Викторина:'' I know the Britain and the USA.Do you?''
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме

урок- повторение  на материале учебника - И.Н. Верещагиной,О.В.Афанасьевой "English IV"


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                                         We  know  America and Britain. Do you?!

Тип урока: урок-повторение

Технологии: игровая( с элементами групповой работы)

Целевая аудитория: учащиеся конца 7года обучения-8 класс

**The class/group is divided in 2 teams.

I. Warming up (Each pupil should remember at least one fact about these countries)

(2 мин.)

II.T.-Say what englishmen think of their homes (MY HOME IS MY CASTLE / EAST OR WEST-HOME IS BEST).The winner gets the right to start the next contest fist.

III. Correlate the dates/days/numbers and events.Group them in 2 groups:American/British.

(Карточки разрезаются,перемешиваются **Карточки должны быть разных цветов,например : даты-зеленые/события черные)

The first English settlements appeared In


17-th century

Wars of the Roses(houses of Lancastes and York fight for the throne)


American declaration of Independence


American War of Independence


Guy Fawkes*Day

5-th ,November

St. Valentine*s Day

14-th ,February

Independence Day


Thanksgiving Day

The 4-th Thursday of November

Christmas Day

25-th, December



Stripes on the US flag


Stars on the US flag( or states in the USA)


April Fool*s Day

1-st ,April

Discovery of America


The Great Fire of London


Downing street


**The  first  team that finishes the  task wins(for extra information about events teams get additional scores)

IV.***2 types of cards

  1. Remember the names of  the capitals of: England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland.

Wins the team that finishes the task the first.

  1. Remember the names of British or American cities (the teams firs discuss and write them down)Wins the team that gives the answer  last.

V. A break. Teams get cards with the words and a *snake* puzzle- they must remember the opposites to the words given so,that the next word begins with the last letter of the previous one.

Words:late, no, big, more, buy, short, bad, up, far, poor, low, cold.






















VII.T. Say what is common between  the American and  the British flags?

The first who answers has the right to choose the flag of which country to draw.

(the teams draw the flags)

VIII.T. Let’s round up. Now you are to answer the questions( you may discuss the answers for  5 sec. and write the answer)Then we’ll count the correct answers and name the winner.

                                                               The QUIZ.(America)

  1. Christofer Columbus discovered America in…(1492)
  2. What part of America did he discover?(central)
  3. What  is the ‘’May Flower’’?(a ship)
  4. The first English settlements appeared in America in…? (1620/the 17-th century)
  5. What tradition did the colonists start?( Thanksgiving day)
  6. What is the capital of the USA? ( Washington DC)
  7. The official national symbol of the USA? (the eagle)

                                                      The QUIZ. (The UK).


  1. Were does the Queen live?
  2. What is the symbol of England?
  3. What can you see in Trafalgar square ?
  4. What is ‘’5 o’clock’’ ?
  5. What is Oxford street famous for?
  6. What is the historical name of London?
  7. What is the traditional  British food?
  8. Where is the speakers corner?

T. Thank you children for your work, I hope you’ve enjoyed it too.Let’s see the results and congratulate the winners! (***they can be given some prize ex. Chocolates/pens… )

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