Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия «Schools all over the world» для средней школы в «Неделю английского языка»
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
Описание процесса
| Мероприятие рассчитано для учащихся 6-7 классов общеобразовательных школ при трех часах в неделю. Время проведения – 45 минут или 1 академический час. Необходимые презентации к мероприятию можно скачать в Интернете на сайте автора (http://nsportal.ru/user/150174). |
Тема | Школы мира. Кения. Япония. Камбоджа. Цейлон.
Цели | Активизировать лексический материал по теме «Школа» Обзорно познакомить учащихся с системой образования в других странах на примере Кении, Японии, Камбоджи и Цейлона Развивать умение воспринимать на слух информацию на иностранном языке школьной тематики Воспитывать толерантное отношение к другим этносам, странам, культурам Воспитывать уважительное отношение к образованию, к процессу приобретения знаний Воспитывать патриотизм |
Основное содержание темы | Школа, школьные предметы, школьная форма, система школьного образования, образовательный маршрут, системы оценивания знаний, экзамены |
Основные этапы | Активизация лексики Школа Камбоджи (в форме выступление старшеклассника) Школа Кении (в форме выступления старшеклассника) Школа Цейлона (в форме выступления старшеклассника) Школа Японии (в форме выступления старшеклассника) Викторина |
Информационный материал
| Учебник «Английский с удовольствием» для 6,7 класса» Биболетова М.З., Трубанева Н.Н., изд-во «Титул» 2012 Учебник «New Opportunities», уровень Elementary, Майкл Харрис, Дэвид Моуэр, Ирина Ларионова и др., изд-во «Лонгман» 2012
Демонстрационный материал | Презентация для активизации лексики - ниже на странице Презентация о школе в Кении - http://dfiles.ru/files/l6zfeo29h Презентация о школе в Японии - http://dfiles.ru/files/idqs6t1i0 Презентация о школе на Цейлоне - http://dfiles.ru/files/3u5iqawu6 Презентация о школе в Камбоджи - http://dfiles.ru/files/uh6dj8r3q Презентация с заданием (1) - дана ниже Презентация с заданием (2) - http://dfiles.ru/files/mcwoe3nga
Скачать подробную разработку с инструкцией - http://dfiles.ru/files/fdnffgfln
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Today we are going to do a tour around the world and visit some school in other countries. First of all, there some words that can be useful today.
Pass exams
private/state school
Junior secondary
seniour secondary
junior high and high
These are the counties we are going visit. Will you repeat them after me?
Sri-Lanka ['sri: 'læŋkə ]
Ceylon [sɪ'lɒn]
Kenya ['kenjə]
Cambodia [ kæm'bəʋdıə ]
Japan [dʒə'pæn]
Sri-Lanka ['sri: 'læŋkə ] or Ceylon [sɪ'lɒn] is situated in the Indian sea. It is an island country famous for its tea.
They have got primary school (grades 1-5), junior secondary school level (grades 6-9), and senior secondary school level (grades 10-11). After school students can work or study at collegiate (grades 12-13) to enter the university. Only 4-5 students in class pass their exams successfully and enter the university.
There schools holidays are in August, December and April.
School starts at 8 o’clock and finishes at 2 or 3 o’clock in the afternoon. There’s only one break in the middle of the day for 20 minutes. It’s lunch time. Lessons last 45 minutes.
Seylon has got very good weather almost all the year long. The average temperature is 25 degrees. The countryside is very beautiful. Look at the school. It’s nice too. The walls are red, yellow, pink and purple.
They have got special shelves for things in classroom. They don’t keep things on or under the desks.
This is a Sport lesson.
Teachers wear traditional clothes to school. Students have to wear uniform. Students love their school and teachers.
In school they study English. Student on Seylon dream about snow and winter. Look at their poster. They made it in English.
Kenya is in Africa. It’s very hot in Kenya. The country is very beautiful.
This is Aldo-Rebby school in Narok. Narok is a small village.
In Kenya they study 8:4:4. This means 8 years of primary school, 4 years of secondary school and 4 years of university. All students pass school exams to get the Certificate of Education after each level.
This is a classroom. They start school in January and finish in November. They study English, Maths, History, Geography, Science, Religion and others.
There are school only for boys, only for girls and both for boys and girls. Aldo-Rebby is a school for girls and boys. This is a teacher’s room.
This is a computer study class. They have some computers. The computers are old not new. But there’s no electricity.
This school has got 300 students and 7 teachers.
This is a Sport lesson.
Students sleep in class in the middle of the day because it’s too hot to study in the afternoon.
Cambodia [ kæm'bəʋdıə ] is situated in Asia. It borders Vietnam and Thailand. The country is very poor.
This is a school in a village called Kampong Cham.
Lessons start at 8 o’clock in the morning.
This is a typical classroom. Pupils sit three at 1 desk.
They study English from Primary school. This is an English copybook. What are they studying at the lesson? This is an English textbook.
This is a computer class. There are computers but they have no Internet connection. The Internet is only in the teacher’s room.
These are pupils and a teacher at a lesson.
Japan is a country and an island. It is situated in the Pacific Ocean.
They have three levels of education: six years of elementary school, three years of junior high school, three years of high school, two or four years of university. So student study at school for 12 years, a year longer than in Russia.
There are schools only for elementary students, junior high students and high school students. They do not go to the same building all 12 years.
A typical classroom in a Japanese junior high school
Elementary and junior high schools are compulsory. Parents have to pay for high schools.
There are a lot of private schools in Japan that are very popular. You must pay for a private school.
This is a main hall.
School starts at the age of 6. Before school children go to kindergartens. They must know how to count and to read before the first grade. Elementary pupils have 3 or 4 lessons a day. They don’t have uniforms. Their classrooms sometimes don’t have doors so everybody who passes by can see what pupils are doing at the lesson. At elementary school they study Japanese, maths, Science, Social science, Music, Art, Sport and Home economics.
Junior high student have 6-7 lessons a day. They study hard. The school day starts at 8-45 in the morning. Every lesson is 50 minutes long. Break are 10 minutes. They have got 1 lunch break from 12-35 until 13-20. Lessons finish at 4 o’clock in the afternoon but student don’t go home. After school they visit a lot of after school activities and courses. You can attend sport activities: tennis, swimming, golf, baseball and even curling. You can attend art classes, dancing, music, manga drawing, go, computer classes, robotechnics, ikebana and many others.
At junior high school student start leaning English. Some subjects are compulsory, some subjects are optional. It means they are not compulsory, you can choose them. The most difficult subjects are thought to be Maths, Japanese and English.
At junior high and high school students have to wear uniform. Each school has its own school uniform. Students wear white shirts, dark jacket and dark trousers. Girls wear skirts or sailor fuku, navy girl’s costumes.
Students clean the school themselves after lessons.
Exams in Japanese school are very difficult and tiring. They have no exams in elementary school. Although they have exams after each term at junior high and high schools. Students have to pass exams in Japanese, English, maths, Science and Social Science to enter the next term.
They have 100% mark system.
Every vacations students and teachers go on excursions to other cities or countries. For example, junior high and high student can travel to New Zealand, Australia and Canada to practice their English or they can go on a tour around Japan. After an excursion every student has to draw a nice poster with photos about his traveling for a mark. They also have a special photo contest for the best photo.
Studying in a Japanese school is fun but hard.
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По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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