контрольные работы по английскому языку 8-11 классы.
тест (английский язык, 9 класс) по теме

Милютина Елена Анатольевна

Подборка контрольных работ и тренировочных упражнений по английскому языку для 8-11 классов образовательной школы. Хорошее подспорье для подготовки к ЕГЭ. Есть ответы.


Предварительный просмотр:

Контрольные работы по английскому языку для 8-11 классов.

Present Simple and Present Continuous Tenses


Exercise 1. Open the brackets and put the verbs into Present Simple or Present Continuous.

John: Good morning, (be) Mr Green there (1)?

Jack: No, he (not/be) here (2). He (work) at this moment (3). He usually (work) until 4 p.m. (4).

John: What about Mrs Green? Where (be) she (5)?

Jack: She (do) the shopping (6). She always (do) the shopping on Wednesday afternoons (7).

John: Where (be) the children (8)?

Jack: They (play) football (9). They always (play) football after school (10).

John: How (you/know) all this (11)? Who are you?

Jack: I (be) the burglar (12)!

Exercise 2. How often do they brush their teeth? Fill in an adverb of frequency.

1. He ... brushes      2. She ... brushes his teeth after meals,   her teeth.

3. They . their teeth.

brush      4. He ... brushes his teeth.

5. She ... brushes 6. I ... brush my
her teeth.        teeth.

Exercise 3. Study the table, make general questions and give negative (-) or positive (+) answers.  

Listen to records

Read magazines

Eat vegetables

Watch TV


Harry and Ann


+ +



+ +

Exercise 4. Make 5 questions (General, Who-questipn, 2 Special, Tag-question) to the following sentences.

  1. Sandra always gets up early in the morning.
  2. He is dancing with his girl-friend at the disco now.


Exercise 1. Complete the dialogue using the words in brackets in the correct form.

Ann: Why (you/not/finish) your homework and come to watch TV (1)?

Bill: Because I (not/understand) it. It is too difficult (2).

Ann: Why (you/not/ask) your teacher to explain it (3)?

Bill: Because I (not/like) him (4).

Ann: And why (you/not/like) him (5)?

Bill: Well, he (always/shout) at me (6).

Ann: Why (he/shout) at you (7)?

Bill: Well, I (not/do) my homework (8).

Ann: Well, no wonder he (shout) at you (9). Give me your book now. We'll try and do it together.

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with time expressions from the list:

at the moment    every day    always
tonight        never        now

1. She ... eats meat. She is a vegetarian. 2. Mother is baking a cake .... 3. They're going to a party ... . 4. She goes to the swimming pool on Saturdays. 5. He cycles to his friend .... 6. He is playing the drums ....

Exercise 3. Study the table, make general questions and give positive (+) and negative (—) answers.

Play the piano

Read English books

Eat fish

Goto the cinema


; Henry and Mary



+ +



Exercise 4. Make 5 questions (General, Who-question, 2 Special, Tag-question) to the following sentences.

1. Peter has some problems with Maths. 2. They are climbing the mountains without a guide.


Exercise 1. Open the brackets and put the verbs into the correct tense forms (Present Simple or Present Continuous).

1. This machine (not/work). 2. Hurry. The bus (come). I {not/want) to miss it. 3. The river Nile (flow) into the Mediterranean. 4. The river (flow) very fast today — much faster than usual. 5. (it/ever/snow) in China? 6. We usually (grow) cucumbers and tomatoes in our garden, but this year we (not/grow) any. 7. You can take my umbrella. I (not/ need) it at the moment. 8. I usually (enjoy) parties. But I (not/enjoy) this one very much. 9. George says he is eighty years old. But I (not/believe) him. 10. Roger is in Paris at the moment. He (stay) at the Continental Hotel. He usually (stay) at this hotel when he is in Paris.

Exercise 2. Put the words in brackets in the correct place in the sentence.

1.1 keep my room tidy, (always)

  1. Do you go on holiday in winter? (sometimes)
  2. He   helps   with   the   housework. (never)
  3. She plays cards, (rarely)
  4. Does he visit his friends? (often)
  5. His shoes are dirty, (always)
  6. They don't eat sweets, (often)

8.        We eat a lot of vegetables, (usually)
9.1 am on duty on Mondays, (never)

10. You must tell lies, (never)

Exercise 3. Study the table, ask general questions and make negative (-) and positive (+) sentences.

Tell jokes

Play ,hockey

Do the shopping

Dance at the parties


Tim and Tom





+ +

Exercise 4. Make 5 questions (General, Who-question, 2 Special, Tag-question) to the following sentences.

1. Mike says that school is the best thing in the world. 2. I am doing well in a lot of subjects.


Past Simple and Present Perfect Tenses


Exercise 1. Open the brackets and use the verbs in Present Perfect or Past Simple.

Ann: How long (you/have) your car (1)? Bill: I (have) it since Christmas (2). I (buy) it from my uncle (3).

Ann: (you/see) that film before (4)?

Bill: Yes, I (see) it (5) when I (be) in London (6).

Ann: How long (you/be) ill (7)?

Bill: I (be) ill (8) since I (eat) that meal (9).

Ann: When (she/move) into her new house (10)?

Bill: She (move) three months ago (11). I (not/visit) her yet (12).

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with since, for, already, just, yet.

1. Jack has ... finished his work, so his books are still on the table. 2. I haven't seen Sarah ... 1990. 3. Have you ... finished eating? I haven't even started ....

  1. They've lived here ... twenty years.He's ... come back from the journey and he's a bit tired.

Exercise Ask questions about Alison and yourself and answer them.

Met a famous person

Cooked a foreign meal

Had a bad dream

Visited a foreign country

Alison You



several times


Exercise 4. Write a short story about what you did yesterday, have done or haven't done today (about 10 sentences).


Exercise 1. Open the brackets and put the verbs into the Present Perfect or Past Simple.

My best friend is called Alison.We (know) each other (1) since we (be) five years old (2). We (always/share) our problems and our troubles (3), but we (also/enjoy) good times together (4) and (spend) many hours laughing together (5). We (live) next door to each other (6) before Alison (move) to London (7), I (visit) her many times since then (8). She (just/buy) a new house (9) but I (not/ see) it yet (10).

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences using time adverbs and expressions from the list:

1. They got married a month .... 2. He hasn't invited us ... . 3. I have had this suit... a year. 4. Helms ... left. 5 She's typed three articles baked an apple pie.

Exercise 3. Ask questions about Sam and yourself and answer them.

Been to the theatre

Seen a new film

Baked a cake

Bought a new umbrella

Sam You

many times

several times



Exercise 4. Write a short story about what your friend did yesterday, has done and hasn't done today.


Exercise 1. Make sentences using the given words.

1. {I/drink/3 cups of tea) for breakfast yesterday. 2. {He/be/ill/twice) this year. 3. {How many times/be/you/ill) last year? 4. {I/not/drink/any coffee) so far today. 5. {He/be/late/three times) this week. 6. {How many cups of milk/ you/have) today? 7. {How many games/the team/win) last season? 8. {How many games/the team/win) so far this season?

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with time adverbs and expressions from the list:

2 hours ago   this week   How long ago  How long       since        for

1. ... have you been in London? 2. The teacher came ... . 3. Mr Snowdon has been to the cinema twice ... . 4. ... did they move to a new house? 5. I've studied English ... 1991. 6. Peter has been here ... 5 days.

Exercise 3. Ask questions about Paul and yourself and answer them.

ercise 2. Put the words in the correct order.

1. I/on Saturday/didn't/you/at the party/see/night. 2. Some/in the library/ we/interesting/books/found. 3.

Lived in a cottage

Spent a week at the seaside

Been to England

Made friends with a foreigner

Paul You


several times



Exercise 4. Write a short story about what your parents did yesterday, have done and haven't done today.

Revision (Tests 1, 2)


Exercise 1. Choose the correct item. 1. She (don't/doesn't) like TV. 2.1 (am always /always am) happy when I see her. 3. What are you doing? — (I'm writing/I write) a letter. 4. Have you (been ever/ever been) to Paris? 5. (/ got/ I've got) two brothers and a sister. 6. What (did you /did you do) last night? 7. I (went/have been) to Spain last April. 8. She (is visiting/visits) her aunt once a month. 9. Do you enjoy swimming? — Yes, (/ do/I enjoy). 10. Mother (likes/is liking) cooking.

Exercise 2. Put the words in the correct order.

1. He/easily/the game/won. 2. Recently /have/to the theatre/been/you? 3. To London/for a few day/am/I/going. 4. Letters/Ann/to her parents/every week/ writes. 5. Remembered/his name/I/a few minutes/after.

Exercise 3. Find the mistakes and correct them.

1. I have been a teacher since three years. 2. Helen isn't here. She is gone to the cinema. 3. He is drove slowly through the heavy traffic. 4. Where is the girl go? 5. He has already came home.

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences with how long, since, for, already, yet.

1. My sister has been at the University ... six months. 2. ... have you known John and Susan? 3. Haven't you typed those letters ... ? 4. She's ... cleaned the house and it's only nine a.m. 5.1 haven't watched TV ... my set broke down.

Exercise 5. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense forms (Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Past Simple).

1. My cousin's name (be) Pamela Simpson (1). She (live) in Philadelphia (2) and (work) in a cafe in the centre of the city (3). She (work) there for 3 years (4). At the moment her best friend from England (stay) with her (5). She (enjoy) her holiday very much (6). They   (already/visit)   many   museums

together (7) and they (be) to the theatre three times (8).


Exercise 1. Choose the correct item. 1. We (live/have  lived) in Hastings now. 2. I (got/have  got) two brothers and a sister. 3. He (plays/is playing) football once a week. 4. We (are/have been) here since the shop opened. 5.1 always (am drinking/drink) black coffee. 6. (Has/does) he got a camera? 7. When did   you   (got/get)   home   last   night? 8. (We're/We) going to stay at home today. 9. We (knew/have known) them for a long time. 10. I (worked/am working) there two years ago.

Exercise 3. Find the mistakes and correct them.

1. George have gone to work in Spain. 2. Let's go for a walk. It doesn't raining any more. 3. When did Mr Edwards phoned you? 4.1 have forgetted her name. 5. The Earth is going round the Sun.

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences with already, since, yet, ago, for.

1. I haven't seen Keith ... a while. 2. He's been in China ... January. 3. She has ... opened her own shop. 4. He worked for a company called KMP a year ... . 5.1 haven't seen Tom ....

Exercise 5. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense forms (Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Past Simple).

Dear Sir,

My name (be) Carol Albert (1) and I (write) to you about the advertisement in today's newspaper (2). I (leave) school last year (3). And at present I (study) shorthand and typing at night school (4). I (already/ finish) courses in computer studies (5). And I (feel) that these courses (give) me a lot of experience for the post (6,7).

I (send) you a copy of my certificate (8) which I (think) may interest you (9).

Yours faithfully Carol Albert

VARIANT 3 Exercise 1. Choose the correct item.

 1. What are you cooking? It ... very nice!                            is smelling; smells; smelt

2.        John ... very hard at the moment,                           worked; has worked; is working

3.        ... I help you to carry those bags?Yes, please.      shall; will; do

4.1... a new bike last week.                                                bought; have bought; will buy

 5. They ... in England for twenty years.                                  are living; live; have lived

6.1... "Scorpions" in 1993.                                            have seen; saw; am seeing

7.We always ... French onion soup on Fridays.                   are going to eat; eat; eats

8.Why have you got this new blouse?
Because I... to the party.                                              will go; am going; go

9. The children ... happily in the garden yesterday.           play; played; have played

10. She ... her ticket already                                           , is buying; bought; has bought

Exercise 2. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1. Never/he/his wife's/birthday/forgets. 2. Usually/she/wake up/early/ doesn't. 3. Always/he/has/to travel abroad/wanted. 4. Rarely/he/at night/goes out. 5. They/always/do/can/anything/ they want.

Exercise 3. Find the mistakes and correct them.

1. We are going swimming on Saturdays. 2. I have written a book last year. 3. Look! The vase will fall down. 4. He have seen this film three times. 5. We was in Paris last year.

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences with yet, already, ago, just, since.

1. It's really a year ... we last had a holiday. 2. I'm afraid I haven't finished my dinner ... . 3. Shakespeare was born over four hundred years ... . 4. Chris has ... bought one car, but he is going to buy another one. 5. Don't eat the cake, I've ... made it and it's too hot.

Exercise 5. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense forms (Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Past Simple).

Peter (be) one of my best friends (1). At the moment he (stay) with my family ■, in York (2). I (know) him (3) since I (be) a j little girl (4), when we (play) together after the school (5). Now Peter (look) for a job in York (6).  He (just/pass) his exams (7) and (want) to be a journalist (8). Last week he (publish) an article in a , magazine (9). And now he (write) a new \ one (10). Next week he (go) to have an interview (11).


Past Simple and Past Continuous Tenses


Exercise 1. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple or Past Continuous.

Last   night   I   (have)   a   wonderful dream (1). This is what I (dream) (2). We (take) a trip to Hawaii (3). I (be) with my family and two of my friends (4). We (be) on a ship (5) and we (travel) to Honolulu (6). On the ship there (be) a disco (7). We (sit) on nice comfortable seats (8) and we (drink) exotic cocktails (9). Lots of people (dance) (10) and the music (play) loudly (11).

Exercise 2. Correct mistakes.

1. They were fishing when Hans was falling into the water. 2. It rained when we went out. 3. We was dancing at the disco when we saw Sandy. 4.1 broken my leg while I was skiing. 5.1 was losing my money when I bought presents.

Exercise 3. Make 5 questions (General, Who-questions, 2 Special, Tag-question) to the following sentences.

1. He was going to catch the six o'clock train. 2. He caught the six o'clock train.

Exercise 4. Match the sentences.

1.John was listening to the radio when ...

  1. Peter was swimming while ...
  2. He fell over when ...
  3. The robbers stole a car and ...

5. Helen was writing a letter when ...

  1. they drove away.
  2. the batteries ran out.
  3. his sister was sunbathing.
  4. her pen broke.
  5. he was crossing the street.


Exercise 1. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple or Past Continuous.

Last night I (have) a wonderful dream (1). My friends and I (have) a lot of fun (2)! When we (arrive) in Honolulu (3) a man (wait) to take us to our hotel (4). The hotel where we (stay) was by a beach with palm trees (5). Drums (beat) and the people on the beach (sing) and (dance) to the music (6, 7, 8). The music (get) louder and louder (9) until I (can) hear a ringing in my ears (10). It (be) my alarm-clock (11),

Exercise 2. Correct mistakes.

1. They are sitting in the garden when it started to rain. 2. He was driving to work when he was having an accident. 3. The telephone rang while I have eaten my dinner. 4. I was playing football when I hurted my nose. 5. Tony walked in the park when he was meeting Jackie.


3.   Make   10   questions   to   the sentence.

She was going to buy a new car but he repaired her old one.

Exercise 4. Match the sentences.

  1. While he was sailing on the lake ...
  2. He fell in the water while
  3. Uncle Tom was cooking when ...
  4. The robber stole my wallet and ...
  5. Dan fell down when ...

  1. the tent caught fire.   ran away.    he was riding a horse.  the boat sank. he was watching penguins at the Zoo.


Exercise 1. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple or Past Continuous.

Dear Peter,

I'm writing to tell you what (happen) to me last week (1) while I (visit) my aunt who lives by the sea (2). One afternoon I (take) her dog for a walk (3) when I (notice) a girl (4) who (climb) a tree (5). As she (hang) there (6), the branch suddenly (break) (7) and the girl (fall down) (8). I (run) up to her (9) but I (not/ know) what to do (10). A man who (pass) by (11) (help) me to save the girl (12). Her parents (thank) us by giving us large bunches of flowers (13). The story (be) in the local newspaper (14).

With love, Lucy

Exercise 2. Correct the mistakes.

1. When I was seeing my friend I said "hello". 2. While we talked a car ran into a girl on a bike. 3. When we saw the accident I telephoning for an ambulance. 4. When the policeman arrives he asked us some questions. 5. The ambulance was coming while we talked to the policeman.

Exercise   3.   Make   10   questions   to  the following sentence.

She was going to travel around Europe but she didn't do it because she fell ill.

Exercise 4. Match the sentences.

  1. Michael Harris was fishing in Dover Lake, when ...
  2. John Taylor was repairing his car yesterday when ...
  1. While they were diving in the sea ...
  2. The sky was cloudy and ...
  3. It was a very windy day but...

  1. it was raining.
  1. still crowds of people were standing on the shore.
  1. it fell on his leg.
  2. they found a big pearl.
  3. the boat turned over.

                                                            TEST 4

Past Simple and Past Perfect Tenses

                                VARIANT 1

Exercise 1. Open the brackets and use the verbs in Past Simple or Past Perfect.

1. When I (arrive) at the station, the train (leave). 2. We (light) the candles because the lights (go off). 3. When I (come) home, I (discover) that somebody (break into) my flat. 4. The patient (die) before the ambulance (reach) the hospital. 5. John (eat) all the cakes by the time the other children (arrive) at the party.

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences using Past Perfect.

1. Ben could write the letters because....

2.        Jane missed the train because .. .

3.        He   could   pay   the   electricity   bill because  ...   .

  4.  She failed her exam because ... .

5. She was sad because ....
6. His hands were dirty because ....

Exercise 3. Join the sentences using Past Simple and Past Perfect.

1.        John   studied   French.   He   went to Paris, (before)

2.        We arrived at the cinema. The film started, (when)

  1. Richard ate all the cakes.  Fred arrived home, (before)
  2. The army commander studied the maps. He made the attack, (after)
  3. The gardener finished digging. He put in some cabbage plants, (when)

Exercise 4. Translate the sentences into English using Past Simple and Past Perfect.

1. Когда я пришел домой, Том уже ушел. 2. Я очень нервничал (to be nervous), потому что никогда не летал раньше. 3. Я не был голоден, потому что только что пообедал. 4. Я не узнал миссис Джонсон, так как она очень изменилась. 5. У Джона не было машины, потому что он ее уже продал.


Exercise 1. Open the brackets and use the verbs in Past Simple and Past Perfect.

After Jim and Terry (finish) their breakfast (1), they (take) their bags (2) and (go) to the river to fish (3). They (go) there before (4) and (catch) some big fish (5). By 5 o'clock they (not/get) any fish (6), so they decided to go home. They (promise) their mother to bring fish for dinner (7), so they (look) for a shop where they could buy some (8). But the shops (already/close) (9). When they (arrive) home (10), they (tell) their mother (11) that they (catch) the biggest fish (12) they (ever/see) (13) but it (escape) (14).

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences using Past Perfect.

1. I couldn't answer the questions because .... 2. She was hungry because ... .

  1. My mother was worried because ... .
  2. They were late because ...

5. The boy was pleased because ....

6. He arrived at   John's house because ....

Exercise 3. Join the sentences using Past Simple and Past Perfect.

1.        I read the letter. I threw it away.   (when)

2.        He  passed  his  driving test.  He  bought a car. (as soon as)

  1. I took the book back to the library.   I finished reading it. (when)
  2. I didn't go to bed. I did my home   work, (until)
  3. I spent all my money. I went home.    (when)

Exercise 4. Translate the sentences, using\ Past Simple and Past Perfect.

  1. Женщина была мне незнакома. I Я никогда ее не видел раньше. 2. Он! очень нервничал (to be nervous), потому что никогда раньше не водил машину. 3. Когда мы пришли, они только что закончили обедать. 4. В доме было очень тихо, так как все ушли спать. 5. Джон не пришел на мой день рождения, так как уехал в командировку (on business).
  2.                  VARIANT 3

Exercise 1. Open the brackets using Past Simple and Past Perfect.

1. I (thank) her for everything she (do). 2. When I (get) to the office, I (realize) that I (forget) to lock the front door. 3. When they (finish) their work, they (go) home. 4. I (call) you at 8 a.m. but you (just go) home. 5. I (take) my family to Paris last year. I (be) there as a student, so I (know) my way around. 6. When I (listen) to the news, I (go) to bed.

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences using Past Perfect.

1. I went to bed because ... . 2. My father caught cold because ... . 3. We went shopping because ... . 4. They were tired because ... . 5. He was late for the lessons because ... . 6. They couldn't enter the house because ....

Exercise 3. Join the sentences using Past Simple and Past Perfect.

  1. I read the book. I saw the film. {before)
  2. Her children left home. She started writing, {after)
  3. We got to the theatre. The play started, {when)

4.1 had a bath. I went to bed. {after) 5. He recovered. He was ill. {after)

Exercise 4.  Translate the sentences into] English using Past Simple and Past Perfect.

  1. Он выучил английский до поездки в Англию. 2. Дом сгорел до того, как! приехали пожарные. 3. Как только Маргарет закончила уроки, она включила радио. 4. Я уже добрался до дома, когда начался дождь. 5. Ричард купил новую тетрадь, потому что старая кончилась.
  2. Revision (Tests 3, 4)

Exercise 1. Find the mistakes and correct them.

1. You are out of breath. Were you running? 2. She is already in Istanbul for a week. 3. She has studied French before she became a teacher. 4. Did you be in Helsinki? 5. She is living in this house for twenty years. 6. After she bought a new car, she sold her bicycle. 7. The manager had finished writing his report last night. 8. He was drink a cup of coffee, when the telephone rang. 9. It has been a long time since we have talked to John, isn't it? 10. Mary and her sister studied biology last year, so does Jim. 11. Peter had already saw that musical before he read the reviews.

Exercise 2. Put the words in the correct order to make the sentences.

1. She/left/suddenly/at 6 o'clock/ the room. 2. They/bought/a/two-storey/ have/lovely/in London/house. 3. He/the hill/walked/in/slowly/the rain/up. 4. He/ a/wooden/built/beautiful/has/bookcase. 5. The police/away/the burglar/arrived/ had/before/run.

Exercise 3. Open the brackets using the right tense form of the verb.

1. She {be) very tired because she {not/ sleep) for two days. 2. When I {get) to the shop, it {close). 3. She {know) him long before they {get married). 4. You (finish) all the questions when the exam (end).  5. We (arrive) late so the bus (already/go).   6.   He   (not/go)   to   the cinema with them because he (already/ see) the film. 7. Ralph (call) his friend last   night   and   (tell)   him   about   his] problems. 8. When I (arrive) at Jim's] house, he (already/make) a cake and (do)l washing up. 9. When I (arrive) at Jim's house, he (make) us a cup of coffee.10. When we (get) to the theatre, the] play (just/start) and all the seats (be\ taken).  11. James (have) supper then (go) to sit in his living-room.  12. He (feel) tired. It (be) an awful day.

Exercise 4. Translate into English.

1. Дети уже спали, когда отец пришел домой. 2. Мы подошли к станции, когда поезд уже ушел. 3. Он подарил сестре цветы, которые вырастил сам. 4. Том красил забор, когда его друзья подошли к нему. 5. Мы возвращались  домой, когда шел дождь. 6. Мой брат делал уроки, когда я позвонил. 7. Хоб не получил письмо, которое его дядя отправил ему. 8. Джон сказал, что он был на берегу моря.


Future Simple and To Be Going to

                          VARIANT 1

Exercise 1. Fill in will or going to.

I... (1) spend my holidays in Crete because there is a lot to see. I... (2) travel there by ferry because I enjoy boat trips. I am not going on my own, my best friend ... (3) come with me and I think my cousin ... (4) come too if I ask her. We ... (5) stay in Hania for two weeks, then we ... (6) go somewhere else. I hope we ... (7) find a hotel easily but if there's any problem, we ... (8) stay at a campsite. We ... (9) swim every day so I ... (10) take a lot of suntan oil with me. I think we ... (11) need it. I'm looking forward to this holiday. I'm sure it ... (12) be the best holiday ever.

Exercise 2. Choose the correct variant.

1.        — I've got a terrible headache.

— Wait there and I (will/am going to) get an aspirin for you.

2.        — Why are you filling that bucket with water?

—        I (will/am going to) wash the car.

3.        — I've decided to re-paint the room.

—        What colour (will you/are you going to) paint it?

4.        — Look! There's smoke coming out of the house. It's on fire.

—        Oh, I (will/am going to) call the fire brigade immediately.

5.        — The ceiling in this house doesn't look very safe, does it?

—        No. It looks as if it (will/is going to) fall down.

6.        — Are you going shopping?

—        Yes. I (will/am going to) buy some thing for dinner.

Exercise 3. Write what David's plans are for next week. Then write about your plans.

Monday        do shopping                            Tuesday        correct tests              

 Wednesday     buy a new shirt                                Thursday        go to the swimming  pool

Friday        visit Helen                               Saturday         have a party
Sunday        watch a football match  on TV


Exercise 1. Fill in shall, will, to be going to.

1.        — What do you want for lunch?

—        I think I ... have chicken and some salad.

2.        — John has come back from England.

—        I know. I... see him tonight.

3.        — I haven't got any money.

—        I ... lend you some if you want me to.

4.        — Ben and I... married in April.

—        My congratulations!

5.        — ... we meet on Sunday?

—        Sorry, but I... visit my aunt. She is ill.

6.        — Is David coming to the party?

—        Yes, but he ... probably be late.

7.        — Laura is in the hospital.

—        Really? I... send her some flowers.

8.        — Have you decided where to go on the holidays?

—        Yes, I... travel round Europe.

9.        — The plants need watering.

—        I know. I... water them later.

Exercise 2. Choose the correct variant.

1.        —   I  don't  know  how  to  use  this camera.

—        It's easy. I (will/am going to) show you.

2.        — What would you like to drink?

—        I (will/am   going   to) have tea, please.

3.        — Has George decided what to do?

—        Oh, yes. He (will/is going to) have a holiday for a few weeks.

4.        — Did you post a letter?

—        Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot. I (will/am going to) do it now.

5.        — What shall we have for dinner?

—        I don't know. Maybe we (will/are  going to) have some fried fish with potatoes.

6.        — We need some bread for lunch.

  1. Oh, I (will/am going to) go to the shop and get some. Do you want anything else from the shop?
  2. No, thanks.

Exercise 3. Write what Dick's plans are for next week. Then write about your plans.

Monday   tidy the room        Tuesday           repair a car






meet his friend     fly to London

 go sightseeing

 eat out with friends

 return back home

                        TEST 6

1st Conditional and Time Clauses


Exercise 1. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

1. If he (break) the window, he (pay) for a new one. 2. If it (not/be) cold, they (not/lit) the fire. 3. If she (study) more, she (be) a better student. 4. They (see) a lot of museums, when they (visit) London. 5. I (learn) French as soon as I (go) to France. 6. We (have) a party if Alan (pass) his driving test. 7. Those plants (not/grow) if you (not/water) them. 8.1 (buy) this bag, if you (lend) me some money.

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences.

1. If there are tickets to the theatre ....

 2.  ...  after you return from London.

  1. ...   as  soon  as  the  festival begins.
  2. He'll stay for another week if ....
  3. 5. I'll  bring you the book when ... .

 6. They'll go on a trip if ... .

Exercise 3. Translate into English.

1. Если у вас будет время, позвоните Петру. 2. Мы пойдем в парк, если погода будет хорошая? 3. Если вы останетесь еще на три дня, вы осмотрите все достопримечательности города. 4. Когда вы увидите м-ра Грина, попросите его позвонить мне. 5. Давайте зайдем в кафе, после того как осмотрим достопримечательности .


Exercise 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1. If the dog (keep) barking, the neighbors (complain). 2. The boss (be) angry, if you (arrive) late for a work again. 3. If you (eat) too much, you (be) sick. 4. If the weather (be) bad on Saturday we (stay) at home. 5. You should go to the doctor if you (not feel) well. 6. If you (study) hard, you (pass) the exam. 7. They (go) for a walk before they (go) to bed. 8. (you/wait) until he (come) back?

Exercise 2. Combine the sentences using the words in brackets.

  1. I'll   wait   here.   You'll   get  back. (until)
  2. Give me a ring. You'll hear some news, (when)
  3. The TV programme will end. I'll do my homework, (after)
  4. I'll go to work. I'll have a bath. (before)
  5. She'll   be   in   Paris.   She'll   visit friends, (while)
  6. The lesson will end. I'll go home. (as soon as)

7.1 won't leave the house. The postman will come, (until)

  1. I'll tell you about the holidays. I'll get back, (when)
  2. I'll study English. I'll speak it perfectly, (until)

10. I'll   find   the   book.   I'll   let   you know, (if)

Exercise 3. Translate into English.

  1. Если Том встретит нас на станции, он отвезет нас в гостиницу. 2. Я напишу вам письмо, как только приеду в Лондон. 3. Если завтра будет хорошая погода, мы пойдем гулять. 4. Мы подождем Петра, если он опоздает. 5. Она даст вам книгу, когда прочитает ее.
  2. Revision (Tests 5, 6)

Exercise 1. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

1. If you (eat) another cake, you (be) sick. 2. You (not/pass) your exam if you (not/study) hard. 3. What (you/do) if you (fail)? 4. Our children and grandchildren (suffer) if we (not/look after) our planet. 5.1 (do) my homework as soon as this programme (finish). 6. When she (read) my letter, she (understand) my problem. 7. Where (he/stay) when he (go) to New York? 8. They (give) her the message as soon as she (arrive).

Exercise 2. Correct the mistakes.

 1. We arrived in Tokyo at 3 o'clock inj the morning tomorrow.2. As soon as Sylvia and Ronald will arrive, the meeting can start. 3. You should doing more exercises. It's good for you. 4. When I'll go back to my country, I'll write to you. If it is too expensive, I don't buy it. I'll give it to Jack when he come.

  1. We'll must buy a new car soon. 8. If you'll go to the cinema tonight, I'll go with you.
  2. Exercise 3. Match the sentences.
  1. If I pass my driving test...
  2. You'll learn English more easily if ...

3.Will you give her these flowers when ...

  1. If they don't give him the job ...
  2. I'll marry you as soon as ...
  3. Your plants won't grow well if ...
  4. As soon as we get the tickets ...
  5. If I buy the champagne ...

  1. will you pay for the meal?
  2. we find somewhere to live.
  3. you study a little every day.
  4. you don't water them.
  5. we'll send them to you.
  6. I'll buy a car.

g) I don't know what he'll do. h) you see her?

Exercise 4. Write a letter of advice to a friend of yours who is going to London.

TEST 7       Passive


Exercise 1. Change Active into Passive.

1. The gardener has planted some trees. 2. Doctor Brown will give you some advice. 3. A famous designer will redecorate the hotel. 4. Steven Spielberg directed "E.T." 5. Someone has broken the vase. 6. You must clean the room. 7. Fleming discovered penicillin. 8. You can improve your health with more exercises.

Exercise 2. Ask questions to the underlined words using Passive.

1- The boys damaged the television. 2. Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa. 3. He invited 30 people to his party. 4. They grow bananas in Africa.

Exercise 3. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple Passive or Past Simple Passive.

1. There is a monkey which (call) Bubble. 2. Two men (see) breaking into a house last night. 3. The car (own) by Michael Jones. 4. The police (call) and they arrived very quickly. 5. The great collection (keep) in Dr. Crane's house. 6. One man (catch) immediately.

Exercise 4. Rewrite the following text using Passive instead of Active.

Some people saw a UFO in the sky above London last night. They reported it to the police. The army sent a helicopter to look at it more closely. The UFO shot the helicopter down and killed both men in it. People have given photographs of the UFO to the police. Experts are looking at them now.


Exercise 1. Change Active into Passive

1. The postman delivers letters. 2. They built this church in 1815. 3. The policeman has arrested the thief. 4. The Queen will open a new library. 5. He is writing a book. 6. You may open the window. 7. He must repair the car. 8. Someone is helping her with the homework.

Exercise 2. Ask questions to the underlined words using Passive.

1. Columbus discovered America. 2. We keep money in a safe. 3. A bee stung my brother. 4. They speak Italian in Italy.

Exercise 3. Put the verbs in brackets into Past or Present Simple Passive.

1. The pet (feed) every day by a girl. 2. The thief ran away but he (find) by the policeman. 3. She (always/dress) in funny clothes. 4. Both boys (take) home where they (ask) questions by their parents. 5. He (say) to be my best friend. 6. The cathedral (build) by Sir Christopher Wren after the Great Fire.

Exercise 4. Rewrite the following text using Passive instead of Active.

Someone broke into a local jewellery shop yesterday. The owner had just locked up the shop when a robber with a gun threatened him. The robber told him to unlock the shop and give him all the diamonds in the safe. The robber tied him up. The police have organized a search for the robber. They hope they will find him in a few days. Doctors are treating the owner of the shop for shock.


Reported Speech


Exercise 1. Give 3 forms of the following verbs:

feed, forgive, phone.

Exercise 2. Give all tense forms (in Active Voice) of the following verbs:

choose, swim.

Exercise 3. Choose the reported word and turn the following into Reported Speech.

advised        wondered      suggested

asked        promised       ordered


  1. "I think you should take more exercise", the doctor said to me.
  2. "I will not answer your questions" the actor said to him.
  1. "I really will phone this evening",he said to her.
  2. "Do you know where I've put my hat?" he said to her.
  1. "What have you bought me for Christmas?" the little boy said to his parents.
  2. "Go to your room now and do your homework", the mother said to her son.
  3. "You will be paid twice a month", her boss said.
  4. "Would you like me to drive you to town?" she said to me.

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences. He asked them what time .... Mrs Smith wondered if ... . She wanted to know how much ....

Exercise 5. Translate into English.

1. Он сказал, что не помнит номер моего телефона. 2. Она поинтересовалась, не сможет ли он пробыть в Киеве больше двух дней. 3. Он спросил, куда он собирается поехать на следующий год. 4. Она попросила меня не опаздывать. 5. Я спросил его, когда он принесет книгу.

Exercise 6. Turn into Indirect Speech. Take your seats. Don't go there! Who is on duty?


Exercise   1.   Give   three   forms   of   the following verbs:

leave, enjoy, buy.

Exercise 2. Give all tense forms (in Active Voice) of the following verbs:

drink, carry.

Exercise 3. Choose a reporting verb and turn the following into Reported Speech.

suggested      asked        advised

offered        explained      warned

promised       begged

  1. "Let's go for a walk!" he said.
  1. "Please, let me come with you", she said to her sister.

3.        "Let's play in the garden",  Ted said.

  1. "The Sun is bigger than the Earth", Mary said to the children.
  2. "Don't go near the fire", she said to Ben.
  3. "Let's have steak for dinner", said Jane.
  4. "I promise I'll write to you as soon as I arrive", said John to Mary.
  5. "Please don't shoot me!" he said to the robber.

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences.

1. He asked me if ... . 2. Mr Wood wondered whether ... . 3. She explained how long ....

Exercise 5. Translate into English.

1. Он спросил меня, что он может сделать. 2. Они утверждали, что никого не было дома. 3. Она спросила, где я оставил ключи. 4. Она сказала, что купит подарок, если будет время. 5. Он попросил меня отойти в сторону.

Exercise 6. Turn into Indirect Speech.

Come in.

Don't be late.

What are you doing here?

Part  II

The Article               TEST  1

A or The?

1. The students are going to write .;. test. /M test consists of five tasks. 2. My son got /?. bad mark at school yesterday, but ... mark did not upset him. 3. We have .СЛ new student in the class.  ... student comes from Peru. 4. They gave ... party last night. Everybody enjoyed .i. party.  5. I found V.. kitten in the street  and  brought  it  home,  but  my mother is against ,.C kitten. 6. He met...' girl at the disco. ... girl was a wonderful dancer. 7. My uncle built ... new house. ... house is small but quite comfortable. 8. I saw ... beautiful dress in the shop, but ... dress was too expensive for me to buy it. 9. There is ... new dictionary on sale now.   ... dictionary gives 200,000 words. 10. You asked me ... question but I  think  you  should  know  ...   answer yourself.

                              TEST  2

A/an, The or —?

(with nouns denoting parts of a day) 1. It was ... evening. 2. It was ::'.'-warm summer evening. 3. ... evening was very pleasant. 4. Let's meet in ..evening, I'll be very busy in ;k afternoon. 5. It was ... early morning. 6. It snowed at ... night. 7. We started early in'.  . morning. 8. u . night came,  day broke, but there was no sign of the plane. 9. Don't worry, we'll get home before .. sunset. 10. The children were shivering though it was ... warm night.


The or —? (with nouns denoting names of seasons)

1. The Russian likes .. 1 good hard winter with plenty of snow and frost. 2. Nature is so beautiful in ... winter. 3. In this country ... spring is always wet, ... summer is unbearable hot, ... autumn is wet and muddy, ... winter is perishingly cold and snowy. 4. Do you still remember .V/spring when you first told me of your love? 5. Nothing can be more beautiful than motoring across the green fields in ... early spring. 6. It was ... late autumn. 7. autumn of 1993 was very warm and sunny. 8. ... spring makes people feel young. 9. I like ... summer best. 10. What do you usually do in ... autumn?


A, The or —? (with nouns denoting meals)

1. Let's settle all business matters before ... lunch. 2. I usually have a cup of tea with sandwiches for ... breakfast, a substantial meal for ... dinner, and something light for ... supper. 3. Mum, is 44^ dinner ready? 4. Something is burning! — Oh, I've forgotten about we supper again! 5. How much did you pay for ... dinner? 6. You usually have ... breakfast at 8, don't you? 7. They had .Л delicious lunch at the cafe. 8. How many people will be present? How much wine shall we have for ... supper? 9. Most people watch TV after ... supper. 10. When ... tea is ready we shall call you.


The or —? (with nouns denoting names of streets ,squares, cinemas, hotels, theatres ,airports, museums)

1. …. Tverskaya Street is the central street of Moscow. 2. ... National Gallery faces ... Trafalgar Square. 3. When did you arrive at... Heathrow airport? 4. ... Bolshoy Theatre is famous for its ballet performances. 5. What is on at ... "Odeon"? 6. Whenever the Greens come to London they stay at …. Hilton Hotel. 7. Tourists coming to London often do the shopping in ... Oxford Street. 8. ... London Zoo is situated in Regent Park of London. 9. You can find a beautiful collection of Modern Art in .1.-Tate Gallery. 10. What is ... British Museum famous for?


The or —? (with nouns denoting names of continents islands, countries, cities, mountains and water bodies)

1... Adriatic Sea, which is between the coasts of ... Italy and ... Yugoslavia, is an arm of ... Mediterranean Sea. 2. ... Swiss Alps are a good place to go to if you  like skiing.   3.  "My heart's  in ...Highlands". 4. ... Chicago River flows south towards  ...  Gulf of ...  Mexico. 5."… Panama Canal connects ... Atlantic and ... Pacific Oceans. 6. ... Volga flows from ... Valdai Hills to .. Caspian Sea. 7.  We get tea mostly from ...  China and...   Ceylon.   8.   ...   Alaska   is   the biggest state in ... USA. 9. Where are .. British   Isles   situated?   10. The   pupil showed ... Europe, ... Asia, ... North and ... South America, ... Africa on the map but   he   completely   forgot   about   ... Australia.


A/an or —?

1. What ... witty man! 2. What ... good children! 3. What ... miserable weather! 4. What ... fantastic dress! 5. What … wonderful news! 6. What ... strange answer! 7. What ... valuable information!   8. What   ...   informative article! 9. What ... beautiful hair she has! 10. What... wonderful flowers!


A/an, The or —?

1. This trip costs ... lot of money. 2. She failed us. What … surprise! What .'.. shame! What ... shock! 3. I don't believe you. I think you're telling .. lie. 4. Did you have .. lovely time at the picnic? 5. I was feeling sleepy so I had ...P-nap. 6. He made … mistake. 7. Could you give me ... lift to the school? 8. Have … look at the sky. It looks like rain. 9. She'll have ... shower and return in … hour and ... half. 10. I'll have to make ... speech at the reception. 11.1 assure you I'm telling ... truth. 12. In England we drive on ... left. 13. Henry ... VIII had six wives. 14. In summer they seldom go to ... school. 15. I like to stay at... home on cold nights. 16. Christmas is on …24th of December. 17. Tom didn't go to ... work yesterday. 18. He lives in … north of Africa. 19. … advice, you gave me, helped a lot. 20.1 like to be in ... centre of everything.

Plural of Nouns


Give the plural of each of the following nouns.

  1. window
  2. bus
  3. brush
  4. photo
  5. hero
  6. Negro?
  7. French
  8. Italian
  9. Spanish

  1. Greek
  2. Japanese
  3. Swiss
  4. match»
  5. glass
  6. church^
  7. loaf
  8. leaf
  9. wife

  1. chief
  2. thief
  3. cliff
  4. roof .
  5. monkey
  6. fly
  7. fox
  8. ox*
  9. deer
  10. goose
  11. sheep
  12. postman
    .31. man-servant

  1. housemaid
  2. woman-teacher
  3. man-of-war

  1. forget-me-not
  2. merry-go-round


Change the singular nouns in brackets to plural and supply them correctly.

1. Have you ever seen any ... by Show? (play) 2. You should hide the ... from ....(knife, child) 3. Economic ... took place in different .... (crisis, country) 4. The scientists studied the ... of the biological ... and discovered some new .... (datum, analysis, phenomenon) 5. Her ... are very  gentle   ...   .   (son-in-law,  person)

6.        The ... weren't very polite, (passer-by) 7.        The  two   ...   were  afraid  of   ...   .
(woman,     mouse)    8. These     ...     had  problems with their  ...   .  (gentleman, tooth)

test з

Change the nouns in brackets to plural where necessary.

1. The company bought a lot of ... for their ... . (furniture, office) 2. There were a great many ... in her .... (book, bookcase) 3. Two new ... and some ... were delivered to the club, (piano, radio) Those ... bought three ... of ... and a lot of ... . (lady, kilo, tomato, potato) He got a lot of important ... from the company, (information) 6. They give me very much good  in that situation.


Supply a singular or a plural verb where necessary.

1. I know my hair  .. beautiful, everybody says so. (to be) 2. New clothes ... not matter to Hob. (to do) 3. Mathematics ... among the most important subjects at schools, (to be) 4. Germany .. lost that football match, (to have) 5. The police… looking for the thief, (to be) 6. My scissors ... not very sharp. Can I borrow yours? (to be) 7. No news …good news. (to be) 8. "There ... money in my pocket," I said to the porter, (to be) 9. Two hours … rather short to discuss all the problems like these, (to be) 10. 50 dollars enough to buy a cassette-player. (to be) 11. Three miles too far to walk on a nasty day like this, (to be)

The Pronoun


Choose the correct pronoun.

A: Excuse me, Mary.

Are these socks (your/yours)?

В: No, those are not (my/mine).

(My/Mine) socks are red.

A: I think that's (Jane/Jane's) new racket.

B: No, that's not (her/hers).

A: Is this Pat (Hill/Hill's) watch?

B: No, it's not (her/hers).

A: Betty and Jean, are these (your/ yours) bags?

B: Yes, those are (our/ours).

                                                   TEST  2

Circle the correct pronoun.

A: Good afternoon. Can I help you?

B: Yes. How much is (this/these) watch?

A: It's $175.

B: Oh. How much is (that/those) one?

A: (It's/They're) $220.

B: Oh, well. Thanks, anyway.

A: Excuse me. How much are (that/ those) shoes?

B: (It's/They're) on sale for $135.

A: Well, I'll think about it. Thanks.

A: Are (this/these) stereos on sale?

B: Yes, (it/they) are.

A: And how much is (this/these) Sony?

B: (It's/They're) $350.

A: And how much are (that/these) portable stereos?

B: (It's/They're) only $99 each,

A: Oh, really? Thanks!


Some, Any or No?

1. Are there... students here from … pan? 2. There are ... students here from China but there are not ... from India. 3. Is there .., news? — Yess there are …. letters on the desk. 4. difficulties arise, let me know, 5. They have …really good friends, Have you got? 6. — Саn…of you help us?, — … problem. 7. Would you like…cream, please? … more, thank you, I've had …8. I take…sugar with my tea, sugar fattens me. 9, He told us…strange story. 10. They haven't got …conveniences in their country house but they are going to get/…


Something, Anything or Nothing?

1. I'm sure ... can be done under the circumstances. 2. There is always ... I don't understand. 3. Is there ... else you would like me to explain to you? 4. Nelly has got very important news. It's ... you would like to hear. 5. I don't want ... at all. 6. I think there is ... strange about this man. 7. ... ever interests him. 8. — Shall we go anywhere for the week-end? — Sorry, we can't. We all have ... to do. 9. Everybody thinks he should buy ... for the party. 10. ... serious can come out of this.


Somebody, Anybody or Nobody?

1. It is so dark here! Can you see ;.. in front of us? 2. Do you know ... has broken the door to the gym? 3. Do you know ... here? 4. She said she could recognize ... because of their painted faces. 5. Is ... at home? 6. I'm sure there is ... inside, just knock louder! 7. If ... comes, he will give you a call. 8. Are you waiting for ...?

9.        Don't  be  silly!  There  is   ...   there. 10.        Sally,  there is  ...  downstairs. Who wants to speak to you?


Who or Which?

1. A non-smoker is someone ... doesn't smoke.   2.   This  is  the  pullover   ...   I bought in London.  3. There is a man here ... wants to sell me a brush for ten pounds! 4. A bus driver is a person ... drives a bus. 5. This is the Eiffel Tower ... is in Paris. 6. Robert Shade is catching Flight BE 048, ... leaves at 14.20. 7. Lulu is the reporter ... wrote interesting articles about space travels. 8. Harry Smith, ... is 55, is unemployed. 9. She has already read the book ... I bought last Friday. 10. Here are the papers ... you haven't looked through yet. 11. He is the man ... will help you whenever you require help. 12. Have you written the story ... is to be completed? 13. I don't know ... is the most sensible project to follow.; 14. I don't know the people ... have just arrived. 15. Look at the old man ... is standing near the window. Do you recognize him?

                                                            TEST  7

What or That?

  1. He wasn't surprised at... he saw because I told him ... to expect. 2.1 did ... I could. 3.1 did everything ... I had to do. 4. Show me ... you've got in your hand. 5.1 didn't know ... you promised the children to take them to the Zoo. 6. I don't want to know ... they are talking about. 7.1 didn't buy anything because I didn't see ... I wanted. 8. He told me ... he wanted to buy a new coat. 9. Don't you know ... he is leaving on Friday morning? 10.1 am sure ... ... you say is true.
  2.                                                  TEST 8

Other, the Other, Another, Others or the Others?

  1. I don't like this book. Give me ... one. 2. What... questions have you got? 3.1 bought two pens yesterday. One is here, and where is ...? 4. Some people like apples, ... prefer bananas. 5. Two of the five children studied music, ... went in for sport. 6. Mary said she had two houses, one in Spain, ... in France. 7. This bag is too small. I'd like to buy ... one. 8. What ... stories by this writer have you read? 9. There are seven students in this group. Two are from China, ... are from Vietnam. 10. This glass is broken, ... glass is broken too.
  2. TEST 9

Such or So?

1. The day was ... exciting! 2. It's ... an original idea! 3 The letter is ... informative! 4. It's ... good weather today! 5. The dress is ... smart» 6. I can't afford „.. an expensive coat. 7. His health is ... poor. 8. You can't talk in ... a way. 9. Her taste is .-., good. 10. Helena has ... a good sense of humor.

TEST  10

Either, Too, Also?

1. Whatever you do, don't mention my name... . 2. Your room is ... very small. 3. He is sure he will finish on time .... 4.1 don't know ... what delayed the train. 5. He couldn't remember the number of his brother's car ... . 6. We are ... very much interested in the subject. 7. I'm awfully sorry I haven't looked through the project.... 8. Do you ... like the book? Yes, I do. I like it. 9. Will you ... come back at the end of June? 10. She said she would like to spend her vacation in the country ....

TEST  11

It is or There is?

  1. ... always much snow in this country in winter. 2. ... snowing hard. 3. ... too much sugar in the tea. ... too sweet, much too sweet. I can't drink it. 4. Don't buy this jacket. ... very dark and ... not becoming. 5. Let's go out! ... getting dark. 6. ... a dark street, and in that dark street... a dark gloomy house. 7. ... nothing you can do about it. 8. ... already late and ... nobody in the office to solve your problem. 9. ... sunny but ... strong wind. 10. ... very kind of you.
  2. The Preposition



Look at the picture and fill in the blanks with one of the following prepositions. More than one answer may be correct.

in front of between on top of next to opposite

1. Cinema 1 is ... the restaurant and Cinema 2. 2. The man and woman are walking ... the sidewalk. 3. The lamp post is ... the magazine stand. 4. The people in the restaurant are sitting ... each other. 5. The restaurant is ... Cinema 1.6. The ticket booth is ... the theater signs. 7. The magazine stand is ... the lamp post. 8. The ticket seller is ... the ticket booth. 9. The man and woman are ... Cinema 2. 10. The film titles are ... the sidewalk. 11. The door to the restaurant   is   ...   the   restaurant   sign. The  lamp  post  is   ...   the  corner.  


Complete this conversation with at, on or to.

A: Let's go(l)... a movie (2)... Friday or Saturday.

B: OK. There's a new Tom Cruise movie    (3)... the Elmwood Theatre.

A: Great! Let's go (4) ... Saturday night.  What time is the movie?

B: It's (5)... eight and ten. Would you like to go (6)... dinner before the movie?

A: Sure. There's a new Italian restaurant on Vine Street.

B: All right. Let's meet (7)... the restaurant (8)... Saturday (9)... 6 p. m.

A: OK. And then we'll (10) ... the eight o'clock show.


On or In?

1. Is he ... ? 2. Who is there ... the street? 3. He will arrive ... our city ... Monday morning. 4. He generally gets up at 7 o'clock ... the morning. 5. My birthday is ... winter, ... December ... particular, but I'm not sure where I'll be ... Christmas Day. 6.1 seem to know this woman ... the picture. 7. How long has he been ... his business trip? 8. He is coming back ... a fortnight. 9. Why are you ... such a hurry? 10. There is a sofa ...the left.


On or At?

1. My little son is good ... playing computer games. 2. You are wanted ... the phone. 3. He always lives in the country while ... holiday. 4. What's ... ... the local cinema? 5. I am very bad ...

explaining phonetic rules. 6. It all depends ... you. 7. He arrived ... the airport too early. 8. She put ... her beautiful dress and was ready for the ball. 9. He is walking ... the lawn ... the entrance to the building. 10. What are you looking ...?


In or At?

1. Little Nelly has been ... bed for 3 days and she is still running a high temperature. 2. Wherever he is he is not ... home. 3. Over the fields, over the seas the plane is flying ... the blue sky. 4. The note is ... the bottom of the page. 5. Turn right ... the traffic lights. 6. Nick is ... the street, just ... the end of the street. 7. — Is he ... the office? — No, he isn't. He's ... the dentist's. 8. I'll be waiting for you ... the bus stop ... 6 sharp. 9. We met... a conference last Thursday. 10. Do you know the man ... this photo? 11. They arrived ... Paris late ... night. 12. What time did they arrive ... work yesterday?


In or To?

1. We are going ... St. Petersburg in a week. 2. Tom likes reading ... bed. Whenever he goes ... bed he takes a book and starts reading. 3. Sorry, when are you going ... a party, Pat? 4. Trafalgar Square is ... London. 5. It was Sunday yesterday and we didn't go ... school. Our parents didn't go ... work. 6. How long have you been living  ...  Italy?  How long have you been ... Paris?


Up, down, on, off, away, round, back or out?

1. Put... your hat. It's cold today. 2.1 don't feel well. I'm going to lie ... for a minute. 3. I fell ... the stairs and broke my leg. 4. The children stood ... when the teacher arrived. 5. Don't throw ... that bottle. We can use it again. 6.1 would take ... my jacket if I felt hot.

7. I must remember to take the book ... to the library. 8. I'm going to take the dog ... for a walk. 91 heard someone running behind me. I turned ... and saw a girl in a track suit.

The Verb



Fill in the blanks with the following modal verbs: can, could, may, might in the positive or negative form.

1. ... you tell me the way to the post office? 2. Where ... I buy toys? 3. ... I have your pen, please? 4. You ... take my book if you like. 5. Where are you going tonight? — I don't know yet, I ... go to a restaurant. 6. — When will you see Ann again? — I'm not sure. I ... see her tonight. 7. ... I have another cup of tea? 8. ... I use your telephone? 9.... you pass me a slice of lemon, please? 10. She ... play the piano, but she ... play the guitar. 11. Take your umbrella with you. It ... rain. 12. I'm not sure, but Linda ... come to the party. She's not very well.


Fill in the blanks with the following forms of modal verbs and their equivalents: must, mustn't, needn't, should, shouldn't, have to (has to), don't have to (doesn't have to), shall.

1. You .,. take a bus to get to the museum. It's far from here. 2, Pupils ... come to school in time. 3. Children ... play with matches. 4. You've been travelling all day, you ... be tired. 5. You ... open the window. It's very cold outdoors. 6. I ... iearn this grammar rule. I don't know it. 7. You ... give up your seat to old people. 8. People ... cross the street when the light is red. 9.1 don't go to school on Sundays. I... get up early in the morning. 10.1... clean the windows. They aren't dirty. 11. It's grown dark in the room. ... I switch on the light?Let's listen to some music, ... we? You ... read this book in English. It's
very difficult for you.   14.  She can't
come to see me. She ... meet her friends
at the railway station. 15. You ... buy any bread. We've got a lot of it. 16. He ... make tea in the morning. His mother makes it for him.


Complete the following sentences using the right tense forms of the appropriate modal verbs.

1. They can't buy a car now, but they ... buy it in three months. 2. The sick man can sit up today, but he ... doit yesterday. 3. She says I must do it at once, but yesterday I ... do it just as quickly.

  1. He must get up early this morning, but he ... get up so early tomorrow.
  2. She can hardly speak today because of her sore throat. I'm sure she ... sing to
    night. 6. She needn't come here again this   evening,   but   she   ...   yesterday.
    7. We needn't paper the walls this year, but we ... paper them next year. 8. The
    child can talk now, but two months ago he ... speak only a few words. 9. I can't
    come right now, but I ... come in an hour. 10, They ... lend me any money
    last week, but they can lend me some now. 11.1 can't believe such stories, but

I ... believe them when I was a child. 12.1 must answer a lot of questions, but I thought I... answer any.



In each of the boxes below, one or two of the nouns do not go with the verb in the middle. Draw a line to show which nouns can go with the verb.

a bank

£1,000 a wallet



a post office

a fish

a bus a train


a cold

a thief a car

a lie

a poem the truth


a joke

a story

a war

a competition John McEnroe



a football match

a seat belt


a briefcase


a watch

an umbrella

a uniform

the piano



Play       (

a competition




Spell the Past tense of these verbs.

  1. add ...
  2. carry...
  3. dance ...
  4. enjoy...
  5. like ...
  6. listen ...
  7. marry.*,
  8. phone ..„
  9. stay ...
  1. try ...
  2. visit... ■
  3. work ...


Complete this postcard, using the Past tense of the verbs.

Dear Karen,

Hi, there! My vacation ... (be) great! I... (visit) my friends in Puerto Rico. I... (stay) at a nice hotel near a beautiful beach. We ... (rent) a car and ... (travel) around the island. I ... (try) to learn windsurfing, but it... (be) difficult. I... (enjoy) the food and. really ... (like) the fresh fruit. I ... (talk) to a lot of local people there, I'm really glad I... (study) Spanish in high school. See you soon!




Present Simple or Present Continuous?

1. Tom usually (play) football but today he (play) tennis. 2. What language they (speak) in Holland? What language he (speak) now? 3. The professor (speak) five foreign languages. Right now he (speak) Dutch. 4. My friend always (tell)

me truth, but I see that she (tell) a lie now. 5.1 usually (drive) to my work. Be careful! You (drive) too fast. 6. She, as a rule, (wear) smart hats. But today she (wear) a funny-looking one. 7.1 (do) a lot of work every day. Don't worry! I (know) what I (do). 8. Every Sunday he (watch) birds in the forest. Be quiet, the photographer (watch) that bird. He (want) to take a picture. 9. You (eat) fruit every day? What's the name of the fruit   you   (eat)   with   such   pleasure?10.        You  (remember) where he (work)? 11.        She   (not    understand)  what   the
(explain). 12. She (say) now she (love)   him   very   much.    13.    I   (not
the man who (give) a talk. 14. You usually (drink) coffee at this
time? What is that you
(drink) now? 15.1 (feel) Nick (want) to know where you (live) now.


Future Simple or Present Simple?

1. I (go) and see Venice as soon as I (reach) Italy. 2. If the sun (be) red, it is a

sign that we (have) a fine day tomorrow. 3. I (be) glad if some of these hopes (be) realized. 4. Many people believe that the time (come) when there (be) a universal parliament of the world. 5. If you (leave) school soon, you (forget) what you have learned. 6. I trust the next mail (bring) better news from home. 7. Wherever you go, you (find) the local people friendly. 8.1 think he (not know) when Jack (return). 9. He (become) a doctor when he (grow up). 10. If things get worse, I (lose) my job. 11. Please stop before you (get) into trouble. 12. — The new Head (make) any changes? — He has already made them. 13. I (stay) with Mother if you (go) and (telephone) the doctor. 14. The nurses are not sure if the patient (recover). 15. Tell me if you (finish) your article in May and when exactly you (finish) it.


Future Simple or Present Continuous?

1.   Where   you   (go)  for  your   next holiday? 2. I (give) you a lift to work

tomorrow if you like. 3. Do you know Ann (come) at the end of the week? 4. I'm afraid I'm not quite ready. — Never mind. I (wait). 5. Shop assistant: We have some very nice strawberries. Customer: All right. I (have) a pound. 6. — We (have) a party next Saturday night. You (come)? 7. — Why you (take) the carpets down? You (paint) the walls? — No, I (take) the carpets to the cleaner's. 8. — There are a lot of mistakes in this document. — All right. I (type) it again. 9. Leave a note for them on the table and they (see) it when they (come). 10. He (leave) for London tomorrow night. 11.— What about this camera? You (try) to take photos? It's not allowed, you know... — No, I (try) to sell the camera. 12. He says he (meet) us at the bus stop, but I'm sure he (forget) about it. 13. He (come) if you ask him. 14. — You (do) anything special tomorrow? — Yes, my nephews (come) and I (show) them round London. 15. I hear you (go) to the regatta tomorrow. You (sail) in it?


Past Simple or Past Continuous?

1. I (sit) on the bench for half an hour and then (begin) reading a book. 2, You (see) him this morning? — Yes. He (stand) in the hall laughing. 3, He (come) in and (see) Nelly who (draw) a strange picture. 4. I (not understand) what Mr Green (do). 5. Nick and Fred (drive) along the road. 6. She (set) the table at six yesterday. 7. The businessman (fly) to England yesterday. 8. I (not to hear) what he (say). I (type) at the moment. 9. When it (happen)? It (happen) when you (talk) to your secretary. 10. We (walk) in silence for 5 minutes, then he (speak). 11.1 (tell) him he should not read while he (eat). 12. The mouse (hide) while the cat (watch). 13. The train (strike) an obstacle on the line, but it not (stop) because it (travel) too fast at the time. 14. I (sit) in my garden yesterday, when the servant (come) and (say) that a visitor (wait) for me in the hall. 15. He (not like) to play while others (work).


Past Simple or Present Perfect?

1.  He  (forget) his  French  since  he (leave) Paris. 2. Years ago he (be) very poor, and (not know) how to live. He (become) very rich now. 3. I can reach my work easily now, as I (buy) a new car. 4. — The man you see there is the man to whom I (lend) the money. — When you (lend) it to him? — I (do) it yesterday. 5. I (lose) my keys and cannot remember where I (see) them last. 6. He cannot see well as he (become) shortsighted. 7. He is a man who (live) a remarkable life.  8.  What you (do) last night? 9. What you (do) since I last (see) you? 10.1 (not play) much football since I (leave) school. 11. — You (hear) from Jane lately? — Yes, I (get) a message from him last night. 12.1 (get) a fax from Boston an hour ago, but I (not answer) it yet.

  1. — It's the most delicious cake I ever (taste). — When and where you (buy) it?
  2. When   you   (get)   this   wonderful ring? — I don't remember. I (have) it for
    years. 15. How's Jack? When you
    (see) him? — Oh, I (not meet) him for ages.


Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous?

1. —You (telephone) for ages. You really (not finish)? — I (not get) through yet. I'm trying to get our Paris office but the line (be) engaged all morning. 2. He (play) the piano since six o'clock in the morning. He only just (stop). 3. Why you (not bring) me the letters? You (not type) them yet? 4. — Are you going to sunbathe? — Don't be ridiculous! It (rain) all day. 5. What you (do) up to now? 6. The police (not find) the burglar yet. They (look) for him since Saturday. 7. Ann (fail) her exam three times because she is so bad at doing sums. But she (practice) for a week now, I hope she will pass it in the end. 8. What (happen) to the fridge? 9. I know him well. I (know) him since our childhood. 10. How long you (have) these gloves? I (have) them for years. 11. George (collect) matchboxes ever since he left school. Now he (collect) so many that he doesn't know where to put them. 12. — Customers (ring) up all morning

complaining about getting incorrect bills. — I know. Something (go) wrong with our computer. 13. How long you (own) this house? 14. Where you (put) my keys? I can't find them. 15. Your eyes are red. You (cry)?


Present Perfect or Past Perfect?

1. My mother asked who (break) her typewriter. Look! Somebody (break) my typewriter.  2. You ever (see) a flying saucer?  3.  He looked at the girl and understood   he   (see)   her   somewhere before.  4.  — I think John (miss) his 7.30 train.   That's  why  he  isn't  here now. — Looks like him. He never (come) home in time. 5. When the three bears came home they saw that someone (eat) Baby Bear's porridge. 6. John is hungry because he (have) nothing to eat since morning. 7, Mrs. Brown lives next door but she never (say) more than "good morning" to me. 8. They (buy) the apples in the market. 9. He just (see) his friend arrive. 10. It (stop) raining and the sun is  shining.   11.  She  said  they  (walk) 3 miles. 12. They just (walk) in the park. 13.1 wondered what he (do) since we last met? 14. There (be) no post all this week. 15. Nick hoped there (be) no post since Friday.

TEST  10

Past Simple or Past Perfect?

1. The teacher was a stranger to me. I never (see) her before. 2. The house was very quiet when I (get) home. 3. We felt happier when they (leave). 4. She gave him the book his teacher (recommend). 5. They (finish) the translation by five o'clock. 6. She got a message saying he (pass) the exam. 7. We (go) out to ask them for a drink, but the pub (close). 8. At six o'clock he (know) they were not coming. 9. She (go on) with the story where her Mother (stop). 10. Tom wasn't at home when I (arrive). He just (go) home. 11. Margaret was late for work. Her friend (be) very surprised. She never (be) late before. 12. There was nobody in the sitting-room when I (get) home. Everybody (go) to bed. 13. I didn't recognize him. He (change) a lot. 14. By the time we (arrive), the party (finish). 15. Before we (take) Paul to the theatre, he never (see) a play on the stage before.

TEST  11

Future Simple or FutureVin-the-Past?

1. I hope I (get), a doll on Christmas, but  my brother  said  he  (get)  a  new camera.    2. Do   you   think   it   (rain) tomorrow?   —   I   hope   not.   3.   Nelly promised she (send) a card from Florida. 4. I am sure we (have) a thunderstorm tonight. 5. —I (go) to the post office for you? 6. I had no idea when they (come). 7. We said we (not watch) TV all day long. 8. I doubted if they (make) it up. 9. Tell    them    again,    perhaps    they (understand).   10.   They  (come)  if  we invite  them?   11.  There (be) a lot  of people at the conference. 12. She says she (have to) change the clock. 13. She was  afraid he  (feel) depressed.   14.  I assure you he never (tell a lie). 15. They say this firm (publish) this book next year.


TEST  1 Choose the correct verb form.

1. How long (has Angela been living/ does Angela live) in Paris? 2. She (has been finding/has found) a good job. 3. Alan (has been/has gone) to South America. 4. Angela (has bought/bought) her flat a few months ago. 5. How long (has she known/has she been knowing) Jean-Pierre? 6. Tom (worked/has been working) as a postman for a month. 7. He (has visited/has been visiting) ten museums today. 8. He's tired because he (has travelled/has been travelling) around London all day.


Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense, Present Perfect or Past Simple. If both the Present Perfect Simple and Continuous are possible, use the Continuous.

1. How long ... you ... (learn) English?

  1. How long ... you ... (use) this book?
  2. Which book ... you ... (have) before this one?
  3. 4. How long ... you ... (know) your teacher?

 5. How long ... you ... (play) tennis/football?

 6. When ... you ... (start) playing?

Comparison of Adjectives and Adverbs


Use the correct comparison forms of adjectives and adverbs in brackets.

1. Could you speak a bit ..., please? (slowly) 2. My father drives rather ... than me. (carefully) 3. I have to get up ... this morning than yesterday, (early)

4.        His   younger   sister   is   a  pop-star and his   ...   brother  is   a  pilot,   (old)

5.        Cambridge is one of ... universities in Europe, (old) 6. If you get any ...
information, please, send it to me as soon as possible,
(far) 7. ... end of the
district wasn't attractive at all.  
(far) 8. She seemed to be  ,,.  interested in
our conversation,
(little) 9. We've just looked   through   ...   magazines,   (late)
10. Nancy and Helen came in ... looked a bit sad. (late) 11. Uncle Albert doesn't

feel a day ... than forty, (old) 12. "I'm ... than either of you", Frieda said, (lucky)


Complete the following sentences using the comparatives of the words in brackets with the preceding adverbs of measure.

1. You looked depressed this morning but you look ... now. (a bit/happy) 2. It's ... to learn a foreign language in the country where it is spoken, (a lot/easy) 3. This flat is too small for me. I need something .... (much/big) 4. I found my visit to the museum ... I expected, (far/ interesting) 5. Can you drive ... ? (a bit/ slowly) 6. His illness was ... we at first thought, (much/ serious) 7. It's ... today ... it was yesterday, (a little/warm) 8. This armchair is ... the other one. (much/comfortable)


Use the structure ... and ... with the correct comparison forms of the adjectives in brackets.

1. Since she has been in Britain, her English has got .... (good) 2. As the

conversation went on, he become ... . (talkative) 3. It's becoming ... to enter the university, (difficult) 4. She was getting ... while she was waiting for the plane, (impatient) 5. As the day went on, the weather got.... (bad) 6. The suitcase seemed to get... as I carried it along the road.(heavy)


Use the structure the ... the ... with the correct comparison forms of adjectives and adverbs in brackets.

1. ... the hotel, ... the service, (expensive, good) 2. ... you practice your English, ... you speak it. (much, fluently) 3. ... the quality of your shoes, ... you wear them, (high, long)


Use the superlative of adjectives in brackets and the correct tense form of the verbs as well.

1. It is one of (bad) mistakes I ever (to make). 2. Her last holiday was (enjoyable) she ever (to have). 3. He is (generous) person we ever (to speak) to.


Use the structure with no verb after than and as ... as.

1. She is more talkative than he is. 2.1 can't type as fast as she can. 3. They have more English lessons a week than we have. 4. We speak English more fluently than they do. 5. I'm as interested in this piece of information as you are.


Use the correct comparison forms of adjectives and adverbs in brackets.

1. The problem wasn't so ... as I first thought, (complicated) 2. Camping is much ... than staying at a hotel, (cheap) 3. Could you speak a bit ..., please. (slowly) 4. My father drives rather ... than me. (carefully) 5.1 have to get up ... this   morning   than   yesterday,   (early)

6.        This girl is ... in our class, (beautiful)        7.        My room is ... in our flat, (small)

8.        Cambridge is one of ... universities in Europe,   (old)  

 9.   If  you   get   any   ... information, please send it to me as ... as possible, (far, soon) 10. Her mother is ... lady I've ever known, (busy) 11. She seemed to be ... interested in our conversation, (little) 12. We've just looked through ... magazines, (late) 13. Jerry is ... footballer in the team. (good) 14. After her holidays at the seaside she looked rather ... and ... . (healthy, beautiful) 15. He became much ... than he was last year, (lazy) 16. He wants ... work, ... lectures at the college, but ... pleasure, (little, few, much)


Complete the sentences with a bit or much + a comparative using the words given in brackets.

1. My house is ... your house, (a bit/ new) 2. This book is ... that one. (much/ interesting) 3. This car is ... that one. (a bit/comfortable) 4. Your pen is ... my pen. (a bit/bad) 5. This book is ... that one. (much/thin) 6. My pullover is ... yours, (a bit/big) 7. Green is ... red this year, (much/popular) 8. These shoes are ... those ones, (much/good) 9. The black coat is ... the blue one. (a bit/expensive) 10. It was ... in July ... in June, (much/ hot)


Write sentences with as ... as.

1. You got up earlier than me. I didn't... . 2. We played better than them. They didn't ... . 3. Dan's car is more expensive than Peter's. Peter's car ... . 4. Jill's composition was worse than Ann's. Ann's composition .... 5. You eat more than me. I don't ... . 6. Football is more popular than tennis. Tennis isn't....

Interrogative Sentences


Put question to the underlined words.

1. My mother runs the house perfectly. 2. Mr. Short is a nice man. 3. My students are very nice. 4. John and Dick are playing tennis. 5. They run for the bus every morning. 6. We like English tea. 7. Luisa has got a very interesting job. 8.1 have dinner at 7 o'clock in the evening. 9. Babies have five meals a day.

10. There is a round table and five chairs in the middle of the room. 11. These are my postcards. 12. Jill goes to work by bus. 13. The Normans invaded Britain in 1066. 14. Columbus discovered America in 1492. 15. She does her room every day.  16. They were at the disco last night. 17. He has just left. 18. He is crying as he has cut his finger. 19. He had to spend a lot of money on education. 20. He   had   ironed   all   the   linen   by 5 o'clock  yesterday.   21.   This  pair  of trousers cost seven dollars. 22. The fax will be received in an hour. 23. The contract has been signed. 24. A new supermarket is being built in our district. 25. His  father  wants  him  to  become a student. 26. I'll buy a new toy-car for my son when I get the money.


Make up all possible types of questions on the basis of the given sentences a) general, b) alternative, c) disjunctive, d) special questions and e) questions to the subject.

1. The children are swimming in the river. 2. The work can be done in two

weeks. 3. You have to write letters. 4. There will be a new service-station here. 5. They lay in the sun for half an hour. 6.1 have some pets at home. 7. She did the work nicely last week. 8. You'll get a nice present for your birthday. 9.        He   is   driving   a  new  Ford   today.10.        The    telegram    was    brought    by
a stranger. 11. The lecture will be de
livered by a visiting professor.

The Great London Fire

The old city of London had narrow, crooked streets with wooden houses. It was a dirty city. In 1665 75,000 Londoners died from Plague. On September 2nd, 1666 a bakery in Pudding Lane near the London Bridge caught fire.

After a long summer the wooden houses were dry. A wind was blowing from the river. It blew the flames from house to house, and in the narrow streets the fire spread quickly.

The fire burned for four days. It destroyed 80% of the city. Nobody died in the fire.

The people of London built a new city. The houses were made of brick or stone, not wood. The new streets were straight and they were wider and cleaner too. Sir Christopher Wren rebuilt St Paul's Cathedral.

Exercise 1. Choose the right answer to the questions.

Why do you think the fire spread quickly?

  1. because the streets were dirty;
  2. because the wind was blowing;
  1. because the houses were made of wood;
  1. because the fire started in bakery;
  2. because the streets were narrow;
  1. because the houses were dry after a hot summer;
  2. because    the    streets    were    not straight.

Why wasn't there another fire after 1666?

  1. because   the   new   city  had  wide streets;
  2. because Sir Christopher Wren built a new cathedral;
  3. because new houses were built of brick;
  4. because the streets were cleaner;
  1. because the fire destroyed 80% of the city;
  1. because the wind stopped blowing.

Exercise 2. What is wrong?

In August 1665 the old city of London caught fire. The fire started on London Bridge. The streets of old London were wide and straight, so the fire spread slowly. The wind was blowing to the river and blew the flames from house to house. The fire destroyed 80% of wooden houses. 75,000 Londoners died in the fire. Sir Charles Wren rebuilt the city and built a new St Paul's church.

Exercise 3. Think of things that can be made of:

brick        plastic        rubber

paper        gold        leather

tone        wood        glass

iron        wool        china

                 TEXT 2                                                Fast Food

Fast Food restaurants and cafes are very popular all over the world. But they aren't like ordinary restaurants.

There aren't waiters. You order your food at the counter and pay for it at the same time. You get your food in a bag or a box. There are no plates. There aren't any knives, forks and spoons. You eat with your fingers.

Drinks are all in paper or plastic cups. There are no saucers. You eat your meal. Then you throw all the bags, boxes and cups away. It's easy. It's cheap and it's fast.

Exercise 1. Find out which restaurant is that: fast food or ordinary.

1. You eat with a knife and a fork. 2, You get your hamburger in a bag or in a plastic box. 3. You get your food at the counter. 4. A waiter brings you food. 5. You drink from a paper cup. 6. You get your food on a plate. 7. You eat with your fingers. 8. You pay for your meal at the end. 9. You throw away the bags and the boxes. 10. You pay for your meal at the counter. 11. You drink from the ordinary cup. 12. You may take your food home.

Exercise 2. Write menu for the Fast Food and Ordinary restaurant. What is the difference?

TEXT 3 Three Centers of Power

There are three centers of power in London. Buckingham Palace is the centre of royal power. The Houses of Parliament are the centre of political power. Westminster Abbey is the centre of church power.

Buckingham Palace was built in 1703 by the Duke of Buckingham. King George III bought the palace in 1761. It is now the official home of Queen Elizabeth II and the British Royal Family. There are nearly six hundred rooms in the palace.

The two Houses of Parliament (the House of Lords and the House of Commons) are in the Westminster Palace. It was built between 1840 and 1860. It was designed by architect Sir Charles Barry. The original Palace of Westminster was the home for the Royal Family until the 16th century. Then it became the meeting place of the Parliament.

Westminster Abbey was a Norman church. The present building was started in 1245 by King Henry III. Westminster Abbey is a very important church. Nearly all the English Kings and Queens since William I were crowned in Westminster Abbey. In 1953, Queen Elizabeth II was crowned in the Abbey.

Exercise 1. Choose the correct variant.

1.        Buckingham Palace was built by
King George III

Queen Elizabeth II

the Duke of Buckingham

2.        Buckingham   Palace   is   the   official
home of

King George III

Queen Elizabeth II

the Duke of Buckingham

3.        Sir   Charles    Barry   designed    and started    to   build    the    Houses    of Parliament

in 1840

in the 16th century

in 1834

4.        The   Westminster home of

Sir Charles Barry       the Royal Family           the church


5.        The   building   of   the
Abbey was started by
King William I          King Henry III Queen Elizabeth II

Exercise 2. Think and answer about your country.

Where does your president live?

Which is the most important religious building in your city?

Where does the government meet?

Is there a river in the capital city of your country? What is it called?


Who Are the British?

About 57 million people live in Britain. 94% of them are white from different European origin. The Saxons and Celts came from Southern Germany. The   Normans   came   from   Northern France. There is also a large population of Scandinavian origin. There is also Jewish community of 385,000 people. There have been non-European families living in Britain for more than 300 years. Most of non-European families came to Britain between 1950 and 1980.

Exercise 1. Answer the questions.

  1. Where did the Normans come from?
  2. How big is the British Jewish community?
  3. Where did Celts come from?
  4. When did most non-European families come to Britain?

Exercise 2. Think and answer about your own country.

1.        Is your country a multiracial community?

2.        Where did the  different  groups come from?

3.        People of what nationalities live in your city?

I. Вы оказались в семье зарубежного сверстника. Расскажите о себе, о членах своей семьи, их занятиях и увлечениях.

  1. What is your full name?
  2. Where are you from?
  3. What town or city do you live in?
  4. How old are you?
  5. Where do you study?
  6. How large is your family?
  7. How old are your parents?
  8. What's your father's job?
  9. Why does he like (or dislike) his job?
  1. What does your mother do?
  2. How many brothers or sisters have you got?
  3. What are your brothers or sisters?
  4. Who does the housework in your family?

14. What kind of family feasts or traditions have you got?

П. Вы заканчиваете 9 класс. Каковы ваши планы на будущее? Поделитесь ими с вашим сверстником.

  1. What   kind   of  school   have   you studied in?
  2. What's the dream of your life?
  3. What did you want to be when you were a child?
  4. Why have you changed your mind?
  5. Why can't you start working in the job of your dream right now?
  6. What are you fond of?
  7. What was your favourite subject at school? Why?
  8. Where are you going to get further education?
  9. How many exams will you have to take to enter this university, college, etc.?

10. What kind of school have you chosen to get secondary education? Why?

III. У вас есть возможность совершить поездку в страну, язык которой вы изу-

чаете.  Что бы вы  хотели  посетить в первую очередь и почему?

  1. Where is London situated?
  2. How many people live in London?
  3. How  many  historical  parts   does
    London   consist   of?   What   are   their names?
  4. What part of London is called "the heart of London"? Why?
  5. What is the name of "West End" associated with?
  6. What part of London is the Port of London situated in?
  7. What do you know about West minster Abbey?
  8. What can you see at the Tower of London at 10 o'clock p. m.?
  9. Where can you see Big Ben?
  1. What is the most famous cathedral in London?
  2. What   can   you   see   in   Trafalgar Square?
  3. What streets  of London  do  you know?
  4. Which are the largest and the most beautiful parks of London?
  5. What is the British Museum?
  6. What art galleries would you like to visit in London? Why?
  1. Where can you find wax portraits of famous world figures?

IV. Вы принимаете зарубежного гостя (сверстника) у себя. Покажите ему свой город (поселок) и расскажите о нем.

  1. What's the name of your native town?
  2. When was it founded? Is it ancient or young?
  3. What's the name of the river that flows across your town?
  4. How   many   people   live   in   your town?
  1. What is its historical centre?
  1. What historical events of Russia is your town associated with?
  2. What kinds  of  industry  are  developed in your town?
  3. What scientifical and educational centres are there in your town?
  4. How many theatres and cinemas are there in your town? What are they like?

10. What   are   cultural   traditions   of your town?

  1. What   are   the   most   interesting sights of your town?
  2. What   prominent   people   is   your town famous for?

V. Вам предстоит выполнять роль гида в экскурсии по школе. Расскажите о своем классе, об учителях и друзьях, о предметах, которые вы изучаете.

  1. What   kind   of   school   is   yours? A comprehensive   or  specialized   one? A lyceum or a gymnasium?
  2. Does it include primary school?
  3. How   many   years   does   primary school last?
  4. What    age    do    children    start schooling?
  5. How   many   years   of   secondary school are compulsory?
  6. How many days a week do pupils go to school?
  7. What form are you in?
  8. What   subjects   have   you   been studying this school year? Have you got any favourite subjects?
  9. What are your teachers like?

10. Who   is   the   best   pupil   in   your class?

  1. What's your school building like?
  2. Where can we find the Head-master's   office,   a   gym,   a   cloak   room, a canteen?
  3. Which floor is your classroom on?
  4. Where are physical training lessons held in autumn and spring?

VI. Расскажите своему зарубежному сверстнику о том, как вы проводите свободное время, чем увлекаетесь, что коллекционируете, делаете своими руками (рисуете, мастерите, вяжете и т. д.).

  1. How much free time have you got a day?
  2. What is your hobby?
  3. What do you like to collect? Have you got a favourite collection of things?
  4. What kind of sports are you fond of?
  5. What kind of sports games do you like best of all? Are you a good player?
  6. How much time do you spend on watching TV?
  7. What are your favourite TV programmers?
  8. How often do you go to the theatre, or the cinema, or concerts?

9. Who is your favourite theatre actor, cinema star and pop-singer?

  1. How often do you go for a walk? Whom with?
  2. What can you do with your own hands?
  3. What kind of housework do you help your parents with?

VII. Современную жизнь трудно представить без телевидения. Какое место оно занимает в вашей жизни (жизни вашей семьи)? Какие программы и передачи вы смотрите с интересом и почему?

  1. Why is television the most popular entertainment   in   people's   home   life today?
  2. How much time do you spend on watching   TV   every   day?   And   your parents? And your brothers or sisters?
  3. What is your TV set made of? And your VCR?
  4. What is the quality of the colors on your TV set?
  5. How many TV channels have you got?
  6. What TV programmers do you watch to get information about current events both national and international, and about the latest achievements in science and culture?
  1. How   often   are   educational   programmers produced on television?
  2. What    kind    of    films,    concerts or variety   shows    are   presented   by entertainment programmers?
  3. What  is your favorite TV programmer? Why?
  1. Why do you like (or dislike) advertisements   intervals   during   TV   programmers?
  2. What kind of advantage is thereabout watching video films?

VIII. Недавно мы отметили 850-летие Москвы. Вашим зарубежным сверстникам хочется побольше узнать о нашей столице, почему мы любим ее и гордимся ею.

  1. When was Moscow first mentioned in the records?
  1. What was it like then?
  1. How much is the history of Moscow connected with the history of Russia?
  2. Who headed the liberation movement against the Tatars in the  14thcentury?
  1. When   did   Moscow   become   the capital of Russia?
  2. What happened to Moscow in 1812?
  3. What is Moscow now?
  4. Why can you call Moscow an ancient city as well as a modern one?
  5. What part of Moscow is its oldest historical and architectural centre?
  1. When were the white walls of the Kremlin replaced by new redbrick walls and towers?
  2. How many cathedrals are there in the Kremlin?
  3. Where   were   the   Russian   Tzars crowned?
  4. What do you know about the Tzar- Bell and the Tzar-Cannon?
  5. What can you see in the Armory Chamber?
  6. What museums and art galleries is Moscow famous for?
  7. What   world-known    theatres    of Moscow can you name?
  8. What is the Moscow Underground like?
  9. How    much    is    Moscow    being changed nowadays?
  1. What new buildings have appeared in the centre of Moscow recently?
  2. What is your favourite sight in Moscow?

IX. Расскажите вашему зарубежному сверстнику об одном из праздников или об одной из традиций нашего народа.

  1. What are national holidays in our country?
  2. What do they commemorate and celebrate?
  3. What   are   holidays   of   religious origin?
  4. When is Christmas celebrated in your country?
  5. Why is  the New Year's holiday more popular than Christmas in our country?
  6. How do the Russians decorate their homes for the New Year's Day?
  7. What is New Year connected with for adults?
  8. What do people wish and give to each other on the New Year's Eve?
  9. Who do children wait for on the New Year's Day? Why?

10. Why is the New Year's Day considered to be a family holiday?

X. Что вы знаете о странах, где говорят на языке, который вы изучаете? Расскажите об одной из них.

  1. What are the countries where the native speakers of English live?
  2. Where are they situated?
  3. What are their capitals?
  4. Where is English one of the official languages?
  5. Why is English used as a second language in some countries?
  6. Where is the USA situated?
  7. What rivers and lakes are there on the territory of the USA?
  8. When was the USA founded?
  9. How many states does the country include?
  1. What does the national flag of the USA symbolize?
  2. What document sets the basic form of the US government?
  3. Why is the USA called "the nation of immigrants"?

13.        What   are  the  big  cities   of  the USA?

  1. What is the capital of the USA?
  2. What sights of the US capital can you name?

XI. Вы готовитесь к участию в конкурсе «Столицы европейских государств». Поделитесь информацией об одной из столиц (Лондоне, Париже, Мадриде и др.). Что бы вы хотели еще узнать об этом городе?

  1. When and by whom was London founded?
  2. When did it become the capital of England?
  3. What happened to London in 1666?
  4. What's the name of London's main architect?
  5. What world-known cathedral was designed by this architect?
  6. What is the crowning place of the kings and queens of England?
  7. Where are the Crown Jewels kept in London?
  8. Where   is   the   famous   speaker's corner situated in London?
  9. What are Downing Street, White hall,  Fleet Street,  Oxford Street and Piccadilly Circus famous for?
  1. Where can you climb to the Whispering Gallery?
  2. Where   can   you    see    plays    by Shakespeare?
  3. What   can   you   see   at   Madame Tussaud's?

XII. Ваш зарубежный сверстник интересуется русской культурой. Расскажите ему об одном из русских писателей, художников, композиторов, театральных деятелей.

  1. Are you fond of painting?
  2. Have you got oil-paintings or water colours in your flat? What are they?
  3. What   kind   of  painting   do   you prefer: classical or modern one? Why?
  4. What    types    of    painting    are exhibited at the Tretyakov Gallery?
  1. Where can you see old icons?
  1. Whose   masterpieces   of   painting can you see at the Pushkin Fine Arts Museum?
  2. What Russian masters of portrait do you know?
  3. What is the name of the famous Russian landscape painter? Do you know any of his works?
  1. Who  of the  Russian painters  is famous for his sea views? What pictures of his can you name?
  2. How often do you visit art exhibitions?
  3. Who   is   your   favourite   Russian painter? Why?
  4. Who of Russian painters would you like to tell your foreign friend about more in detail?

You can use the example given below. Example: A Russian painter — Vassili Surikov.

  1. What   Russian   painters   do   you know?
  2. Where    and    when    was    Vassili Surikov born?
  3. How did he got to St Petersburg to join the Academy?
  4. Where   did   he   stop   during   his journey?
  5. What city impressed him and deter mined his way of life and work?
  6. What   were   the   subjects   of   his works?
  1. What is Surikov masterpiece?
  2. What does he depict in this canvas?

9. What colours does Surikov use in this canvas?

10. How were all the Russian artists of his time influenced by Surikov?

XIII. Какое место в вашей жизни (в жизни вашей семьи) занимает книга? Что предпочитаете читать вы (члены вашей семьи) и почему?

  1. Are you fond of reading?
  2. What   types   of   fiction   do   you prefer?
  3. Why are you interested in science fiction?
  4. When    do    you    read    detective  stories?
  5. What kind of information do you get  from  reference books  and dictionaries?
  6. What   kind   of   books   enjoy   the greatest popularity among teenagers?
  7. Who  reads  most  of  all  in  your family?
  8. What are your mother's and your father's favourite books?
  9. Who enjoys reading poems in your family?
  10. How often do you take books from library?
  1. How many books are there in your home library? What are they?
  2. What kind of books do you go on buying for your home library? Why?

XIV. Вашему зарубежному сверстнику интересно узнать об одном из выдающихся деятелей нашей страны (ученом, изобретателе, спортсмене, музыканте и т. д.). Расскажите о нем.

  1. Can you think a day of life without modern  achievements  of  science  and technology?
  2. What makes our lives easier and more comfortable?
  3. What are the people who design new machines and products?
  4. Why are new inventions impossible without     constant     development     of science?
  5. What   contribution   did   Russian scientists  and inventors  make  to  the development    of    world    science    and technology?
  6. Whose names are world-known in the field of science and technology?
  1. What is the name of M. Lomonosov associated with?
  2. Who    discovered    the    Periodic System of Elements?
  3. Who are the greatest physiologists?
  1. What did Pavlov invent?
  2. Why   is   Tsiolkovsky   called   the father of rocket-flying?
  3. What Russian scientist or inventor can you tell your foreign friend about more in detail?

You can use the example given below. Example: Academician Korolyov.

  1. What    is    academician    Korolyov famous for?
  2. When    and    where    was    Sergei Pavlovitch Korolyov born?
  3. What industry did he work in from 1927?
  4. When did Korolyov graduate from the Moscow Bauman Higher Technical School?
  5. How  old  was  Korolyov when  he finished a flying school?
  6. Who had Korolyov met before he got interested in cosmonautics?
  1. How did he come to found modern space-rocketry engineering?
  2. Who   designed   the   first   Earth satellite in the world?
  3. When was this first Earth satellite put into orbit?
  1. Who was the first man to fly into space?
  2. What other spaceships were made under Korolyov's guidance?
  3. What     progress     is     made     in cosmonautics after Korolyov's death?

XV. Охрана окружающей среды волнует каждого, независимо от того, в какой стране человек живет. Почему? Что вы знаете о том, как решаются проблемы выживания на нашей планете?

  1. Why is the problem of protecting the nature so vital?
  2. What are advantages of industrial development?
  3. What is man's influence on  the climate, natural resources and wildlife?
  4. Why is the ecological balance of the planet disturbed nowadays?
  5. What   kind  of  pollution   do   you know?
  1. Why   does   the   automobile   cause one of pollution problems in big cities?
  2. Why   is   strict   pollution   control necessary to keep land, air and water clean?
  3. What    does    the    Environmental movement do for protection of nature in every country?
  4. What international Environmental movement is well known all over the world?

10. What do you do yourself to keep your city or town clean and tidy?

XVI. У вашего зарубежного друга есть домашние животные. А у вас? Ему интересно знать, как вы относитесь к братьям нашим меньшим.

  1. What animal have you got at home?
  2. What is its name?
  3. What does it look like?
  4. What race is it?
  5. What can it do? What does it like to do?
  6. What kind of competition did it take part in?
  7. What kind of award did it get for it?
  8. How many times a day do you feed it?
  1. What do you feed it with? What does it like to eat most of all?
  1. Where does it sleep?
  2. How often do you walk with it (if it is a dog)?
  3. Who  of  your  family  plays  with it most of all?
  4. Why aren't you angry with it if it does any harm about your things?

XVII. Б 1996 году весь мир отметил 100-летие кинематографа. Вы любите этот вид искусства? Какие фильмы вы смотрите с удовольствием и почему?

  1. How often do you go to the cinema?
  2. What can you see in the programme at the cinema apart from a feature film?
  3. Why do you prefer colour films to black-and-white ones?
  4. How old is the cinema art?
  5. Who invented the cinema?
  6. Why do you prefer watching video films to going to the cinema?
  7. What kind of pleasure do you get from a comedy or a musical?
  1. How much do you like historical films? Why?
  2. How often do you watch detective films and thrillers?
  1. What is your  favourite  kind  of films? Why?
  2. What film directors do you like? Why?
  3. What are your favourite Russian and foreign film stars?
  4. Can you name any films with your favourite stars in them?

XVIII. Ваши зарубежные гости обратили внимание на то, что в домашних библиотеках и книжных магазинах России много произведений зарубежных авторов. Каких английских (американских, немецких, французских и испанских) писателей вы знаете? Какие писатели вам особенно нравятся и почему? Назовите их произведения. Выскажите свое мнение об одном из них.

  1. What     English     and     American writers do you know?
  2. What English books did you read when you were a child?
  3. Why  do  children  like  "Treasure Island" by Robert Louis Stevenson, "The Headless Horseman" by Thomas Mayne Reid, "The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe" by Daniel Defoe, "Red Chief" by O'Henry, novels and stories by Mark Twain and detective stories by Arthur Conan Doyle?
  1. What     English     and     American writers are popular among teenagers?
  2. Why do you enjoy reading "Jane Eyre"  by  Charlotte  Bronte,  plays  by
    William Shakespeare and Bernard Show, novels  by  Charles  Dickens  and  Jack
    London  and  Oscar  Wilde,   stories  by Ernest     Hemingway     and     Somerset
    Maugham, detective stories by Agatha Christie?
  3. Which   of   them   have   you   read in English?
  4. What is the advantage of reading books in the original?
  5. What are your favourite English or American writers? Why?
  6. What    characters    from    English books are you impressed by most of all?

10. What screen versions of English books have you seen at the cinema or on TV?

  1. How many English books have you got in your library?
  2. What  other foreign writers  are familiar to you? What are their booksthat you like very much?
  3. Where do you get books by foreign writers?

XIX. У вас есть друг. Что вы могли бы рассказать о нем своим зарубежным сверстникам? Что вам в нем нравится? Какие у вас общие интересы? Каким, на ваш взгляд, должен быть настоящий друг?

  1. How many friends have you got?
  2. Who is your best friend?
  3. When did you make friends with him (her)?
  4. How old is he (she) now?
  5. What is he (she) now?
  6. What is he (she) going to become?
  7. What does he (she) look like?
  8. What is he (she) fond of?
  9. Which of his  (her)  interests  are close to yours?

10. How often do you share opinion about things?

  1. What kind of manners has he (she) got?
  2. Why do you find him (her) to be good-hearted, sincere and attentive?
  3. What do you know about  his (her) family?
  4. Are  you   happy  to   have   such   a friend?

XX. Ваш зарубежный друг любит спорт и играет в хоккей. Каким видом спорта занимаетесь вы? Какова ваша оценка роли спорта в жизни молодежи?

  1. Are you fond of sports?
  2. What is your favourite sport?
  3. Why is physical training an important part of life of many people?
  4. What  can  you  tell  your  foreign friend about physical training at your school?
  5. What sports are popular in Russia?
  6. What are wide-spread winter and summer sports and activities?
  7. Why are people fond of outdoor sports and activities?
  8. Where can the young get necessary training?

9, Are sports supported by the government in your country?

  1. What   sports   facilities   can   you name?
  2. What are the best sports complexes in Moscow?
  3. What  national   and  international matches and competitions take place in these complexes?
  4. What types of international competitions do Russian athletes and sports men take part in?
  1. Are you a sports fan?
  1. Where can you watch your favourite matches and competitions?
  2. How many gold medals did Russian sportsmen win at the last Olympic Games?
  3. What famous Russian athletes and sportsmen can you name?

Shops and Shopping

  1. Where   do  you   go   shopping   for food?
  2. Where do you buy bread? And what about cakes?
  3. What can you buy at a dairy?
  4. Where do you go for a piece of beef?
  1. What kinds of meat can you name?
  2. What   kinds   of   poultry   do   you know?
  3. What is the seller of fish called?
  4. What can you buy at a grocer's and at a greengrocer's?
  5. What do they sell at a chemist's?
  1. Where can you buy men's and ladies' clothes, shoes and hats?
  2. Why do people prefer ready-made clothes?
  3. Where  can  you  have  a  suit  or a costume made to measure?
  4. What is the seller of newspapers and magazines called?
  5. Where do you go for writing-paper or pencils and pens?
  6. What can you buy at a jeweller's?
  7. Where can you have your watch repaired?

English Meals

  1. What are the usual English meals?
  2. What  are  the  meals  in  simpler English homes?
  3. Where do the English prefer to have their meals?
  1. What is the difference between English and continental breakfast?
  2. What does lunch consist of?
  3. Where do businessmen usually have their lunch in big cities?
  4. Why can afternoon tea hardly be called a meal?
  5. What is "high tea" among the English?
  6. What do the English have for dinner and supper?
  1. What is the chief meal of the day?
  2. What are traditional English dishes?
  3. What are their favourite drinks?
    13- What do the foreigners think of English cuisine?

                                                                          The British Monarchy

  1. What type of State is the United Kingdom?
  2. Who is its Head of State?
  3. What are the powers of the Queen?
  4. Who appoints all the Ministers?
  5. What is the Commonwealth?
  6. Who is the Head of Commonwealth?
  7. What is the role of British Parliament?
  1. What parts does British Parliament consist of?
  2. Which of them is elected?
  1. What are their roles in law-making?
  2. Who becomes Prime Minister?
  3. What is the Speaker?
  4. What is "Shadow Cabinet"?
  5. What are the main political parties in Great Britain?
  6. What is the role of the UK in world politics?

                                                          The UK and its Countries

  1. Where   is   the   United   Kingdom situated?
  2. What is Great Britain?
  3. What seas is the UK washed by?
  4. What is it separated by from the Continent?
  5. What are the main countries of the UK?
  6. What are the capitals of the UK main countries?
  7. How many people live in the UK?
  8. What other languages do the peoples of the UK speak apart from English?
  9. What is the flag of the UK?
  1. What are the symbols of the UK main countries?
  2. What  mountains  and  rivers  and lakes of Great Britain can you name?
  3. What can you tell about the climate in the UK?
  4. Why is the weather the favourite  topic of conversation in the UK?
  5. What do you know about flora and fauna of Great Britain?
  6. What natural resources is Great Britain rich in?
  7. What   are   the   most   important industries of the UK?
  8. What are the largest cities of the UK?

                                                           Education in Great Britain

  1. Is the system of education uniform throughout Great Britain?
  2. What   are   free   and   fee-paying schools?
  3. What do you know about schools for children under 5 years of age?
  4. What age do children start schooling at?
  1. What are the three stages of education?
  2. How long does compulsory education last?
  3. What types of study groups are pupils divided into in the secondary school?
  4. What special subjects do they studyin each group?
  5. What  general  education  subjects are obligatory for each group?
  1. What types of secondary schools can you name?
  2. What are comprehensive schools?
  3. What do you know about grammar schools and secondary modern schools?
  4. What is the sixth form? How long does it last?
  5. What are private schools for the privileged called?
  6. What kinds of exams do British pupils    take    at   different    types    of secondary schools?
  7. What is the discipline in British schools like?
  8. Do  British  school  children  wear a school uniform?
  1. Where can the British get further education?
  2. What  are  the  oldest  and  world-known British universities?

                                      Holidays and Customs in Great Britain

  1. What are British "bank" holidays?
  2. How do public or "bank" holidays differ from other holidays?
  3. What is the most celebrated holiday among the British?
  4. What can you tell about Christmas Day?
  5. What British traditional holidays can you name?
  6. What does Halloween mean for the British?
  7. Why is Halloween connected with witches and ghosts?
  8. What do you know about "trick or treat"?
  9. When is Guy Fawkes Night celebrated?

10. Why  is   this  tradition   especially popular among children and teenagers?

  1. What can you tell about the First Footer on the New Year's Eve?
  2. How is May Day celebrated?
  3. What do you know about performing Morris dance all day long?
  4. How popular are St Valentine's Day and Mother's Day?
  5. What   is   the   most   picturesque ceremony in Wales?

                                               The United States of America

  1. Where is the USA situated?
  2. How large is its territory? What is its population?
  3. What oceans is the USA washed by?
  4. What countries has the USA borders with?
  5. Why is America a land of physical contrasts?
  6. What  are the highest mountains of the USA?
  7. What rivers of the USA can you name? Which is the longest?
  8. What state is known as the land of lakes?
  9. What   provides   a  solid  base   for American industry?
  1. When and how did the USA become an independent country?
  2. How  many  states  formed  a  new sovereign federative country after the War of Independence?
  3. When was the Constitution of the USA adopted?
  4. What is the Bill of Rights?
  5. Who was the first US President?
  6. Who is the US President now?
  7. How many states does the USA
    consist of today? Can you name any of them?
  8. Why is the USA called "the nation of immigrants"?
  9. What  are  the  big   cities  of   the USA?
  10. What is the capita! of the USA?
  11. What can you tell about the flag of the USA?

                                                                Education in the USA

  1. Do the Americans have universal access to qualify education?
  2. Is there a national administration or structure in American education?
  1. How   are   schools   controlled   and directed throughout the country?
  2. What   does   preschool   education include?
  3. How long do elementary and second ary education last together?
  4. What subjects do American pupils study in the elementary school?
  5. What subjects does the curriculum of secondary schools include?
  6. What types of schools are there in the USA?
  7. Where do public schools get their support from?
  1. How are private schools run?
  2. Is higher education popular among the Americans?
  3. What is the oldest and the most famous American university?

Washington, D. C.

  1. When was the capital of the USA founded?
  2. Who was it named after?
  3. What do the letters "D. C." mean?
  4. What river does the city stand on?
  1. What do you know about the place of the city? How many sections is it divided into? What are numbered and  lettered streets?
  2. What is the official home of the US President? When was it built?
  3. What building dominates the city of Washington? What is it known for?
  4. How tall is the Washington Monument? Why is it called "Pencil"?
  5. What memorials can you see in the city of Washington?
  1. What is the main cathedral of the city?
  2. What museums are there in the US capital?
  3. What's the name of the main avenue of the city? What official buildings does it connect?
  4. Why is  the Library of Congress worth seeing?

New York

  1. How old is New York?
  2. What river has its mouth in New York?
  1. How many boroughs does the city consist of? What are they?
  2. What boroughs are islands? What is the only borough on the mainland?
  3. What is the centre of business and commercial life of the city and of the country as well?
  4. What is Broadway? What is it known for?
  5. What kind of buildings is New York famous for?
  6. What  directions  do  avenues  and streets of the city run in?
  7. What sights of New York can you name?
  8. Why is New York called "Modern Babylon"?

                                                                                   US Holidays

  1. What are the main holidays observed in the USA?
  2. What  holiday commemorates  the discovery of America? When is it celebrated?
  3. What holiday is celebrated on July 4th? What does it commemorate?
  4. What does Thanksgiving Day commemorate? When is it celebrated? How is it marked by American families?
  5. What is the most important religious holiday in the USA? What can you tell about its celebration?
  6. When and how is Halloween observed by the Americans? Why does it have a special importance for children?
  7. What is the American tradition of celebrating St Valentine's Day? What kinds of symbolic presents do the Americans give to people they love?

                                                                   David Hockney

DAVID HOCKNEY, one of Britain's most popular artists, was born in Bradford, Yorkshire, in 1937. After leaving Bradford Grammar School at the age of eighteen, he went to Bradford School of Art and after that to the famous Royal College of Art in London, where he was one of the best students of his generation. Then, at the age of twenty-five, he became a lecturer at Maidstone College of Art, not far from London.

During his time at art school, he decided that he did not want to paint abstract art so he developed a more *re-presentional' style, using strong, light colours. One year after joining Maidstone College of Art, he had his first exhibition, which was a great success. During the sixties he became world-famous as a popular artist. In 1964 he moved to California in the USA, where he now lives permanently. One of Hockney's most famous paintings is 'A Bigger Splash', which he painted in 1975. The theme of swimming pools appears in several of his paintings because he likes the effects of movement and sunlight on blue water.

As well as painting, Hockney is also a talented photographer. In 1985 he won a first prize for photography. He has also designed costumes and sets for opera and ballet.

Read the text about the British artist, David Hockney and complete his biographical details with a date or a fact.




Went to the Royal College of Art.


Had his first exhibition.


Painted 'A Bigger Splash'.


Read the newspaper report and circle the correct answer.

Bristol's Richest Businessman Kidnapped?

Police are investigating the disappearance of Bristol's richest businessman, Mr Martin Roberts.

Mr Roberts was last seen on Friday afternoon, playing golf with business colleagues. Mr Reymat, who was on the golf course at the time, said that Mr Roberts had had an urgent phone call and had left the golf course immediately afterwards, at about five thirty. Mr Reymat also explained that Mr Roberts had looked very nervous as he drove off quickly. Mr Roberts was first reported missing when he didn't arrive in his country house in Oxfordshire late on Friday night. His distressed wife had waited for hours before she finally called the police. Police spokesman, Detective Inspector Charles Price, told reporters that they hadn't received any new information about Mr Roberts' mysterious disappearance since Friday. He also said that Mr Roberts might have been kidnapped, in spite of the fact that no kidnappers have contacted the police. A nationwide man-hunt is under way for the missing businessman.

1.        Which happened first?

  1. Mr Reymat explained that Mr Roberts had left the golf course.
  2. The police spoke to reporters.
  3. Mr Roberts' wife called the police.
  4. A man-hunt was started.

2.        Who called Mr Roberts while he was playing golf?

  1. Mr Reymat.
  2. Mr Roberts' wife.
  3. the police.
  4. we don't know.

3.        Mr Roberts'wife:

  1. doesn't care where her husband is.
  2. spoke to reporters.
  3. spoke to the kidnappers.
  4. thought that she would see her husband on Friday night.

4.        The police:

a) don't think that Mr Roberts was kidnapped.

  1. are looking for Mr Roberts.
  2. got a note to say that Mr Roberts had been kidnapped.
  3. found Mr Roberts' car at the golf course.

5. Which sentence is true?

  1. Mr Roberts contacted the police.
  1. The    police   don't   know   where Mr Roberts is.
  2. Mr Roberts' wife called the police at five thirty on Friday afternoon.
  3. Mr Roberts has definitely been kid napped.

Touchy Topics

In North America when people meet each other for the first time, they talk about things like family, work, school or sports. They ask questions like "Do you have any brothers or sisters?", "Where do you work?", "What school do you go to?", and "Do you like sports?" They also ask questions like "Where do you come from?" and "Where do you live?" These are polite questions. They are not personal or private.

But some things are personal or private, and questions about them are not polite. People don't ask questions about a person's salary. They don't ask how much someone paid for something. It is OK to ask children how old they are, but it is not polite to ask older people their age. It is also not polite to ask people questions about politics or religion unless you know them very well. People don't ask unmarried people "Why are you single?", and they don't ask a married couple with no children "Why don't you have any children?"

1. Look at the following questions. Are they polite or not polite when you meet someone for the first time in North America?

  1. What does your wife do?        
  2. Do you believe in God?        
  3. How much money do you earn?        
  4. How many children do you have?        
  5. Why aren't you married?        
  6. Do you like baseball?        
  7. How old are you, Mr Lee?        

h)Are you a Democrat or a Republican?         

i) How much was your watch?        

2. Look at the questions again. Are they polite or not polite in your country?

The Worst Place for a Meal

1.        Read these statements. Do you think they are true (T) or false (F)?

  1. Standard airplane meals are high in calories and fat.
  2. Most people don't enjoy eating when they fly.
  3. Roast beef with gravy is a healthier choice for a meal than seafood.
  4. You can order special meals from airlines.

2.        Read   the  passage   and   check   your answers.

A typical airline breakfast is a cheese omelet, croissant and bacon. That's at least 900 calories, which is more than many people eat in a day and about twice as much as most people eat for breakfast.

Other typical meals include buttered vegetables, fried foods, and meats served with gravy. Although travellers complain about airline food, most of them eat everything that is put in front of them.

What can you do to avoid unhealthy foods on an airplane? First, ask the airline what special meals they serve. Many serve vegetarian, kosher, and other types of special meals if you give them advance notice. Second, bring your .own snack on board! Some fruit or a bag of popcorn purchased at the airport is much lower in fat and calories than the peanuts they give you. Third, if you have a choice between meat and seafood, choose the seafood. And finally, drink milk, juice, or club soda instead of an alcoholic beverage. You'll feel much better when you get off the plane!

3. Find words in the passage that mean:

  1. a flaky, rich, buttery roll;
  2. a thick sauce;
  3. contains no meat.

Amazing Brazil

1. How much do you know about Brazil? Circle the answers below.

  1. Brazil is the (2nd, 5th, 10th) largest country in the world»

It is located in the (northern, east
ern, western) part of South America. c) The capital city is (Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia, Sao Paulo).

d)The official language is (Spanish, English, Portuguese).

  1. Brazil has a population of around (38, 138, 500) million.
  2. Brazil is the world's largest producer of (coffee, oil, cotton).

2. Read this information. Check your answers by underlining the correct information in the passage.

Brazil, the largest country in South America and the fifth largest country in the world, is located in the eastern half of South America. The people of Brazil are famous for their outgoing, friendly, and fun-loving nature. They love to sing, dance the samba, and sunbathe. And on the beach, both men and women wear the briefest bikinis! Brazilian women are considered to be among the best dressed in the world.

Brazil is a federal republic with 23 states. The capital city is Brasilia. Portuguese is the official language, and it is spoken with a distinct Brazilian accent. Brazil has a population of over 138 mil-

lion, which is made up of people of many different races and ethnic groups. People of Portuguese and African descent and of mixed blood make up the vast majority. In addition, there are immigrants from Germany, Italy, Japan, and many other countries. Eighty percent of the population is Roman Catholic.

A number of industrial products are manufactured in Brazil, including cars, chemicals, ships, machines, and military weapons. Mining is also an important industry, and Brazil is the world's second largest exporter of iron ore. Precious stones and metals, such as emeralds and gold, are also mined. Agriculture is another important industry. Many crops are exported, including coffee (Brazil is the largest grower in the world), cotton, soybeans, sugar, cocoa, rice, corn, and fruit.

Remembering the Sixties What do you know about the 1960s? Do you know the names of any famous singers or pop groups?

How were fashions different then?

1. Read this passage and choose the best heading for each paragraph.

Paragraph 1

... Youth Rules the World

... The Youngest Millionaire

Paragraph 2

... The Peace Movement

... Changes in Fashion and the Arts

There are many things to remember about the sixties. Some people remember it for mini-skirts, the Beatles, hippies, and the flower children. It was a time when young people "owned" the world and thought that anything was possible. In art, fashion and music, the big names were often in their early twenties, and some of them were already millionaires! The sixties was a time when young people used to do whatever they wanted. "Don't trust anyone over 30!" they said.

In the arts, people like Andy Warhol created "pop art". And fashions changed, too. The mini-skirt became popular, and then the "unisex" look followed. Young   people   started   wearing   blue

jeans everywhere — to school, fancy restaurants and concerts. Many of them had very long hair and wore lots of rings, beads and bracelets. In music, the most popular group was the Beatles. Their songs told the story of the sixties. They sang about love, peace and personal freedom.

2. Find the best place in each paragraph for these sentences.

Paragraph 1: Others remember it for the Civil Rights Movement and the peace marches.

Paragraph 2: He painted pictures of everyday objects like soup cans.

Getting to Sleep

Read this passage. Circle true (T) or false (F) for the statements below.

Normally, people sleep between seven and eight hours a day, although some people need less than this and some may need more. But millions of people have trouble getting to sleep every night. According to sleep expert Dr Robert Schachter, many people do not know why they have difficulty in sleeping. Most people know that tea and coffee often make it difficult to go to sleep because they contain caffeine. But some medicines, such as cold tablets, also contain caffeine and interfere with sleep. Sleeping pills may help you fall asleep, but when you wake the next morning you don't feel refreshed. Our living habits also affect our sleep. Busy people who are under stress during the day may not be able to calm down and fall asleep at night. Eating just before going to bed may also keep you awake. Dr Schachter says that you will sleep more easily if your bedroom is used only for sleep. You shouldn't use your bedroom as a conference room, a TV room, or an exercise room. You should also establish a regular sleeping schedule, but don't go to bed until you are tired. Try to go to bed at the same time every night and get up at the same time every morning. And if all this does not work, try counting sheep!

  1. T   F   Everyone needs eight hours sleep a night.
  2. T  F   Caffeine  helps  you  to  fall asleep.
  3. Т   F   Active   people   might   have trouble falling asleep easily.
  4. T  F   You should be. careful about eating just before you go to bed.
  5. T   F   It is a good idea to have a TV near your bed.
  6. T  F  You    should    have    regular sleeping hours.

Beyond the Telephone

1. Read this passage with a dictionary. Answer the questions below.

Remember, not so long ago, when the telephone used to be a simple receiver connected by a wire to the wall? And all you used your phone for was to make a phone call? Today, new technology has changed the telephone and what people use it for. Computer-based technology has given us instant connections and clearer conversations over the telephone. Nowadays, people use telephones to do their banking, to rent videos, and to buy things. People use their telephones to connect their home computers to computerized information centers. People also send letters and documents through phone lines by fax. And new systems may be available shortly for sending video pictures over the telephone. But you don't need to be at home or at the office to use the telephone anymore. Mobile phones (also known as cellular phones) have no wires. You can carry one in your pocket or keep one in your car. A call from a mobile phone travels along radio waves to stations located in different places. From there, the radio signal is connected to the regular phone system. With a mobile phone, anyone who can drive and talk can also drive and phone. This means less wasted time: you don't have to look for a phone booth or use coins to make a call. So remember, next time you are at the beach or riding your bicycle, there might be a call for you!

a) How have computers improved telephone services?

  1. How many uses of the telephone can you find in the passage?
  2. How many uses of a mobile phone can you find?
  3. How does a mobile phone call reach a station?
  1. How many different things do you use the telephone for?

  1. Test 1. Present Simple and Present Continuous Tenses


Ex. 1. 1. is; 2. isn't; 3. is working; 4. works; 5. is; 6. is doing; 7. does; 8. are; 9. are playing; 10. play; 11. do you know; 12. am.

Ex. 2. 1. always; 2. often; 3. usually; 4. sometimes; 5. seldom; 6. never.

Ex. 3. Does Sally listen to records? Yes, she does. Do Harry and Ann listen to records? Yes, they do. Etc.

Ex. 4. 1. Does Sandra always get up early in the morning?

Who gets up early in the morning?

When does Sandra get up early?

How often does Sandra get up early in the morning?

Sandra gets up early in the morning, doesn't she?

2. Is he dancing with his girl-friend now?

Who is dancing with the girl-friend?

Whom is he dancing with? , Where is he dancing with his girl-friend? He is dancing with his girl-friend, isn't he?


Ex. 1. 1. don't you finish; 2. don't understand; 3. don't you ask; 4. don't like; 5. don't you like; 6. always shouts; 7. does he shout; 8. don't do; 9. shouts.

Ex. 2. 1. never; 2. now; 3. tonight; 4. always; 5. every day; 6. at the moment.

Ex. 3. Does Chris play the piano? Yes, she does. Do Henry and Mary play the piano? No, they don't. Etc.

Ex. 4. 1. Does Peter have some problems with Maths?

Who has some problems with Maths? What does Peter have with Maths? What problems does Peter have? Peter has some problems with Maths, hasn't he?

2. Are they climbing the mountains without a guide?

Who is climbing the mountains without a guide?

Whom are they climbing the mountains with?

What are they climbing?

They are climbing the mountains, aren't they?


Ex. 1. 1. doesn't work; 2. is coming; don't want; 3. flows; 4. is flowing; 5. does it ever snow; 6. grow; aren't growing; 7. don't need; 8. enjoy; am not enjoying; 9. do not believe; 10. is staying; stays.

Ex. 2.1.1 always keep .... 2. Do you sometimes go ... . 3. He never helps ... . 4. She rarely plays ... . 5. Does he often visit .... 6. His shoes are always ... . 7. They don't often eat ... . 8. We usually eat ... . 9. I am never on duty ... . 10. You must never tell....

Ex. 3. Does Bess tell jokes? No, she doesn't. Do Tim and Tom play jokes? Yes, they do. Etc.

Ex. 4. 1. Does Mike say that school is the best thing in the world?

Who says that school is the best thing in the world?

What does Mike say about school?

What is the best thing in the world?

Mike says that school is the best thing in the world, doesn't he?

2. Am I doing well in a lot of subjects?

Who is doing well in a lot of subjects?

What am I doing?

Where am I doing well?

I am doing well in a lot of subjects, aren't I?

Test 2. Past Simple and Present Perfect Tenses


Ex. 1. 1. have you had; 2. have had; 3. have    i bought; 4. have you seen; 5. saw; 6. was;    1 7. have you been; 8. have been ill; 9. ate;    J 10. did she move;  11. moved;  12. haven't visited.

Ex.  2.   1. just; 2. since; 3. already; yet; 4. for; 5. already.

Ex. 3.

Has Alison ever met a famous person? No, she has never met a famous person. How often has she cooked a foreign meal? She has cooked foreign meal only once. Etc.

Ex. 4. Yesterday I went shopping to buy some food for today's party. Today I have started cooking meals, but I haven't baked a cake yet...



Ex. 1. 1. have known; 2. were; 3. have always shared; 4. have also enjoyed; 5. have spent; 6. lived; 7. moved; 8. have visited; 9. has just bought; 10. haven't seen.

Ex. 2. 1. ago; 2. yet; 3. for; 4. just; 5. so far; 6. already.

Ex. 3.

How often has Sam been to the theatre? He has been to the theatre many times. Has Sam ever baked a cake? No, he never baked a cake. Etc.


Ex. 1. 1.1 drank 3 cups of tea ....

  1. He has been ill twice ....
  2. How many times were you ill...?
    4.1 haven't drunk any coffee ....

  1. He has been late three times ....
  2. How many cups of milk have you had ...?
  3. How many games did the team win ...?
  4. How many games has the team won ...?

Ex. 2. 1. How long; 2. 2 hours ago; 3. this week; 4. How long ago; 5. since; 6. for.


Has Paul ever lived in a cottage? No, he has never lived in a cottage. How many times has he been to England? He has been to England only once. Etc.

Revision (Tests 1, 2)


Ex. 1. 1. doesn't; 2. am always; 3. I'm writing; 4. ever been; 5. I've got; 6. did you do; 7. went; 8. visits; 9.1 do; 10. likes.

Ex. 2. 1. He won the game easily. 2. Have you recently been to the theatre? 3. I am going to London for a few days. 4. Ann writes letters to her parents every week. 5.1 remembered his name after a few minutes.

Ex. 3. 1. for three years; 2. has gone; 3. is driving; 4. is the girl going; 5. has already come.

Ex. 4. 1. for; 2. How long; 3. yet; 4. already; 5. since.

Ex. 5. 1. is; 2. lives; 3. works; 4. has worked; 5. is staying; 6. is enjoying; 7. have already visited; 8. have been.


Ex. 1. 1. live; 2. have got; 3. plays; 4. have been; 5. drink; 6. has; 7. get; 8. we're; 9. have known; 10. worked.

Ex. 2. 1. I didn't see you at the party on Saturday night. 2. We found some interesting books in the library. 3. I have walked around the town. 4. Do you clean the house every weekend? 5. He is slowly getting better.

Ex. 3. 1. has gone; 2. isn't raining; 3. phone;

4.        forgotten; 5. goes.

Ex. 4. 1. for; 2. since; 3. already; 4. ago;

5.        yet.

Ex. 5. 1. is; 2. am writing; 3. left; 4. am studying; 5. have already finished; 6. feel;

7.        have given; 8. have sent; 9. think.


Ex. 1. 1. smelling; 2. is working; 3. shall; 4. bought; 5. have lived; 6. have seen; 7. eat;

8.        am going; 9. played; 10. has bought.

Ex. 2. 1. He never forgets his wife's birthday. 2. She doesn't usually wake up early.

  1. He has always wanted to travel abroad.
  2. He rarely goes out at night. 5. They can
    always do anything they want.

Ex. 3. 1. We go swimming; 2. I wrote a book; 3. is falling down; 4. has seen; 5. were.

Ex. 4. 1. since; 2. yet; 3. ago; 4. already;

5.        just.

Ex. 5. 1. has been; 2. is staying; 3. have known; 4. was; 5. played; 6. is looking; 7. has just passed; 8. wants; 9. published; 10. is writing; 11. is going.

T e s t 3. Past Simple and Past Continuous Tenses


Ex. 1. 1. had; 2. dreamed; 3. were taking; 4. was; 5. were; 6. were travelling; 7. was; 8. were sitting; 9. were drinking; 10. were dancing; 11. was paying.

Ex. 2. 1. fell; 2. was raining; 3. were dancing; 4. broke; 5. lost; 6. was buying.

Ex. 3.

1.        Was he going to catch the six o'clock

Who was going to catch the six o'clock train?

What train was he going to catch?

What was he going to do?

He was going to catch the train, wasn't he?

2.        Did he catch the six o'clock train?
Who caught the six o'clock train?
What train did he catch?

What did he do?

He caught the six o'clock train, didn't he?

Ex. 4. lb; 2c; 3e; 4a; 5d.


Ex. 1. 1. had; 2. were having; 3. arrived; 4. was waiting; 5. were staying; 6. were beating; 7. were singing; 8. were dancing; 9. was getting; 10. could; 11. was.

Ex. 2. 1. were sitting; 2. had; 3. was eating; 4. hurt; 5. was walking, met.

Ex. 3. 1. Was she going to buy a new car? 2. Did he repair her old one? 3. Who was going to buy a new car? 4. Who repaired her old one? 5. What was she going to buy? 6. What was she going to do? 7. What did he repair? 8. What did he do with her old car?

9.        She was going to buy a new car, wasn't
she? 10. He repaired her old one, didn't he?

Ex. 4. Id; 2e; 3a; 4b; 5c.


Ex. 1. 1. happened; 2. was visiting; 3. was taking; 4. noticed; 5. was climbing; 6. was hanging;   7.  broke;   8.  fell  down;   9.   ran;

10.        didn't know; 11. was passing; 12. helped;
13. thanked; 14. was.

Ex. 2. 1. saw; 2. were talking; 3. telephoned; 4. arrived; 5. came; were talking.

Ex. 3. 1. Was she going to travel around Europe? 2. Did she do it? 3. Who was going to travel around Europe? 4. Where was she going to travel? 5. What was she going to do?

  1. Why didn't she travel around Europe?
  2. She was going to travel around Europe,
    wasn't she? 8. She didn't travel, did she?
    9. She fell ill, didn't she? 10. What didn't she

Ex. 4. le; 2c; 3d; 4a; 5b.

T e s t 4. Past Simple and Past Perfect Tenses


Ex. 1. 1. arrived; had left; 2. lighted; had gone off; 3. came; discovered; had broken

into; 4. had died; reached;  5.  had eaten; arrived.

Ex. 2. Ben could write the letters because he had bought paper and envelopes. Etc.

Ex. 3. 1. John had studied French before he went to Paris. 2. When we arrived at the cinema, the film had started. 3. Richard had eaten all the cakes before Fred arrived home. 4. After the army commander had studied the maps, he made the attack. 5. When the gardener had finished digging, he put in some cabbage plants.

Ex, 4. 1. When I came home, Tom had gone away. 2. I was very nervous because I had never flown before. 3. I wasn't hungry, because I had just had dinner. 4.1 didn't recognize Mrs Johnson as she had changed a lot. 5. John had no car as he had already sold it.


Ex. 1. 1. had finished; 2. took; 3. went; 4. had gone; 5. had caught; 6. hadn't got; 7. had promised; 8. looked; 9. had already closed; 10. arrived; 11. told; 12. had caught; 13. had ever seen; 14. had escaped.

Ex. 2. I couldn't answer the questions because I hadn't learnt the rules. Etc.

Ex. 3. 1. When I had read the letter, I threw it away. 2. As soon as he had passed his driving test he bought a car. 3.1 took the

book back to the library when I had finished reading it. 4. I didn't go to bed, until I had done my homework. 5. I went home when I had spent all my money.

Ex. 4. 1. The woman was unknown to me. I had never met her before. 2. He was very nervous,   as  he  had  never  driven  a  car.

3.        When we came,  they had just finished
dinner. 4. The house was silent as everybody
has gone to bed. 5. John didn't come to my
birthday party as he had gone on business.


Ex. 1. 1. thanked; had done; 2. got; realized; had forgotten; 3. had finished; went;

4.        called; had just gone; 5. took; had been;
knew; 6. had listened; went.

Ex. 2. I went to bed because I had done everything. Etc.

Ex. 3. 1. I had read the book before I saw the film. 2. She started writing after her children had left home. 3. We got to the theatre when the play had started. 4. After I had had a bath I went to bed. 5. He recovered after he had been ill.

Ex. 4. 1. He had learnt English before he went to England. 2. The house had burned before the fire brigade arrived. 3. As soon as Margaret had finished doing homework, she turned on the radio. 4. I had reached my

home when the rain began. 5. Richard bought a new copybook, as his old one had finished.

Revision (Tests 3, 4)

Ex. 1.1. Have you been running? 2. has already been; 3. had studied; 4. Have you been; 5. has lived (has been living); 6. had bought; 7. finished; 8. was drinking; 9. hasn't it? 10. so did John; 11. had already seen.

Ex. 2. 1. She left the room suddenly at 6 o'clock. 2. They have bought a lovely two-storey house in London. 3. He walked slowly up the hill in the rain. 4. He has built a beautiful wooden bookcase. 5. The burglar had run away before the police arrived.

Ex. 3. 1. was; had not slept; 2. got; had closed; 3. had known; got married; 4. had finished; ended; 5. arrived; had already gone; 6. didn't go; had already seen; 7. called; told;

8.        arrived; had already made; was doing;

9.        arrived; made; 10. got; had just started;
were taken; 11. had; went; 12. felt; was.

Ex. 4.1. Children were sleeping when their father came home. 2. We came up to the station when the train had already left. 3. He presented his sister with flowers which he had grown up himself. 4. Tom was whitewashing the fence when his friends came up to him. 5. We were going home when it was raining. 6. My brother was doing homework when I rang him up. 7. Hob didn't receive the

letter his uncle had sent him. 8. John said he had been on the sea shore.

T e s t 5. Future Simple and To Be Going to


Ex. 1.1. am going to; 2. will; 3. is going to; 4. will; 5. are going to; 6. will; 7. will; 8. will; 9. are going to; 10. am going to; 11. will; 12. will.

Ex. 2. 1. will; 2. am going to; 3. are you going to; 4. will; 5. is going to; 6. am going to.

Ex. 3. On Monday David is going to do shopping. On Monday I am going to visit Helen.


Ex. 1.1. will; 2. am going to; 3. will; 4. are going to; 5. shall; am going to; 6. will; 7. will; 8. am going to; 9. am going to.

Ex. 2. 1. I'll show; 2. I'll have; 3. He's going to have; 4. I'll do; 5. we'll have; 6. I'll go; I'm going to get.

Ex. 3. On Monday Dick is going to tidy the room. On Monday I am going to fly to London.

Test 6. 1st Conditional and Time Clauses


Ex. 1. 1. breaks, will pay; 2. isn't, won't lit; 3. studies, will be; 4. will see, visit; 5. will learn, go; 6. will have, passes; 7. will not grow, don't water; 8. will buy, lend.

Ex. 2. If there are tickets to the theatre I'll invite my friends with us. Etc.

Ex. 3. 1. If you have time, phone Peter, please. 2. Shall we go to the park if the weather is fine? 3. If you stay here for three more days, you will see some other places of interest. 4. When you see Mr Green ask him to phone me. 5. Let's go to the cafe after we go sightseeing.


Ex. 1. 1. keeps, will complain; 2. will be, arrive; 3. eat, will be; 4. is, we'll stay; 5. don't feel; 6. study, will pass; 7. will go, go; 8. will you wait, comes.

Ex. 2. 1. I'll wait here until you get back.

  1. Give me a ring when you hear some news.
  2. I'll do my homework after the TV pro
    gramme ends. 4. I'll have a bath before I go to
    work. 5. She will visit friends while she is in
    Paris. 6. As soon as the lesson ends I'll go

home. 7. I won't leave the house until the postman comes. 8. I'll tell you about the holidays when I get back. 9. I'll study English until I speak it perfectly. 10. If I find the book I'll let you know.

Ex. 3. 1. If Tom meets us at the station, he'll take us to the hotel. 2.1 shall write you a letter as soon as I arrive in London. 3. If it is fine tomorrow, we'll go for a walk. 4. We shall wait for Peter if he is late. 5. She will give you the book when she reads it.

Revision (Tests 5, 6)

Ex. 1. 1. eat, will be; 2. won't pass, don't study; 3. will you do, fail; 4. will suffer, don't look after; 5. will do, finishes; 6. reads, will understand; 7. will he stay, goes; 8. will give, arrives.

Ex. 2. 1. shall arrive; 2. arrive; 3. should do; 4. go back; 5. won't buy; 6. comes; 7. must buy; 8. you go.

Ex. 3. If; 2c; 3h; 4g; 5b; 6d; 7e; 8a. Test 7. Passive


Ex. 1.1. Some trees have been planted by the gardener. 2. You will be given some advice by Dr Brown. 3. The hotel will be

redecorated by the famous designer. 4. "E.T." was directed by Steven Spielberg. 5. The vase has been broken. 6. The room must be cleaned. 7. Penicillin was discovered by Fleming. 8. Your health can be improved with more exercises.

Ex. 2.

  1. Whom was the television damaged by?
  2. Whom was the Mona Lisa painted by?
  3. How many people were invited to his
  4. Where are the bananas grown?

Ex. 3. 1. is called; 2. were seen; 3. is owned; 4. was called; 5. is kept; 6. was caught.

Ex. 4.

A UFO was seen in the sky above London last night. The police was reported about it. A helicopter was sent to look at it more closely. It was shot by the UFO and both men in the helicopter were killed. The photographs of the UFO have been given to the police. They are being looked at by experts.


Ex. 1. 1. Letters are delivered by the postman. 2. The church was built in 1815. 3. The thief has been arrested by the policeman. 4. A new library will be opened by

the Queen. 5. The book is being written. 6. The window may be opened. 7. The car must be repaired. 8. She is being helped with her homework.


  1. Whom was America discovered by?
  2. Where is money kept?
  3. Whom was my brother stung by?
  4. What language is spoken in Italy?

Ex. 3. 1. is fed; 2. was found; 3. is always dressed; 4. were taken; is said; was built.

Ex. 4.

Yesterday a local jewellery shop was broken into. It had been just locked when the owner was threatened by a robber with a gun. He was told to unlock the shop and give all the diamonds in the safe to the robber. The owner was tied up. A search was organized by the police. The robber will be found in a few days. The owner of the shop is being treated for shock.

T e s t 8. Reported Speech


Ex. 1.

feed — fed — fed; forgive — forgave forgiven; phone — phoned — phoned.

Ex. 4. 1. He asked me if I was ready to start. 2. Mrs Wood wondered whether they were doing homework. 3. She explained how long she had been cleaning the room.

Ex. 5. 1. He asked me what he could do. 2. They insisted that there was nobody at home. 3. She asked me where I had left the key. 4. She said that she would buy a present if she had time. 5. He asked me to step aside.

Ex. 6. 1. He asked us to come in. 2. He asked us not to be late. 3. He asked us what we were doing here.

Part  II

The Article

Test 1. 1. a, the; 2. a, the; 3. a, the; 4. a, the; 5. a, the; 6. a, the; 7. a, the; 8. a, the;

9.        a, the; 10. a, the.

Test 2. 1. —; 2. a; 3. The; 4. the, the; 5. —; 6. —; 7. the; 8. —, —; 9. —; 10. a.

Test 3. 1. a; 2. —; 3. —, —, —, —; 4. the; 5. —; 6. —; 7. the; 8. —; 9. —; 10. —.

M. CSX      4*      X ■      —— у     &t      — ^      i- ■■■   ^     —— ^     jy #      —— ^     U^ #      DJjg у

5. the; 6. —; 7. a; 8. the; 9. —; 10. —.

Test 5. 1. —; 2. the, —; 3. —; 4. the; 5. the; 6. the;  7.  —;  8.  The;  —;  9.  the;

10.        the.

Test 6. 1. The, —, —, the; 2. the; 3. the; 4. the, the, —; 5. The, the, the; 6. The, the, the; 7. —, —; 8. —, the; 9. the; 10. —, —, —,

Test 7. 1. a; 2. —; 3. —; 4. a; 5. —; 6. a;

7.        —; 8. an; 9. —; 10. —.


1. a; 2. a, a, a; 3. a; 4. a; 5. a; 6. a; 7. a; 8. a; 9. a, an, a; 10. a; 11. the; 12. the; 13. the;

14.        —; 15. —; 16. the; 17. —; 18. the; 19. The;
20. the.

Plural of Nouns

Test 1. 1. windows; 2. buses; 3. brushes;

4.        photos; 5. heroes; 6. Negroes; 7. French;

8.        Italians; 9. Spanish; 10. Greeks; 11. Japa
nese; 12. Swiss; 13. matches; 14. glasses;

15.        churches; 16. loaves; 17. leaves; 18. wives;
19. chiefs; 20. thieves; 21. cliffs; 22. roofs;
23. monkeys; 24. flies; 25. foxes; 26. oxen;
27. deer; 28. geese; 29. sheep; 30. postmen;
31. men-servants; 32. housemaids; 33. women-
teachers; 34. men-of-war; 35. forget-me-nots;
36. merry-go-rounds.

Test 2. 1. plays; 2. knives, children; 3. crises, countries; 4. data, analyses, phenomena;

5.        sons-in-law, people; 6. passers-by; 7. wom
en, mice; 8. gentlemen, teeth.

Test 3.1. furniture, offices; 2. books, bookcases; 3. pianos, radios; 4. ladies, kilos, tomatoes, potatoes; 5. information; 6. advice.

Test 4. 1. is; 2. do; 3. is; 4. has; 5. are;

6.        are; 7. is; 8. is; 9. is; 10. is; 11. is.

The Pronoun

Test 1. yours; mine; my. Jane's, hers. Hill's, hers, your, ours.

Test 2. this, that, it's, those, they're, these, they, this, it's, these, they're.

Test 3. 1. any; 2. some, any; 3. any, some;

4.        any; 5. some, any; 6. any, no; 7. some, no,
some; 8. no; 9. some; 10. any, some.

Test 4. 1. something; 2. something; 3. anything; 4. something; 5. anything; 6. something; 7. nothing; 8. something; 9. something; 10. nothing.

Test 5. 1. anybody; 2. somebody; 3. anybody; 4. nobody; 5. anybody; 6. somebody;

7.        somebody/nobody; 8. somebody /anybody;

9.        nobody; 10. somebody.

Test 6. 1. who; 2. which; 3. who; 4. who;

5.        which; 6. which; 7. who; 8. who; 9. which;

10.        which; 11. who; 12. which; 13. which;
14. who; 15. who.

Test 7. 1. what, what; 2. what; 3. that; 4. what; 5. that; 6. what; 7. what; 8. that; 9. that; 10. that, what.

Test 8. 1. another; 2. other; 3. the other;

4.        others; 5. the others; 6. the other; 7. an
other; 8. other; 9. the others; 10. the other.

Test 9. 1. so; 2. such; 3. so; 4. such; 5. so;

6.        such; 7. so; 8. such; 9. so; 10. such.

Test 10. 1. either; 2. also; 3. too; 4. either;

5.        either; 6. also; 7. either; 8. also; 9. also;
10. too.

Test 11. 1. there is; 2. it is; 3. there is, it is; 4, it is, it is; 5. it is; 6. it is, there is;

7.        there is; 8. it is, there is; 9. it is, there is;
10. it is.

The Preposition

Test 1. 1. between; 2. on; 3. in front of; 4. opposite/in front of; 5. next to; 6. under; 7. behind; 8. in; 9. in front of/next to; 10. above; 11. under; 12. on; 13. between; 14.in.

Test 2.1. to; 2. on; 3. at; 4. on; 5. at; 6. to; 7. at; 8. on; 9. at; 10. to.

Test 3.1. in; 2. in/on; 3. in, on; 4. in; 5. in, in, in, on; 6. in; 7. on; 8. in; 9. in; 10. on.

Test 4. 1. at; 2. on; 3. on; 4. on; 5. at;

6.        on; 7. at; 8. on; 9. on, at; 10. at.

Test 5. 1. in; 2. at; 3. in; 4. at; 5. at; 6. in, at; 7. in, at; 8. at, at; 9. at; 10. in; 11. in, at; 12. at.

Test 6.1. to; 2. in, to; 3. to; 4. in; 5. to, to; 6. in; 7. in; 8. to; 9. to, in; 10. in.

Test  7. 1. on; 2. down; 3. down; 4. up; 5. away; 6. off; 7. back; 8. out; 9. back.

The Verb

•   Modal Verbs

Test 1.1. could; 2. can; 3. may/can; 4. can; 5. may/might; 6. may/might; 7. can; 8. may/ can; 9. could; 10. can, can't; 11. might; 12. may not/might not.

Test 2. 1. should; 2. must; 3. mustn't; 4. must; 5. shouldn't; 6. have to; 7. should; 8. mustn't; 9. don't have to; 10. needn't; 11. shall; 12. shall; 13. shouldn't; 14. has to; 15. needn't; 16. doesn't have to.

Test 3. 1. will be able to; 2. couldn't; 3. didn't have to; 4. won't have to; 5. won't be able to; 6. had to; 7. shall/will have to; 8. could; 9. shall/will be able to; 10. couldn't; 11. could; 12. didn't have to.

Verbs and Noun Go Together

Test Steal   + £ 1,000; a wallet, earrings

-        a bank; a post office

win      + a competition; a war; £ 1,000; a football match

-        John McEnroe

catch   + a fish; a bus; a train; a cold; a thief

-        a car

wear    + a seat belt; earrings; a watch; a uniform

-        a briefcase, an umbrella

tell      + a lie, the truth, a joke; a story

-        a poem

play    + the piano; tennis; cards

-        swimming, a competition

Verb's Tenses

Test 3.1. plays, is playing; 2. do they speak, is he speaking; 3. speaks, is speaking; 4. tells, is telling; 5. drive, are driving; 6. wears, is wearing; 7. do, know, am doing; 8. watches, is watching, wants; 9. Do you eat ...; are eating; 10. Do you remember ..., works; 11. doesn't understand, is explaining; 12. says, loves; 13. don't recognize, is giving; 14. Do you ... drink ...?, are drinking; 15. fell, wants, live/are living.

Test 4. 1. shall/will go, reach; 2. is, shall/ will have; 3. shall/will be, are; 4. will come, will be; 5. leave, will forget; 6. will bring; 7. will find; 8. doesn't know, will return; 9. will become, grows up; 10. shall/will lose; 11. get; 12. Will ... make...?; 13. shall/will stay, go, telephone; 14. will recover; 15. will finish, will finish.

Test 5. 1. are you going; 2. shall/will give; 3. is coming; 4. shall/will wait; 5. shall/will

have; 6. are having, Will you come? 7. Are you taking, Are you painting ...? (Will you paint?), am taking (shall/will take ...); 8. Shall/will type; 9. will see, come; 10. is leaving; 11. Are you trying?, am trying; 12. will meet, will forget; 13. will come; 14. Are you doing ...?, are coming, am showing; 15. are going, Will you sail...?

Test 6. 1. sat, began; 2. Did you see ...?, stood; 3. came, saw, was drawing; 4. did not understand, was doing; 5. were driving; 6. was setting; 7. flew; 8. didn't hear, was saying, was typing; 9. did it happen?, happened, were talking; 10. walked/were walking, spoke; 11. told, was eating; 12. hide/ was hiding, was watching; 13. struck, didn't stop, was travelling; 14. was sitting, came, said, was waiting; 15. didn't like, were working.

Test 7.1. has forgotten, left; 2. was, didn't know, has become; 3. have bought; 4. have lent, did you lend...?, did; 5. have lost, saw; 6. has become; 7. has lived; 8. ... did you do ...? 9.... have you done ...?, saw; 10. haven't played, left; 11. Have you heard ...?, got; 12. got, haven't answered; 13. have ever tasted, ... did you buy ...?; 14. ... did you get...?, have had; 15. ... did you see ...?, haven't met.

Test 8. 1. have been telephoning; Haven't ... finished?, haven't got, has been engaged;

2. has been playing, has just stopped; 3. ... haven't ... brought, Haven't you typed ...? 4. has been raining; 5. have you been doing;

  1. have not found, have been looking for;
  2. has failed,  has been practising;  8.  has
    happened; 9. have known; 10. have you had,
    have   had;   11.   has   been   collecting,   has
    collected; 12. have been ringing, has gone;
    13.  have  you  owned;   14.  have  you  put;
    15. Have you been crying?

Test 9. 1. had broken, has broken; 2. Have you ever seen ...?; 3. had seen; 4. has missed, has never come; 5. had eaten; 6. has had;

7.        has never said; 8. have bought; 9. has just
seen;   10.   has   stopped;   11.   had   walked;
12. have just walked; 13. had done; 14. has
been; 15. had been.

Test 10. 1. had never seen; 2. got; 3. left; 4. had recommend; 5. had finished; 6. had passed; 7. went, had closed (had been closed);

8.        knew; 9. went on, had stopped; 10. arrived,
had just gone; 11. was, had been; 12. got, had
gone;   13.   had  changed;   14.   arrived,   had
finished; 15. took, had never seen.

Test 11. 1. shall/will, would get; 2. will rain; 3. would send; 4. will have; 5. Shall I go ...? 6. would come; 7. shouldn't/wouldn't watch; 8. would make; 9. will understand; 10. Will they come ...? 11. will be; 12. will have to; 13. would feel; 14. will never tell; 15. will publish.


Test 1. 1. has been living; 2. has found; 3. has gone; 4. bought; 5. has she known; 6. has been working; 7. has visited; 8. has been travelling.

Test 2. 1. have you been learning; 2. have you been using; 3. did you have; 4. have you known; 5. have you been playing; 6. did you start.

Comparison of Adjectives and Adverbs

Test 1. 1. more slowly; 2. more carefully; 3. earlier; 4. elder; 5. the oldest; 6. further; 7. the further/further; 8. the least; 9. the latest; 10. the latter; 11. older; 12. luckier.

Test 2. 1. a bit happier; 2. a lot easier;

3.        much bigger; 4. far more interesting than;
5. a bit more slowly; 6. much more serious
than; 7. a little warmer today than; 8. much
more comfortable than.

Test 3. 1. better and better; 2. more and more talkative; 3. more and more difficult;

4.        more and more impatient; 5. worse and
worse; 6. heavier and heavier.

Test 4. 1. The more expensive the hotel, the better the service. 2. The more you practise your English, the more fluently you speak it. 3. The higher the quality of your shoes, the longer you wear them.

Test 5. 1. It is one of the worst mistakes I have ever made. 2. Her last holiday was the most enjoyable she has ever had. 3. He is the most generous person we have ever spoken to.

Test 6. 1. She is more talkative than him. 2.1 can't type as fast as her. 3. They have more English lessons a week than us. 4. We speak English more fluently than them. 5. I'm as interested in this piece of information as you.

Test 7. 1. complicated; 2. cheaper; 3. more slowly; 4. more carefully; 5. earlier; 6. the most beautiful; 7. the smallest; 8. the oldest; 9. further, soon; 10. the busiest; 11. the least; 12. the latest; 13. the best; 14. healthier and more beautiful; 15. lazier; 16. less work, fewer lectures ... but more pleasure.

Test 8. 1. a bit newer than; 2. much more interesting than; 3. a bit more comfortable than; 4. a bit worse than; 5. much thinner than; 6. a bit bigger than; 7. much more popular than; 8. much better than; 9. a bit more expensive than; 10. much hotter in July than.

Test 9. 1. I didn't get up as early as you. 2. They didn't play as well as us. 3. Peter's car isn't as expensive as Dan's. 4. Ann's composition wasn't as bad as Jill's. 5.1 don't eat as much as you. 6. Tennis isn't as popular as football.

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Контроль усвоения лексики и упражнения на употребление настоящего, прошедшего времени...

Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку в 7 классе, УМК Новый курс английского языка для российских школ, 3 год обучения, О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева

Элементы содержания проверяемых заданий:Аудирование на установление соответствий между монологическими высказываниями и утверждениями;Чтение на соответствие между частями текста и их заголовками;Употр...



Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 3 класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка (И. Н. Верещагина, К.А Бондаренко, Т.А Притыкина «English III » )

Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 3 класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, разработанная для подведения итогов II четверти, включает в себя 4 аспекта (аудирование, чтение, ле...

Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 8 класса (УМК Афанасьева, О.В. Английский язык: 8 класс)

Unit 3. Performing Arts: CinemaРазработка контрольной работы содержит ответы и комментарии.  Далее текст работы см. Приложение 1, также в приложении к разработке для задания по аудированию ...