Сценарий игры "Брейн-ринг" по страноведению и лингвострановедению стран изучаемого языка
материал по английскому языку на тему
Материал представляет собой разработку сценария игры по страноведению, с использованием ИКТ.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Министерство образования Московской области
ГБОУ СПО МО «Орехово-Зуевский социально-гуманитарный колледж»
Методическая разработка сценария игры «Брейн-ринг» по «Страноведению и лингвострановедению стран изучаемого языка» и «Зарубежной литературе» в рамках недели иностранного языка в ГБОУ СПО МО «Орехово-Зуевский социально-гуманитарный колледж» для студентов 4 курса по специальности 050303 «иностранный язык» (с использованием мультимедийной презентации по теме самообразования).
Подготовлен преподавателем
английского языка
Фроловой Ю.С.
Рассмотрен на заседании
ПЦК иностранных языков
Протокол №_от__ _____201_г.
Председатель комиссии Фирсова И.Б.
Цели викторины:
- повторить пройденный учебный материал в неформальной обстановке во время игры;
- подвести итог по изучению темы: “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”; “The United States of America”
- повысить интерес учащихся к изучению английского языка.
Состав участников:
- игроки 2 команд (по 4 человека на 4 курсе);
- члены жюри (студенты 5 курса);
- ведущий (преподаватель).
- презентация с вопросами викторины;
- карточки с вопросами для ведущего;
- сигнальные карточки для команд;
Ход и правила викторины:
- В викторине принимает участие 16 учащихся, по 8 человек в команде.
- Команды рассаживаются за столы, выбираются капитаны.
- Викторина состоит из 50 (53) вопросов. На каждый ответ на вопрос дается по 30 секунд. Команда, желающая ответить, поднимает сигнальную карточку. Если ответ неверный, ход переходит команде соперников.
- Далее проводится конкурс капитанов.
- Шуточный конкурс для любых участников от команды, на понимание английской речи на слух.
- Жюри в ходе викторины следит, кто из учащихся в каждом раунде дал большее количество правильных ответов. В конце викторины команда победителей награждается дипломами (См. Приложение)
I. Начало викторины
My dear friends, today we are going to talk about the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (The United States of America). You have to answer my questions. Let’s start our quizzing game.
1. The original name of that city was New Amsterdam. Today the city is called 2. The Mayflower was the ship on which British settlers arrived in North America in 1620. They were 3. What is the British flag popularly known as? 4. What is the highest point in England? 5. How many wives did Henry V111 have? 6. Long straight roads were probably first built by the 7. In which year was the Great Fire of London? 8. An dummy of which traitor is burnt on thousands of bonfires on 5th November? 9. In the17th century the Pilgrim Fathers left England and sail for North America. They planned to make the voyage aboard two ships. After setting sail, problems made them return to port and all boarded the «Mayflower» for crossing. What was the name of the second unseaworthy ship that failed to make the crossing? |
10. How did the Romans call Britain?
a) the Land of Song b) Albion c) the Green Island
11. What is the name of the highest mountain in England?
a) Ben Nevis b) Snowdon c) Ward Hill d) Scafell Pike
12. England is divided into
a) countries b) regions c) counties d) districts
13. Many people in Scotland have the name McDonald. What does “Mac” mean?
a) son of b) mother’s name c) from family of d) comes from
14. Who is in Shadow cabinet?
a) the party with majority of seats b) Prime Minister
c) House of Commons d) the party in the official opposition
15. What is a limerick?
a) a song b) a game c) a poem d) a dance
16. Who were the earliest known people of Britain?
a) the Celts b) the Danes c) the Anglo-Saxons d) the Iberians
17. Where are ancient monuments such as Stonehenge found in Great Britain?
a) in Southern England b) in Scotland c) in Wales d) In Northern Ireland
18. What are the Quakers?
a) a nationality b)a music group c) a religions movement d) a river
18. What is Cockney?
a) a city b) an accent ['æks(ə)nt] c) a bird d) an animal
19. Where is Hogmanay celebrated?
a) in Wales b) in Northern Ireland c) in Scotland d) in England
20. The official head of state in Britain is ________ .
a, President b, Prince
c, Queen d, King
21. The leek and the daffodil are both plants used to symbolize _________ .
a, Wales b, England
c, Scotland d, Ireland
22. The British flag is red, _______ and white.
23. About _________ people live in Britain and _______ people in London.
a, 58 million – 7.7 million b, 35 million – 4.5 million
c, 73 million – 10 million d, 100 million – 10.5 million
24. In 1066 the English king was defeated by William the Conqueror at the Battle of __________.
a, Brighton b, London
c, Dover d, Hastings
25. What is the capital of the Republic of Ireland?
a, Birmingham b, Dublin
c, Dover d, Belfast
26. The day after Christmas is known as ________ .
a, Boxing day b, Christmas Eve
c, Christmas Day d, Halloween
27. The Great Plague was a(n) _______ in the seventeenth century.
a, celebration b, illness
c, sports event d, family festival
28. The head of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is:
a) the President
b) the Prime Minister
c) the Queen
29. Official currency of Great Britain is:
a) pound (sterling)
b) euro
c) English dollar
30. The USA consists of:
a) 40 states
b) 60 states
c) 50 states
31. First world underground appeared in:
a) London
b) New York
c) Moscow
32. ………… was the first president of the USA.
a) Theodore Roosevelt
b) George Washington
c) Ulysses S. Grant
33. Russian businessman R. Abramoviсh is the owner of British football club called:
a) Manchester United
b) Chelsea
c) Arsenal
34. The official residence of the Queen of Great Britain is:
a) the Tower
b) Westminster
c) Buckingham Palace
35. Statue of Liberty in harbour of New York was presented to the USA by:
a) France
b) Great Britain
c) Germany
36. Tower Clock, the symbol of London is called:
a) Big Dan
b) Big Ben
c) Big Man
- Which is the largest and the oldest museum in Britain?
The British Museum
The National Gallery
Madame Tussaud's
- Which of the following is a well known British food?
Frogs legs
Fish and chips
- The most popular sport in Britain is
ice hockey
- The kilt is
a shirt
a skirt
a pair of trousers
- The mysterious Loch Ness Monster is from
- What country is not a part of the U.K.? (Republic of Ireland.)
- What is the capital of Scotland?
a) Glasgow
b) New Castle
c) Edinburgh
d) Cardiff
- Which of these women is called the grandmother of English detective stories?
a) Chareotte Bronte
b) Anna Sewell
c) Iris Merdock
d) Agatha Cristie
- Jerome K. Jerome wrote his famous book... (Pygmalion, The Pickwick Сlub, Three Men in a Boat)
- Who was an English naval captain and explorer? (J. Cook, Ch. Columbus, M. Polo)
- What is a double-decker?
a. a bus
b. a disco
c. a taxi
- Which Liverpool band was so popular in the 60’s?
a. The Beatles
b. The Police
c. The Rolling Stones
49. In Britain, cars are driven on the ______ side of the road.
a. left-hand
b. right-hand
c. wrong-hand
- The Whispering Gallery is situated in…
a) the Tower
b) Westminster Abbey
c) Covent Garden
d) St. Paul’s Cathedral
5 курс
1. Australia Day is celebrated as a national holiday to commemorate ________.
a) the landing of the British in 1788
b) the discovery of the Australian continent by the first Europeans
c) the hoisting of the British flag
d) the arrival of captain Cook
2. What is the capital of Canada?
3.What is the largest city of Canada?
4. The national symbol of Canada is ____________.
a)the shamrock
b)the daffodil
c)the maple leaf
d)the thistle
5. The second official language in Canada is ___________.
6. The capital of Ireland is _____________.
7. What is the capital of New Zealand?
8. This bird you can find in New Zealand only. It has been put on the national emblem of New Zealand.
9. The territory of New Zealand, consisting of two main islands and a number of smaller ones, was explored by ____________.
a)Christopher Columbus
b)Captain James Cook
c)Vasco da Gama
d)Hernan Cortes
10. Britain's first woman Prime Minister ____________.
a)Margaret Thatcher
11. A. A. Milne is a famous English writer, the author of ___________.
a)Alice's Adventure in Wonderland
b)Webster's Dictionary
d)The Jungle Book
12. Lewis Carroll is the author of ___________.
a)Death on the Nile
b)The Last Leaf
c)Martin Eden
d)Alice in Wonderland
13. The book about the wonderful adventures of Doctor Dolittle was written by the famous English writer ___________.
a)R. Kipling
b)L. Carroll
c)Hugh Lofting
d)D. Defoe
14. A well-known musical "Jesus Christ Superstar" was written by __________.
a)Andrew Lloyd Webber
b)Paul McCartney
c)Tim Ryce
d)Bob Wooler
15. Who is the author of the Canterbury Tales?
a)Charles Dickens e
b)Geoffrey Chaucer
c)William Shakespear
d)John Milton
16. One of the most popular plays of Bernard Shaw _______.
c)Major Barbara
d)Caesar and Cleopatra
17. The author of "Vanity Fair" is _____________.
a)Ch. Dickens
b)W. Thackeray ['θakəri]
c)W. Golding
d)M. Twain
18. St Paul's Cathedral was designed by ___________.
a)Christopher Wren
b)Horatio Nelson
c)Jonathan Swift
d)Robert Burns
19. W. Shakespeare was one of the founders of __________.
a)The Globe Theater
b)The Covent Garden
c)the National Theater
d)Drama Theater
20. The animal that you'll find nowhere else but in Australia is ________.
21. The capital of Australia is __________.
22. Which of the following countries is not a member of the British Commonwealth?
b)New Zealand
23. The first Europeans to land in Australia were ____________.
a)the English
b)the Dutch
c)the French
d)the Spanish
24. Which of these cities has the nickname "the Big Apple"?
a)San Francisco
b)New York
c)Los Angeles
25. The Flag of the United States is called "Stars and Stripes". What do the stripes represent?
a) the colonies
b) diversity
c) the unity of states
d)the national emblem
26. The American Congress consists of the Senate and the House of _______.
27. In the United States of America the legislative power is represented by ______.
a)the Senate ['senɪt]
b)the House of Representatives
c)the Congress
d)the President
28. The national emblem of the United States of America is ___________.
a)the turkey
b)the Statue of Liberty
c)the bald eagle
d)the Flag
29. It has become the symbol of liberty for the millions of people _________.
a)the Liberty Bell
b)the Statue of Liberty
c)the Declaration of Independence
d) the bald eagle
30. Where does the President of the United States live and work?
a)in the Congress
b)in the Pentagon
c)in the White House
d)in the House of Representatives
31. Which is the biggest state in the USA?
b)Alaska [ə'laskə]
d)New York
32. The author of American Declaration of Independence was _________.
a)George Washington
b)Thomas Jefferson
c)Abraham Lincoln
d)James Madison
33. The most popular sport in the USA is ________.
34. Which of these holidays is not celebrated in the USA?
b)Veterans' Day
c)Labor Day
d)Boxing Day
35. According to the Constitution the U.S. President is elected for _______.
a)a four year term
b)a five year term
c)a six year term
d)a two year term
36. The name of the ship that sailed from Plymouth to the new world is ____.
d)Saint Mary
37. How many parts are there in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland?
38. Who is the head of state in the UK?
a)the President
b)the Prime Minister
c)the King or the Queen
d)Lord Chancellor
39. The Flag of the United Kingdom is called __________.
a)the Union Jack
b)the Star Spangled banner
c)the Stars and Stripes
d)the Big Apple
40. What is the capital of Northern Ireland?
41. Shamrock is the symbol of Ireland. What is the symbol of Scotland?
a)a thistle
b)a daffodil ['dæfədɪl]
c)a rose
d)a leek
42. What is the symbol of England?
a)tartan cloth
b)a rose
c)a daffodil
d)a shamrock
43. Which of these holidays is not celebrated in Great Britain?
a)May Day
b)Guy Fawkes Day
c)St. David's Day
44. 10, Downing Street is home address of _________.
a)the Prime Minister
b)Sherlock Holmes
c)the Queen of England
d)Paul McCartney
45. The highest peak in the Highlands and in all Britain is ___________.
b)Mount Snowdon
c)Ben Nevis
d)the Cotsworld
46. Wimbledon, is a famous place, where the annual _________ is held.
a)rowing contest
b)lawn tennis championship
c)horse race
d)the Cup Final
47. Covent Garden is ___________.
a)Royal Park
b)a famous museum
c)the Royal Opera House
d)the Queen's residence
48. The British Parliament consists of ____________.
a)the House of Lords and the House of Commons
b)the Congress and the House of Representatives
c)the Senate and the House of Commons
d)the Royal Court and the House of Lords
49. What river does London stand on?
a)the Thames
50. The wax models of famous people are exhibited at ___________.
a)Big Ben
b)the Tower London
c)the National Gallery
d)Madame Tussaud's
51. Many famous people of Great Britain are buried in ___________.
a)St. Paul's Cathedral
b)Buckingham Palace
c)Westminster Palace
d)Westminster Abbey
52. Oxford Street in London is famous for its ___________.
a)theaters and museums
b)banks and offices
c)picture galleries and exhibitions
d)shops and department stores
53. What is the most geographically widespread language of the world?
a) Chinese
It’s time to start the second game – “Captains’ Competition”
4 курс
- This transport is over 150 years old.It's in England. (Metro-the Tube)
- What city are 'The Beatles' from?Liverpool
- The week starts from this day in England. (Sunday)
- Elizabeth 2 never appears in public without her bag. She carries in it..
cookies b) food for dogs c) cosmetics d)a ball of thread
- An English town with the university where students should wear a robe and a hat after a sunset?(Cambridge)
- What is the English for 'подводное плавание с аквалангом'?(Diving)
- Hats of Queen's guards are made of the fur of these animals.(bears' fur)
- The largest island of Europe.(Great Britain)
- Skiing with the help of a kite.(kiting)
5 курс
- What soft drink under the name of 'black blood' was forbidden in England in 1676?(coffee)
- The length of these skirts was designed by Mary Kent in 1963?(mini skirts)
- What city represents the football club 'Chelsea' ?(London)
- Is Covent Garden an opera or drama theatre?(Opera)
- You may take pictures with famous people in this museum in London.(Madam Tussaud's)
- Soft drink that is translated from English as 'петушиный хвост'(cocktail)
- There is a Tower Bridge over this river.(The Thames)
- What country presents London a new year tree every year?(Norway)
- The most terrible oath of The English people -to do 'it' with your hat.(eat it)
The 3d competition is a humorous one…
You will draw a picture listening to my instructions.
Please at the bottom of the paper draw a very big circle (apple)
Then on the circle draw a smaller circle.
Then on the second circle draw the third circle, smaller than the second.
In the smallest circle at the top draw two small circles, two eyes.
Then draw a nose, a mouth.
On the smallest circle draw a cap.
Then draw arms and hands.
The picture is ready!
II. Итоги викторины.
Викторина завершается подведением итогов и награждением команд.
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