Do you know English proverbs and sayings?
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110 English proverbs and sayings
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Do you know English proverbs and sayings?
1.To tell tales out of school. 2. To carry coals to New Castle. 3. To call a spade a spade. 4. To praise to the sky. 5. To beat about the bush. 6 .To give the devil his due. 7 To go through thick and thin. 8 No news is good news. 9 No herb will cure love. 10 To born with a silver spoon in ones mouth. 11 Too many cooks spoiled the broth. 12 If you laugh before breakfast you will cry before supper. 13 An apple a day keeps a doctor away. 14 Man can not live by bread alone. 15 No sweet without sweet. 16 The proof of the pudding is in the eating. 17 From mouth to mouth. 18 Hunger is the best sauce. 19 Life is not all cake and ale. 20 When the wine is in the wit is out. 21 My house is my castle. 22 East or west home is best. 23 There is no place like home. 24 Near and dear. 25 Out of sight out of mind. 26 One man is no man. 27 Many men many minds. 28 Men can meet but mountains never. 29 No living man all things can. 30 He that has no head needs no hat.
31 He laughs best who laughs last. 32 Roll my log and I will roll yours. 33 Scratch my back and I’ ll scratch yours. 34 Habit cures habit. 35 Look before your leap. 36 High winds blow on high hills. 37 Soon ripe soon rotten. 38 Where there is a will there is a way. 39 First think than speak. 40 As the fool thinks so the bell clinks. 41 Speech is silver silence is gold. 42 The least said the soonest mended. 43 Among the blind the one-eyed is the king. 44 Better die standing than live kneeling. 45 Fortune favours the brave. 46 Give every man thy ear but very few thy voice. 47 Like father like son. 48 Too good to be true. 49 Many words hurt more than swords. 50 Actions speak louder than words. 51 Be slow to promise and quick to performance. 52 A wonder lasts but nine days. 53 A rolling stone gathers no moss. 54 There is no rose without a thorn . 55 Cut your coat according to your clothing. 56 The boot on the wrong foot. 56 Joy and sorrow are as near as today and tomorrow. 57 Let sleeping dog lie. 58 Barking dog seldom bites . 59 Health is above wealth. 60 Birds of feather flock together . 61 An early bird catches the warm. 62 Early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. 63 Eat at pleasure, drink with measure and enjoy life as it is 64 Cheapest is the dearest. 65 Plenty is no plague. 66 Clean as a pin. 67 Extremes meet. 68 Bit by bit. 69 Sink or swim. 70 All is well that ends well… 71 A friend in need is a friend indeed. 72 Friend to everybody is friend to nobody. 73 He gives twice who gives quickly. 74 Crows don’t pick crows eyes. 75 To throw straws against the wind. 76 A hungry man is an angry man. 77 A little pot is soon hot. 78 Honesty is the best policy. 79 After a storm comes a calm. 80 Take us as you find us. 81 No pain no gain. 82 The spirit of the age. 83 Haste makes waste. 84 To hope against hope. 85 As you sow you shall mow. 86 A stitch in time saves nine. 87 Beauty lies in lovers eyes. 88 Burn not your house to rid of the mouse. 89 In a round-about way. 90 Joys shared with others are more enjoyed. 91 To smile through the tears. 92 Curiousity killed the cat. 93 Neither here nor there. 94 There and then. 95 What cant be cured must be endured. 96 A small leak will sink a great ship. 97 Still waters run deep. 98 Better late than never. 99 Well begun is half done. 100 The last straw breaks the camels back. 101 Short debts make long friends. 102 Knowledge is power. 103 Money spent on brain is never spent on vain. 104 Little knowledge is a dangerous thing. 105 Children are poor men’s richness. 106 Seeing is believing. 107 What is done can not be undone. 108 Saying and doing are different things. 109 If you can not have the best make the best of what you have. 110 Honey is sweet but the bee stings.
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