Учебная песня "Tom's diner". Упражнения (Present Continuous)
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме

Федоров Илья Александрович

Материал содержит языковые и условно-речевые упражнения на совершенствование грамматических навыков по теме Present Continuous на основе песни Tom's Diner.


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Предварительный просмотр:

1. Here is a song sung by Suzanne Vega. In this song Present Continuous is used almost in each line. Below there is a list of participles that are missing from the lyrics.

Read them and try to guess which of them should be put into each gap. Read the lyrics.

2. Listen to the song and check if you were right. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate participles.

sitting    waiting    looking    shaking    kissing    pretending    turning    looking    trying    listening    straightening    getting    thinking    hitching    feeling

I am ______ in the morning

At the diner on the corner.

I am ______ at the counter

For the man to pour the coffee.

And he fills it only halfway,

And before I even argue

He is ______ out the window

At somebody coming in.

"It is always nice to see you,"

Says the man behind the counter

To the woman who has come in.

She is _______ her umbrella.

And I look the other way

As they are ______ their hellos.

I'm ______ not to see them

And instead, I pour the milk.

I open up the paper -

There's a story of an actor

Who had died while he was drinking -

He was no one I had heard of…

And I'm ________ to the horoscope

And _________ for the funnies

When I'm ________ someone watching me

And so I raise my head.

There's a woman on the outside

Looking inside. Does she see me?

No she does not really see me

‘Cause she sees her own reflection.

And I'm ______ not to notice

That she's _________ up her skirt,

And while she's _______ her stockings,

Her hair is _______ wet.

Oh, this rain - it will continue

Through the morning as I'm __________

To the bells of the cathedral…

I am ________ of your voice...

And of the midnight picnic

Once upon a time

Before the rain began...

I finish up my coffee

It's time to catch the train

3. Who is doing what? Match and say.

The singer

The barman

The woman

The girl outside

listening to the bells

straightening her stockings

shaking her umbrella

looking out the window

drinking coffee

kissing their hellos

hitching up her skirt

pouring milk

4. Now recall the rules of participle formation. What are the stems in these? Who (or what) is doing these things?








5. What are the people doing? Tell the class.

6. Do you think the song is happy? Why or why not? Why is the girl sitting alone at the diner?

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