Tests in English for 5 form
тест по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему
Опубликовано 16.04.2013 - 21:39 - Абакарова Кистаман Буниаминовна
Предварительный просмотр:
(Units VII, VIII, IX)
1. Конструкция there is / are.
Write sentences with There are____. Choose the right number:
7, 9, 15, 26, 30, 50.
- (days / a week)
- (states / the USA)
- (players / a rugby team)
- (planets / the Solar system)
- (letters / the English alphabet)
- (days / September)
2. Конструкция there was / were.
Put in there was / there wasn't / was there? / there were / there weren't / were there?
- I was hungry but _______ anything to eat.
- _______any letters for me yesterday?
- _______a football match on TV last night but I didn't see it.
- The suitcase was empty. _______ any clothes in it.
- ________many people at the meeting.
- ________ a boy im the street?
3. Quantifiers (Количественные местоимения).
Put in a lot / a lot of / much / many / little / a little / few / a few.
- Do you drink______ tea?
- I like reading. I've got_______ books.
- Please be quick! I haven't got _______time.
- How ______foreign languages can you speak?
- There was______ food at the party but I didn't eat .
- When did you see Sarah? ______days ago.
- They are not rich but they've got _______money - enough to live.
4. Конструкция one / ones.
Use one or ones
- Which can is yours? This_____ or that_____?
- Which flowers do you want? These_____ or those_____?
- I don't like the red shoes but I like the green _____.
- This cup is dirty. Can I have the clean_____?
- That biscuit was nice. I'm going to have another_____.
- My shoes are very old. I must buy some new_____.
5. Demonstrative Pronouns.
Use this / that / these / those.
- _____hotel is expensive but it's very nice.
(the hotel is here)
- Who's _____girl? I don't know.
(the girl is there)
- Do you like _____shoes? I bought them last week.
(the shoes are here)
- Don't eat _____apples. They are bad.
(the apples are there)
- Look at _____birds!
(the birds are there)
- Who lives in_____house?
(the house is here)
6. Practice (Lexical review).
Translate the words from Units VII, VIII, IX.
Unit VII
- центральное отопление;
- холодильник;
- водопровод;
- мебельная стенка;
- шкаф;
- удобный;
- мыть посуду;
- рыбный магазин;
- молочный магазин;
- хлебный магазин;
- покупатель;
- горчица;
- буханка хлеба;
- банка кофе;
Unit IX
- получать;
- карманные деньги;
- ругать;
- тюрьма;
- достаточно;
- тратить деньги;
- журнал.