Итоговый тест III класс
тест по английскому языку на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
1 Напиши прилагательные в сравнительной и превосходной степенях.
1.bad 2. beautiful 3.nice | 4. good 5.slow 6. happy |
2.Впиши прилагательные в сравнительной или превосходной степени.
small, cold, hot, clever, big, tall
1. A house is ....... than a school. 2. Winter is ...than summer. 3. An elephant is ..... animal. | 4. July is .... month. 5. A dog is ........than a cat. 6. A giraffe is ..... than a zebra. |
3. Выбери и выпиши правильный вариант.
1. How many/much bananas have we got?
2. How many/much milk is there in the cup?
3. Have we got a/any orange juice?
4. There isn’t some/any water in the glass?
5. There are some/any spiders under your chair.
4. Не согласись.
1. Toby was a clever puppy. 2. They were at home yesterday. 3. They ate sandwiches for lunch. 4. Mrs Smiley is working now. 5. Wendy has got blond hair. | 6. At the weekend I get up at ten o’clock. 7. The cat usually sleeps on the sofa. 8. There are toys in the box. 9. Uncle Tom can drive very well. 10. Tim will swim next week. |
5. Напиши неправильные глаголы в past simple.
1. wear 2.swim 3.make 4.think 5.come | 6.know 7.take 8.write 9.give 10.see | 11.have 12.eat 13.read 14.go 15.can |
6. Напиши вопросы.
1. Greg sometimes eats eggs for breakfast. What...?
2. Jenny and Brenda usually make lunch on Sunday. When...?
3. Mum will go shopping next week. Who ...?
4. My aunt listened to the song in the morning. What ...?
5. There were children at the stadium. Were ...?
6. The weather was nice last Friday. When...?
7. The monkey has got a long tail. What ...?
7.Выбери правильный вариант.
1. I ... at the park yesterday. | was, were, am |
2. We ... a lot of sweets at the party last Sunday. | eat, ate, will eat |
3. It ... all day tomorrow. | will rain, rained, rains |
4. Holly didn’t ... to the museum with us. | come, came, comes |
5. Did you like the film? Yes, I ... . | do, was, did |
6. I ... my mum about the house now. | help, is helping, am helping |
7. Ed ... to school every day. | go, is going, goes |
8. An elephant can’t ... . | singing, to sing, sing |
9. .There ... any milk at the supermarket two days ago. | wasn’t, weren’t, isn’t |
10. There ... some apples on the table. | was, is, are |
11. ... your dad work in the office? | Does, Do, Is |
12. Mark ... got a sister. | has, have, had |
8.Подбери нужное вопросительное слово.
How, Who, What, Where, How When, Who, What, Whose
1. ...lives in this house? 2. ... is your birthday? 3. ... do you live? 4. ....colour do you like? | 5. ...many pets have you got? 6. ...is singing? 7. ...old is your mum? 8. ...is Tanya doing? 9. ....pencil case is this? |
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