Презентация "Sochy 2014"
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Много лет работаю по УМК Владимира Петровича Кузовлева и др. Учебники очень интересные, насыщенные большим количеством самых разнообразных упражнений. На своих уроках я применяю современные коммуникационные технологии. Считаю, что они способствуют повышению мотивации к изучаемому материалу. Часто использую компьютерные презентации, которые создают благоприятные условия для формирования личности учащихся, воздействуют сразу на несколько видов памяти, повышают эффективность восприятия и запоминания учебного материала, позволяют адаптировать учебный материал под особенности учащихся, интенсифицируют процесс обучения и экономят время. При изучении олимпийской символики во 2 классе предлагаю детям познакомиться с талисманами и городом предстоящих зимних олимпийских игр. Дети не только знакомятся с новыми словами, но и учатся рассказывать о талисманах и различных видах спорта
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House of Mascots
Mountain rescuer-climber Leopard lives in the crown of the tree, which grows on the highest cliff in the snowy mountains of the Caucasus. He's always ready to help and often saved a nearby located village from avalanches. The Leopard is a beautiful snowboarder, he taught this sport all his friends and neighbors. The Leopard can't live alone and likes to dance. The Leopard
The Hare is the most active inhabitant of the winter woods. Her friends always wonder she finds time for all! The Hare finds time not only to study in the Forest Academy, to help her mother in the family restaurant «Forest dam», but also takes part in various sports competitions. The Hare tells her friends that she has no secrets: she's fond of sports. And she also likes to sing and to dance . The Hare
Beyond the Arctic circle in the ice needle lives the Polar Bear. In his house is everything made of ice and snow: a snow shower, a bed, a computer, and even sports simulators. Since early childhood the white bear was brought up by explorers. They taught him to ski, to skate and to play Curling. But most of all the white bear enjoys to sledge. He became a real sledge and bobsledder and his friends - seals and fur seals – keep an eye on his victories. They organize competitions in these kinds of sport, and they don’t bored in the long polar night! The Polar Bear
Ray The fire boy has come to Earth from the planet, which is always hot. So he has got amber skin, sparkles in a huge eyes and hair, like a fire flare-UPS. He has many friends with whom the fire boy learns to ski and to play hockey. Snowflake arrived on our Planet with an icy comet. She has a very light skin and it looks like a prism of snow. She likes to dance, so her favorite kinds of sports are skating and freestyle. She can fly and spin with other snowflakes . Mascots of the Paralympics games Snowflake
The silhouette of the torch - fire bird's feather. Pen magic fire-bird of folk tales brings happiness and luck, familiar and children, and adults, and therefore the torch will be the most recognizable and the brightest in the history of Olympic games, as it combines national traditions and high technologies, and, therefore, our past and future . Olympic torch
The relay race of Olympic fire will be held from 2 February to 7 March 2014. More than 1000 torchbearers will carry the fire in eight Federal districts of our country. The main difference of the torches in the color is sky blue color of the Paralympics torch symbolizes the spirit of athletes who overcome unknown to ordinary people barrier. Paralympics torch
The route of the Olympic flame 2014 will pass through 83 regions of Russia
Sochi to day
Sochi today
Welcome to Sochi!
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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