Олимпиада по английскому языку в 9-11 классах
олимпиадные задания по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
Задания разработаны для муниципальной олимпиады в Вязниковском районе
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Муниципальный этап
Всероссийской олимпиады школьников
по английскому языку
9-11 классы
2010 г.
Олимпиада по английскому языку включает в себя следующие разделы:
I. Письмо.( 45 минут)
Участникам предлагается написать сочинение на конкретную тему. Объем сочинения не должен превышать 200-250 слов.
II. Лексико-грамматический тест. ( 45 минут)
Тест состоит из двух частей A и B. В первой части участникам предлагается выбрать единственно правильный ответ из четырех вариантов. Во второй части требуется преобразовать слова, напечатанные прописными буквами в скобках, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста.
III. Чтение. ( 60 минут)
Первая часть (A) нацелена на полное понимание предложенного фабульного текста путем выполнения задания на выбор правильного варианта.
Вторая часть (В) представляет собой страноведческий тест с заданиями на частичное понимание.
IV. Аудирование.(30 минут)
Участникам предлагается прослушать текст и выполнить задание на определение истинности высказывания.
V. Устная речь.
Устная речь представлена в двух частях: монологическое высказывание и диалог по предложенным темам.
Критерия оценивания
Письмо – 20
Лексико-грамматический тест – 20
Чтение - 20
Аудирование – 20
Устная речь – 20
Максимальное количество баллов - 100
Муниципальный этап
Всероссийской олимпиады школьников
по английскому языку
9-11 классы, 2010 год
Часть 1. Письмо
It is no wonder that the Internet has become one of the most important things of our everyday life. It suggests a lot of social projects like “Odnoklassniki”, “In the Contact”, “Facebook”, etc.
Ответьте на вопрос: “What are the advantages and drawbacks of such type of communication and the way of making friends?” и напишите сочинение (200 – 250) слов.
Муниципальный этап
Всероссийской олимпиады школьников
по английскому языку
9-11 классы, 2010 год
Часть 2. Лексико-грамматический тест
Выберите правильный ответ, обводя его кружком.
1. This money ______ not enough to buy the book.
a) are c) have
b) is d) has
2. She made her husband ______ the tree.
a) to cut down c) to have cut down
b) cut down d) cutting down
3. You _______ nothing unless you ______ a microscope.
It is the most interesting specimen I ______.
a) see, don't use, ever see c) will see, use, have ever seen
b) will see, don't use, have ever seen d) won't see, won't use, ever saw
4. You ______ to prepare the room for our guests. They _____ arrive tomorrow or the day after.
a) must, must c) can, can
b) may, may d) need, may
5. She looks ______ today.
a) happily c) happy
b) nicely d) beautifully
6. His hands are dirty. He ______ the car.
a) repaired c) will repair
b) repairs d) has been repairing
7. The ______ document worried me.
a) lost c) losing
b) being lost d) having lost
8. It was far ______ than he expected, so he made up his mind to spend twice as ______ money as he had wanted.
a) more cheaper, more c) the cheapest, the most
b) more cheap, a lot d) cheaper, much
9. It is ______ how ideas come, like a _______ of lightening.
a) funnily, stroke c) funny, clap
b) funny, flash d) funnily, bit
10. Near the centre of _____ City there stand ____ St. Paul's Cathedral, ____ Bank of England, ____ Royal Exchange, ____ Stock Exchange, and the rest of ____ London's financial district.
a) the, the, the, the, the, the c) ____, _____, the, _____, _____, the
b) the, _____, the, the, the, _____ d) ____, the, ____, _____, _____, _____
11. They don't think so, ______.
a) so do you c) neither I do
b) so I do d) neither do I
12. Nobody knew where ______ at the moment.
a) she was c) she is
b) she has been d) she had been
13. She kept ______ they must be economical ______ they were not rich.
a) on saying, though c) saying, since
b) say, till d) to say, as
14. _____ computers are used extensively in scientific _____ to solve mathematical problems, display complicated data, or model systems that are too ______ or impractical to build.
a) The, researches, cost c) ____, research, costly
b) The, research, cost d) ____, researches, costly
15. Is _______ knocking at the door?
a) nobody c) somebody
b) anybody d) some
16. Alaska _____ to the United States since 1867, when it _____ from Russia by Secretary of State William H. Seward.
a) belonged, has been bought с) has been belonged, was bought
b) had belonged, has been bought d) has belonged, was bought
17. Tourism is _____ important; the country _____ 1.2 million visitors in 1998.
a) increasingly, has had c) increasingly, had
b) more increasingly, had d) the most increasing, has had
18. Their house is ______ to the school.
a) close c) near
b) nearly d) closely
19. Have you had your lunch _______ ? – No, I'm going to do it now.
a) already c) just
b) still d) yet
20. They were designed to serve ______ all-inclusive textbooks and thus differed _____ modern encyclopedias, which serve chiefly _____ reference sources.
a) as, in, as c) like, in, like
b) like, from, like d) as, from, as.
Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные прописными буквами в скобках, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста.
Scarlet fever is an (1) ______ (INFECTION) disease, caused by bacteria, which usually enter the body through the nose or mouth. The disease most (2) _____ (COMMON) affects children between the ages of two and ten. The typical (3) _____ (INITIALIZE) symptoms of the disease are headache, sore throat, chills and fever. From two to three days after the first (4) ______ (APPEAR) of symptoms, red spots may emerge on the tongue, called “strawberry tongue”. A characteristic skin (5) ______ (ERUPT) appears on the chest and usually spreads over the entire body except the face. The fever, which frequently runs as high as 40° to 40.6°C, generally lasts only a few days but may extend to a week or (6) _____ (LONG). The rash usually fades in a week, and at that time the skin begins to peel. Other diseases may become (7) ______ (COMPLICATE) of scarlet fever, for example, pneumonia. Since the introduction of penicillin, however, scarlet fever can be cured without the (8) ______ (OCCUR) of permanent after-effects.
1) | 2) | 3) | 4) |
5) | 6) | 7) | 8) |
Муниципальный этап
Всероссийской олимпиады школьников
по английскому языку
9-11 классы, 2010 год
Часть 3. Чтение
Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 1 – 5.
There are still some rich people in the world. Many of them lead lives of particular pleasure. But rich people do have their problems. They are seldom problems of finance, since most rich people have enough sense to hire other people to take care of their worries. But there are other, more genuine problems. They are the problems of behaviour.
Let me tell you a story which happened to my uncle Octavian a full thirty years ago. At that time I myself was fifteen. Uncle Octavian was then a rich man. He was a charming host whose villa was very popular among the great. He was a hospitable man until January 3, 1925.
There was nothing special about that day in the life of Uncle Octavian, except that it was his fifty-fifth birthday. As usual on such a day he was giving a party for twelve people. All of them were old friends.
I, myself, aged fifteen, was deeply privileged. As a special surprise on this happy day, I was allowed to come down to dinner. It was exciting for me to be admitted to such company, which included a newspaper editor of exceptional intelligence and his fabulous American wife, a recent prime-minister of France and a German prince and a princess. Even today, 30 years later, one may fairly admit that the company was unbelievably great. But I should also stress that they were all old and close friends of Uncle Octavian.
Towards the end of a wonderful dinner, when dessert had been brought in and the servants had left, my uncle leant forward to admire a magnificent diamond ring on the princess's hand. She was a pretty woman. She turned her hand gracefully towards my uncle. Across the table, the newspaper editor leant across and said: "May I also have a look?" She smiled and nodded. Then she took off the ring and held it out to him. "It was my grandmother's – the old empress," she said. "I have not worn it for many years. It is said to have once belonged to Genghis Khan".
There were exclamations of delight and admiration. The ring was passed from hand to hand. For a moment it rested on my own palm, gleaming splendidly. Then I passed it on to the neat person. As I turned away again, I saw her pass it on.
It was some 20 minutes later when the princess stood up and said: "Before we leave you, may I have my ring back?" There was a pause, while we looked expectantly at each other. Then there was silence. The princess was still smiling, though less easily. She was unused to asking for things twice. The silence continued, I still thought that it could only be a practical joke, and that one of us – probably the prince himself – would produce the ring with a laugh. But when nothing happened at all, I knew that the rest of the night would be dreadful.
I am sure that you can guess the sort of scene that followed. The guests were really confused – all of them, old and valued friends. There was a nervous search of the whole room. But it did not bring the princess' ring back again. It had vanished – a priceless thing, worth possibly two hundred thousand pounds – in a roomful of twelve people, all known to each other.
No servants had entered the room. No one had left it for a moment. The thief was one of us, one of Uncle Octavian's close friends.
I remember it was the French cabinet minister who had already started to turn out his pockets, before my uncle stopped him. "There will be no search in my house," he commanded. "You are all my friends. The ring can only be lost. If it is not found" – he bowed towards the princess – "I will naturally repay its cost myself."
The ring was never found, it never appeared, either then or later.
To our family's surprise, Uncle Octavian was a comparatively poor man, when he died. And I should say that he died with the special sadness of a hospitable host who never gave a single lunch or dinner party for the last thirty years of his life.
Задания 1 – 4. Ответьте на вопрос, выбрав одну букву, соответствующую правильному ответу, обводя ее кружком.
1. What kind of man was Uncle Octavian thirty years ago?
a) Uncle Octavian was a rich and snobbish man.
b) Uncle Octavian was a rich man and a charming host.
c) Uncle Octavian was a comparatively poor man who liked to invite rich people.
d) Uncle Octavian was a rude and greedy man.
2. In what way did he want to celebrate his fifty-fifth birthday?
a) He decided to invite his relatives.
b) He wanted to celebrate his birthday in a small group of three-four close friends.
c) He was giving a party for twelve people who were old and close friends of his.
d) The whole city was going to celebrate Uncle Octavian’s birthday.
3. What was peculiar about the princess’ ring?
a) Her grandmother had not worn it for many years since the princess was born.
b) The prince produced this ring at the party as a present to the princess.
c) It was a useless thing of no worth at all.
d) It was a magnificent diamond ring once belonged to an outstanding woman.
4. Who was the thief?
a) The thief was Uncle Octavian because he wanted to repay the cost of the lost ring.
b) The thief was the French cabinet minister because he tried to turn out his pockets.
c) The thief was the prince himself because he wanted to make a joke.
d) The ring was never found because Uncle Octavian didn’t want to search his close friends.
Задание 5. Дайте развернутый ответ на следующий вопрос: “Problems of behaviour– what are they? Have you ever run across them? What do you know about them?”
Муниципальный этап
Всероссийской олимпиады школьников
по английскому языку
9-11 классы, 2010 год
Страноведческий тест
Установите, о каких национальных эмблемах Великобритании (темы A – E) идет речь в текстах 1 – 4. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.
А. ROSE D. SHAMROCK (клевер)
B. DAFFODIL (нарцисс) E. LILAC (сирень)
C. THISTLE (чертополох)
1. It is the national flower of Wales. One sort of this flower grows only in a small area around Tenby. In Wales it is traditional to wear this flower on Saint David's Day (March 1). This has led to suggestions that the name of the plant may have been influenced by the name "Dafydd," a Welsh form of "David". In some other countries the yellow variation of the flower is associated with Easter.
2. It is the traditional floral heraldic emblem of England and takes its name and origins from the Tudor dynasty. Henry Tudor took the crown of England from Richard III in battle. That was the end of the Wars of the Roses between the House of Lancaster and the House of York. His father was Edmund Tudor from the House of Richmond, and his mother was Margaret Beaufort from the House of Lancaster; he married Elizabeth of York to stop all conflicts. The symbol is often depicted in two colours – white on red and is always described, heraldically, as "proper".
3. It is a symbol of Ireland. It is a three-leafed old white clover. The plant was traditionally used for its medical properties. According to the legend it was used by Saint Patrick to illustrate the idea of the Trinity (the unity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). Organizations, businesses and places around the world with links to Ireland often use this plant to advertise their connections.
4. It has been the national emblem of Scotland since the time of Alexander III (1249–1286) and was used on silver coins. According to the legend, the Norse army tried to attack the Scots army at night. During this operation one Norseman, who had no boots on, stepped upon this plant and cried with pain. The Scots woke up and met the Norse army. The plant prefers dry summer; it grows in sandy soils which are rich in salts. It may grow along roadsides, in fields, and agricultural areas.
- –
- –
- –
- –
Ответьте на вопросы, обводя правильный вариант кружком:
1) Which of these plants comes from the word "David"?
2) Which of these plants was traditionally used for its medical properties?
3) Which of these plants origins from the Tudor dynasty?
4) Which of these plants woke up the Scots?
5) Which of these plants illustrates the idea of the Trinity?
6) Which of these plants is often depicted in two colours?
7) Which of these plants grows in sandy soils?
8) Which of these plants is associated with Easter?
1) A B C D E | 3) A B C D E | 5) A B C D E | 7) A B C D E |
2) A B C D E | 4) A B C D E | 6) A B C D E | 8) A B C D E |
Муниципальный этап
Всероссийской олимпиады школьников
по английскому языку
9-11 классы, 2010 год
Часть 4. Аудирование
Прослушайте текст и определите, какие из предложенных высказываний являются верными.
The story of the Native Americans – or the American Indians – is unique, tragic and inspiring. It is unique because the Indians were the original inhabitants of the American continent and experienced every phase of its European settlement. It is tragic because the conflict between the Indians and white people was parallel to the process of coming in contact with other industrialized societies. It is an inspiring story because the Native Americans, although lost much of their land in the 19th century, have survived, have defended their political and economic rights, and have succeeded in saving their identity and culture despite the knocks of modern civilization.
Today the Native Americans are full citizens of the United States. They are proud of their own cultural treasure, which they are trying to protect and maintain.
Marks of that treasure can be found all over the United States. Many of the proper names on the map of the United States – Massachusetts, Ohio, Michigan, Kansas – are Indian words. The Indians taught the Europeans how to cultivate crops such as corn, tomatoes, potatoes, tobacco.
About half of the Indians in the United States live in large cities and rural areas throughout the country. The rest of them live in about 300 federal reservations (land set for their use).
Today, there are about 1,4 million Native Americans, which is believed to be more than there were when the first European explorers arrived in the New World.
True or False?
1. The story of the Native Americans is one of the funniest in the history of the mankind.
2. The Indians were the original inhabitants of the American continent.
3. The Native Americans have managed to retain their identity and culture.
4. It's almost impossible to find any marks of the Indians' culture in the USA nowadays.
5. Today all Indians live in federal reservations.
1) True False | 2) True False | 3) True False | 4) True False | 5) True False |
Часть 5. Устная речь
Монологическое высказывание
Сформулируйте Ваше представление о возможности дополнительного заработка для молодежи, ответив на вопрос «What is true: concentrate on studying while at school or earn some money working part-time?».
Many people have to work day and night without having a rest to eat properly. Discuss the problem of fast food and answer the questions: What are the reasons of fast food popularity in Russia? What effects may fast food make on our health? Where do you prefer to have a bite?
Муниципальный этап
Всероссийской олимпиады школьников
по английскому языку
9-11 классы, 2010 год
Часть 2
- – b
- – b
- – c
- – d
- – c
- – d
- – a
- – d
- – b
- – b
- – d
- – a
- – c
- – c
- – b
- – d
- – c
- – a
- – d
- – d
- – infectious 5. – eruption
- – commonly 6. – longer
- – initial 7. – complications
- – appearance 8. – occurrence
Часть 3
1. – b
2. – c
3. – d
4. – d
- B
- A
- D
- C
1) A B C D E | 3) A B C D E | 5) A B C D E | 7) A B C D E |
2) A B C D E | 4) A B C D E | 6) A B C D E | 8) A B C D E |
Часть 4
1) True False | 2) True False | 3) True False | 4) True False | 5) True False |
Шкала критериев оценивания заданий в разделе «Устная речь»
Максимальное количество баллов: 20
Внимание! При оценке 0 по критерию "Содержание" выставляется общая оценка 0.
БАЛЛЫ за содержание | СОДЕРЖАНИЕ (максимум 10 баллов) | Взаимодействие с собеседником и оформление речи (максимум 10 баллов) | |||
Взаимодействие с собеседником (максимум 4 балла) | Лексическое оформление речи (максимум 2 балла) | Грамматическое оформление речи (максимум 2 балла) | Фонетическое оформление речи (максимум 2 балла) | ||
9-10 | Коммуникативная задача полностью выполнена: цель общения успешно достигнута, тема раскрыта в заданном объеме. Участник высказывает интересные и оригинальные идеи. | 4 балла Участник способен логично и связно вести беседу: участник соблюдает очередность при обмене репликами, при необходимости участник начинает первым или поддерживает беседу, восстанавливает беседу в случае сбоя. | 2 балла В речи участника нет лексических ошибок; словарный запас участника богат, разнообразен и адекватен поставленной задаче. | 2 балла В речи участника нет грамматических ошибок; речь участника богата разнообразными грамматическими конструкциями. | 2 балла В речи участника нет фонетических ошибок. |
7-8 | Коммуникативная задача полностью выполнена: цель общения успешно достигнута, тема раскрыта в заданном объеме, однако выступление не отличается оригинальностью мысли. | ||||
5-6 | Коммуникативная задача выполнена не полностью: цель общения в основном достигнута, однако тема раскрыта не в полном объеме: высказанные положения недостаточно аргументированы. | 3 балла В целом участник способен логично и связно вести беседу: участник соблюдает очередность при обмене репликами, но не всегда проявляет инициативу в поддержании беседы. | 1 балл Словарный запас участника в основном соответствует поставленной задаче, однако наблюдается некоторое затруднение при подборе слов и/или имеются неточности в их употреблении. | 1 балл В речи участника присутствуют грамматические ошибки, не затрудняющие понимания или используются однообразные грамматические конструкции. | 1 балл Речь участника в целом понятна, участник допускает отдельные фонетические ошибки. |
3-4 | Коммуникативная задача выполнена частично: цель общения достигнута не полностью, тема раскрыта в ограниченном объеме: высказанных положений мало и они не аргументированы. | 2 балла Участник не способен логично и связно вести беседу: не начинает и не стремится поддерживать ее, в значительной степени зависит от помощи со стороны собеседника. | |||
1-2 | Коммуникативная задача не выполнена: цель общения не достигнута, содержание не соответствует коммуникативной задаче. | 1 балл Участник диалога не способен вести беседу. | 0 баллов Словарного запаса не хватает для общения в соответствии с заданием. | 0 баллов В речи участника присутствуют грамматические ошибки, затрудняющие понимание. | 0 баллов Понимание речи участника затруднено из-за большого количества фонетических ошибок. |
0 | Отказ от ответа | 0 баллов Отказ от выполнения задания по диалогу |
Схема оценки выполнения письменных заданий
Баллы | Коммуникативные задачи | Языковые средства |
18-20 | Полная реализация коммуникативных задач | Связный текст, адекватное применение лексико-грамматических средств, их широкий диапазон. Языковые ошибки не существенны. Корректное применение формул письменной речи. |
16-17 | Достаточно связный, естественный текст, восприятие которого может быть затруднено некорректным применением (или отсутствием) связующих элементов. Применяются сложные синтаксические конструкции, но их виды не отличаются разнообразием. | |
11-15 | Реализованы практически все коммуникативные задачи, но реализация их предельно упрощена. | В текстах есть грубые грамматические или лексические ошибки, искажающие смысл предложений, но их количество не велико (не более 3). Структурный и лексический диапазоны заметно ограничены, связность текста нарушена, есть некоторые нарушения, связанные с нормами оформления письменной речи. |
8-10 | Коммуникативные задачи в целом реализованы, поскольку понятен общий смысл текста. | Недостаточно корректный контроль структурой предложений, большое количество грубых лексико-грамматических ошибок. Восприятие текста затруднено. |
5-7 | Отмечаются, частично успешные, попытки реализации коммуникативных задач, но понимание текста затруднено многочисленными грубыми ошибками. | Текст трудно воспринимается из-за частых лексико-грамматических ошибок, упрощенной конструкции предложений, не соблюдения правил пунктуации, ведущей к несогласованности текста. |
1-4 | Несоответствие содержание поставленным задачам | Текст практически «не читаем», набор отдельных фраз и предложений с большим количеством ошибок. |
1 - 2 балла могут быть сняты за
- орфографические ошибки в словах активного вокабуляра, или в простых словах
небрежное оформление рукописи.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

Х Всероссийская олимпиада по английскому языку для9-11-х классов
Этот тест презназначен для учащихся 9-11-х классов для их подготовки к городскому туру олимпиад. К заданиям даны ключи....
Районная олимпиада по английскому языку для 7-8 классов с ключами(2011г.)
Материалы районной олимпиады по английскому языку для 7-8 классов с ключами(2011г.)...
Районная олимпиада по английскому языку для 7-8 классов с ключами(2011г.)
Материалы районной олимпиады по английскому языку за 2011 -2012 уч.год (7-8 кл)...

Школьная олимпиада по английскому языку для 9-10 классов.
Задания по олимпиаде включают тест по аудированию, чтению, грамматике и лексике, а также письму....

Олимпиада по английскому языку для 4-х классов
Подборка заданий дает возможность прверить усвоение различных тем, изучаемых на уроках английского языка в начальной школе. (УМК "Enjoy English")...

Школьная олимпиада по английскому языку для 8-9 классов
Задания школьной олимпиады по английскому языку для 8-9 классов составлены с учётом ГИА....
олимпиада по английскому языку для 5-6 классов
данный материал поможет обобщить знания учащихся на конкретном этапе изучения учебного материала для 5-6 классов. Олимпиада содержит лексический , грамматический , страноведческий материал....