Презентация по теме "Музеи Лондона"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку на тему

Калашникова Евгения Александровна

Презентация содержит основную информацию и фото, касающиеся наиболее знаменитых музеев Лондона.


Office presentation icon prezentatsiya_po_muzeyam_londona.ppt1.66 МБ

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Слайд 1

There are a lot of museums in London. Londoners are proud of their museums: the British Museum, the Science Museum, Victoria and Albert Museum. Crowds of people visit the National Gallery admiring beautiful collection of pictures. Some of them more than 700 years old.

Слайд 2

British Museum The British Museum displays historic objects from many cultures, including ancient Egypt, Greece and Roman British. It opened in 1759, making it the oldest public museum in the world. Its present building date from Victorian times, thought it was recently extended.

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Front entrance of British Museum

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Museum of Childhood The Bethnal Green Museum of Childhood tells the story of childhood from the sixteenth century to today. It has one of collections of toys in the world. As well as toy, you can see children’s furniture and clothes, including a complete Victorian girl’s wardrobe. There are workshops and events based on the collections, too.

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An old doll’s house A museum teddy bear

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Natural History Museum The Natural History Museum has a huge collection of animals, plants, rocs and fossils. The display are designed to let you discover things for yourself and hands-on activities. The museum has interactive online exhibitions, too.

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Earth Galleries Mammals Galleries

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Science Museum The Science Museum is designed to help people understand science both past and present. The display show everyday machines as well as very advanced ones, from ordinary calculators to real spacecraft.

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Museum machines

Слайд 10

Madame Tussaud’s Madame Tussaud’s is the world's most famous wax museum. Every year, over two million visitors go there to see the lifelike wax figures of famous people. You can see famous actors, models, sports, royals and politicians. Famous criminals are kept in the Chamber of Horrors.

Слайд 11

World of Rock & Pop

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