sports activities and urban fashion?
A Urban fashion made sport activities attractive to people.
B Sports wear becomes popular with a lot of people.
C Companies that produced clothes for surfing produce extreme sports outfits now.
Главная страница / Готовимся к ЕГЭ – 14: лексика/грамматика (задание на словообразование) |
Готовимся к ЕГЭ – 14: лексика/грамматика (задание на словообразование)
Ответы на предыдущее задание. (В тексте выделена информация, на которой основывается выбор правильного ответа)
You are going to read a magazine article about urban fashion. For question 1 - 5, choose the correct answer A, B or C. Mark your answers on the answer sheet.
Urban Fashion
There was a time when urban fashion didn’t exist. Fashion meant expensive designer outfits that only the very rich could afford. Think Paris catwalks, Vogue magazine and very uncomfortable shoes. And it was all about women. Even though the outfits were normally designed by men, there was very little interest in menswear. The outfits were very feminine, very expensive and impractical for anything other than walking in a straight line.
All of this has changed. Young people no longer dress like their parents. They wear comfortable, practical and affordable clothes which have probably been designed by somebody young: urban fashion has taken over the world. It began, perhaps, with the hippies of the 1960s who rejected mainstream society’s values and dress codes with their long hair and scruffy image. Next came the punks of the 1970s who went one step further with the shocking, scary outfits which offended ordinary people. Even today, if you go to London’s Camden Town at the weekend, there will be plenty of people with lots of tattoos, piercing and chains hanging out of their trousers. This punk-influenced style is all about looking different from everybody else – but exactly the same as your friends. Certainly, by the 90s, high street shops like Gap quickly followed trends from the streets, and designers like Stella McCartney began to sell street-influenced clothes such as ripped t-shirts for huge amounts of money.
Music has always played a part in urban fashion. Nu-metal fans, for example, as well as wearing Marilyn Manson t-shirts, tend to look different from people who like chart music, and many of today’s pop stars get their ideas from people on the street rather than the other way round.
In California, surfers needed comfortable clothing to wear on the beach, and the surf look spread throughout America via companies such as Quiksilver, Stussy. O’Neill and similar companies who originally produced clothes for sports. But the boom in extreme sports such as skateboarding and snowboarding has influenced urban fashion. Baggy jeans are better if you are wearing inline skates, for example, and hoodies (large comfortable sweatshirts) are influenced by practical snowboarding outfits. Of course there are plenty of people happy to wear the latest sporty urban fashion who never do any sport at all, just as most people who wear trainers rarely go near a sport center.
1. What does this in line 6 refer to?
A feminine outfits
B walking in a straight line
C attitude towards fashion
2. Why don’t young people dress like their parents?
A They want to offend others with their image.
B They prefer to differentiate themselves from the elders.
C They don’t have enough money to buy certain clothes.
3. How did urban fashion influence the fashion world?
A Fashion world rejected offensive urban fashion.
B Fashion designers began to use the ideas of street fashion in their collections.
C The elder generation prefers street-influenced clothes now.
4. According to the article
A nu-metal Merylin Manson t-shirts offend ordinary people
B music fans choose clothes similar to their favourite music stars’ outfits
C you can see the difference between the appearances of a pop music fan and a metal music fan
5. What are the relations between sports activities and urban fashion?
A Urban fashion made sport activities attractive to people.
B Sports wear becomes popular with a lot of people.
C Companies that produced clothes for surfing produce extreme sports outfits now.
Word building – (словообразование) – тестовое задание, выполнение которого требует, образовать слова, используя суффиксы и префиксы.
Read the article below. Use the words in the box to form new words that fit in the same numbered space in the text. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Main priorities of the national projects in Russia. Education. 1. Developing the best models of (0)_education_. Health 1. Developing primary healthcare. |
(0) educate (4) busy
(8) organize |
Готовимся к ЕГЭ – 15: лексика/грамматика (формат задания - краткий ответ)
Ответы на предыдущее задание. (Суффиксы, с помощью которых образованы слова – выделены).
Read the article below. Use the words in the box to form new words that fit in the same numbered space in the text. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Main priorities of the national projects in Russia. Education. 1. Developing the best models of (0)_education_. |
(0) educate (4) busy
(8) organize |
В задании требуется поставить слово в нужной грамматической форме: для глаголов – это видо-временная форма, для прилагательных – степень сравнения прилагательных, для местоимений – нужная падежная форма (объектный падеж или притяжательное местоимение).
Complete the article by putting the words given in brackets into the correct form.
The recently (0) announced (announce) national projects already have a certain amount of history behind them. They (1) _________ (exist) as a comprehensive social program for around six months now. Not so long ago, not even a third of Russians (2) ______ (know) of the four projects – health care, education, affordable housing and agriculture – but that number (3) ___________ (climb) to over half. The projects (4) _________(mention) practically every day on television. But most of those who (5) ________ (hear) about the health project, for example, are not able (6) ________ (tell) you (7) _______ (much) about it than that health care should be made more available. And with regard to the education project, all it means is (8) ______ (high) pay for teachers. But there (9) _______ (be) many other problems.
Готовимся к ЕГЭ – 16: лексика/грамматика (формат задания - открытый ответ (cloze test)
Ответы на предыдущее задание.
Complete the article by putting the words given in brackets into the correct form.
The recently (0) announced (announce) national projects already have a certain amount of history behind them. They (1) have existed as a comprehensive social program for around six months now. Not so long ago, not even a third of Russians (2) knew of the four projects – health care, education, affordable housing and agriculture – but that number (3) has climbed to over half. The projects (4) are mentioned practically every day on television. But most of those who (5) have heard about the health project, for example, are not able (6) to tell you (7) more about it than that health care should be made more available. And with regard to the education project, all it means is (8) higher pay for teachers. But there (9) are many other problems.
Modified Cloze (модифицированный клоуз-тест) - задание, предполагающее восстановление пропущенных элементов текста. (В отличие от классического клоуз-теста, где восстановлению подлежит каждое n-ое слово текста, например, каждое пятое).
- Прежде, чем приступать к выполнению задания, ознакомьтесь внимательно с его формулировкой и образцом выполнения (если есть).
- Всегда читайте полностью предложение прежде, чем сделать выбор и заполнить пропуск. Постарайтесь определить, какое грамматическое явление или лексические единицы проверяются в тесте. Вспомните их формальные признаки.
- Выполните сначала контрольные вопросы, в которых вы уверены. Затем вернитесь к более трудным вопросам.
- Прочитайте предложения еще раз, чтобы проверить связи в получившихся предложениях. Проверьте правильность оформления грамматических структур и орфографию.
What is life of a teenager like in England? For questions 1-10 , read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only ONE word in each space. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Teenagers (0) in England do much the same (1) ___ kids in America or other European countries (2) ___. They (3) ______ chatting to and texting friends on their mobiles, hanging (4) ____ with their mates, listening (5) ___ the latest music on their MP3 players, shopping for the latest fashions or just (6) _______ movies on the television or (7) ____ the cinema.
In my (8) _____ time I swim, go to town, text my mates, go (9) ____ the internet and play on my Playstation! I like music. (10) ____ Britain, most youths prefer punk, garage, house, rock, pop and R&B*.
Готовимся к ЕГЭ – 17: лексика/грамматика (формат задания - краткий ответ)
Ответы на предыдущее задание.
Teenagers (0) in England do much the same (1) as kids in America or other European countries (2) do. They (3) like/enjoy chatting to and texting friends on their mobiles, hanging (4) out with their mates, listening (5) to the latest music on their MP3 players, shopping for the latest fashions or just (6) watching movies on the television or (7) at the cinema.
In my (8) free/spare time I swim, go to town, text my mates, go (9) on the internet and play on my Playstation! I like music. (10) In Britain, most youths prefer punk, garage, house, rock, pop and R&B*.
- as – сравнительный союз, употребляется в сложно-подчиненном предложении.
(2) do – вспомогательный глагол, который служит для замещения полнозначного глагола «do» в главном предложении (teenagers in England do …).
(3) like/enjoy – после данных глаголов употребляется V-ing
(4) out – часть фразового глагола «hang out», обозначающего «проводить время, гулять»
(5) to – предлог
(6) watching – глагол «watch» сочетается с существительным «movies», но употребляется в форме Ving (после глагола «like/enjoy»)
(7) at – предлог места
(8) free/spare – прилагательное описывает существительное «time»
(9) on – часть фразового глагола «go on», обозначающего «пользоваться Интернетом»
(10) In - предлог места
How did some British youth cultures appear?
Complete the story by putting the words given in brackets into the correct form. There is an example at the beginning (0).
In the 1970’s “ted” and “mod” styles (0) were brought (bring) back. Around the same time, punk (1) _______ (begin). The early days of punk (2) ________ (control) by people who (3) __________ (understand) how youth cultures start and grow. Punk had democratic principles - the new element was the idea that the cool people (4) _____ (be) not foreign stars, but the young audience (5) ____ (it). They told everyone (6)______(start) their own rock group, organise their own night clubs and magazines.
British youth cultures seem (7) _______ (travel) around the world. It’s surprising because they are so strange and extreme even in Britain, that it seems impossible for youngsters in other countries (8) _______ (understand) them. Teds, mods and punks are only the (9) _______ (big) and (10) ________ (important) examples. All mix together and make new combinations. But if you (11) ______ (look) closely at any teenager on the planet you (12) _____ (see) a little bit of Elvis somewhere. Or maybe you (13) _____ (see) a punk-mod-teddy boy.
Готовимся к ЕГЭ - 18
Ответы на предыдущее задание.
Complete the story by putting the words given in brackets into the correct form. There is an example at the beginning (0).
In the 1970’s “ted” and “mod” styles (0) were brought (bring) back. Around the same time, punk (1) began. The early days of punk (2) were controlled by people who (3) understood how youth cultures start and grow. Punk had democratic principles - the new element was the idea that the cool people (4) were not foreign stars, but the young audience (5) itself. They told everyone (6) to start their own rock group, organise their own night clubs and magazines.
British youth cultures seem (7) to travel around the world. It’s surprising because they are so strange and extreme even in Britain, that it seems impossible for youngsters in other countries (8) to understand (understand) them. Teds, mods and punks are only the (9) biggest and (10) most important examples. All mix together and make new combinations. But if you (11) look closely at any teenager on the planet you (12) will see a little bit of Elvis somewhere. Or maybe you (13) will see a punk-mod-teddy boy.
(1) began – глагол употребляется во времени Past Simple, т.к. есть указатель времени (around the same time = in the 1970)
(2) were controlled - глагол употребляется во времени Past Simple Passive, (earlydays – указывает на прошедшее время, а предлог by указывает на субъекта, т.е. подлежащее в предложении является объектом)
(3) understood - глагол употребляется во времени PastSimple
(4) were - глагол употребляется во времени PastSimple, согласуется с подлежащим во множ. ч.
(5) itself – возвратное местоимение, которое согласуется с существительным audience.
(6) to start - глагол употребляется в неопределённой форме, т.к. выполняет функцию дополнения после глагола told.
(7) to travel - глагол употребляется в неопределённой форме после глагола seem.
(8) to understand - глагол употребляется в неопределённой форме (функция дополнения) после структуры itseemsimpossible.
(9) biggest – прилагательное в превосходной форме (обратите внимание на удвоение согласной “g”)
(10) most important - прилагательное в превосходной форме (двусложное прилагательное)
(11) look - глагол употребляется во времени PresentSimpleв придаточном условия для выражения будущего времени.
(12) will see - глагол употребляется во времени FutureSimple(предположение)
(13) will see - глагол употребляется во времени FutureSimple(предположение)
Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, данные справа после номеров (1- 10) так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы (1-10).
(0) teenage
(1) react
(2) identify
(4) behave (7) fame
(8) national
(9) young |
Готовимся к ЕГЭ – 19
Ответы на предыдущее задание.
(0) teenage
(1) react
(2) identify
(4) behave (7) fame
(8) national
(9) young |
- reaction – суффикс ion служит для образования имени существительного.
(2) identity - суффикс ity служит для образования имени существительного
(3) different - суффикс ent служит для образования имени прилагательного
(4) behaviour - суффикс iour служит для образования имени существительного
(5) freedom – суффикс dom служит для образования имени существительного.
(6) rebellion - суффикс ion служит для образования имени существительного.
(7) famous - суффикс ous служит для образования имени прилагательного
(8) international - приставка inter добавляется к имени прилагательному
(9) youth – суффикс th служит для образования имени существительного
(10) powerful - суффикс ful служит для образования имени прилагательного
What does a British teenager think about her image? Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D fits best each space. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Now that I'm in year 10 it's (0) really hard to go down the corridors at school without (1)_____ someone being bullied about their looks. And it’s not like I want to look (2) _____ some of the cheerleaders, my school is made (3) ____girls who are the same size as (4) ____ but they ALL LOOK THE SAME! And (5) _______ ones never get the attention.
I like to look (6) ______, and spend about an hour each morning getting (7) _____. I also love new clothes and like to stay (8) ____ fashion, but I'm not a fashion (9) _______. I mean I don't HAVE to have something just (10) ______ it's fashionable. Also, I would NEVER EVER criticise or make fun of someone just (11) ______ the way they look or the way they dress. Everyone has their own personal styles, and it makes no (12) ________ to the how nice they are…
I wouldn't care if everyone else (13) _____ like me, but I am different, and I wish sometimes I could be popular, but then again real friends like you for what you are, and not for your style and (14) ______.
(0) A. really | B. such | C. too | D. very |
(1) A. watching | B. seeing | C. looking | D. appearing |
(2) A. as | B. like | C. alike | D. the same |
(3) A. from | B. in | C. up of | D. out of |
(4) A. I | B. I am | C. I do | D. I have |
(5) A. similar | B. another | C. different | D. various |
(6) A. good | B. well | C. nicely | D. like |
(7) A. up | B. around | C. ready | D. out |
(8) A. out of | B. in | C. into | D. with |
(9) A. victim | B. individuality | C. fan | D. follower |
(10) A. when | B. as a result | C. that’s why | D. because |
(11) A. because | B. because of | C. if | D. of |
(12) A. choice | B. difference | C. variety | D. way |
(13) A. seemed | B. identified | C. looked | D. showed off |
(14) A. face | B. value | C. lifestyle | D. image |
Готовимся к ЕГЭ – 20
Ответы на предыдущее задание.
What does a British teenager think about her image? Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D fits best each space. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Now that I'm in year 10 it's (0) really hard to go down the corridors at school without (1) seeing someone being bullied about their looks. And it’s not like I want to look (2) like some of the cheerleaders, my school is made (3) up of girls who are the same size as (4) I am but they ALL LOOK THE SAME! And (5) different ones never get the attention.
I like to look (6) good, and spend about an hour each morning getting (7) ready. I also love new clothes and like to stay (8) in fashion, but I'm not a fashion (9) victim. I mean I don't HAVE to have something just (10) because it's fashionable. Also, I would NEVER EVER criticise or make fun of someone just (11) because of the way they look or the way they dress. Everyone has their own personal styles, and it makes no (12) difference how nice they are…
I wouldn't care if everyone else (13) looked like me, but I am different, and I wish sometimes I could be popular, but then again real friends like you for what you are, and not for your style and (14) image.
(0) A. really | B. such | C. too | D. very |
(1) A. watching | B. seeing | C. looking | D. appearing |
(2) A. as | B. like | C. alike | D. the same |
(3) A. from | B. in | C. up of | D. out of |
(4) A. I | B. I am | C. I do | D. I have |
(5) A. similar | B. another | C. different | D. various |
(6) A. good | B. well | C. nicely | D. like |
(7) A. up | B. around | C. ready | D. out |
(8) A. out of | B. in | C. into | D. with |
(9) A. victim | B. individuality | C. fan | D. follower |
(10) A. when | B. as a result | C. that’s why | D. because |
(11) A. because | B. because of | C. if | D. of |
(12) A. choice | B. difference | C. variety | D. way |
(13) A. seemed | B. identified | C. looked | D. showed off |
(14) A. face | B. value | C. lifestyle | D. image |
(1) seeing – форма Ving (= без того, чтобы увидеть)
(2) like – предлог употребляется после глагола look (= выглядеть как)
(3) up of – часть фразового глагола “make up of”, обозначающего состоит из
(4) I am – эллиптическое предложение, состоящее из местоимения и вспомогательного глагола, которое соотносится с предыдущим предложением «girls who are the same size»
(5) different – в данном случае нужна лексическая единица со значением «отличающиеся»
(6) good – после глагола «look» нужно употреблять прилагательное
(7) ready - в данном случае нужна лексическая единица со значением «готовый»
(8) in – предлог имеющий значение в данном сочетании «быть в моде» - in fashion
(9) victim – в данном случае нужна лексическая единица со значением «жертва»
(10) because - союз употребляется в сложно-подчиненном предложении в придаточном причины
(11) because of – здесь нужен не союз, а предлог, имеющий значение «из-за» и объясняющий причину (из-за внешнего вида)
(12) difference – часть устойчивого выражения “to make no difference”, имеющего значение « все равно» «без разницы»
(13) looked - часть устойчивого выражения “to look like” - выглядеть
(14) image - в данном случае нужна лексическая единица со значением «имидж, облик»
Multiple choice (множественный выбор) – тестовое задание, при выполнении которого необходимо выбрать ответ из нескольких предлагаемых вариантов. При этом, как правило, лишь один из предложенных вариантов правильный. (Остальные – отвлекающие варианты.)
You are going to read a magazine article about Florence Nightingale. For question 1 -5, choose the correct answer A, B or C. Mark your answers on the answer sheet.
Florence Nightingale
Florence Nightingale’s parents were rich English land owners. Florence was born in Florence, Italy on 12 May 1820. Her parents named her after the city where she was born. Victorian women didn’t usually go to school but Florence’s father believed that women should get an education so he taught Florence and her older sister at home. they learned Italian, Latin, Greek, history and maths.
As Florence grew up, she became interested in social problems. when she was twelve years old, she decided she wanted to do something useful with her life. She enjoyed visiting sick people in her neighbourhood.
Florence was extraordinary because most Victorian middle-class women didn’t have careers but Florence wanted to become a nurse. Her parents didn’t want her to become a nurse because nurses were usually working-class women. In fact, they didn’t want Florence to work at all, they wanted her to get married. However, her parents’ disapproval didn’t stop Florence doing what she wanted.
Florence went to Germany to learn about nursing. at that time nurses learned through experience, not through training. Florence looked after sick people, gave medicine out and helped during operations. She was very happy and she explained why: “we learned to think of our work, not ourselves.”
In 1854, Britain entered the Crimean war. Florence and a team of 38 nurses went to the Crimea to help the wounded soldiers. The military hospitals were dirty and badly organized. Florence made the hospitals clean and safe. The number of deaths in hospitals went down from 40% to 2%. Florence was kind and gentle with the soldiers. When she walked around the hospital at night she carried a lamp and that’s how she got the nickname “the Lady with the Lamp.”
After the war people from all over the world asked for her advice on designing hospitals. Florence thought nurses should learn through both experience and training. In 1860, she opened her training school for nurses. Today the Nightingale nurses still care for the sick and the poor.
1. What have you learnt about Florence’s parents?
A They were Italian citizens.
B They gave education to their children.
C They learned Italian, Latin, Greek, history and maths.
2. How was Florence different from most other women of her time?
A She wanted to be in work.
B Her parents didn’t allow her to work.
C She wanted to do something useful in her life.
3. How did Florence begin her career?
A She studied to be a nurse in Germany.
B She was working with her parents.
C She learned the nursing skills when she cared for the sick.
4. She gave medicine out in lines 15-16 means
A She brought medicine to a number of people.
B She took medicine out of the hospital.
C She made medicine for the sick.
5. How did Florence change hospitals?
A The number of patients went down.
B She set higher standards for hospitals.
C She put lamps everywhere in hospitals.
Готовимся к ЕГЭ – 21
Ответы на предыдущее задание.
(В тексте выделена информация, на которой основывается правильные ответы.)
You are going to read a magazine article about Florence Nightingale. For question 1 -5, choose the correct answer A, B or C. Mark your answers on the answer sheet.
Florence Nightingale
Florence Nightingale’s parents were rich English land owners. Florence was born in Florence, Italy on 12 May 1820. Her parents named her after the city where she was born. Victorian women didn’t usually go to school but Florence’s father believed that women should get an education so he taught Florence and her older sister at home. they learned Italian, Latin, Greek, history and maths.
As Florence grew up, she became interested in social problems. When she was twelve years old, she decided she wanted to do something useful with her life. She enjoyed visiting sick people in her neighbourhood.
Florence was extraordinary because most Victorian middle-class women didn’t have careers but Florence wanted to become a nurse. Her parents didn’t want her to become a nurse because nurses were usually working-class women. In fact, they didn’t want Florence to work at all, they wanted her to get married. However, her parents’ disapproval didn’t stop Florence doing what she wanted.
Florence went to Germany to learn about nursing. At that time nurses learned through experience, not through training. Florence looked after sick people, gave medicine out and helped during operations. She was very happy and she explained why: “we learned to think of our work, not ourselves.”
In 1854, Britain entered the Crimean war. Florence and a team of 38 nurses went to the Crimea to help the wounded soldiers. The military hospitals were dirty and badly organized. Florence made the hospitals clean and safe. The number of deaths in hospitals went down from 40% to 2%. Florence was kind and gentle with the soldiers. When she walked around the hospital at night she carried a lamp and that’s how she got the nickname “the Lady with the Lamp.”
After the war people from all over the world asked for her advice on designing hospitals. Florence thought nurses should learn through both experience and training. In 1860, she opened her training school for nurses. Today the Nightingale nurses still care for the sick and the poor.
1. What have you learnt about Florence’s parents?
A They were Italian citizens.
B They gave education to their children.
C They learned Italian, Latin, Greek, history and maths.
2. How was Florence different from most other women of her time?
A She wanted to be in work.
B Her parents didn’t allow her to work.
C She wanted to do something useful in her life.
3. How did Florence begin her career?
A She studied to be a nurse in Germany.
B She was working with her parents.
C She learned the nursing skills when she cared for the sick.
4. She gave medicine out in lines 15-16 means
A She brought medicine to a number of people.
B She took medicine out of the hospital.
C She made medicine for the sick.
(give out – выдавать, раздавать)
5. How did Florence change hospitals?
A The number of patients went down.
B She set higher standards for hospitals.
C She put lamps everywhere in hospitals.
(верно / не верно/в тексте не сказано) – один из видов тестовых заданий, предполагающих альтернативный выбор варианта ответа.
- Прочитайте внимательно задание.
- Познакомьтесь с содержанием контрольных вопросов. Если тест проводится на основе прочитанного или услышанного текста то, как правило, контрольные вопросы даются в том же порядке, что и информация в тексте.
- Выполняя тест на основе прочитанного или услышанного текста, не опирайтесь на свои личные знания по данной проблеме. Информация в предложенном тексте не всегда может соответствовать вашему опыту и знаниям. Задание следует выполнять относительно предложенной информации.
Reading Comprehension
Here is some information about pandas. Read the information and the statements below and circle T if the statement is true, F if the statement is false or U (unstated) if there is no such information in the text.
So rare is the giant panda that today there are thought to be only about 1000 individuals in the entire world. It is listed as an endangered species and has been seen in the wild only in the mountains of central China and eastern Tibet.
The name panda applies to either of two East Asian animals. Although they are sometimes considered to be relative, the giant panda is generally classified as a bear, and the lesser panda, also called the red, or common panda, is placed in the raccoon family.
The giant panda is about 4 to 5 feet (1.2 to 1.5 meters) long from the tip of its nose to its rump, and it has a stubby tail. Adults weigh about 165 to 350 pounds (75 to 160 kilograms). They have a thick, woolly, white coat with black fur on the legs and ears. The animals are distinguished by black eye patches and a black band across the shoulders.
Giant pandas usually live alone in bamboo forests. They are mainly ground dwellers, using hollow trees, or rock crevices for shelter, but they can climb the trees as well. The giant panda feeds chiefly on bamboo shoots and roots, grasping the slender stems with the aid of a special tomblike structure on its front feet. They sometimes eat small animals.
Giant pandas are popular zoo animals, but they are extremely difficult to breed. In 1980 there were about 40 in captivity in China and about 13 in other countries. Su-Lin, first of the very few giant pandas to be exhibited in the West, reached the United States as an infant in 1936 and was a popular attraction at the Brookfield Zoo, near Chicago, III., until his death in 1938. In April 1972 the Chinese government sent two others, a male and a female, to the National Zoo in Washington, D.C.
The lesser panda is found in China, Myanmar, Sikkim, and Nepal in high mountain forests and bamboo thickets. Because of its unusual catlike appearance, it is sometimes called a bear cat, or cat bear. The long, soft coat hairs are rusty red to dark chestnut. The face and ears are mostly white, but the backs of the ears are reddish brown.
The pandas travel in pairs or small family groups. Lesser pandas are known for their generally mild disposition. During the day this panda sleeps curled up in a tree with tail over its head or sitting on a limb with its head tucked under its chest and between its forelegs. It feeds at night, eating bamboo sprouts, grasses, fruits, other plant material, and, occasionally, small animals.
1) The giant panda should be protected. T – F - U
2) Two pandas are of different families. T –F - U
3) Red pandas live together with raccoons. T – F - U
4) Giant pandas live in the holes in the ground. T – F - U
5) It is not easy to grow pandas in the zoo. T – F - U
6) There is special panda attraction in Chicago. T – F - U
7) Su-Lin died in the zoo, because of his illness. T-F - U
8) Pandas are night animals. T – F - U
9) Some pandas look like raccoons, others have unusual catlike appearance. T – F - U
10) Giant pandas and lesser pandas sleep in a different way. T – F - U
(Ответы на задание вы увидите в следующий раз)
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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