Учебная презентация Wedding in the US
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Учебная презентация Wedding in the US
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Weddings in the US There are many traditions and customs for Weddings in the United States, most of which are based on a wide range of factors such as religion, culture, and social norms.
Engagement An engagement is a promise to marry, and also the period of time between proposal and marriage .
Save-the-dates cards Cards can be sent out about 6-8 months before the wedding for guest to save the date.
Invitations Invitations can be sent out about 6-8 weeks before the wedding.
Before the Wedding Many brides have Bridal showers before their wedding, during which she receives gifts from the guests. These parties are organized by the Maid of Honor. Couples can sign up with the bridal registry. In the registry, they can specify what they need or want. The stores where the couple is registered can be announced during the engagement, or written in the wedding invitation.
Bridal showers
Before the Wedding Bachelor party is a party held for a groom to celebrate his “last night of freedom”. It’s usually planned by the best man. Bachelorette party is a party given in the honour of the bride.
Weddings Ceremonies Traditional/Formal Traditional, formal, religious weddings are the most common type of wedding in the United States. Many couples prefer to marry in the church of their faith.
Weddings Ceremonies Destination Destination weddings are becoming increasingly popular in the United States. Destination weddings, or "wedding aways" and "weddingmoons", allow the couple to design their wedding ceremony to fit the location. From beach weddings to weddings in Las Vegas or New York City, many Americans are choosing to marry at a location far from home. The options for destinations are limitless.
Weddings Ceremonies Examples of creative locations for wedding include nature parks, aquariums, baseball stadiums, golf courses, zoos, and theme parks.
Attendants Bride Groom Maid of honour Best man Bridesmaids Usher
Attendants Father of bride Mother of bride Mother of groom Father of groom
Attendants Flower girl They spread petals down the aisle for the bride to walk on flowers. Some flower girls carry a small bouquet or a basket of flowers instead. Some strew confetti down the aisle. Some blow bubbles. Ring bearer takes the rings up on a pillow so the bride and groom can exchange rings.
Financial responsibilities The bride Groom’s wedding ring Gift for groom (all gifts are presented before the wedding, typically at the rehearsal dinner) Gifts for her attendants The groom Gifts for his attendants His tuxedo Flowers for groom’s boutonniere, attendant’s boutonniere, usher, mothers and fathers, grandparents Honeymoon
Financial responsibilities Bride’s family Bride’s weeding gown Reception (caterer, food, wedding cake, decorations) Flowers for bridal bouquet, attendant’s bouquets, church, reception Church Music Photographer, videographer Invitations Transportation Wedding gift Bride’s wedding ring Gift for bride
Financial responsibilities Groom’s family Personal travel and hotel expenses Rehearsal dinner Wedding gift Attendants Personal travel Bachelor party Bridal shower Wedding gift Guests Personal travel and hotel expenses Wedding gift
Wedding gown Very formal. Bride is in a full and long gown, cathedral train, gloves or long sleeves to cover arms, veil and full bouquet.
Wedding gown Formal. Bride is in a long gown with chapel or swap train, veil and bouquet.
Wedding gown Semi formal. Bride is in pastel, ivory or a white colour gown that is a tea-length or floor-length, no train, short veil, hat or wreath, simple bouquet.
Wedding gown Informal. Bride is in a dress or suit, hat, gloves, holds a small bouquet.
Grooms are in tuxedoes or kilts.
Transportation Limousine Limo bus Trolley
Wedding cake The wedding cake is a ritual and a symbol of the bride and groom’s willingness to share each others household from then on. Traditionally, it is a white cake with white butter cream frosting. But nowadays people choose other flavours such as chocolate, carrot, cheese cake etc.
Wedding cake
Wedding cake Typically, the wedding cake sits on a skirted table which is wheeled into the centre of the room when the bride and groom cut the cake. The groom places his right hand over the bride’s and cuts the first slice, which they share. The rest is cut and served to guest. Usually, people save and freeze the top cake layer to share on their first anniversary.
Wedding cake
Wedding bands Rings, because of its circular shape, symbolize eternity, endlessness…thus a never-ending marriage. Rings can be made of gold, platinum and other metals. Some are encrusted with jewels to signify the value of a couple’s love. Some couples have their names or messages engraved on the rings before the wedding.
Rehearsal dinner The rehearsal dinner is given as a thanksgiving meal to the entourage who have come to practice the wedding march. This is done one day before wedding.
Wedding ceremony
Wedding vows Sometimes a couple decides to write their own vows. They define their relationship in terms of what life ling values are important to them. Personal vows are enhanced with deep feeling, commitment and heartfelt expression. They allow couples to match promises to their individual affection.
The Wedding Reception. After the wedding ceremony guests are invited to attend a meal and further celebrations. This is known as the Wedding Reception. Receptions can be held at creative, nontraditional locations such as on a boat, in a mansion or castle, historical monument, winery, or museum.
After the Wedding After the wedding reception, the newlyweds usually leave for their honeymoon , a trip to the destination of their choice.
Wedding Superstitions Bride and groom must not meet on the day of the wedding except at the altar. The bride should never wear her complete wedding clothes before the day. For good luck the bride should wear “something borrowed, something blue, something old and something new”. The husband should carry his new wife over the threshold of their ho use.
Wedding Superstitions As a symbol of luck, the newly married woman traditionally throws her bouquet to the unmarried women at the wedding. The one who catches the bouquet is supposedly the next to be married.
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