как встечают новый год в различных странах
занимательные факты по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме
Материал дает представление о встречи нового года в различных станах
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Many, many years ago different peoples on our planet lived in isolation. They had their own traditions and calendars. The man noticed, that cold weather is changed by warm, dry periods by rains. People wanted to prepare themselves for such changes and began to associate them with the sun or the moon cycles. They began to celebrate the starting point of such circle. Those were the first celebrations of the New Year. Now most countries celebrate the New Year on the 1st of January, but many peoples still preserve their old customs and celebrate their own New Year.
The New Year in China is celebrated during the first new moon of the year, between the 12-th of January and the 19-th of February. Is the holiday of spring. The Chinese clean their homes, wash up on the eve of the holiday. They do it to get rid of old troubles and sorrows. They paint their windows and doors red to attract luck. The main symbol of Chinese New Year is a red lantern, made of rice paper, it brings luck and protects houses from mystical monster , which lives in the sea. The festival of spring lasts for several days. There are different performances, dances in the masks of dragons, sport competitions.
The New Year in Iran is on the day of spring equinox
It is called -new day. It is the festival of spring, when people express their hopes for a good harvest. People celebrate it in daytime among relatives, at the table with lots of food. There should be 7 products, their names beginning with “s”. All the greenery, used to decorate the table, should be planted by the host of the table. There also should be the Koran, a gold fish in aquarium , a mirror and burning candles in front of it. Their reflection symbolizes the sun. Navruz is also celebrated in Pakistan, Turkey,.Kazakhstan and other Asian countries.
The New Year in Thailand comes at night on the 13-th of April. It is called -moving from one place to another. There are 29 or 30 days in turn in Buddists’ calendar. Leap year comes once in 19 years and it is one month longer. People in Thailand live according the western calendar, but count the years according the Buddists’one (2013+543=2556). In the morning people go to the temple. When they return home, they wash the home statue of Budda and the hands of their parents. Wet congratulations are wishes of happiness and wealth.
People in Mexico celebrate the New Year in late July – the beginning of August. Modern Indians have a fiesta
People in Israel celebrate
on the anniversary of the creation of the world. It begins before the sunset. The hostess lits the candles and people gather around the table. Fish is the symbol of fertility and round slices of carrot remind golden coins. People eat apples with honey and wish each other good and sweet year. The next morning everybody attends the church service.
The Muslims use a calendar, which begins from the moving of Muhammad from Mecca to medina. It happened on the 16-th of July 622. But the date always changes, as the year is 10 or 11 days shorter, than the sun year. The Muslims don’t have any special celebrations, but they believe, that the first month determines the rest of the year, so wars and conflicts are forbidden. The best thing is to serve the God.
Nearly every state in India has its own New Year traditions and even dates, because every new leader wanted to be remembered. The New Year comes on the 22-d of March, on the 13-th of April, on the 21-st of April, on the 22-d of June, in October. For example in Assam it is celebrated in April as a holiday of domestic cattle. The houses are decorated with flowers and candles. There are carnivals with traditional national dances and the rich give presents to poor relatives. But whenever people in India celebrate The New Year, the common thing is their behavior. Everyone tries to be kind and merry, as it will influence the coming year.
You see, if you don’t mind travelling, you can celebrate your favourite holiday several times a year. People hope for the best and believe, that the New Year will be good and happy. That’s why this holiday is so beautiful with decorations, presents and congratulations. May be just now somebody wishes his nearest and dearest: ”Happy New Year!”
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