Урок с применением кейс-технологии "What’s more dangerous: earthquake or flood?"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
Урок обобщения и углубления знаний по теме "Natural disasters" c применением кейс-технологии. Разработка включает в себя цели, тип, ход урока, содержание кейса, рекомендации педагогу.
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Методическая разработка урока английского языка в 8 классе с применением кейс-технологии.
Автор: Шишкина Анна Николаевна
учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ №16
г. Братск, Иркутская область
Тема урока: What’s more dangerous: earthquake or flood?
- обобщение и углубление знаний по теме « Natural disasters»;
- воспитание гуманности, мотивов учения;
- развитие умения делать обобщающие выводы, умений применять знания на практике;
- формирование умений выделять главное;
- развитие умений оценивать результаты выполненных действий;
- развитие умений работать в нужном темпе, добиваться намеченной цели.
Тип урока: урок обобщения, систематизации знаний, умений и навыков.
Метод: исследовательский.
Оборудование: запись на доске, кейсы, словари русско-английские и англо-русские, ноутбуки с выходом в интернет.
Ход урока:
- Организационный момент. Постановка проблемы “ What’s more dangerous: earthquake or flood?” Выдача кейсов каждой группе.
- Ознакомление с текстом кейса. Работа обучающихся в группе (кроме материалов кейса обучающиеся могут использовать интернет). Представление результатов исследования в виде таблицы.
- Выступление спикеров. Сравнение полученных результатов исследования в группах.
- Дискуссия.
- Выдвижение решения данной проблемы.
- Обобщение результатов, подведение итогов.
VII.Оценивание обучающихся (взаимооценка работы в группе, самооценка, оценка учителя, общая оценка).
Содержание кейса:
- Алгоритм выполнения заданий:
- внимательно ознакомьтесь с материалами кейса;
- выберите в вашей группе координатора, который будет руководить все работой; спикера, который будет выступать от вашей группы; статистов, отвечающих за цифровые данные. Остальные участники группы будут выполнять роль комментаторов и дополнять спикера во время ответа;
- координатор распределяет задания (вопросы) между участниками группы;
- самостоятельно выполните свое задание, пользуясь словарями, материалами сети интернет, а также можете попросить помощи у координатора и других участников группы, если они выполнили свое задание;
- каждый участник передает ответы своего задания координатору, проводится обсуждение, дополнение ответов внутри группы, заполнение таблицы, выводы по поставленной проблеме;
- дискуссия между группами;
- после дискуссии заполните карточку оценок и передайте учителю.
2. Таблица
Do a research on the severe disasters that happened in Japan and in the Far East (Russia)
Earthquake in Japan | Flood in the Far East (Russia) | |
1. When did the disaster take place? | ||
2. Was it predicted? | ||
3. What kind of dangers followed the natural disaster? | 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. | 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. |
4. Why the followed results are so terrible? | ||
5. What kind of help was organized? |
3. Тексты
Japan earthquake and tsunami of 2011, also called Great Sendai Earthquake or Great Tōhoku Earthquake, severe natural disaster that occurred in northeastern Japan on March 11, 2011. The event began with a powerful earthquake off the northeastern coast of Honshu, Japan’s main island, which caused widespread damage on land and initiated a series of large tsunami waves that devastated many coastal areas of the country, most notably in the Tōhoku region (northeastern Honshu). The tsunami also instigated a major nuclear accident at a power station along the coast.
At 2:46 pm, on March 11, 2011, a magnitude 9.0 earthquake, one of the largest ever recorded, struck the northern part of Japan. Close to 20,000 people lost their lives, and that number is still increasing. |
Еffects of earthquakes
Earthquakes make the ground move. Buildings shake and many of them collapse. Landslides also happen when rocks get loose.
Another danger is fire. In 1906 San Francisco was hit by a big earthquake and many houses burned down because they were made of wood.
When an earthquake occurs on the sea floor, big waves - called tsunamis - hit the coast. They often come without any warning and they kill many people and destroy buildings and streets near the coast.
Earthquakes also can lead to diseases, especially in developing countries. When water supplies are destroyed people don't have safe water to drink. Sometimes earthquakes also hit hospitals where injured people are treated.
Nuclear Fears Growing
It’s not yet known how Japan’s fish and shellfish will be impacted by the radioactive contamination from the leaking Fukushima nuclear plant.
Worries about marine life in the Pacific Ocean outside of Japan’s failing Fukushima nuclear plant are escalating. Water samples taken 1,080 feet away from the plant show radioactive iodine-131 levels that are 4,000 times higher than normal and cesium-137 levels that are 527 times higher than normal. The ongoing nuclear crisis at Fukushima took another turn for the worse this past weekend.
Workers are trying to cool the plant’s reactors and spent fuel storage pools by pumping them with hundreds of tons of water. But while much of that water is evaporating, a significant portion is also turning into a dangerous runoff that has been discovered throughout the plant. The radioactive runoff has already injured three workers who accidentally stepped in it.
Russia's Far East Struggles With Record Flooding
Russian military personnel build barricades on the banks of the Amur River to protect against further flooding. The units of armed forces help set up tent camp.
August 18, 2013
The Amur River on August 18 reached its historical record high in the area around the city of Khabarovsk.
According to forecasts, the river could continue rising until August 25 and the flooding will likely only recede significantly in September.
More than 5,000 residential buildings in 66 settled areas have been flooded and more than 35,000 people have been affected.
Emergency crews help people escape from her flooded house outside Khabarovsk.
The Russian Defense Ministry has sent doctors to the area. Health officials are warning residents to disinfect their drinking water. Medics have begun vaccinating to prevent an epidemic of infections such as typhoid fever and hepatitis, while locals have started drinking only boiled water as a precaution.
Chief health inspector Gennady Onishchenko warned that flood waters from contaminated rivers in China are bringing harmful microbes and pollutants into the region.
Floods in the Far East (Russia)
A total of 170,442 people, of whom 32,649 remain evacuated, have been affected by this year's devastating floods in the Far East, Yuri Trutnev, the Russian president's envoy to the Far East, said.
Russians raise $16 million for Far East flood victims
Dozens of bridges have been swamped by the waters, complicating the evacuation.
The area adjacent to the Amur River is experiencing its highest water level ever. However, observers indicated that the situation remains relatively calm.
The water is rising in the streets of Khabarovsk, where local drivers are trying to negotiate the floods:
30,000 people are mobilized to cope with the flood with the help of 5,000 vehicles, boats and aircraft.
Emergency workers are flying over the affected area, monitoring the water level around the clock. They are asking people to leave their homes, but for those who didn’t have time to quit the region, boat evacuation is planned.
Modern anti-flood technologies are also being used. Thirty water-filled flood control dams have been delivered to the region, along with humanitarian aid.
Each dam is 25 meters long and can be easily erected on any type of surface, replacing over 1,000 sand bags.
The disaster has yet to reach its predicted peak on August 19, meteorologists and emergency workers warned.
The floods have been triggered by a month of heavy rain, and aren’t set to stop until the beginning of September, the head of Russia's hydrometeorology monitoring service told RIA Novosti news agency.
4. Dialogue vocabulary
- We think that……..
- In our opinion…….
- We’d like to tell…….
- We’ve studied the information and ………
- I’d like to add……..
- You can never be sure ……….
- As for……
- We suppose……..
5. Карточка оценок
Список группы | Взаимооценка работы в группе (макс. 5 баллов) | Самооценка (макс. 5 баллов) | Оценивание учителем (макс. 5 баллов) | Общая оценка |
1 | ||||
2 | ||||
3 | ||||
4 | ||||
5 |
Рекомендации по деятельность педагога
Во время групповой работы педагог выполняет разнообразные функции: контролирует ход работы в группах, уточняет задания и инструкции, отвечает на вопросы, регулирует споры, порядок работы, по необходимости оказывает помощь, ведет наблюдение за работой каждой группы и отдельных ее членов, отслеживает социально-психологические факторы общения.
При оценивании обучающихся педагогом учитывается использование лексики по теме, умение аргументировать, делать выводы, использование коммуникативных клише, умение работать в коллективе, активность.
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