Презентация James Matthew Barrie "Peter Pan"
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Краткая биография Джеймса Барри и история создания сказочной повести "Peter Pan"
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James Matthew Barrie was born on 9 th May, 1860, in Scotland. He was one of ten brothers and sisters.
Barrie became a writer when he left university. He worked for a newspaper called the Nottingham Journal , but his true love was the theatre.
Barrie moved to London and started to write plays and books. In 1904, he wrote a play called Peter Pan, The Boy Who Wouldn’t Grow Up .
Later on, Barrie decided to turn the play into a book and changed the title to Peter Pan .
Barrie wrote Peter Pan for the sons of his friends, Sylvia and Arthur Liewelyn Davies. The boys’ names were George, Jack, Peter, Michael and Nicholas.
Barrie met the boys when he was walking his dog, Porthos, in Kensington Gardens. He became friends with this family, and enjoyed spending time with the boys. He played games with them for hours, and often told them stories.
One of these stories was about a character called Peter Pan. Peter Pan was a fairy tale, but there was also some truth in it. Like Peter Pan, Barrie was a boy who refused to grow up.
The character’s name comes from two sources: Peter Llewelyn Davies, and Pan, the naughty Greek god of the woodlands.
Mr and Mrs Llewelyn-Davies died when their sons were still young, so Barrie looked after the boys. He loved all of them very much, and he hoped that the story of Peter Pan and the magical Neverland would help them recover from losing their parents.
The book was full of magic and was a huge success with people of all ages.
Barrie’s books were very popular, but none were ever quite as successful as Peter Pan.
There are several plays, musicals and films based on the story of Peter Pan.
It is so famous that there are statues of Peter Pan in England, Belgium, America, Canada and Australia.
People remember James Matthew Barrie as one of the greatest children’s writers of all time.
Questions Where was J. M. Barrie born? What was his full name? How many brothers and sisters did he have? Which newspaper did he work for? Where did he move to? What was the title of the play? What was the title of the book?
Complete the sentences Barrie wrote Peter Pan for the … of his friends. The boys’ names were George, Jack, Peter, … and Nicholas. 3. Barrie met the boys when he was walking his … Porthos. 4. He became … with the Llewelyn Davies family. 5. Peter … was a fairy tale. 6. When Mr and Mrs Llewelyn Davies died, Barrie looked after the … . 7. There are several … based on the story of Peter Pan. 8. J. M. Barrie is one of the … children’s writers.
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