Методическая разработка внеаудиторного мероприятия «MARK TWAIN AND HIS CHARACTERS» по дисциплине «Иностранный язык (английский)»
методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме
Инновационный проект, посвященный творчеству Марка Твена, направлен на расширение общего кругозора студентов. В реализации инновационного проекта участвовали студенты 1-3 курсов разных специальностей, что обеспечивало сплоченность групп и чувство коллективизма. При создании инновационного проекта преподавателями учитывались интересы самих студентов, подбор материала соответствовал уровню их знаний и возрастных особенностей. Одним из основных условий проекта являлось то, что подбор материала осуществлялся самими студентами. Здесь имеет место и биографический очерк, и сцены из знаменитых произведений Марка Твена, и анекдотические случаи из жизни писателя, и песни. При реализации проекта поражало то, что студенты вели себя как настоящие актеры: умели выразительно говорить, двигаться по сцене, общаться с партнерами. Все это,несомненно, является частью эстетического воспитания.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Пупцева Марина Игоревна, преподаватель иностранных языков, старший методист
внеаудиторного мероприятия
по дисциплине «Иностранный язык (английский)»
Пояснительная записка
Современная цель обучения иностранному языку - подготовка к реальной межкультурной коммуникации. Обучать страноведению и культуре страны изучаемого языка означает учить узнавать, понимать, постигать другие народы посредством языка, в результате чего мы лучше понимаем и себя. Источником знаний, прежде всего, являются литературные произведения авторов страны изучаемого языка, а уже потом коммуникация с носителями языка и культуры (несмотря на возрастающую с каждым днем мобильность и открытость общества). Но возникает ряд проблем, которые волнуют преподавателей иностранного языка в течение многих лет: снижение мотивации к чтению, что влечет за собой узкий кругозор студентов, снижение уровня речевой культуры и мотивации к изучению иностранных языков и, как следствие, положительного отношения к предмету; неспособность работать в сотрудничестве друг с другом из-за отсутствия терпимости к ошибкам товарищей, неумения организовать свою деятельность и деятельность одногруппников.
Актуальность названных проблем и настоятельная потребность практики в обобщении и систематизации накопленного опыта обучения иностранным языкам и культуре обусловили выбор темы исследовательской работы преподавателей иностранных языков Армавирского машиностроительного техникума в течение нескольких лет, а именно, использование метода проектов на уроках и внеклассных мероприятиях (примером работы с проектной технологией является представленный инновационный проект «Марк Твен и его герои»).
Целями проекта «Марк Твен и его герои» явились: повышение уровня владения иностранным языком и культурой посредством знакомства с биографией и творчеством М.Твена; расширение общего, социального и культурного кругозора студентов; развитие способности к взаимодействию и сотрудничеству в процессе решения проектно – исследовательских и проектно – творческих задач. Для реализации этих целей были поставлены следующие задачи: включение в самостоятельную работу всех студентов с целью реализации проекта; поиск и отбор информации о биографии и творчестве М.Твена; оформление презентации проекта (костюмы, декорации).
Проект осуществлялся по следующим этапам:
I этап – подготовительный. Студентам заранее было дано задание, найти как можно больше информации о творчестве М.Твена.
II этап – организационный. Преподаватели вместе со студентами обсудили проект, сформировали группы по интересам, каждая из которых получила свое задание. К проекту были привлечены студенты других групп, определялись их роли в участии.
III этап – основной. На этом этапе осуществлялась совместная творческая деятельность преподавателей и студентов из разных групп. Одна группа была занята костюмами, другая – художественным оформлением сценок. Третья группа совместно с преподавателями разучивала роли, песни. Четвертая группа продумывала, как оформить зал.
IV этап – заключительный. Это презентация проекта, которая проходила следующим образом: представление собранной информации о биографии и творчестве М. Твена; анекдотические случаи из его жизни, негритянские песни «Rocks on the Mountains» и «Cotton Needs A-Picking»; сценки из известных произведений М.Твена: «Принц и нищий», «Приключения Тома Сойера и Гекельберри Финна».
Сцена 1: «Том красит забор»
Сцена 2: «Том не хочет идти в школу»
Сцена 3: «Том и Бекки»
Сцена 4: «Том и его лучший друг Гекельберри Финн»
Между сценками были заданы вопросы зрителям, заранее подготовленные студентами.
Авторы убеждены и продемонстрировали на практическом уровне, что проект – это реальная возможность получить новые знания, использовать на иностранном языке знания, полученные на других дисциплинах, проявить себя творчески.
Mark Twain and his Characters
Compere 1: Good afternoon, dear friends! We are glad to welcome you to our English party. Our party is devoted to Mark Twain, a famous American writer. Some of his books are very popular with the children in our country, in other countries of the world and in America, of course. Here are his stories: «The Prince and the Pauper» (1882), «The Adventures of Tom Sawyer» (1883) and «The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn» (1884), «A Connecticut Yankee to King Arthur’s Court» (1889), «Life on the Mississippi» (1863). These books are great favourites not only with the boys and girls all over the world but also with grown – up readers.
Compere 2: Mark Twain, whose real name was Samuel Clemens, was born in 1835 in the small town of Hannibal on the Mississippi River. His father was a lawyer. Little Samuel spend his childhood in his native town. He was a bright lively boy. He went fishing and swimming to the river and he was the leader in all the boys’ games. Samuel had a lot of friends at school. And when he became a writer he described them in his stories.
Compere 1: When Samuel was eleven years old his father died leaving his wife and four children with nothing. And the boy had to leave school and look for a work. He learned the profession of a printer. For some years Samuel worked as a printer for the town newspaper and later for his elder brother, who at that time started a small newspaper of his own. The two young men published it themselves. Samuel wrote short humorous stories and printed them in their newspaper.
Compere 2: When Samuel was a boy he dreamed of becoming a sailor. At the age of 20 he found a job on a ship travelling up and down the Mississippi. Here on a ship he «found» his pen – name «Mark Twain». «Twain» means «two». «Mark Twain» was a call used by steam boat men, meant the depth of 12 feet and that it was safe for the boat to move ahead. This work gave him the opportunity to get know a great deal about life. He worked as a pilot for more than 4 years.
Compere 1: Later he used to speak about this time as the happiest period of his life «Life on the Mississippi». Then the young man worked with the gold – miners in California for a year. Here he began to write stories about camp life and sent them to newspapers under the name of Mark Twain. Mark Twain did not get a good education but he knew the folk songs and tales of the Negroes who lived along the Mississippi River where he grew up.
Звучат песни:
- Rocks of the mountains shine like diamonds,
Rocks of the mountains shine like diamonds,
Rocks of the mountains shine like diamonds,
Let them shine, boy. Let them shine.
2. Can’t you hear ringing in the mountains?
Can’t you hear ringing in the mountains?
Can’t you hear ringing in the mountains?
Ringing so fine, boy. Ringing so fine.
Cotton needs a – picking so bad,
Cotton needs a – picking so bad,
Cotton needs a – picking so bad,
Going to pick all over this field.
1.We planted this cotton in April
On the full of the moon.
We’ve had a hot dry summer,
That’s why it opened so soon.
2.Hurry up, hurry up, children,
We ought to have been gone,
This weather looks so cloudy,
I think it’s going to storm.
Compere 2: The many professions that he tried gave Mark Twain knowledge of life and people and helped him to find his true calling – that of a writer. Writing did not bring much money to Mark Twain, so he had to give lectures on literature and read his stories to the public. He visited many countries and lived in England for a long time. In spite of the fact that his life was so difficult, humour helped to take it easy. Here’s a funny episode from his life.
Scene 1
Mark Twain: All right. Once I was fishing. Suddenly a man came up to me from behind and asked
A man: Are you catching any fish?
Mark Twain: I’ve caught 12 trout.
A man: Is that so? And you know who I am?
Mark Twain: No, I don’t.
A man: I’m the warden of this place and the season for catching trout is over.
Mark Twain: Well, and you know who I am? You meet the biggest liar in the world.
Compere 1: As Mark Twain said later, many events in «The Adventures of Tom Sawyer» really happened and the characters were from real life. In his books Mark Twain shows the joys and sorrows of children with such deep understanding and sympathy that readers always see themselves in the characters. So watch the scene and try to guess the title of the book.
Scene 2. The Prince and the Pauper
Prince: How can you do that to the poor load? Open the gates and let him in. What is your name? Have you parents?
Pauper: Tom Canty, sir. I have parents. I also have a grandmother and twin – sisters. I don’t love my grandmother. I can’t forget her beatings.
Prince: How can she beat you? I shall order to throw her into prison for that.
Pauper: My mother is very good to me and twin – sisters are like her.
Prince: I have sisters and cousins too. Do your sisters not lit their servants smile either?
Pauper: Sir, they have only one dress and no servants.
Prince: I’m going to help them. Soon your sisters have many dresses and servants. Is your life hard or pleasant in offal court?
Pauper: It’s hard when I’m hungry. But it has many good things when I am not hungry. In summer we always swim in the river, we fight in the water. When the weather is fine we dance, sing and play in the sand and we cover each other with it and then jump into the water again.
Prince: It’s wonderful. I am really to give my crown for a day like that. Live me your clothes and put on mine for some time, so that I can do to offal court.
Compere 3: Do you know from which book is this? («The Prince and the Pauper»). Our guests, I hope you were listening very attentively and you’ve known a deal about Mark Twain’s life. We have a lot of prizes for you and a lot of questions, of course. So, listen to my question and answer it. At the blackboard you can see prompts. Please, use them. Sts:
1) When and where was Mark Twain born?
2) What was his real name?
3) What was his father?
4) What did he like to do in his childhood?
5) How old was Mark Twain when his father died?
6) In what places did he work during his life?
7) What were his professions?
Compere 3: You are very attentive listeners. You know that Mark Twain wrote many books, so he imagined many characters. But the most favourite characters are Tom Sawyer, his friend Huckleberry Finn, Becky, his family and his friends. We are going to show you four scenes: «Tom is whitewashing the fence», «Tom doesn’t want to go to school», «Tom and Becky», «Tom and his best friend Huckleberry Finn». Our actors and actresses are nervous, not to be too critical and forgive mistakes they may make.
The first scene is «Tom is whitewashing the fence»
Aunt Polly: Tom! Tom! Where is the boy? Where are you, Tom?
Tom: Here I am.
Aunt Polly: Oh, you’ve been in that cupboard. What were you doing there?
Tom: Nothing!
Aunt Polly: Nothing! Look at your hands! And look at your mouth. What is that?
Tom: I don’t know, Aunt.
Aunt Polly: Well, I know. It’s jam. That’s what it is. Hand me that stick.
Tom: Oh, look behind you, Aunt!
Aunt Polly: Tom, go and whitewash the fence.
Tom: Oh, Auntie, I can’t. I’ll do it… tomorrow.
Aunt Polly: Whitewash the fence, I say!
(появляется Бен с яблоками)
Ben: What are you doing?
Tom: I am whitewashing the fence.
Ben: Do you want to do it?
Tom: No, I don’t. Jim wanted to do it, but Aunt Polly didn’t let him.
Ben: Tom, do let me. I’ll give you my apple.
Tom: All right.
(Том садится, начинает есть яблоко, появляется Билли)
Billy: Hello! What are you doing here?
Ben: Tom and I are whitewashing the fence.
Billy: You don’t think it’s interesting.
Ben: We do. Jim wanted to do it, but Aunt Polly didn’t let him.
Billy: Let me do some whitewashing.
Ben: No, I won’t.
(начинают драться)
Tom: Stop that! Now it’s your turn to whitewash, Billy.
(работает Билли)
Tom: Now it’s your turn to whitewash, Ben.
(работает Бен)
Aunt Polly: Oh, it’s all done. You are a good boy, Tom. Now you may go and play.
Tom: Hurrah! Let’s run to the river!
Boys: Hurrah!
Compere 3: Let’s play quiz «The most attentive student». Sts:
1) What was Tom Sawyer eating when Aunt Polly called him?
a) jam; b) ice – cream; c) sandwich
2) What did Aunt Polly order Tom to hand her?
a) stick; b) jam; c) stone
3) What was Ben eating when he saw Tom Sawyer?
a) apple b) jam; c) fence
4) Where did the children go after they had whitewashed the fence?
a) to the river; b) to the library; c) to the lake
The second scene is «Tom doesn’t want to go to school»
Tom: Oh, Sid, Sid!
Sid: What’s the matter, Tom?
Tom: Oh, Sid! I am dying. I forgive you everything, Sid. When I am dead.
Sid: Oh, Tom, you are not dying! Don’t!
Tom: I am not angry with Aunt Polly. Tell the new girl at school and let her…
(Сид бежит за тетей Полли)
Sid: Oh, Aunt Polly, Tom is dying.
Aunt Polly: Dying?
Sid: Yes!
Aunt Polly: Tom, what has happened to you, my boy?
Tom: Oh, Auntie, look at my right hand! It’s red and hot.
Aunt Polly: Oh, Tom, stop that nonsense and get up!
(Том прекращает стонать)
Tom: Oh, Auntie, it so hot that I’ve forgotten about my tooth!
Aunt Polly: Your tooth! And what has happened to your tooth?
Tom: It’s loose and aches terribly.
Aunt Polly: Open your mouth. Well, you are right. Your tooth is loose. Sid, bring me some thread.
Tom: Oh, please, Auntie, don’t pull it out. It’s all right now.
(Сид приносит нитки)
Tom: Oh! Oh! Oh! My tooth was all right. But I didn’t want to go to school.
Aunt Polly: Oh, Tom, so all this is because you don’t want to go to school. Now get up quickly and get ready to go to school!
Compere 3: Sts:
1) Did Tom get up because of headache, toothache, stomachache?
2) Why do you think Tom didn’t want to go to school? Because he wanted to go fishing (smoking, kissing Becky).
The third scene is «Tom and Becky»
На лавочке сидит Бекки. Том садится на другой конец лавочки и начинает что-то рисовать, закрывая ладонью. Она пытается посмотреть картинку.
Becky: Let me see it. I like this house. It’s nice. Draw a man.
Tom: I’ll try.
(рисует и дает картинку Бекки)
Becky: It’s a handsome man. Now draw me coming along.
(Том рисует и показывает)
Tom: Do you like it?
Becky: It’s very very nice. I wish I could draw.
Tom: It’s easy. I can teach you.
Becky: Oh, will you? When?
Tom: At noon. Do you go home to dinner?
Becky: I shall stay if you will.
Tom: Good. What’s your name?
Becky: Becky Thatcher. What’s yours? Oh, I know. It’s Thomas Sawyer.
Tom: Yes, that’s the name they call me by when they punish me. I’m Tom when I’m good. You call me Tom, will you?
Becky: Yes.
(Том начинает что-то рисовать, закрывая рукой)
Becky: Tom, let me see what you have written.
Tom: Oh! It’s nothing!
Becky: Please let me.
Tom: You’ll tell.
Becky: No, I won’t.
Tom: You won’t tell anybody at all?
Becky: No, I won’t ever tell anybody. Now let me.
Tom: (reads) I love you.
Becky: Oh, you bad thing!
(Бекки убегает, Том бежит за ней)
Compere 3: Sts:
1) What did Tom draw Becky? a) a man; b) a house; c) Becky
2) How did people call Tom when they punished him? a) Thomas Sawyer; b) Huckleberry Finn; c) George Washington
3) What is Becky’s surname? a) Thatcher; b) Finn; c) Windsor
The last scene is «Tom and his best friend Huckleberry Finn»
Tom: Wait a minute, please. You forgot to introduce my best friend Huckleberry Finn. Here he is.
(появляется Гекельберри Финн с кошкой)
Huck: Hello!
Tom: What have you got in your hand?
Huck: A dead cat.
Tom: What is it good for?
Huck: You can cure warts with it.
Tom: Is that so? And how do you do it?
Huck: You take your cat and go to the graveyard about midnight. When it’s midnight a devil will come. You must throw your cat after him and say: «Devil, follow corpse, cat, follow devil, warts, follow cat»
Tom: Did you ever try it, Huck?
Huck: No, but old Mother Hopkins told me.
Tom: I think it’s true. When will you try the cat, Hucky?
Huck: Tonight.
Tom: Let me do with you, will you?
Huck: Of course. If you are not afraid.
Tom: Of course not. Come and meow at my window. Like this:… meow, meow
Huck: And you meow back if you can like this… meow, meow
Tom: All right. Oh, I’m late for school. Good – bye!
Huck: Good – bye!
Compere 3: Sts:
1) What animal was in Huck Finn’s hand?
a) a cat; b) a dog; c) a mouse
2) Where did he want to go at midnight?
a) graveyard; b) disco; c) zoo
3) What did Huckleberry Finn want to do with a dead cat?
a) to dig; b) to throw it after devil; c) to cook it for devil
Compere 3: So, who is the most attentive student? How many prizes have you got? So, the most attentive student is a 2 - year student…, our future programmer…
Our performance is over. But before saying «Good - bye» I’d like to introduce our actors and actresses…
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5. Трубникова Т.О., Шеварихина Ю.С. Сценарий тематических вечеров и предметной недели английского языка. – Ростов-на-Дону: «Феникс», 2002. – 320 с.
6. Полат Е.С. Обучение в сотрудничестве // Иностранные языки в школе. – 2000. - № 1. – С. 4 – 11.
7. Twain M. The adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn // Адаптация текста, комментарий, словарь Г.К.Магидсон – Степановой. – М.: Айрис – пресс, 2003. – 208 с.
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