The UK quiz
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме

Савушкина Олеся Юрьевна

A 'Who Wants To Be a Millionaire" presentation to revise the main facts about the UK. 40 questions. Animated. Fully editable.


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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

How much do you know United Kingdom? about the…

Слайд 2

Question #1 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is in... B - Europe A - Africa C - America D - Asia B - Europe

Слайд 3

Question #2 The UK consists of ... countries. B - two A - three C - five D - four D - four

Слайд 4

Question #3 The country is NOT washed by the... B – North Sea A – Atlantic Ocean C – Indian Ocean D – Irish Sea C – Indian Ocean

Слайд 5

Question #4 The population of the UK is ... million people. B - 62 A - 10 C - 114 D – 55 B - 62

Слайд 6

Question #5 The official currency of the UK is... B - pound sterling A - euro C – US dollar D - rouble В - pound sterling

Слайд 7

Question #6 Great Britain consists of... B – England, Scotland, Wales A - England, Wales, N. Ireland C - Wales, Scotland, N. Ireland D - England, N. Ireland, Wales B - England, Scotland, Wales

Слайд 8

Question #7 The largest country of the UK is... B - England A - Scotland C - Wales D – Northern Ireland B - England

Слайд 9

Question #8 The smallest country of the UK is... B - Scotland A - England C - Wales D – Northern Ireland D – Northern Ireland

Слайд 10

Question #9 The symbol of Scotland is the ... B - shamrock A - thistle C - daffodil D - rose A - thistle

Слайд 11

Question #10 The capital of Wales is... B - Edinburgh A - Belfast C - Cardiff D - London C - Cardiff

Слайд 12

Question #11 A red rose is the symbol of... B - England A - Scotland C - Wales D – Northern Ireland B - England

Слайд 13

Question #12 It is the capital city of the UK, it was founded by the ancient Romans 2,000 years ago. B - London A - Edinburgh C - Cardiff D - Belfast B - London

Слайд 14

Question #13 B - rose A - thistle C - daffodil D - shamrock C - daffodil The symbols of Wales are leek and...

Слайд 15

Question #14 This country is famous for kilts, bagpipes, whiskey and Nessie; it is the country of lochs and legends. B - Wales A - England C - Scotland D – Northern Ireland C - Scotland

Слайд 16

Question #15 Eisteddfod is a(n) ... festival of poetry, music and songs. B - Irish A - English C - Scottish D - Welsh D - Welsh

Слайд 17

Question #16 It is the most mysterious landmark of England. B - Stonehenge A - Loch Ness C - Harlech Castle D – The Giant’s Causeway B - Stonehenge

Слайд 18

Question #17 The Irish wear the ... on St. Patrick’s Day. B - rose A - shamrock C - thistle D - daffodil A - shamrock

Слайд 19

Question #18 The official flag of the UK is called the... B – Unified Jack A – United Jack C – Unity Jack D – Union Jack D – Union Jack

Слайд 20

Question #19 Northern Ireland is famous for... B – The Giant’s Causeway A - Stonehenge C – Loch Ness Monster D – Snowdonia National Park B – The Giant’s Causeway

Слайд 21

Question #20 The longest river of the UK is the... B - Avon A - Thames C - Severn D - Tweed C - Severn

Слайд 22

Question #21 The highest mountains of the UK are the... B – Pennines A - Grampians C - Cambrians D – Mourne Mountains A - Grampians

Слайд 23

Question #22 The highest peak of the country is... B – Ben Nevis A - Snowdon C – Scafell Pike D – Slieve Donard B – Ben Nevis

Слайд 24

Question #23 The largest city of the UK stands on the river... B - Severn A - Mersey C - Thames D - Avon C - Thames

Слайд 25

Question #24 Lough Neagh, the largest lake of the UK, is in... B – Northern Ireland A - Wales C - England D - Scotland В – Northern Ireland

Слайд 26

Question #25 The national sport of England is... B - golf A - cricket C - tennis D - rugby A - cricket

Слайд 27

Question #26 There is a Red Dragon on the ... flag B - Scottish A - English C - Welsh D - Irish C - Welsh

Слайд 28

Question #27 One of the languages of this country is Gaelic. B - Wales A - England C – Northern Ireland D - Scotland D - Scotland

Слайд 29

Question #28 The UK is ruled by the Queen.... B – Elizabeth II A – Elizabeth I C – Elizabeth III D – Elizabeth IV B – Elizabeth II

Слайд 30

Question #29 William Shakespeare, the greatest British playwright, was born in... B - London A – Stratford-on-Avon C - Manchester D - Cambridge A – Stratford-on-Avon

Слайд 31

Question #30 This British city is famous for its University. B - London A - Cardiff C - Leeds D - Oxford D - Oxford

Слайд 32

Question #31 This city was founded by the Vikings. B - London A - Bath C - York D - Cambridge C - York

Слайд 33

Question #32 The national Scottish sport is... B - cricket A - golf C - football D - rugby A - golf

Слайд 34

Question #33 This country is called ‘The land of Princes and Castles’: there are more than 400 castles there. B - Northern Ireland A - England C - Wales D - Scotland C - Wales

Слайд 35

Question #34 The largest city of Scotland is… B - Glasgow A - Edinburgh C - Aberdeen D - Dundee B - Glasgow

Слайд 36

Question #35 One of these sights is NOT in England. B - Hadrian’s Wall A - Stonehenge C - Lake District D – Loch Lomond D – Loch Lomond

Слайд 37

Question #36 This annual event takes place in Scotland. B – Highland Games A – Eisteddfod C – Belfast Festival D – Notting Hill Carnival B – Highland Games

Слайд 38

Question #37 One of these sights is NOT in London. B - The Houses of Parliament A - Holyrood Palace C - The British Museum D - Trafalgar Square A - Holyrood Palace

Слайд 39

Question #38 The flag of this country is a white cross on a navy blue field. B - Northern Ireland A - Wales C - England D - Scotland D - Scotland

Слайд 40

Question #39 The national musical instrument of the Irish is the... B - bagpipes A - harp C - violin D - flute ? - harp

Слайд 41

Question #40 The British Prime Minister is... B – David Cameron A – Gordon Brown C – Tony Blair D – Margaret Thatcher B – David Cameron

Слайд 42


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