Сказка Puff-Ball And His Friends
материал по английскому языку по теме

Пужайкина Наталья Ильинична

Puff-ball has no father, no mother, and no friends. He is very unhappy. One day he goes to find some friends. At last he meets a Mouse.


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Puff-Ball And His Friends.




        The Mouse

        The frog

        The Hare

        The wolf

        The Bear

Story-Teller: Puff-ball has no father, no mother, and no friends. He is very unhappy. One day he goes to find some friends. At last he meets a Mouse.

The Mouse:Good morning Puff-ball!

Puff-ball: Good morning! Who are you?

The Mouse: I am a little Mouse. I have no house. I have no friends. Please take me with you!

Puff-ball: Come with me!

Story-Teller: So Puff-ball and the Mouse walk on. At last they meet a Green Frog.

The Green Frog: Good morning! Please take me with you.

Puff-ball: Good morning! Who are you.

The Green Frog: I am a Green Frog! I can jump and sing!

Puff-ball: The Frog is green, green, green, so is the tree. One, two, three. Come with us.

The Frog: Let's sing a song! The more we are together ... .

All: The more we are together ... .

Story-Teller: So Puff-ball, the Mouse and the Frog walk on and on. At last they meet a White Hare.

The White Hare: Good morning!

Puff-ball: Who are you?

TheWhite hare: I am a White Hare! I am very unhappy. I have no friends. Please take me with you.

Puff-ball: come with us!

Story-Teller: So Puff-ball, the Mouse, the Frog and the Hare walk on and on. At last they meet a Grey Wolf.

The Grey Wolf: Good morning! Don't be afraid of me!

Puff-ball: Who are you?

The Grey Wolf: I am a Grey Wolf! I am kind and clever. Please take me with you.

Puff-ball: Come with us!

Story-Teller: So Puff-ball, the Mouse, the Frog, the Hare and the Wolf walk on and on. At last they meet a Brown Bear.

The Brown Bear: Good morning!

Puff-ball: Who are you?

The Brown Bear: I am a Brown Bear! I am strong and big. Please take me with you.

Puff-ball: Come with us!

Story-Teller: So Puff-ball, the Mouse, the Frog, the Hare, the Wolf and the Bear walk on and on. And they come to a house in the forest.

Puff-ball: Look! What a nice house. The house is big. We must live here.

Story-Teller: And the six friends still live in the house.

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