Subjunctive Mood
тест (английский язык, 8 класс) по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
8th Form
Card I
I. Use the right forms of the verbs
1) If she (give) us more grammar drills, we (know) English better.
2) If they (not arrive) at the airport so late yesterday, they (be) in Moscow today.
3) If Peter (not cheat) at his test, he (not get) a bad mark. But he did!
4) If Spanish ( be ) my native language, I (understand) this song.
5) The children (go) to the forest last Sunday, if the weather (not be) rotten that day.
6) My father (become) a sportsman if he (not break) his leg in his youth.
7) It’s raining heavily. I wish the weather (be) fine.
8) I spent the whole evening alone. I wish my friend (come).
II. Make up your sentences in the Subjunctive.
1) They didn’t catch the train and came late. If…….
2) He is ill-mannered. That’s why he has no friends. If…….
3) The horror film was awful. It gave me the creeps. If…….
4) Steve drives dangerously. I won’t go with him. If…….
III. Translate the sentences.
1) Если бы не сильный ветер, мы бы сейчас пошли на море.
2) Я бы не приняла этого важного решения, если бы не папина помощь.
3) Если бы не привкус лука, я бы попробовал это блюдо.
4) Если бы не новое расписание, она бы не пропустила урок английского языка в прошлую пятницу.
Предварительный просмотр:
8th Form
Card II
I. Use the right forms of the verbs
1) What a nice dress! I wish I (have) enough money to buy it.
2) If she (give) us advice, we (follow) it with pleasure.
3) If they (not come) to school so late yesterday, they (not be punished) today
4) If Peter (not help) me with my test, I (not get) a good mark. But he did!
5) If French (be) my native language, I (understand) this article.
6) The children (go) to the Zoo last Sunday, if the weather (not be) rainy that day.
7) Steve (become) a surgeon in his youth if he (not be) afraid of blood.
8) I spent the whole evening alone. I wish my friend (phone).me
II. Make up your sentences in the Subjunctive.
1) The shop assistant was very rude and we didn’t buy anything. If…….
2) She is so kind That’s why s he has a lot of friends. If…….
3) The detective story was horrible It gave me the creeps. If…….
4) Yesterday I had a terrible head-ache and I forgot about granny s birthday. If…….
III. Translate the sentences.
1) Если бы не сильный туман, мы бы добрались до вершины горы. (но мы не сможем )
2) Я бы не согласилась с ним тогда, если бы не веские аргументы (strong arguments).
3) Если бы не привкус сыра, я бы не выбрал это блюдо. Оно было великолепным.
4) Если бы не новое расписание, мне не пришлось бы вставать завтра в семь утра.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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