Конспект урока английского языка в 3 классе по теме "Cosmos".
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме

Герасимова Татьяна Павловна

План открытого урока в 3 классе на тему "Космос".


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Предварительный просмотр:


Деятельность учителя и учащихся.

I. Организация начала урока.

II.Актуализация знаний.

III.Постановка целей и задач.

IV.Изучение нового материала.

1.Беседа о космосе.

2. Изучение новой лексики.


4.Выставка рисунков.

5.Говорим о знаменитостях.

6. «Гагарин» в Лондоне.

V.Подведение итогов.

VI.Информация о дом.задании.

- Good morning, pupils. I’m glad to see you, sit down please.

T: How are you today?

P1: I’ fine, thank you. How are you today?

P2: I’m so-so, thank you.


Well, look at the screen. There is a poem on it. First I read and you listen to me very attentively [слайд 1]:


Here are nine planets that we know.

Round and round the Sun they go.

Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars,

These are the planets near our star.

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, too.

Neptune, Pluto, we can’t see you.

Here are nine planets that we know.

Round and round the Sun they go.

- Now please read it all together after me by one line. Very well. Now, one by one by one line, begin please. Great! So, let’s try to translate this poem. Try to guess now what is the theme of our lesson?

- Cosmos, planets, cosmonaut…

-Yes, you are right! The theme of our lesson is “Cosmos” [слайд 2].

Today we’ll speak about cosmos, planets, and famous people, learn new words and watch an interesting video.

-Какие ассоциации у вас вызывает слово «космос»? Что вы представляете, когда слышите это слово?

-Планеты, ракеты, звезды, небо, Гагарин…

-You are quite right. First, let’s meet with planets. How many planets are there in the cosmos?


-You are right! Now let’s remember them in Russian.

-Меркурий, Венера, Земля, Марс, Юпитер, Сатурн, Уран, Нептун, Плутон.

-Now look at these names in English (карточки с названиями планет на английском языке). Let’s read them all together after me:

Planets [plnits]-планеты:

1. Mercury [mз:kjuri]-Меркурий

2. Venus [vi:ns]-Венера

3. Earth [з:]-Земля

4. Mars [ma:s]-Марс

5. Jupiter [u:pit]-Юпитер

6. Saturn [stn]-Сатурн

7. Uranus [ju’reins]-Уран

8. Neptune [n:ptun]-Нептун

9. Pluto [plu:tu]-Плутон

Now let’s read them by one row after me. Well done! Please, rewrite these words in your dictionaries.

 - There are more new words and interesting pictures on the screen, look there please [слайды 3-5]. What is on these pictures? What is it?

-Planet, comet, sun, cosmonaut, star…

-Yes, you are right Let’s read these words all together after me.

Are you tired? Let’s have a rest, stand up please and sing a song “Clap your hands”[слайд 6]:

Clap, clap, clap your hands,

Clap your hands together.

Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet,

Stamp your feet together.

Touch, touch, touch your ears,

Touch your ears together.

Touch, touch, touch your cheek,

Touch your cheek together.

Shake, shake, shake your hands,

Shake your hands together.

Smile, smile at your friend,

Let us smile together!

Now look at the blackboard. There are your pictures about cosmos. We’ll see how you image cosmos. I offer you to choose 3 the most beautiful and interesting pictures for I put an excellent mark to the author.

(Дети обсуждают, выбирают 3 лучших рисунка).

-Now let’s remember people or animals that played an important role in the history of space technology and exploration.

-Гагарин, Королев, Белка и Стрелка…

-You are right! Look at the screen, there are some pictures and names on it, let’s speak about them [слайды 7-13]. Who are these people? Do you know who the first woman in cosmos was? А вы знали, что Гагарин бывал на родине языка, который мы с вами изучаем? Он даже был приглашен на ужин к английской королеве!

Now I offer you to watch an interesting film about Gagarin and England. Watch and listen very attentively [слайд 14].

-Did you like the film?

-Yes, we did./No, we didn’t.

-What is this video about?

-About the monument.

(Задаю несколько вопросов на понимание просмотренного видео)

So, what did you like in our today’s lesson? What new things did you know? Now I want to put you marks.(Выставляю оценки за работу на уроке)

Please, open your record books and write down the home task. Your home task will be to learn the names of the planets by heart.

Thank you for the lesson. The lesson is over, good bye!

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

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