Multi-part verbs
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
Multi-part verbs
1) Match the verb with the meaning
- get at smb. - ring up - get to somewhere - take off - get by - put up with - get on with - look forward to - check in - get into - get over smth. - get through - get on - get ahead - get across - get to someone - take smth. off | - have enough money or food; - criticize smb. all the time and upset them; - have success in your life; - be successful when you try to phone smb; - pass a test or exam; - survive an unpleasant or difficult period; - have a friendly relationship; - become happier after being sad, frightened, etc. - be excited about smth. that will happen; - go to the desk of the hotel or airport and say you have arrived; - manage to enter a place after an effort; - start a conversation, fight, etc. with someone; - make you feel very angry or upset; - arrive at a place; - make a phone call; - leave the ground; - remove clothing; use a period of time for a holiday; - be successful in explaining your idea, plan; etc.; - accept an unpleasant person or situation |
2) Fill in the blanks using the correct form of an suitable multi-part verb:
1. I came to my Granny and ___________ my coat.
2. His job was boring and badly-paid, that’s why he couldn’t _______________ it any more. He decided to quit.
3. Our plane ____________ at 11 a.m. tomorrow.
4. My friend from Moscow is coming on Saturday. I ____________________ meeting him.
5. At the weekend we went to a picnic and I caught a cold. It will take me several days ________________ it.
6. My cousin is very egoistic, that’s why I _________________ him.
7. You need a good education _______________________.
8. His speech __________________ to the audience the reasons for the need to reduce the taxes.
9. I’ve revised all the topics in history while getting ready for the exam. Now I’m sure I ________________.
10. My teacher thinks I’m bad at Algebra and she constantly ________________ me.
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