тренировочные задания
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (11 класс) по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
Контрольная работа № 6
Базовый уровень A 2+
Установите соответствие между заголовками A – G и текстами 1 – 6. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один лишний заголовок. Если вы затрудняетесь соотнести какой-либо текст с темой, то ставьте в таблице знак Х под номером этого текста. |
A Film for aliens
B. Phun factory
C. Helping nose
D. First monster star
E. Extreme cello playing
F. New stars
G. Retiring to Internet
1. Phun Factory in New York is the largest open air graffiti gallery in the world. On the wall of the factory, street kids show their talents — legally — for everyone to admire. The gallery was founded to keep the city clean, and give people a chance to express themselves. The 'masterpieces' are changed every three months.
2. A Dutch film company has made a film to explain what humans are like to aliens. "Imagine then how difficult it would be to explain it to an alien," says one of the filmmakers. "That's why we decided to make a film about us." The eight-minute cartoon shows what people are and what they think and feel. The makers hope it will be taken into space on a mission in 2007.
3. Pop star George Michael is retiring from the music business to become an Internet-only artist. The singer says he will never make another album for sale in record shops because he doesn't need the money and is tired of being famous. Instead he intends to put all future songs on the Internet for free. Fans will be invited to make donations in exchange for downloading the tracks, which multi-millionaire Michael will give to charity.
4. The first movie monster to become a star was King Kong (1933). Although the giant ape made some film-goers faint, King Kong was actually a model only 45 centimeters tall. For close-ups the studio used a giant furry head worked by three men inside!
5. Cameron Diaz believes her nose has helped her get most of her acting roles.
She says that when she began acting her friends told her that she would never be able to make it big in Hollywood unless she got a nose job. Cameron says her refusal to get her nose corrected actually helped her get film roles instead of losing them. 'I thought it kind of gave me a different look to all the other surgery-type girls,' she says.
6. One day, a group of British cellists was watching a documentary on TV which showed the Extreme Ironing World Championship in Germany. This gave them an idea: why not try to make music in extreme locations? This is how a new sport — Extreme Cello Playing — was born.
№ текста | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
тема |
Повышенный уровень B1
Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски 1 – 6 частями предложений, обозначен-ных буквами А - G. Одна из частей в списке А – G лишняя. Занесите букву, обозначающую соответствующую часть предложения, в таблицу. |
British visual art began 1 ………….. , influenced by early Scandinavian wood carvings, and after the Christianization of England, painting appeared at first only in ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPTS. From the 12th to the 16th century, the great cathedrals in the Romanesque and Gothic styles were 2 ………………….. Among the characteristics that distinguished English from European cathedrals were double transepts, rectangular apses, and fan vaulting. Later, such 17th- and 18th-century architects as Inigo Jones and Christopher Wren brought, respectively, 3 ……………
From the beginning of the Renaissance, English painting was influenced by foreign artists, such as the German painter Hans Holbein the Younger in the 16th century and the Flemish painter Sir Anthony van Dyck in the 17th century. Not until the 18th century, with the work of portrait painters such as William Hogarth, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Thomas Gainsborough, and George Romney, did 4 ……….. English styles in furniture and ceramics, in the work of Thomas Chippendale and Josiah Wedgwood in particular, evolved in the 18th century. In the 19th century John Constable was notable for landscape painting and Joseph Mallord William Turner 5 ……….., and in the 20th century perhaps 6 ……………. are the sculptor Henry Moore and the painters David Hockney and Francis Bacon.
A.. Renaissance and baroque architecture to England
B are known all over the world
C. with the interest in ornamentation
D for seascape painting
E a distinctive style develop in English painting
F the best-known artists
G. the most outstanding products of English art
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Высокий уровень
Прочитайте текст и выполните задания А1– А5, обводя цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую номеру выбранного вами варианта ответа. |
During the past hundred years, the radio, the cinema, TV and now Internet have made great changes in the entertainment with which people fill their free time. More than a hundred years ago people knew how to entertain themselves much better than they do now. When a group of people gathered together, they talked, played cards or other games, read aloud to each other, or went out shooting, or walking together. Summer picnics were also a great hit those days. Most of people could sing or play a musical instrument, so at a party the guests entertained each other. Conversation was an art, amusing conversation could keep people happy for hours.
As for games, such as football, tennis, people used to play them more often than they do now. Most of them didn’t play very well, but they could amuse themselves and their friends. Nowadays we are entertained by professionals. There appeared even such phenomena as show industry and professional sport. With the help of electronic Mass Media they are ruling in modern society. I’m not an exception and also pay my tribute to them. So choosing among theatre, cinema and TV, I’ll certainly choose Theatre.
Theatre is the ancient but ever - youthful parent of all entertainment in dramatic form. It has existed on and off for two-and-a-half thousand years because there is something special to itself that it offers us. But what is it that is special about the theatre? A famous playwright Priestly compares theatre with the restaurant. In a very good restaurant we have a dinner that is specially cooked for us; in a canteen we are merely served with standard portions of a standard meal. And this is the difference between the living Theatre and the mass entertainment of films, radio and television. In the theatre the play is specially cooked for us.
The production never takes its final shape, until it has an audience. The actors are not playing to microphones and cameras but to warmly responsive fellow-creatures. And they are never giving exactly the same performance. If the audience tends to be heavy, unresponsive – the company slightly sharpens and heightens its performance to bring the audience to life, and vice versa, if the audience is too enthusiastic. One more thing, when we see a play we form part of an audience. This is important, because we behave differently when we are part of audience. If the play is funny, we laugh a great deal more that we should if we were by ourselves. If it is pathetic we are more deeply moved just because a lot of other people are being moved too. We have to share the feelings of a great many other people to enjoy a play properly, and this in itself is a good thing, particularly these days when too many people usually living in large cities feel cut off, and separate.
To enjoy the theatre we have to join it. Today theatre is at some kind of crisis. The houses are alarmingly empty. Many other forms of entertainment have superseded theatre. There are many who do not care whether theatre lives or dies. This is causing anxiety. The main reason for that is that our cultural level is painfully low. Now we can see the degradation of people’s spiritual and cultural standards as a whole, the erosion of values and ideals. And culture is the health of a nation, a way of improving its genetic fund. It’s impossible to survive without culture. Theatre is the means of the disseminating culture. School is responsible for awakening a child’s interest to theatre, it’s necessary to instil into people, into their consciousness the love to the theatre. I do believe that the situation will change to the better. Theatre will never die. For some people it died long ago, - for people who are poorly developed emotionally, they simply do not understand the Theatre, as they do not understand painting, serious music. But theatre is eternal. The atmosphere in theatre is solemn. It’s the magical place where man meets his image, where people are taught to appreciate the beauty, to hate the evil, ugliness, where feelings are stirred, where our souls and mind are elevated. It is the enduring home of dramatic experience, which is surely one of the most searching, rewarding, enchanting of our many different kinds of experience. Theatre unites actors and spectators, moves our feelings, establishes close contacts between people, and creates the atmosphere for thinking. Theatre makes it possible to establish close contacts between actor and spectators, to create intellectual atmosphere, to distinguish between the good and the bad, to understand and enjoy the beauty.
A1. Great changes in the entertainment took place in our life because ……….. appeared.
1. the radio
2. the cinema
3. Internet
4. the radio, the cinema, TV and Internet
A2. Nowadays we are entertained by
1. show industry
2. professional sport
3. show industry, professional sport and electronic Mass Media
4. electronic Mass Media
A3. A famous playwright Priestly compares theatre with
1. the kitchen
2. the restaurant
3. the buffet
4. the canteen
A4. The actors are playing to
1. microphones and cameras
2. themselves
3. the audience
4. to their pleasure
A5. The health of any nation is
- their genetic fund
- their people
- theatre
- culture
Student Cards
Task 1 (3-4 min)
Give a talk on the problem “What helps young people to relax?”
Remember to speak about:
- the role of the cinema and TV films in our life;
- what arts cinema combines;
- what kind of films you like best and why;
- the role of theatre I modern life;
- your attitude to ballet, opera or musical.
Task 2 (1, 5 -2 min)
Some movies are serious, designed to make the audience think. Other movies are designed primarily to amuse and entertain.
You are discussing the problem with your friend. Which type of movie do you prefer and why?
You will start the conversation
Remember to:
- be active and polite;
- ask all the questions to get the necessary information.
Task 3 (4-5 min)
You and your friend are discussing advantages and disadvantages of planning activities for your free time. Some people prefer to plan activities very carefully. Others choose not to make any plans for their free time.
You have to compare the benefits of planning free-time activities with benefits of not making plans. Give specific reasons to support your answer.
You begin the conversation.
Remember to:
- discuss all the points;
- take an active part in the conversation and be polite;
- come up with suggestions;
- give reasons;
- invite your partner to come up with suggestions;
- find out your partner’s attitudes and take them into account;
- come to an agreement.
Грамматика и лексика
Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами B4 – B10 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы B4 – B10. |
FOR Television
There is no question that the world today _____________ a very different place without the box. | BE |
TV _____________ by millions of people daily. | VIEW |
The information that people get from the TV allows them to stay informed about the world, and to draw conclusions about what _____________ in the world. | HAPPEN |
If you _____________ what you're watching, you can change to another channel. | LIKE |
That way, whatever people like _____________ , they are free to choose - and they don't even have to pay for it! | MUCH |
How often have you seen something on the box which _____________ by? I bet more than once! | INSPIRE |
Moreover, it _____________ you advice, if you choose to let it. | GIVE |
Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами А22 – А28. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям A22 – A28, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа. |
Fashion Drama
London Fashion Week closed last night with concern A22 ______ over crowd control and safety.
Yesterday the British Fashion Council, A23 ______ organizes the event, appealed for more patience to be shown. Security guards faced being hurt as they struggled to control hundreds of people trying to get into the show free.
At one point Vidal Sassoon, the famous hairdresser, A24 ______ fighting to keep his balance in the crowd. Eventually he was recognised by a member of staff who persuaded security guards that ‘the top man’ ought A25 ______ to see the show!
Some buyers and foreign journalists were trapped in the crowd. Among the VIPs left out in the cold, was the European editor of Vanity Fair. “It could
A26 ______ better,” he said.
The long delays and the pushing, A27 ______ , served only to heighten the drama and excitement surrounding A28 ______ London Fashion Week.
1) | expressing | 2) | being expressed | 3) | was expressed | 4) | to express |
1) | who | 2) | what | 3) | which | 4) | that |
1) | left | 2) | was leaving | 3) | was left | 4) | leaving |
1) | allow | 2) | to allow | 3) | be allowed | 4) | to be allowed |
1) | have been organised | 2) | be organised | 3) | organise | 4) | was organised |
1) | moreover | 2) | actually | 3) | no matter how | 4) | however |
1) | big | 2) | the biggest | 3) | bigger | 4) | big enough |
Для ответов на задания С1, С2 используйте Бланк ответов № 2. При выполнении заданий С1 и С2 особое внимание обратите на то, что ваши ответы будут оцениваться только по записям, сделанным в Бланке ответов № 2. Никакие записи черновика не будут учитываться экспертом. При заполнении Бланка ответов № 2 вы указываете сначала номер задания С1, С2, а потом пишете свой ответ. Если одной стороны Бланка недостаточно, вы можете использовать другую сторону Бланка. |
You have 20 minutes to do this task.
You have received a letter from your English pen friend Jim who writes:
Write a letter to Jim and answer his questions.
Write 100 – 140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.
You have 40 minutes to do this task.
Comment on the following:
Television: still the centre of our lives?
What is your opinion? Give pros and cons to prove your point?
Write 200 – 250 words.
Базовый уровень
Вы услышите небольшой рассказ. Запишите недостающую информацию в вопросах В1-В7 в виде цифры, слова или словосочетания в отведенное для этого место в таблице. Вы услышите запись дважды. |
Spider-man – a superhero for the 21st century.
SUPERMAN, BATMAN, SPIDER-MAN - they have much in common. In ordinary circumstances they are ordinary, normal people, not different from anybody else. But when the moment comes, they turn into superheroes and spend most of their time helping good guys and fighting bad guys.
The likeness is not only in that. The three characters began as comic book characters, they all became very popular and they all eventually came to the big screen.
The plot of the Spider-Man is very simple and very much like Super-man and Batman movies. The hero, Peter Parker, is a student and also works as a photographer. He lives in New York with his aunt and uncle. He is a weedy, shy young man. He is in love with a girl next door, but he is very awkward with the ladies, and the girl doesn't notice him much. In short Peter is not a hero at all. But one day he is bitten by a mutant spider, and gets its qualities. Now he has superhuman strength and reflexes, sense for danger, he can stick to most surfaces, walk up walls and shoot strands of webbing from his wrists. Peter decides to use his extraordinary powers to fight crime.
In his stunning red costume, which covers his whole body, Spider-Man patrols the streets to save the good people of New York from all kinds of danger. He climbs the walls of skyscrapers, swings hundreds metres above the ground on his web...
Certainly ordinary criminals are not enough. Every superhero needs a super-enemy, somebody who is really bad and is usually after the same thing - world domination, very soon Peter finds an enemy like that — the Green Goblin.
A hero who leads a kind of double life - ordinary person by day, superhero at night, a girl who at first doesn't pay much attention to the hero, but finds him irresistible in the role of a superhero, a power-mad enemy... Probably everything sounds too, familiar, but the film is a success. Many people agree that it's one of the few movies that really lives up to expectations. It's a good, clean, funny, action-packed movie with stunning special effects and with no swearing. In short it's a superior superhero movie that is worth seeing.
В 1 The plot of the Spider-Man is very …
В 2 The hero, Peter Parker, is a student and also works as a ….
В 3 He lives in … with his aunt and uncle.
В 4 Peter decides to use his extraordinary powers to fight ….
В 5 Every superhero needs a ….
В 6 Many people agree that it's one of the … that really lives up to expectations.
В 7 In short it's a superior superhero movie that is worth ….
B1 | |
B2 | |
B3 | |
B4 | |
B5 | |
B6 | |
B7 |
Повышенный уровень
Прослушайте интервью. Установите соответствия между вопросами A-L и текстами 1-11. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один вопрос лишний. Вы услышите запись дважды. |
Child actor
I was in a shop with my parents one day. A casting director who was doing his shopping thought I was cute. A month later I shot my first commercial. I was five.
I played Forrest Gump Junior in Forrest Gump with Tom Hanks. My next feauture film was Bogus with Gerard Depardieu and Whoopi Goldberg (Ghost). Then I was in The Sixth Sense with Bruce Willis.
Bruce is cool. He has a sense of humour. He's so funny that he can make any situation a laughable one. Tom Hanks is more serious, I remember his generosity. As for Gerard, you only have to look at him to feel affectionate towards him. Gerard teaches you friendship, he's your pal.
The most difficult role I've had was a part in the episode of Ally McBeal. I played a boy who had a incurable illness and was so angry he wanted to sue God.
I try only to shoot during school holidays. The rest of the time, I go to school like anyone else. I have a tutor on every location we go to. When I'm acting, the tutor gets all the lessons from my normal teachers.
The girls do, yes. Especially the older ones. But round where I live, they leave me in peace.
When I walk out of the studios, I leave my character in the dressing-room. I have friends of my own age to play with.
I know that success can be transitory and all this can disappear overnight. But acting is what I want to do. But I also feel I can do other things, maybe something to do with the environment or saving animals. Like my character in Pay It Forward, I want to make the world a better place.
Reading. Especially science fiction. I also like to play basketball and golf.
Tolkien, and Edgar Allan Рое.
Only at school. I play football in the corridor and that's not allowed. At home, I do everything my parents ask me to do — I make my bed, tidy my room and clean out my animals' cages.
A – Who are your favourite authors?
B – Do your friends treat you like a star?
C – You give the impression of being a very wise and obedient boy.
Don't you do any silly things?
D – You've done TV too, haven't you?
E – What do you like doing when you are not filming?
F – What was it like working with Tom Hanks, Gerard Depardieu and Bruce Willis?
G – Why do you like TV?
H – Would you like to continue your acting career when you grow up?
I – How do you manage to make films and to go to school?
J – You spend most of your time surrounded by adults. Do you think of yourself as a kid like any other?
K – What was your first film role?
L - How did you get into acting?
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
Высокий уровень
Вы услышите текст Ответьте на вопросы по содержанию текста, выбрав один из предложенных вариантов ответа. Вы услышите текст дважды. Во время прослушивания в заданиях В 8-В 14 обведите номер ответа, который вам кажется наиболее верным |
Wagner's Parsifal in New York
"There, there, gentlemen," Mr. Adams told us. "You demand too much from America. A score of years ago something very interesting happened to me. You will find it interesting to hear this.
The first time Wagner's Parsifal was presented in New York I went, of course. I love Wagner very much. I took my place in the seventh row and prepared to listen.
Beside me sat a large red-haired gentleman. Five minutes after the beginning of the performance I noticed that the red-haired gentleman was asleep. That would not have been so terrible if in his sleep he had not leaned on my shoulder and emitted a quite unpleasant snore. I wakened him. But a minute later he was again asleep, all the time leaning his head on my shoulder, as if it were a pillow. Gentlemen, I am not a mean man, but I could not endure this. With all my strength I shoved my elbow into the red-haired gentleman's side.
He awakened and stared at me for a long time with an uncomprehending look. Then I saw suffering on his face. 'I beg your pardon, sir,' he said, but I am a very unhappy man. I came from San Francisco to New York for two days only, and I have many things to attend to. But in San Francisco I have a wife, who is a German. You know, sir, the Germans are crazy people; they are mad about music. My wife is no exception.
When I was leaving, she said, "James, give me your word that you will go to the first performance of Parsifal. What a treat to be at the first performance of Parsifal! Since I cannot go, at least you must go. You must do it for me. Give me your word of honour." I gave her my word, and we business people know how to keep our word. And so, I am here, sir!'
I advised him to go back to the hotel, since he had already kept his word and there was no danger that he would become a dishonest person, and he immediately ran away after warmly pressing my hand. You know, I liked that red-headed gentleman. You must not judge Americans too harshly. They are an honest people. They deserve the utmost respect."(И. Ильф, Е. Петров. Одноэтажная Америка)
В 8. Mr. Adams heard Wagner’s music in
- New York
- San Francisco
- Paris
- Washington
В 9. Mr. Adams was
1. glad to sit near the red-haired man
2. angry
3 annoyed
4. upset
B 10. Mr. Adams was
1. a disagreeable man
2. an ignoble man
3. a unpleasant man
4. a mean man
В 11. The red-haired man was there because he
1. wanted to see as many as possible
2. was fond of music
3. promised his wife to go to the first performance
4. wanted to sleep
В 12. Mr. Adams assured him
1. that he was an honest man
2. that he loved his wife
3. that he was a dishonest person
4. that his wife would believe him
В 13. Mr. Adams liked that red-headed gentleman because he
1. he was honest
2. he was polite
3. he was open-hearted
4. he was cunning
B 14. Americans are
1. a dishonest people
2. an upright people
3. a fair people
4. a true people
B 8 | B 9 | B 10 | B 11 | B 12 | B 13 | B 14 |
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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