презентация урока по теме "Внешность человека"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
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Цель: научить школьников давать характеристику внешности человека, анализировать, уметь высказывать своё мнение, воспитать потребность в практическом использовании языка в различных ситуациях; расширять эрудицию учащихся, их общий кругозор, учить уметь находить прекрасное человеке. Урок-диспут по теме «ВНЕШНОСТЬ»
ВСТУПИТЕЛЬНОЕ СЛОВО Dear pupils, today we have our conclusion lesson on the topic “Appearance”. They say “Tastes differ”. Try to explain this proverb. What does it mean? Who wants to be first?
Somebody likes a tall man, other likes a short one; somebody likes a thick man, other likes a thin one. Some people are blond, others have red hair. And every man has his particular feature that differs one from another. Please, describe yourself using these words: height, body, figure, face, eyes, nose, forehead, resemblance.
Now try to describe your friend, please. What do you like in his/her appearance? What you don’t like. What, to your opinion, he/she should change.
Your task is: Girls, try to describe the appearance of an ideal man. Boys, do you agree? Boys, try to describe the appearance of an ideal woman. Girls, do you agree?
Now let’s discuss these problems: Is appearance the most important thing in a man’s life? Does man’s appearance influence his character, his life? When people say “a beautiful woman”, do they mean her appearance only? What did A. P. Chekhov mean saying “eyes are the mirror of a soul”?
Imagine, that you came back home and your neighbours told you that a stranger had visited your place during your absence. You may be told that it was a young woman of about 20. Let’s listen to a dialogue.
Task: You will be presented 4 styles. Look at the models and read the information. Get ready to answer the questions.
Natural Style Curly hair, natural make-up colors, goldish skin. It looks as if you have just woken up, but look wonderful.
Fatal Style Grey eyes, pale lips will make you look younger. The hairstyle adds mystery to the image.
Glamorous Style Bright red lips, fresh shining face. Use this style if you want to attract somebody. But take care – it makes you look older. And don’t forget to take your hair away from the face.
Youthful Style Playful make-up - bright eyes, pink lips. Hair of different levels makes the image more stylish.
What clothes should you wear with each style?
In what situation would you create each style?
Which style do you like the most?
What style, in your opinion, is the most Popular with men?
All these images were presented by one and the same woman . Look once again and read the opinions of the men.
What men say about all this: Eugene, 24: The glamorous image is bright and energetic, and the fatal one is too mournful; Viktor,22: I like the 2 nd image – it’s mysterious and attractive. As for the 1 st style, I like the hairstyle there. Andrew,21: The 3 rd image is too Americanized, and the 4 th is repulsive, I like the 2 nd one because of the bright eyes. Konstsntin,34: I prefer the 3 rd girl – the lipstick is attractive and the eyes are not very bright. And I also like the 4 th girl – she is extravagant!
Thank you for your participation!
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