Студенческая олимпиада для студентов 1 и 2 курсов "London Eye"
олимпиадные задания по английскому языку по теме

Лебедева Ирина Викторовна


Основными целями и задачами Олимпиады являются:

- выявление и развитие у студентов творческих и познавательных способностей, расширение их культурного диапазона;

- повышение интереса к изучению и использованию английского языка;


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Предварительный просмотр:

Студенческая олимпиада

по английскому языку «London Eye»

I. Listen to the text and choose the correct answer

1. The city can boast the ancient … .

A) theatre B) cinema C) library

2. The amphitheatre has … seats on both levels.

A) nineteen B) forty two C) twenty three

3. The high parapet proves that … .

A) there are five entrances onto the stage

B) fights were held there

C) spectators used to walk there

4. The form of the stadium resembles the letter … .

A) T B) U C) V

5. The stadium used to hold … twenty thousand people.

A) much than B) more than C) less than

6. … was decorated with statues of athletes.

A) The stadium B) The stage C) A huge building

7. Two in every three of the spaces were … .

A) the stadium B) the theatre C) shops

8. … shops are connected to each other.

A) All the B) Some of the C) Modern

9. The wall to separate a part of the stadium was built … .

A) not long ago B) in the third century C) recently

10. The guide wants to show the … .

A) suburbs B) castle C) main street

II. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the right words

Dear Mother and Father,

We had a heavenly day yesterday; Cousin John took me to Stratford-on-Avon, … (11) Shakespeare was born and died. Stratford is a very interesting town, right in the centre of England. It’s nice to think that Shakespeare was born in the heart of England, the country that is so typically English with houses, black and white with … (12) roofs. Stratford is quite a … (13) town, especially on market day, but it wasn’t market day yesterday, so we were able to look … (14) comfortably. The first place we went to was Shakespeare’s birthplace, a small house with small rooms in the centre of Stratford. We saw the room where Shakespeare was born. But one of the things I liked best was the garden behind the house, because in it are growing all the flowers, trees and plants that are mentioned in Shakespeare’s plays.

 Then we went to the church where Shakespeare is buried. There’s a bust of Shakespeare that was carved by a Dutch sculptor who lived near Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre in London and … (15) have seen Shakespeare many a time.

By this time we were hungry, so John took us to a very old hotel that was probably there at Shakespeare’s time. Every room there has the name of … (16) Shakespeare play on it. Then we went to Anne Hathaway’s cottage. She was his wife. We also had a look at the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre. I wish we could … (17) a play there; they were … (18) “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” that evening, but all the tickets … (19) sold long ago.

We were very tired when we got back. It had been a lovely day and I … (20) hope John can get the tickets.

Lots of love, Lillian.

11. A) when B) where C) what

12. A) hay B) grass C) thatched

13. A) busy B) quiet C) small

14. A) round B) at C) through

15. A) must B) should C) ought to

16. A) the B) a C) no article

17. A) see B) saw C) have seen

18. A) doing B) played C) making

19. A) were B) had been C) have been

20. A) am B) do C) does

III. Read and decide if the statements are true, false or nothing is known from the text

Maps were made long before reading and writing were invented. The earliest map that we know of is a cave painting in the Lascaux caves in France. The painting shows a part of the summer night’s sky 16,500 years ago. Modern astronomers can still understand the night sky shown in the map. A four thousand year old map made by the Babylonians is still in existence. Many ancient map-makers thought that the world was flat, but explorers like Magellan in the 15th century sailed around the world and helped to make better maps. Besides, measurements taken by satellites show that our planet is slightly pear shaped. Satellites have also provided more accurate information and have helped to see and map parts of the world that were little known or never seen by humans before. Satellites have photographed the Amazon rainforest and have shown that the area the size of twenty football pitches is being cut down every minute. Pictures taken from space have also shown that one of the world’s largest areas of inland water, the Aral Sea, has been shrinking very quickly. Modern satellite maps show the effects of global warming and pollution and help us to understand the world around us better. More and more drivers nowadays rely on satellite navigation in their cars so the traditional road maps may not be around much longer.

21. Writing was invented a long time after the first map was drawn.

A) True B) False C) Not known

22. The first map was a map of the night sky.

A) True B) False C) Not known

23. The first map was made by the Babylonians.

A) True B) False C) Not known

24. Babylonian map-makers were very rich men.

A) True B) False C) Not known

25. Magellan’s explorations helped the map-makers to improve their maps.

A) True B) False C) Not known

26. Our planet is a perfect sphere.

A) True B) False C) Not known

27. Modern maps are more detailed and accurate.

A) True B) False C) Not known

28. The Amazon rainforest is gradually disappearing.

A) True B) False C) Not known

29. The level of the Aral Sea has been increasing.

A) True B) False C) Not known

30. Soon the traditional printed road maps may be out of use.

IV. Read the adverts and find the club for each speaker

31. “I’m free in the morning, so I’ll enjoy going there.”

32. “It’s fantastic! We communicate, travel and share cultures on a world scale!”

33. “I used to go swimming when I was younger. It’s high time I started that again.”

34. “My father is a very experienced programmer, and I want to be like him!”

35. “I am a university student so the course fee will be lower for me.”

36. “I prefer well-qualified staff to help me with my wrestling.”

37. “In this club I was taught to connect printer, scanner and webcam to my notebook.”

38. “There is a stadium near the building so we often have classes in the open air.”

39. “My Spanish is getting better and better so I’d like to join a more advanced group.”

40. “I became the editor-in-chief of a club newspaper. I am the head of games section.”

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты



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