Vocabulary Quiz 1a 8
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Vocabulary Quiz 1a  8


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Vocabulary Quiz 1a             Name_______________________________

 Date________________ Class________________________________            

  1. We came home hot and sweaty after the day's work.
  2. As I approached the house, I noticed a light on upstairs.
  3. He turned as someone tapped him on the shoulder.
  4. It is important to take measures to avoid the risk of fire.
  5. The new credit cards will be of great benefit to our customers.
  6. John yawned and scratched his leg.
  7. Joan blushed at the unexpected compliment.
  8. He had a cigar clenched between his teeth.
  9. Chicago developed into a big city in the late 1800s.
  10. She kept the contents of the letter a secret.
  11. William raised his hat and smiled at her.
  12. Sorry, but I don't fancy going out tonight.
  13. Luke made an obscene gesture with his finger.
  14. She held the money tightly in her fist.
  15. We were very impressed by the standard of work.
  16. He held the pebble in the palm of his hand.
  17. The main character narrates the story.
  18. I finally managed to persuade her to go out for a drink with me.
  19. Gardening was her great passion.
  20. The match had to be postponed until next week.
  21. Newspapers predicted that Davis would be re-elected.

Impressed  clenched avoid approached   developed    benefit  fist

Predicted   raised   fancy   postponed  contents    tapped   narrates

scratched  blushed    sweaty  gesture  palm   persuade   passion

Vocabulary Quiz 1a


Class_____________________    Date________________          

impressed  clenched avoid approached   developed    benefit  fist

predicted   raised   fancy   postponed  contents    tapped   narrates

scratched  blushed    sweaty  gesture  palm   persuade   passion

  1. We came home hot and ___________ after the day's work.
  2. As I ___________  the house, I noticed a light on upstairs.
  3. He turned as someone ___________  him on the shoulder.
  4. It is important to take measures to ___________  the risk of fire.
  5. The new credit cards will be of great ___________  to our customers.
  6. John yawned and ___________  his leg.
  7. Joan ___________  at the unexpected compliment.
  8. He had a cigar ___________  between his teeth.
  9. Chicago ___________  into a big city in the late 1800s.
  10. She kept the ___________  of the letter a secret.
  11. William ___________  his hat and smiled at her.
  12. Sorry, but I don't ___________  going out tonight.
  13. Luke made an obscene ___________  with his finger.
  14. She held the money tightly in her ___________.
  15. We were very ___________  by the standard of work.
  16. He held the pebble in the ___________  of his hand.
  17. The main character ___________  the story.
  18. I finally managed to ___________  her to go out for a drink with me.
  19. Gardening was her great ___________.
  20. The match had to be ___________  until next week.
  21. Newspapers ___________  that Davis would be re-elected.

Vocabulary Quiz 1a


Class_____________________    Date________________          

impressed  clenched avoid approached   developed    benefit  fist

predicted   raised   fancy   postponed  contents    tapped   narrates

scratched  blushed    sweaty  gesture  palm   persuade   passion

  1. We came home hot and ___________ after the day's work.
  2. As I ___________  the house, I noticed a light on upstairs.
  3. He turned as someone ___________  him on the shoulder.
  4. It is important to take measures to ___________  the risk of fire.
  5. The new credit cards will be of great ___________  to our customers.
  6. John yawned and ___________  his leg.
  7. Joan ___________  at the unexpected compliment.
  8. He had a cigar ___________  between his teeth.
  9. Chicago ___________  into a big city in the late 1800s.
  10. She kept the ___________  of the letter a secret.
  11. William ___________  his hat and smiled at her.
  12. Sorry, but I don't ___________  going out tonight.
  13. Luke made an obscene ___________  with his finger.
  14. She held the money tightly in her ___________.
  15. We were very ___________  by the standard of work.
  16. He held the pebble in the ___________  of his hand.
  17. The main character ___________  the story.
  18. I finally managed to ___________  her to go out for a drink with me.
  19. Gardening was her great ___________.
  20. The match had to be ___________  until next week.
  21. Newspapers ___________  that Davis would be re-elected.

Vocabulary Quiz 1a


Class_____________________    Date________________          

impressed  clenched avoid approached   developed    benefit  fist

predicted   raised   fancy   postponed  contents    tapped   narrates

scratched  blushed    sweaty  gesture  palm   persuade   passion

  1. We came home hot and ___________ after the day's work.
  2. As I ___________  the house, I noticed a light on upstairs.
  3. He turned as someone ___________  him on the shoulder.
  4. It is important to take measures to ___________  the risk of fire.
  5. The new credit cards will be of great ___________  to our customers.
  6. John yawned and ___________  his leg.
  7. Joan ___________  at the unexpected compliment.
  8. He had a cigar ___________  between his teeth.
  9. Chicago ___________  into a big city in the late 1800s.
  10. She kept the ___________  of the letter a secret.
  11. William ___________  his hat and smiled at her.
  12. Sorry, but I don't ___________  going out tonight.
  13. Luke made an obscene ___________  with his finger.
  14. She held the money tightly in her ___________.
  15. We were very ___________  by the standard of work.
  16. He held the pebble in the ___________  of his hand.
  17. The main character ___________  the story.
  18. I finally managed to ___________  her to go out for a drink with me.
  19. Gardening was her great ___________.
  20. The match had to be ___________  until next week.
  21. Newspapers ___________  that Davis would be re-elected.

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