Урок – праздник «День Благодарения» (внеклассное мероприятие)
методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме
Учитель: Вдовина О.В. МБОУ СОШ №30 г. Тамбова
Урок – праздник «День Благодарения» (внеклассное мероприятие). Рассчитано на обучающихся 5 - 11 классы.(разновозрастные группы) Задания даются с учетом возрастных категорий и знаний.
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Урок – праздник «День Благодарения» (внеклассное мероприятие)
Учитель Вдовина О.В.
МБОУ СОШ №30 г. Тамбов
Задачи: развивать умение выполнять индивидуальные и коллективные коммуникативные задания на английском языке и излагать результаты работы на английском языке;
обеспечить использование лексики по теме «Праздники» в серии речевых упражнений;
учить работать в разновозрастных группах.
Оборудование: магнитофон, раздаточный материал (для старших: лексико-грамматический; для младших: кроссворды, раскраски, игрушки). Использовалась музыка: аудиоприложение к газете «Английский для детей», песня “Turkey in the Straw” (с движениями)
Урок рассчитан на 2 урока (сам урок + чаепитие с Muffins и игры, песни, конкурсы)
Thanksgiving Day
Teacher. The fourth Thursday in November is Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is a national holiday, so most people don’t go to work. People get together with their families and friends to give thanks for the good things in their lives. Many people travel by plane, train, bus or car to be with their relatives. More people travel for Thanksgiving than for any other holiday.
On Thanksgiving Day, families, come together for a special dinner. They eat turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and cranberries. They eat pumpkin pie for desert. After dinner, the family will relax and talk. Some of them will watch a football game on TV.
Today we shall speak about the history of Thanksgiving, about its routs. Our younger students will recite poems, we’ll also play a little and at the end we’ll have Thanksgiving dinner. ( music ). (a group of 7 students recite a poem with letters)
T for time to be together , turkey, talk, and tangy weather.
H for harvest stored away, home, and health, and holiday.
A for autumn’s frosty art, and abundance in the heart.
N for neighbors, and November, nice things, new things to remember.
K for kitchen, kettles’ croon, kith and kin expected soon
S for sizzles, sights, and sounds, and something special that abounds.
That spells THANKS – for joy in living and a jolly good Thanksgiving.
Teacher. Let’s remove to the New World, Massachusetts. ( music ).
Pupil 1. Many people came to America to try to find religious freedom. The first group to America seeking religious freedom was the Pilgrims in 1620. They sailed across the ocean in the Mayflower and landed at Plymouth, Massachusetts. Only half of the Pilgrims survived the very harsh winter. Good leadership by William Bradford and help from friendly Indians enabled the rest of the people to about farming and fishing to survive. In the autumn of 1621, the settlers harvested their first crops. To celebrate the bounty, William Bradford proclaimed a three-day feast and celebrations, and invited the Indians to join in the festivities. This is the feast that is known to most of us as the first Thanksgiving in America.
(A group of students recite poems)
The boughs do shake and the bells do ring,
So merrily comes our harvest in,
Our harvest in, our harvest in,
So merrily comes our harvest in.
We’ve ploughed, we’ve sowed,
We’ve reaped, we’ve moved,
We’ve got our harvest in. ( Anonymous )
When all the leaves are off the boughs,
And nuts and apples gathered in,
And cornstalks waiting for the cows,
And pumpkins safe in barn and bin;
Then Mother says : My children dear,
The fields are brown, and Autumn flies;
Thanksgiving Day is very near,
And we must make Thanksgiving pies !’ ( Anonymous )
Teacher. Lena will tell us about the pre-history of the holiday.
Pupil 2. People have always given thanks at harvest time. They are glad to have food for the winter and celebrate with feasting and prayers of Thanksgiving.
Long ago the people of Greece had a harvest festival. It was in the fall after the grain was cut.
Heralds traveled from village to village. They blew their trumpets and called everyone to the celebration.
The people visited shrines of Demeter, the goddess of the harvest. They carried gifts of grain to lay before her.
Another ancient thanksgiving was the Feast of Booths. It was celebrated by the Jews in the land of Canaan. They built little booths from branches and leaves. In
them they put fruits and vegetables from the fields. Then they gave thanks to God for their crops.
Later the Christians in Europe said prayers to bless the planting and the reaping of the harvest. They believed that God watched over the seeds in the earth.
At harvest time the farmers decorated themselves with ribbons and flowers. They sang as they walked home besides their wagons full of grain.
( A song.) Choir of students.
My country, ‘tis of thee,
Sweet land of liberty,
Of thee I sing:
Land where my fathers died,
Land of the pilgrims’ pride,
From every mountainside
Let freedom ring. ( Samuel Francis Smith, America, 1831.)
Pupil 3. The Pilgrims started the American thanksgiving. They came to Plymouth, Massachusetts, in 1620. They were English citizens who demanded the right to read the Bible and worship God as they chose. Queen Elisabeth I and King James I of England were very cruel to the Pilgrims. They put many of them in prison and killed many of their leaders. The Pilgrims wanted a country of their own. So they planned to sail to America. William Brewster was chosen as a leader. He was wise and good. William Bradford also helped the Pilgrims. Later they elected him governor of their colony thirty-one times. He wrote a famous book about the Pilgrims, called OF PLIMOTH PLANTATION. It can be seen today in Statehouse in Boston, Massachusetts. One hundred and two passengers came on the little ship, thee Mayflower. There were thirty-four children on the ship.
Pupil 4. It was a stormy voyage lasting sixty-six days. Everyone was glad when the Mayflower reached Cape Cod on November 21. ( music )
For several weeks the men explored Cape Cod. Then they sailed across Massachusetts Bay to Plymouth. There they found a safe harbor and springs of fresh water. The men rowed ashore. They had to cut down trees and start building houses right away. No Indians lived in Plymouth then. That winter the Pilgrims had very little food to eat. They were always hungry and cold. Nearly all of them were sick, and one half of them died. The people who were left felt braver when spring came. They planted wheat, barley, and pears. They had brought the seeds with them from England. ( music )
Pupil 5. One day friendly Indians arrived. They were Samoset and Squanto. Later Squanto brought Chief Massasoit to visit. The Pilgrims welcomed the big chief of the Wampanoags. They made treaty of peace with him. For fifty-five years there was no fighting between the Pilgrims and Indians. The Indians gave the Pilgrims corn, beans, and squash to plant. Squanto showed them how to catch eels, fish and lobsters, and where to dig claws. The Pilgrims worked hard all summer in the fields. They knew their lives dependent on the harvest. In the fall they gathered the crops. The corn had grown best of all. The Pilgrims were happy as they stored away their harvest. So they decided to celebrate. In October, 1621, they held their first thanksgi ving. They invited the Indians to join them . Ninety braves came with their chief, Massasoit. ( music )
Three days we had
feasting, praying, singing
Three days outdoors at wooden tables,
Colonists and Indians together,
Celebrating a full harvest,
A golden summer of corn
Pupil 6. The Indians brought five deer which they had shot with bows and arrows. The Pilgrims had shot wild turkeys. The food was cooked in fireplaces and over open fire. At last the feast was ready. The Pilgrims and Indians ate together. It was a gay and noisy party. After the feasting they played games and had contests. There were foot races, Indian wrestling . ( music )
Three days we had,
Feasting, praying, singing.
Three days outdoors at wooden tables,
Colonists and Indians together,
Celebrating a full harvest,
Praying, each to our God.
Teacher. This was the history of the first Thanksgiving, but what about the others ?
Pupil 7. In spring of 1623 the Pilgrim leaders gave each person an acre of land. At first they shared the land. Now each family planted their own fields. All set to work with new spirit. For many weeks there was no rain. The Pilgrims were afraid there would be no harvest. So Governor Bradford called for a day of prayer to God. The people met in the fort-meeting house on the hill above the village. For eight hours they prayed for rain. Many Indians came too. They prayed to the Great Spirit to send rain. Clouds gathered and soon a soft rain began to fall. The corn grew green again and the hearts of the Pilgrims were glad. Two more things made the Pilgrims happy. The ship ANNE sailed into Plymouth harbor. It brought some of the families . And the village was almost finished. Nineteen houses and three common houses lined the street. So the Pilgrims decided to have another thanksgiving. Governor Bradford made it a day for giving ‘glory, honor, and praise with thankfulness to our good God’. On the second thanksgiving morning the Pilgrims put on their best clothes. They marched to the fort-meetinghouse. There they gave thanks to God for all their blessings. (music)
(2 students recite a poem by Jack Prelutsky)
When the Pilgrims
First gathered together to share
With their Indian friends
The mild autumn air,
They lifted their voices
In jubilant praise
For the bread on the table,
The berries and maize,
For field and for forest,
For turkey and deer,
For the bountiful crops
They were blessed with that year,
They were thankful for these
As they feasted away,
And as they were thankful,
We’re thankful today. ( Jack Prelutsky )
Teacher. In 1783, George Washington, the first President of the United States, proclaimed the first Thanksgiving day for all Americans. Not until 1863 did Thanksgiving become a national holiday. Then President Abraham Lincoln made the last Thursday of November Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving was proclaimed a national day of observance by Congress in 1941.Today Thanksgiving is a happy time when families father together. They are almost as noisy as the Pilgrims and Indians at the first Thanksgiving.
(A group of students recite a poem)
Apple Pie
Apple pie,
Pumpkin pie,
Turkey on the dish !
We can see
We can eat
Everything we
Wish, wish, wish wish.
Grandma’s here,
Grandpa’s here,
Cousins bright and gay.
Aunts and uncles
Share with us
This good Thanksgiving
Day, day, day day.
Thank you, God,
Thank you, God,
For good things to eat.
Thank you also
For this day
When we with friendly hearts
Do meet, meet meet. ( Else Holmelund Minarik )
Pupil 8. The earliest Thanksgivings centered on religious services. A typical Thanksgiving in New England in the late 1600s included two lengthy church services, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, with dinner in between. At this services , prayers and psalms were both spoken and sung. Today, even though feasting and celebration have become more associated with the holiday , Thanksgiving prayers and psalms – now sometimes with music added – remain an active element. Some of the prayers are even older than Thanksgiving itself: the ‘Aztec Prayer’ originated in the 1500s. Others, like ‘Prayer Before Eating’ of the Arapaho Indians, of Minnesota, Wyoming, and Colorado, date well after the first Thanksgiving of the Pilgrims, and undoubtedly were influenced by the Christian teachings of the Europeans.
Teacher. Let’s listening to the prayer.
( Arapaho Prayer Before Eating. Tape.)
Pupil 9. Thanksgiving in America is not only giving thanks to God, the country and family members and eating too much. It is also such national entertaiments as Thanksgiving Day Parade and a professional football game broadcast on TV. Thanksgiving Parades become common, having grown from the simple displays of arms at the Plymouth Thanksgiving to elaborate professions and rituals, especially of firemen and military. Today it is one of the best known traditions of the holiday. As for the tradition of a Thanksgiving football game, it is a pretty new. During the late 1860s and in the 1870s, local baseball games had dominated Thanksgiving holiday afternoons. But by the 1880s football had become the national Thanksgiving sport. In 1934 the tradition of a professional football game on Thanksgiving was established in Detroit. At first it was broadcast on radio, later on television.
Our turkey dinner’s hardly gone
When Daddy says, ‘The game is on’.
He tunes it in, takes off his shoes,
And turns to watch his heroes lose.
He sits and screams, we sit and grin,
He gets so made when they don’t win
Thanksgiving wouldn’t be the same
Without my father’s football game.
Pupil 10. Thanksgiving is celebrated not only in the United States but in Canada too.
Thanksgiving Day in Canada is the second Monday in October. There are no parades, no football games, no shopping mall displays. The holiday is seen simply as a time for families and friends to share a meal and, according to the 1957 proclamation from Ottawa, to thank ‘Almighty God for the blessings with which the people
Of Canada have been favored’. Like the American holiday, the Thanksgiving has its roots in harvest, home festivals, and civil days of public thanksgiving, but it is without the links to the country’s founding that make the celebration so important in the United States. The annual Thanksgiving holiday to reflect on the blessings of the land was first proclaimed in 1879.
Teacher. What do you know about the main dish on Thanksgiving? – Turkey. There are thousands ways of cooking Thanksgiving Turkey.
‘For turkey braised, the Lord be praised.’ – from a nineteenth-century guide to turkey preparations.
I ate too much turkey,
I ate too much corn,
I ate too much pudding and pie,
I’m stuffed up with muffings
And much to much stuffin’
I’m probably going to die.
I piled up my plate
And I ate and ate,
But I wish I had known when to stop,
For I’m so crammed with yams,
Sauces, gravies, and jams
That my buttons are starting to pop.
I’m full of tomatoes
And french fried potatoes,
My stomach is swollen and sore,
But there’s still some dessert,
So I guess it won’t hurt
If I eat just a little bit more.
Teacher. No Thanksgiving Day is complete without song, because singing has a way of making each person a part of the family and reminding of the reasons celebrated: love, companionship and gratitude for the pleasures of life. ‘Turkey in the Straw’ became popular in the 1880s and is one of the holiday standards today. This Thanksgiving Day favorite, which has at least a thousand verses in all its variations, is an ideal stimulant for square dancing or group singing. Bring back an old Thanksgiving ritual this year. Start your meal with the joyful noise of ‘thanksgiving’ ( song ).
(games, competitions)
Материал заданий прилагается.
Circle the word that best completes each sentence.
- On Thanksgiving some organizations prepare food for the needy and the (stores, faiths, elderly).
- It is traditional to make turkey with (wreaths, feasts, stuffing) on Thanksgiving.
- People of all (survive, faiths, harvests) celebrate this holiday.
- The Pilgrims organized a (feast, wreath, faith) to celebrate that they were alive.
- Thanksgiving is an (annual, observance, elderly) holiday celebrated by people of all faiths.
- After the Indians taught the Pilgrims how to plant, they had a good (survival, harvest, wreath).
- Congress decided to have a day of (annual, survival, observance) for Thanksgiving in 1941.
- The first year that the Pilgrims were in America many died of (starvation, stuffing, harvest).
- Thanks to the Indians, the Pilgrims learned to (feast, annual, survive)
- It is traditional to decorate stores and homes with turkeys, Pilgrims, and (wreaths, stuffing, elderly) of dried flowers and plants.
Complete each sentence.
- The winter in New York can be too cold for old people.
It can be too cold for the ………….
- People can die if they do not eat food for a long time.
They can die of ………….
- Some people like to prepare tomatoes with tuna and mayonnaise inside them.
They like ……… in the tomatoes.
- The flower shop sent a big circle made out of flowers, leaves and a ribbon.
They sent a ……….
- The people who got lost in the mountains stayed alive for ten days without food.
They ……… for ten days.
- Birthdays are celebrated every year.
A birthday is an ……… celebration.
- Many people work on farms to collect fruits and vegetables.
They come for the……….
- The 4th of July is the day to celebrate the independence of the U.S.A.
The ……… of independence is on July 4th.
9. The family had a big meal to celebrate their reunion.
They had a ……….
10. You can find people from many different religions in the U.S.
The United States has people of many ……….
1. ANNUAL ------- A. To stay alive
2. ELDERY ------- B. A large meal, a banquet
3. FEAST ------- C. religions
4. HARVEST ------- D. a circular arrangement of
5. OBSERVANCE ------- flowers or dried flowers
6.FAITHS ------- E. Hunger
7. STARVATION ------- F. Happening every year
8. STUFFING ------- G. Putting food inside meat or
9. SURVIVE ------- vegetables
10. WREATH ------- H. People of old age
I. the collection of crops
J. the celebration of a holiday
1.flowers arrangement wreath food
2. hunger starvation need abundance
3. annual yearly weekly every 12 months
4. young mature old elderly
5. harvest collection planting gathering crops
6. celebration observance forgetting ceremony
7. religions games faiths beliefs
8. alive survive die exist
9. banquet feast starvation meal
10. stuffing food filling reading
1 People of all faiths celebrate Thanksgiving in November.
- Who………………………………….?
- When……………………………… ..?
- What ………………………………..?
2. The most famous Thanksgiving event in New York City is the Thanksgiving Day Parade. At the end of the parade Santa Claus arrives. People watching the parade feel excited and happy.
- What ………………………………..?
- When ………………………………..?
- Who …………………………………?
- How …………………………………?
- Which Thanksgiving event …………?
3. Charitable organizations send food to the needy and elderly.
- What kind ……………………………?
- What…………………………………..?
- To whom ……………………………..?
4. Thanksgiving was proclaimed a national day of observation by Congress in 1941.
- What ………………………………..?
- When……………………………….?
- By whom …………………………...?
Which holiday ………………………?
Для младших классов рекомендуется давать задания познавательного характера, например: 1) Раскрась индюка согласно данным цветам.
2) Раскрась картинку, вырежи и составь фигурки (девочка, индеец)
3) Разгадай кроссворд (с фрагментами)
4) Раскрась, вырежи, склей фигурки пилигримов (девочка, мальчик)
5) Помоги пилигриму добраться до праздничного стола (лабиринт со словами. Надо пройти, указывая на слова по теме «День Благодарения»).
6) Найди слова:
P | U | M | P | K | I | N | P | I |
T | H | U | R | S | D | A | Y | E |
U | O | H | A | R | V | E | S | T |
R | L | D | I | N | N | E | R | C |
K | I | A | P | P | L | E | X | O |
E | D | F | E | A | S | T | L | R |
Y | A | Y | A | N | N | U | A | N |
Pumpkin, Thursday, turkey, holiday, harvest, corn, pie, dinner, fiest, annual
7) Одень шляпу на индюка с закрытыми глазами (рисунок индюка, шляпа вырезанная из бумаги с магнитом. При выполнении задания рекомендуется использование магнитной доски).
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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Урок – праздник «День
Урок – праздник «День Благодарения» (внеклассное мероприятие). Рассчитано на обучающихся 5 - 11 классы.(разновозрастные группы) Задания даются с учетом возрастных категорий и знаний.