Схема диалога о проведении свободного времени в выходные
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа, английский язык, 10 класс) по теме

В рамках подготовки к ЕГЭ тестам необходимо развивать умение составлять диалоги на разные темы, учитывая требования, предъявляемые к диалогам экзаменационного типа: перебор 4 различных опций, запрос мнения собеседника, формулы вежливого обращения, умение вступить в диалог и приходить к конечному решению.


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Entertainment  in Saint-Petersburg




1. Cinema

1. New film with…is on.

2. It’s nice and warm inside. The sound system is brand new. We may sit and relax.

3. It’s a comedy/ melodrama/ horror. I know you like it.

1. We spend too much time at home sitting and watching TV. Cinema won’t do us good.

2. You know how difficult is to get a ticket for  a weekend afternoon.

2. Theatre

1. It’s the first night of  the ”…” play.

2. ….plays the role of….

3. It’s a comedy/ melodrama/ costume historical play. I know you like it.

1. Theatre is smth old-fashioned nowadays.

There are no special computer effects as it is in the films.

2. You can’t feel relaxed and eat pop-corn while the play is on.

3. Aqua park

1. We can enjoy swimming there even if the weather is bad.

2. If you like an adrenaline buzz you may use a water roller coaster.

1. It’s usually so crowded at the weekends.

2. Noting can be better than swimming in the real sea.

4. Bowling

1. You may train your eye for distance there.

2. You can compete with others.

1. It’s too slow and monotonous.

5. Skating rink

1. These skating ring shows on TV with stars have made figure-skating extremely popular. Why shouldn’t we try?

2.We don’t depend on weather or season staying inside.

1. You may slip and break your arm or leg. It’s not safe.

2. It may be too crowded at the weekends.

6. Amuse-ment park

1. We can enjoy staying outside all the time.

2. We can get an adrenaline buzz at the roller coaster, etc.

1. Risk is not for me.

2. What if it starts raining?

7. Museum

1. Everyone who have a taste for beauty enjoys paintings.

2. The new exhibition of… is on.

1. The queues are endless.

2. When the day is sunny, it’s better to stay outdoors.

8. Dolphinarium

1. Dolphins are the cleverest mammals. They will show different tricks.

2. One of the dolphins can draw and his work is sold at the auction afterwards.

1. It must be interesting for small children only.

9. Sightseeing tour

1. SPb is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

2. We may learn smth new from SPb history.

1. The excursion buses are likely to be too old and not comfortable.

2. Guides are too talkative.

10. Shopping in the mall

1. Even though you are not going to buy smth you may look, try on and trace the new tendencies in fashion.

2. Shopping is the best way to relax.

1. Advertising in the shopping malls is tiresome.

2. I usually spend more than I planned, because  I can’t stop buying things.

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