лексический тест по английскому языку для учащихся 10 кл.
тест по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
Лексический тест по английскому языку для учащихся 10 класса
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FORM X (Unit II)
- Match the words with their definitions.
1. aspire | a) to finally agree upon or decide |
2. cooperate | b) to defend or keep safe |
3. hold | c) to prohibit |
4. sign | d) to have a strong desire to achieve |
5. ban | e) to use in a way that is wrong or bad |
6. eliminate | f) to free from pain, worry or trouble |
7. settle | g) to announce in a formal way |
8. restore | h) to express honour or esteem towards |
9. ease | i) to promise seriously or publicly to do smth |
10. pledge | j) to supply |
11. entitle | k) to go against or refuse to obey a law, an agreement, etc |
12. declare | l) to give somebody the right to have or do smth |
13. provide | m) to carry out or put into action |
14. respect | n) to organize |
15. protect | o) to write one’s name on |
16. implement | p) to get rid or destroy |
17. violate | q) to bring back into use or existence |
18. abuse | r) to work together with somebody else in order to achieve smth |
- Fill in the gaps with the following words. Change the forms of the verbs where necessary.
Declare, provide, respect, protect, implement, violate, abuse, ease, pledge, entitle, ban, settle, restore, aspire, cooperate, sign, hold |
- The government ….. the state of emergency.
- We are going to ….. our differences, once and for all.
- Her phone call ….. my mind.
- You will be ….. to your pension when you reach the pension age.
- So far all attempts to ….. normal relations between the two countries have failed.
- We are to ….. a service for the public.
- He ….. to be their next leader.
- It is impossible to ….. a conversation with all this noise.
- 9. We have decided to ….. the committee’s recommendation in full.
- If you ….. your privileges, you will lose them.
- He ….. his aid to the cause.
- Credit cards ….. the need to carry a lot of cash.
- You should ….. your mother.
- The two groups agreed to …. With each other.
- A fence ….. us from our neighbours’ vicious dog.
- Companies that …. Environmental laws will be heavily fined.
- The law …. drunk driving.
- ….. your name in the blank space below.
- Match the two halves of the sentences.
1. She had always been honest with me, | a) and I respect her for that. |
2. The plan should ease | b) the traffic congestion in the town. |
3. Comics were banned in my house, | c) restored peace in the land. |
4. The companies protest that | d) to protect its own commercial interests. |
5. The government is finally implementing | e) corruption and abuse of power. |
6. At that time all serious artists | f) aspired to go to Rome. |
7. They declared their support | g) for the proposal. |
8. The government pledged | h) to sign your cheque. |
9. We must go to London for the weekend | i) the amendment violates the state constitution. |
10. He was arrested on charge of | j) the new laws on industrial pollution. |
11. Each company is fighting | k) but it is not settled yet. |
12. The two universities are to cooperate | l) their support for the plan. |
13. You forgot | m) books, rulers and paper. |
14. The annual conference will be held | n) in development of a new industrial process. |
15. He is trying to eliminate | o) weeds from his garden. |
16. The Queen’s wise rule | p) to discounts on tickets. |
17. Being a member entitles you | q) at the HILTON Hotel. |
18. The math teacher provided | r) because my parents thought they weren’t a good influence. |
- Paraphrase the following sentences using much or many.
- I’ve got far more English novels than you.
- The prime minister is far more interested in the vote.
- The plant producers far more goods than I can imagine.
- There are far more opportunities for young people than there used to be.
- There are far more problems to solve.
- It cost far more money than I could afford.
- She saw far more DVDs than she had seen before.
- He is far more intelligent than I am.
- I’ve been to the Hermitage far more times than nick.
- You’ll get there far more quickly by car.
- Fill in the gaps with economic or economical.
- It is usually ….. to buy washing powder in large quatities.
- The house is very ….. and uses little fuel to heat it.
- The project will bring great social and ….. benefits to the region.
- We had to close our office in London – with the rent so high it just wasn’t …..
- There is an increasing demand for cars which are more …… on fuel.
- …… growth is slowing down.
- What’s the most ….. way of heating the building?
- New opportunities will emerge as the ….. climate improves.
- It would be most ….. to switch the machine off at first.
- Can the government fit the country’s ….. problems?
- 11. The material is an ….. substitute for plastic or steel.
- The board met to discuss the school’s ….. situation.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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