Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку по теме "Животные"
методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме
Данное мероприятие предназначено для учителей английского языка, работающих в начальных классах.
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Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия
The Animals
Presenter: Dear boys and girls! Today I would like to tell you some interesting things about the animals. Meet them!
A Dog: I am a dog. I am clever. I am the cleverest among the domestic animals. I cannot talk as people can, but I can express joy, fear, anger and other emotions. I can hunt.
A Cat: I am a cat. I am clever too. Do you know that cats love their homes better than people? I often run away when my master takes me to new house, I find my old home and live there. And I like to travel.
Dialogue ”A Girl and A Cat”
A Girl: Pussy-cat,
where have you been?
A Cat: I`ve been to London
To look at the Queen.
A Girl: Pussy-cat, pussy-cat,
What did you do there?
A Cat: I frightened a little mouse
Under the chair.
A Mouse: I am a mouse. I am small and I am not strong, but I am clever too. I can sing. Some of my sisters and brothers make sounds that resemble the sounds which birds make.
A Tortoise: I am a tortoise. I live the longer life. Sometimes I can live for 300 or 400 years. I can lay eggs. I can lay as many as 150 eggs.
A Crocodile: I am a crocodile. I can live for 300 years. I am old. In old, old days, many, many years ago we lived in Europe. Now we live in Africa and America. I am strong. When I was a baby crocodile I can climb trees.
An Elephant: I am an elephant. I can live for 100 years. I am big and strong. I can swim. I am very good swimmer. I have got a trunk. We live in Africa and Asia. We work with people and help them. We are clever.
Presenter: And now it is interesting to know something about some birds.
A Cuckoo: I am a cuckoo. I am first seen in England on the 20th of April every year. I am lazy. I lay my eggs in the nests of other birds. People don`t like this habit. And the English word “cuckoo” also means “foolish”. But my voice changes with the weather.
A Swift: I am the fasted bird. I can fly faster than 200 miles an hour. When we migrate we make a flight of 1500 miles in about 7 hours. The European swift never touches the ground. I even eat and drink when I fly.
A Penguin: I am the only bird which can walk upright like a man. When I want to move quickly on land, I lie down and slide along the ice.
An Ostrich: I am the largest of the birds. But I have the smallest number of toes -2.
I roar like a lion, hiss like a snake and kick like a horse.
Presenter: Now we will watch a few plays about animals. One of them is “The Fox and The Cock”.
The Fox: Oh! This cock will make a very nice breakfast for me! (To the cock) Good morning, how are you?
The Cock: I am fine thank you!
The Fox: Do you know, all the animals are friends now. The dog and the cat, the cat and the mouse. We are friends now!
The Cock: That`s very good. That`s very, very good!
The Fox: Yes, we are friends now. Come to my house for breakfast, please!
The Cock: All right. But I see a dog. Oh, look! Dogs like to eat too. Fox, dear, do ask the dog to breakfast too!
The Fox: A dog? Did you say a dog? Then, good-bye!
The Cock: Dear fox, dear fox! Don`t go! All the animals are friends now!
The Fox: So they are. But that dog doesn`t know it!
Presenter: And one more play about animals: “Tale about tails”.
Author: Willy Pig does not like to look behind him. He is not afraid. There is nothing big and bad chasing him. It is just that … Willy Pig does not like his tail! He thinks he will be happy if only he has a tail like a fox.
Fox: I am a nice red fox. Look at my beautiful bushy tail. Let`s try it on.
Pig: No! A fox`s tail is too bushy for a pig.
Author: Oh! He will be happy if he has a tail like a cow!
Cow: I am a big kind cow. Look at my beautiful long tail. Let`s try it on.
Pig: No! A cow`s tail is too long for a pig.
Author: Maybe if he has beautiful green alligator`s tail?
Alligator: I am a strong alligator. Look at my beautiful green tail. Let`s try it on.
Pig: No! No! No! An alligator`s tail looks silly on a pig.
Author: Willy Pig decides that a pig`s curly tail is the best tail for a pig. Don`t you think so?
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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