Презентации к учебнику Афанасьевой О.В.( 5-6 классы)
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме

Манукянц Татьяна Владимировна

Презентации по темам "The UK', The Queen and the Parliament', 'Our World in Danger'


Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

The Queen And Parliament

Слайд 2

The Royal Family

Слайд 3

The Queen of the UK Elizabeth II

Слайд 4

Elizabeth II is a head of State

Слайд 5

She is a symbol of Great Britain

Слайд 6

Also, she is a Head of the Commonwealth

Слайд 7

She reigns, but does not rule

Слайд 8

She can not make laws

Слайд 9

She has no real state power, only symbolic power

Слайд 10

Elisabeth the second and her son Prince Charles

Слайд 11

The Queen lives in Buckingham Palace

Слайд 12

The real power in the country belongs to the British Parliament and to the British Government

Слайд 14

There are two Houses in the Parliament : the House of Lords and the House of Commons.

Слайд 15

The members of the House of Lords are not elected, they inherit there places

Слайд 18

The members of the House of Commons are elected every five years.

Слайд 20

The End

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK) NORTHERN IRELAND WALES ENGLAND SCOTLANDDD

Слайд 2

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK) is the official name of the state which is situated in the British Isles. Thus, "Great Britain" is often the same as "Britain" and refers only to Scotland, England and Wales. You can see them on the map. The two main islands are Great Britain (where England, Scotland and Wales are situated) and Ireland. T he "UK" includes Northern Ireland.

Слайд 3

The United Kingdom consists of four countries which are England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Their capitals are London, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast. ENGLAND Cardiff Edinburgh Belfast

Слайд 4

Everyone who was born in Britain is British. People from England are English. People from Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland are not English. They are Scottish or Scots; Welsh and Irish. People from Scotland and Wales don't like it when they are called English but they are British. THE IRISH THE ENGLISH THE WELSH THE SCOTS

Слайд 5

More than 56 million people live in Britain. Many of them live in big industrial cities like London. Manchester and Liverpool, for example, are big industrial cities in the centre of England. Manchester Liverpool

Слайд 6

As you know, the flag of the United Kingdom is known as the Union Jack. It is made up of three crosses: the cross of St. George (the patron saint of England), the cross of St. Andrew (the patron saint of Scotland) and the cross of St. Patrick (the patron saint of Ireland). St. Patrick St. George St. Andrew

Слайд 7


Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

The Earth is in danger Dzutseva Milana Form 5 “V”

Слайд 2

April 22 is Earth Day People all over the world think about our planet. They think about air, water, plants and animals on the Earth. They say our planet is in danger. Many people try and help nature.

Слайд 3

Water is very important for life on Earth. There is a lot of water on our planet, but very little water on Earth is good for drinking. In many rivers and lakes the water is very dirty. water

Слайд 4

Baikal Lake Baikal is the deepest freshwater lake on Earth. It is 1741 metres deep. The lake is very beautiful but now it is in great danger, because of the factories which are near it.

Слайд 5

The way people live has changed the climate on our planet. Nowadays the temperature is rising. In Europe the climate has become milder and warmer too. Temperature

Слайд 6

THE FORESTS ARE IN DANGER TOO Some people`s activities do a lot of harm to the forests. People cut down trees to build farms, homes and roads. Many animals and plants lose their homes.

Слайд 7

Modern plants and factories send a lot of smoke into the atmosphere. This is also very bad, because nowadays it`s difficult to breathe in big cities. Air

Слайд 8

So, the problem now is to protect life on Earth, and to save our planet for the future

Слайд 9

The End Thanks for watching 

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