методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
Использование национльно-регионального компонента на уроках английского языка.
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Национально-региональный компонент на уроках английского языка
Учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ №3
Гиагинского района ст. Гиагинской
Мною разработан элективный курс “Адыгея – мой край родной”, который содержит культуроведческий материал о Республике Адыгея, его географии, достопримечательностях, замечательных традициях, знаменитых людях. Актуальность данного курса обусловлена юбилейной датой – 20летие республики и усиливающимся вниманием к перспективному будущему Адыгеи.
Поделюсь опытом работы по использованию краеведческого материала на заключительном уроке – пресс-конференции.
Задачи урока:
- воспитание у подрастающего поколения чувства патриотизма и любви к своей малой Родине, формирование интереса учащихся к родному краю, национальной культуре, традициям и стремлению к сохранению и приумножению культурно-исторических ценностей;
- формирование у учащихся межкультурной компетенции, т.е. способности понимать и интерпретировать особенности культур в их различных проявлениях, что позволит обеспечить эффективность коммуникации и адекватное поведение в контексте межкультурного взаимодействия.
Класс был разделен на две группы. Первая группа - представители администрации города, правительства, культуры и туризма, вторая группа – представители прессы. Готовясь к уроку, учащиеся первой группы подбирали материал, составляли текст своего сообщения; учащиеся второй группы – продумывали вопросы для обсуждения на пресс- конференции.
Ход урока
Teacher. Good morning! Our conference is devoted to Adyghei Republic. We have invited the representatives of press and information services and the representatives of the government, education, culture and tourism. Let’s start.
1. Press Secretary.
It is a great honour for me to open this conference ”Welcome to Adyghei Republic”. I’d like to express gratitude to the hosts of this conference:
- the head of the government;
- the mayor of the town;
- a deputy of the Khase;
- the director of the Museum;
- a university professor;
- the representative of culture department;
- and the representative of the Tourist Center.
I’m sure that the subject of this conference will be of great interest for you. Thank you for your attention.
The introductory report will be presented by the Head of the government of Adyghei Republic:
1. The Head of the government.
Thank you. It gives me a great pleasure to welcome you here. As for the theme of the conference, it is very actual. I would like to mention that
Adyghei republic is a part of Krasnodar Territory. It occupies 780 square kilometres. Mainly it is a plain situated in the valley of Kuban and Laba rivers. The foothills of this region are very beautiful. The mountains are not very high (500-900m), with the tops Shessi, Oshten and others which are 2000-3250 meters high.
In this region there are many rivers: Belaja, Laba, Pshish, Kisha, Hodz, Fars and others.
Climate here is variable, but still mild and warm. Every season is very nice, but autumn is especially nice, rich and warm. The republic gets a large number of fruit and vegetables.
About 40% (per cent) of the territory is occupied by forests full of birds, animals and various plants.
In 1924 the world famous Caucasian State Nature Reserve was founded in Adyghea. Here one can see hundreds kinds of birds, a 1500 species of plants, 60 kinds of animals.
The people are very proud of their republic.
Thank you for your attention.
Press Secretary: Thank you. Are there any questions?
A journalist from “The Times” – I should like to speak.
Press secretary: You are welcome.
A journalist from “The Times”: Thank you! I’m from the English newspaper “The Times”. Thank you for inviting us to the conference. I have a question to a deputy of the Khase. Can you tell us about political system of your republic?
2. The deputy of the Khase
The head of the government in Adygea is the Head who is appointed for a five-year term. The current Head, Aslan Tkhakushinov. There is also a directly elected State Council(Khase) which comprises the Council of Representatives and the Council of the Republic. Both councils are elected every five years and have 27 deputies each.
The republic sends three representatives to the parliament of the Russian Federation; one to the State Duma and the other two to the Federation Council.
The Constitution of the Republic of Adygea was adopted on May 14, 1995.
Thank you for your attention.
Press secretary: Thank you. Are there any questions?
A journalist from “The Daily World”.
I’m from “The Daily World”. Thank you for your invitation to the conference. Excuse my changing the subject. I’ve visited the central part of the town. I should say that it is a very beautiful town. Would you tell us some words about your town? Thank you!
Press Secretary: The floor is given to the mayor of the town. I hope you are ready to answer this question.
3. The mayor of the town.
On the banks of the mountain river Belaya we can see Maikop the capital of Adyghei Republic. It is its administrative, economic, cultural centre.
The name of the town comes from the combination of three words : miye - the apple, ko - the valley and pa - mouth. So one of the symbols in town Emblem are the apple - tree leaves.
Nowadays Maikop is the most beautiful town.
The wide straight streets, a lot of green plants, new regions with
multi - storeyed buildings, parks and squares, stadiums - that's what you can see first here.
In recent years a lot of new schools, hotels, the bus - stations, a new covered market appeared.
Its people, industrious and kind - is the main wealth of this small comfortable town.
Every year nearly a million flowers are planted in Maikop. All Maikop inhabitants are very proud of their small beautiful town.
Thank you for your attention.
Press secretary: Thank you. Are there any questions?
A journalist from “BBC” – I should like to speak.
Press secretary: You are welcome.
A journalist from “BBC”: Thank you for your invitation to the conference .Would you like to tell us about history of Maikop.
Press secretary: Thank you that you are interested in the history of our town.
4. The director of the Museum of the Town’s History.
I consider it a high honour to participate in the work of this conference. I’ll report on the history of Maikop.
Maikop was founded in 1857 as a Russian Kuban Cossack fortress. It served as an important strategic outpost during the finale of the Caucasian War in 1858–1863. It was granted town status in 1870.
The early Bronze Age Maikop culture has been named after the city after the discovery of a royal burial site there in 1897.
In 1911, oil deposits were discovered in the vicinity of Maikop.
In 1936, Maikop and the surrounding region was merged with Adyghe Autonomous Oblast, and became the administrative center of the autonomy. Maikop was occupied by the Wehrmacht from August 1942 to January 1943.Since 1991, Maikop has been the capital of the Republic of Adygea in the Russian Federation.
Thank you for attention.
Press secretary: Thank you. Have you got any questions? You, please…
A journalist from “The Daily Telegraph”: Thank you. I must say we feel at home here. True, yesterday it was cold and windy here, and today it’s warm. I have studied your advertising material with great interest. The surroundings of Adyghea fascinate us with beautiful nature. What can you say about it? Thank you.
Press secretary: Thank you. The floor is given to the representative of the Tourist Center. You are welcome!
5. The representative of the Tourist Center.
Adyghe tourist Routes are very beautiful and fascinating. They lay along the mountain river canyons, then meet the waterfalls, go round the white-capped tops of Fisht and Oshten, and cross the legendary Lagonaki.
Those who wish to spend a holiday or weekend on these healthy paths are awaited by numerous monuments: ancient barrows, sites of ancient settlements, rock carvings and petro glyphs.And of course, they'll see the astonishing ancient tombs - «dolmen» - the same age as the Egyptian Pyramids. They are so - called «сырп-ун» - «syrp-un» - dwarfs house. There are hundreds of strange constructions built from multition tomb-stones. In the most picturesque places of Adyghea the tourist stations are situated. They are «Maikop», «Gornaya», «Caucasus», «Lagonaki», «Romantica». Tourists from all places are led by various routes up to the Black Sea.They enjoy here lots of interesting things.
Thank you.
Press secretary: The next question will be given to the journalist from “Canadian Tribune”. You are welcome!
The journalist from “Canadian Tribune”: Thank you. I should like to express my satisfaction at the work of the conference. As for me I am interested in education. Let us touch upon this subject.
Press Secretary: The floor is given to the university professor. I hope you are ready to answer this question.
6. The University professor.
In Adyghea there are more than 200 secondary schools. The youth of Adyghea get knowledge in two universities: the Adyghe State University and Maikop State Technological University lots of technical schools, colleges, obtaining different professions for many spheres of life.
The University prepares highly qualified specialists on more than seven faculties.
Among the teaching staff there are more than 100 Doctors and Candidates of Science. The Universities have all conditions and they are well-equipped for teaching the students.
Thank you.
Press secretary: The last question will be given to the journalist from “Sky”. You are welcome!
A journalist from”Sky”: I consider it a high honour to participate in the work of this conference. It’s of importance to note that the names of Adyghe poets and writers are well known in Russia. Would you like to speak about this? Thank you.
Press secretary: Thank you. The floor is given to the representative of culture department . You are welcome!
7. The representative of culture department.
The small land of Adyghea is rich with talented and famous writers and poets, singers and dancers, who glorified their homeland and admired native people and nature. Among them are Kirimize Zhanne, I. Mashbash, T. Kerashev, Yu. Tlyusten, A.Evtykh, N. Kuyek and many others.
Poets and writers describe the main features of their peoples, the beauties of Nature. Their works are full of love and passion, high respect to those who live nearby.
Thank you for your attention!
Press Secretary: And we have a chance to see a short film of famous dancers of Nalmes and Islamei. It is better to see than to hear.
I may say that this conference is an outstanding event, and I should like to bring out the general significance of this conference.
Our republic is growing and developing, becoming more beautiful, comfortable and modern. We are proud of our republic, of its people of the past and present, of its cultural wealth.
I should like to express my thanks to the observers who followed the debates with great interest. My thanks go to the representatives of the press and information services, the radio and television.
The conference is closed here!
Teacher: I think that you’ve known a lot of interesting things about our republic.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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