Starlight 11 лексические тесты Module I
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (11 класс) по теме

Рязанцева Светлана Борисовна

лексические тесты к УМК Starlight 11 Module I. Можно использовать как промежуточные зачеты, как самостоятельную работу над лексическим материалом или как подготовку к ЕГЭ. Материал взят из учебника, книги для учителя и on-line словарей Longman, Macmillan, Oxford


Предварительный просмотр:

Starlight 11. Units 1.3 – 1.4 Vocabulary test.

  1. Translate the words into Russian:

1.To pour

11.To whisper

2.Beneath broadcast

3.To hold a festival sigh remain mumble

5.delight mutter



7. brotherhood

17. rhyme swap stories


9.multitude scream unify


  1. Fill in  hand-crafted, language, main, swap, high, broaden, get, common  and make up 3 sentences with any.
  1. ………………………..…attraction
  2. ……………………….goods
  3. ……………………...our horizons
  4. ……………………….stories
  5. …………………….……sight
  6. ………………………...barriers
  7. …………………………..spirits
  8. ……………………………the chance

  1. Word-formation.
  1. Music (adj)
  2. Success (adj)
  3. Broad (v)
  4. Equal (adv)
  5. To enjoy (n)
  6. Huge (adv)
  7. Music (n)
  8. Wear (n)
  9. Occasion (adv)
  10. Damp (v)
  11. Mistake (adv, neg)
  12. To motivate (n)

  1. Fill in the missing words:
  1. Although we all promised to keep …………………. when we left school, we soon went our separate ways and lost ……………….with one another.
  2. I  find it very annoying when you are told to hold ………………… for what seems like hours. If the operator can’t put you ………………, why don’t they simply ask you to call ……………….?
  3. I was just thinking I hadn’t heard ……………….my friend Susan for a long time when I bumped ………….. her in the high street!
  4. I telephoned Customer Services  ……………. help but we were cut ……………. as I was explaining the problem and after that I couldn’t get ……………….. to them again ………………the rest of the day.

VI. Choose the correct word:

  1. Indication, gesture, signal, sign

The ……………. for a race to start is often the firing of a gun.

  1. Gain, earn, get, find

You can't expect to ……………………. a living from your painting.

  1. Work, job, favour, duty

Her economic theories are in …………………..  with the current government.

  1. Test, style, sample, taste

Please bring some …………………….. of your work to the interview. 

  1. Write a few sentences on the topic “Musical festivals unite people”.

Предварительный просмотр:

Starlight 11. Units 1.3 – 1.4 Vocabulary test.

  1. Translate the words into Russian:

1.To affect

11.To whisper

2.Beneath transmit

3.To hold a festival sigh remain mumble

5.delight mutter



7. spectator

17. amateur swap stories

18. mind

9.multitude scream unify


  1. Fill in  hand-crafted, language, main, swap, high, broaden, get, get, common  and make up 3 sentences with any.
  1. ………………………..…attraction
  2. ……………………….goods
  3. ……………………...our horizons
  4. ……………………….stories
  5. …………………….……sight
  6. ………………………...barriers
  7. …………………………..spirits
  8. ……………………………the chance

  1. Word-formation.
  1. Popular (n)
  2. Success (adj)
  3. Broad (v)
  4. Surround (n)
  5. To enjoy (n)
  6. Huge (adv)
  7. Music (n)
  8. Wear (n)
  9. Occasion (adv)
  10. Damp (v)
  11. Mistake (adv, neg)
  12. To motivate (n)

  1. Fill in the missing words:
  1. Although we all promised to keep …………………. when we left school, we soon went our separate ways and lost ……………….with one another.
  2. I  find it very annoying when you are told to hold ………………… for what seems like hours. If the operator can’t put you ………………, why don’t they simply ask you to call ……………….?
  3. I was just thinking I hadn’t heard ……………….my friend Susan for a long time when I bumped ………….. her in the high street!
  4. I telephoned Customer Services  ……………. help but we were cut ……………. as I was explaining the problem and after that I couldn’t get ……………….. to them again ………………the rest of the day.

V. Choose the appropriate word and put it in the correct form:

  1. Indication, gesture, signal, sign

They decided it would be a nice ……….. to send her a card.

  1. Gain, earn, get, find

.After ………………. independence in 1957, it was renamed 'Ghana'.

  1. Work, job, favour, duty

We feel it is our ……………………. to help her.

  1. Test, style, sample, taste

She passed her driving ………………. when she was 17.

Предварительный просмотр:

Starlight 11.Unit 1.7 Workbook.

  1.  Make or Do? (6 p 9)
  1. At his new school it was difficult for him to…….  friends.
  2. We should ………a decision about what we want to eat.
  3. Every day after school we ……..exercises.
  4. My mother wants me to ………the bed.
  5. You must ……..allowances for her, she’s very young.
  6. Stop talking to her, she’s trying to …………her job!
  7. Be careful, or you will ………..a mistake!
  8. Do you want to go out, or should I …………breakfast?
  9. My grandmother usually ………….the cooking in our family.
  10. Let me ………… a suggestion to help you.
  11. Why didn’t you …………..your homework?
  12. I am looking for a telephone because I need to  ………….a call.
  13. I think everyone should ……… effort to help the environment in some way.
  14. Try not to ………a mess while you’re cooking.
  15. We have …………changes to our house.
  16. Can you please ………..a copy of that for me?
  17. She’s the woman who …………….my hair.
  18. My cousin taught me how to ………..bread.
  19. She spends all day ………..the garden.
  20. We need you to …………an errand for us.

  1. Permit, certificate, licence or degree? (2 p 9)
  1. an official paper stating that you have completed a course of study or passed an examination  birth………, The Cambridge………, death …………, marriage …,  medical ………., etc
  2. a course of study at a university or college, or the qualification that is given to you when you have successfully completed the course  

a …………. in Economics

Applicants must have a………….. in Engineering.

A Bachelor’s …………….

  1. an official document giving you permission to own or do something for a period of time driving…./marriage……../television …….
  2. an official written statement giving you the right to do something  travel/parking/export/camping/work …………………

  1. Fill in  the words to make collocations (5 p 11)

  1.  Many people are trying ………. tourism.
  2. Athletes often suffer from …………muscles.
  3. Because he is so strong he has a …………..advantage.
  4. They spent the summer as ………………workers in Africa.
  5. A good teacher must pay attention to the …………….needs of the students.
  6. We did the job without any ……………
  7. My sister speaks four languages and works as a ……………teacher.
  8. Technology is improving on traditional …………… farming.

Предварительный просмотр:

Starlight 11. Unit 1.1-1.2 Body talk.

Fill in the word from the list.

Sparked, making, build, defensive, make, earn, deductive, searching, claiming, crossed, speak,  studying.

  1. My interest in body language was …………………by a favourite professor of mine at university.
  2. He mentioned ‘Pinocchio Syndrome’ to me one wintry morning after …………..that I always rubbed my nose when giving excuses for being late to his lectures.
  3. I earn my ……………….. by training people in non-verbal communication.
  4. Lawyers ……………..their reputation on their …………………skills.
  5. I dedicated my life to ………………….the human body language.
  6. We know that ……………….arms can be seen as either ………………………….. or aggressive.
  7. All of these ………………..volumes and can be understood if you only know how to …………..sense of the signs.
  8. A good liar is not ……………………his memory for the truth.
  9. I might think I’m ……………………….a good impression because my voice is strong and steady.

II. Match the words to their definitions:

  1. Likely to be correct
  2. Move quickly
  3. Simplest ideas
  4. Understand the meaning
  5. Make someone believe something is true
  6. Rub fingernails against the skin
  7. Unconscious physical response
  8. Suppose
  9. Believable
  10. To focus on
  11. The deciding factor
  1. Rush
  2. Scratch
  3. Reliable
  4. The basics
  5. Interpret
  6. Convincing
  7. Involuntary sign
  8. To concentrate on
  9. Assume
  10. The key
  11. Convince

III. Translate the phrases and make sentences with three of them:

  1. Business deal –
  2. Facial expressions
  3. Personal space
  4. Powers of persuasion
  5. Minor matters
  6. Completely different
  7. The pupil of the eye
  8. Code of behavior
  9. Literally
  10. To put one’s guard up

IV. Translate the sentences:

  1. Она нетерпеливо барабанила пальцами по прилавку.
  2. Джеймс только пожал плечами, когда услышал новости.
  3. Роберт склонил голову от стыда.
  4. Он задумчиво почесал голову.
  5. Я не считаю его надёжным человеком.
  6. Я не знаком ни с одной из его книг.
  7. Он щёлкнул пальцами, чтобы привлечь внимание официанта
  8. Не могу понять смысл этого письма – почерк такой плохой.

Предварительный просмотр:

Starlight 11. Unit 1.1 Body Talk.

  1. Word-formation
  1. Favour  - (adj)
  2. Winter – (adj)
  3. Apparent – (adv)
  4. Entire – (adv)
  5. Communicate – (n)
  6. To convince – (adj)
  7. Law – (n)
  8. To deduce – (n)
  9. Politics – (n)
  10. To rely – (adj)
  11. Complete – (adv)
  12. Familiar – (adj, neg)
  13. To defend – (adj)
  14. Aggression – (adj)
  15. Face – (adj)
  16. Common – (adv)
  17. To reflect – (adj)
  18. To move – (n)
  19. To lie – (n)
  20. Easy – (adv)
  21. To convince – (adj)
  22. Volunteer  - (adj, neg)
  23. Major – (n)
  24. To serve – (n)
  25. Confident – (n)
  26. To satisfy – (n)
  27. Literal – (adv)
  28. Correctly – (adv, neg)

II. Match the words to make collocations:

  1. Body
  2. To rub
  3. To give
  4. To tell
  5. To scratch
  6. To train
  7. To tell
  8. To build
  9. Deductive
  10. To gain
  11. Crossed
  12. Rhythm
  13. To speak
  14. To make
  15. To look
  16. Reflexive
  17. To search
  18. To look
  19. The pupil
  20. Involuntary
  21. To create
  22. Business
  23. To give
  24. Personal
  25. Minor
  26. Code
  27. To make/break
  28. It’s a small price
  1. support
  2. of speech
  3. to pay
  4. a good impression
  5. excuse
  6. language
  7. movements
  8. volumes
  9. a lie
  10. client
  11. one’s nose
  12. advice
  13. of behavior
  14. arms
  15. skills
  16. one’s nose
  17. sense
  18. space
  19. a business deal
  20. people
  21. the truth
  22. sign
  23. one’s memory
  24. one’s reputation
  25. matters
  26. full in the face
  27. of  the eye
  28. straight in the eye

Предварительный просмотр:

Starlight 11. Unit 1.5 More than words: mime, music and dance.

  1. Match the words to the definitions: intermission, controversy, revolutionise, acclaim, instant, genre, guarantee, entire, compassion, hilarious, approach, prestigious.
  1. To completely change the way something is done –
  2. Type of music, film, painting, etc. –
  3. Respected and admired –
  4. Extremely funny –
  5. public approval and praise
  6. to ensure –
  7. feeling of sympathy for others
  8. a way of considering or doing something
  9. a short period between the parts of a play, film, concert, etc.
  10. whole or complete, with nothing missing
  11. happening immediately, without  any  delay
  12. dispute involving strong disagreement
  1. Word-formation.
  1. To live (adj)
  2. To slip (n)
  3. To recognize (adj)
  4. Power (adj)
  5. To imagine (adj)
  6. To perform (n)
  7. To compose (n)
  8. Literal (adv)
  9. Universe (adv)
  10. Grace (adj)
  11. To laugh (n)
  12. Silent (n)
  13. To forget (adj, neg)
  14. Cello (n)
  15. To compose (n)
  16. Remark (adj)

  1. Translate the words

1.fluffy calm down

2.worldwide cause

3. masterpiece


4. to captivate acknowledge

5. blizzard of art

6. to sweep across blend

7. to sprinkle


8. snowflakes


9. to break with


10. a riot inspire

  1. What performance (ballet, opera, concert, musical) would you like to attend and why? Write 5-6 sentences.

Предварительный просмотр:

Starlight 11. Unit 1.5 More than words: mime, music and dance.

  1. Match the words to the definitions: intermission, controversy, revolutionise, acclaim, instant, genre, guarantee, entire, compassion, hilarious, approach, prestigious.
  1. To completely change the way something is done –
  2. Type of music, film, painting, etc. –
  3. Respected and admired –
  4. Extremely funny –
  5. public approval and praise
  6. to ensure –
  7. feeling of sympathy for others
  8. a way of considering or doing something
  9. a short period between the parts of a play, film, concert, etc.
  10. whole or complete, with nothing missing
  11. happening immediately, without  any  delay
  12. dispute involving strong disagreement
  1. Word-formation.
  1. To live (adj)
  2. To slip (n)
  3. To recognize (adj)
  4. Power (adj)
  5. To imagine (adj)
  6. To perform (n)
  7. To compose (n)
  8. Literal (adv)
  9. Universe (adv)
  10. Grace (adj)
  11. To laugh (n)
  12. Silent (n)
  13. To forget (adj, neg)
  14. Cello (n)
  15. To compose (n)
  16. Remark (adj)

  1. Translate the words

1.fluffy calm down

2.worldwide cause

3. masterpiece


4. to captivate acknowledge

5. blizzard of art

6. to sweep across blend

7. to sprinkle


8. snowflakes


9. to break with


10. a riot inspire

  1. Translate the sentences;
  1. К счастью, мой работодатель очень добродушный, поэтому я всегда могу отдохнуть, если мне нужно.
  2. У нее настолько широкие взгляды, что её никогда не шокирует поведение других людей.
  3. Несмотря на все её проблемы, она не вешает нос.
  4. Он подпрыгнул от неожиданности, когда я похлопал его по плечу.
  5. Вы не можете винить других за безразличие к вашим проблемам.
  6. Терпение – ключ к успеху.
  7. Он лгал нам, но мы видели его насквозь.
  8. Всегда отстаивай свои права.

VII. Fill in the correct particle into the sentence: off up up for off up

1 The thieves ran ……………down the street with the police chasing them.

2 We put our cousins on the train and saw them …………on their journey home.

3 I am standing in ……………the boss today as she is ill.

4 I can put you ………..for the weekend.

5 I really need to take ………..a sport this year.

6 He cut …………….the newspaper and stuck the article in an album.

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