диагностические работы
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
Окружной предметный мониторинг 2011-2012 уч.год. Английский язык – 8.
Диагностическая работа по английскому языку. 8 класс
Задание 1. Прочитайте текст What happens when we sleep и заполните пропуски в тексте (A1-A6) подходящими по смыслу словами, два слова лишние
- was b) on c) weekend d) were e) the f) any g) some h) quite
A7 ________________________
Our adventurous reporter Rita Slavin went to a Sleep Laboratory and spent the weekend fast asleep. What did she find out? Approximately one third of our life is spent asleep but when I started to think about sleep, I realized that my mind was completely blank. All I knew was that all creatures go to sleep at some point in 24 hours. To find out more, I went to spend a A1 __________ with Dr. Hernandez, director of the local Sleep Laboratory. I took a long list of questions to ask her.
A8 _________________________
First of all, I wanted to know why we asleep. Dr. Hernandez said: “Well, years ago we didn’t really know, but recent science has shown that people who don’t sleep enough soon get ill and often die.” So it seems that when we sleep our bodies are being “repaired”. She went A2 __________ to say that a lot of natural chemicals come into our blood while we sleep and these can help cure minor illnesses such as colds. I wondered if our bodies experience A3__________ other changes while we sleep. Dr. Hernandez replied: “In some stages of sleep the heart rate and our breathing slow down but in other stages the opposite happens – the heart rate increases and our breathing becomes A4 ___________ rapid. During the night our body temperature drops by one or two degrees too.”
A9 _________________________
In the laboratory there were six volunteers fast asleep with wires attached to their heads. The wires were connected to a monitor. The monitor A5 ____________ measuring the brain’s electrical activity and showed which of the four stages of sleep the volunteers were in.
A10 ________________________
I wanted to know what happened in the different stages. Dr. Hernandez explained: “After we have slept through the four stages – which takes about 40 minutes – we then go backwards through the stages again, four, three, two, one. Stage four is A6 ____________ deepest sleep. Each stage is deeper than the one before. Look now at the volunteers’ eyes. Those rapid eye movements (REM) are telling us that they are dreaming. If we wake them up now they’ll remember their dreams quite clearly.”
Задание 2.
Установите соответствие между заголовками (А7—А10) и частями текста.
Один заголовок лишний.
- Four stages of sleep
- Experiments in the laboratory
- Experienced changes
- Reasons for visiting
- It is your turn to have a go
Задание 3
Прочитайте текст еще раз и установите соответствие между утверждениями А11-А16 и содержанием текста. Отметьте каждое утверждение TRUE, если оно соответствует содержанию текста, FALSE, если оно не соответствует содержанию текста, NOT STATED, если в тексте нет точной информации.
А11. Rita Slavin visited a Sleep Laboratory to get some extra information about sleep.
А12. People sleep for one fifth of their life.
А13. Sleep influences our health.
А 14. There are no changes in our bodies while we sleep.
А15. We can check the stages of sleep with the help of a monitor.
А16. Everyone sleeps eight hours a night.
Задание 4
Прочитайте текст и выберите наиболее подходящий вариант ответа А17-А20
А17. Rita Slavin went to a Sleep Laboratory because
- She wanted to spend the weekend fast asleep
- She realized that she had not enough knowledge concerning the problem.
- She wanted to meet six volunteers
А18. Recent science has shown that.
a) Sleeping doesn’t help us to overcome illnesses
b) When we sleep something changes in our bodies
c) When we sleep our bodies are being «crashed»
А19. It is scientifically proved that
a) Each stage of sleep is as deep as the one before
b) We never go backwards through the stages again
c) In takes us 40 minutes to sleep through the four stages
А20. Dr. Hernandez explained that
a) There were no volunteers in the laboratory
b) The monitor was measuring the rapid eye movements
- The device showed which of the four stages of sleep the patients were in
Бланк ответов
Окружной предметный мониторинг 2011-2012 учебный год. Английский язык – 8.
ОУ ____________________ ЮАО Дата ______________________________
Фамилия, имя _________________________________________________________
A1 | A2 | A3 | A4 | A5 | A6 | A7 | A8 | A9 | A10 |
A11 | A12 | A13 | A14 | A15 | A16 | A17 | A18 | A19 | A20 |
Бланк ответов
Окружной предметный мониторинг 2011-2012 учебный год. Английский язык – 8.
ОУ ____________________ ЮАО Дата ______________________________
Фамилия, имя _________________________________________________________
A1 | A2 | A3 | A4 | A5 | A6 | A7 | A8 | A9 | A10 |
A11 | A12 | A13 | A14 | A15 | A16 | A17 | A18 | A19 | A20 |
Бланк ответов
Окружной предметный мониторинг 2011-2012 учебный год. Английский язык – 8.
ОУ ____________________ ЮАО Дата ______________________________
Фамилия, имя _________________________________________________________
A1 | A2 | A3 | A4 | A5 | A6 | A7 | A8 | A9 | A10 |
A11 | A12 | A13 | A14 | A15 | A16 | A17 | A18 | A19 | A20 |
Бланк ответов
Окружной предметный мониторинг 2011-2012 учебный год. Английский язык – 8.
ОУ ____________________ ЮАО Дата ______________________________
Фамилия, имя _________________________________________________________
A1 | A2 | A3 | A4 | A5 | A6 | A7 | A8 | A9 | A10 |
A11 | A12 | A13 | A14 | A15 | A16 | A17 | A18 | A19 | A20 |
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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