Контрольные работы 8класс
тест по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме
Контрольные работы по английскому языку к 6 разделам учебника ( учебник для VIII класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, лицеев и гимназий, авторы О.В.Афанасьева, И.В.Михеева)
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Test №1 (unit 1)
- Synonyms
1…. school is a private fee-paying British school where children usually live & study.
a)high b)public c)comprehensive
2.Many species of animals have now …from the face of the earth.
a)vanished b)disappeared c)appeared
3.I … to become a lawyer. a)study b)learn c)know
4.It is …to laugh all the time without any reasons. a)stupid b)foolish c)childish
5.We often …poems by heart. a)knows b)study c)learn
6.I’d like to …at Oxford University. a)study b)learn
7.Children do some … things sometimes. a)silly b)stupid c)foolish
8.I have been …English since last year. a)studying b)learning.
9.Suddenly the sun has …behind the cloud. a)disappeared b)vanished
10.Driving in such a foggy morning is really … . a) foolish b)dumb c)childish
- Subjunctive Mood
1.Choose the right form:
1.I wish he (won’t behave /didn’t behave /hadn’t behaved) as a silly boy.
2.If you (hadn’t got/ didn’t get/ don’t get) bad marks yesterday, you (would go/ have gone) to the disco.
3.If Pete (had/ had had) a hammer now, he would (fix/ have fixed) this painting on the wall.
4.If only he (could play/ had played/ can play) the guitar!
2.Complete the sentences:
- The theatre didn’t stage a new play.
If the theatre ………………………………a new play, a lot of people……………………………… to watch the performance. (to stage / to go)
- Lizzy lost the money.
If she ………………………………..the money , she ………………………………..some food for breakfast.
(to lose / to buy)
- The weather is bad this summer.
If the weather ………………………………bad, we ………………………………….. a lot of fruit & vegetables in our garden. (not to be / to grow)
- If I ……………………..you, I …………………………………about Jack’s birthday. (to be /not to forget)
III. Phrasal Verb
I.Give the Russian Equivalent:
to hand out –
to hand in –
to hand down –
to hand over –
II.Fill in the missing words to complete the sentences:
- Certain customs are handed …….. from the older generation to the younger one.
- I have a job handing …….. advertisements for a department store.
- The teacher told the children to hand ………their exercise books.
- They handed the thief ……. to the police.
- We know you have the jewels, so hand them ………
- The king handed ………….his powers to the parliament.
- The gold chain has been handed……… in the family since the 18th century.
- When can you hand …….. your diploma papers?
Test №2 (unit 2)
I.Choose the right form to complete the sentences:
1. If I were you, I would have told / would tell the truth. Don’t be silly!
2. If I were you I wouldn’t water / wouldn’t have watered these flowers. Look, they are quite wet.
3. If I were you I would have watched / would watch yesterday’s football match. It was terrific!
4. If Ann were a better friend, she would hand / would have handed over the cheat-sheet during the exam.
II. Give the English equivalents:
- Ели бы не это жужжание, я бы слышала тебя хорошо сейчас.
- Если бы не помощь врача тогда, я бы не почувствовал облегчение.
- Если бы не длинная очередь, мы бы купили свежие фрукты. (но у нас нет времени)
- Если бы не беспорядок в моей комнате, я бы пригласила одноклассников вчера.
III.Fill in the necessary preposition (down/ away/ out/into):
- Two criminals broke ……………... from the two policemen who were holding them.
- A fire broke ………………suddenly, nobody expected it.
- Our telly broke …………. right in the middle of the World Hockey Championship.
- Two young boys broke ………… Mrs.White’s house & committed (совершили) a burglary.
- Cholera (холера) broke ………. during their journey around India.
- Do you know when World War II broke ……. in Europe?
- Sally couldn’t solve his problems & she broke …………& cried.
- We saw his dirty nose & broke …….. a laughter.
- Look! My chair has broken ……………..!
- It’s time to break ……………….from such a neighbour!
IV.Choose the right verb to complete the sentences (to learn/to study; to disappear/ to vanish):
- You should really learn /study to drive.
- We learnt/ studied these facts much later.
- In Britain less than 10% of girls choose to learn/ to study science at school.
- I need to learn/ to study very hard because I missed a lot of classes.
- We always learn/ study a lot of English words by heart.
- He learnt/ studied her face for a minute or so.
- Many species of flowers vanished/ disappeared from our forests & fields.
- In a second they vanished/ disappeared from the sight.
- You can’t see a lot of tigers nowadays; they are fast vanishing/ disappearing.
- The wizard waved his hand, & the rabbit vanished/ disappeared.
V.Give the Russian equivalents:
A big staff room- to attend school-
State schools- higher education-
Primary education- a third former-
To pass an exam in chemistry- to fail an exam-
Happy school-leavers- in the second form-
Kindergartens- comprehensive schools-
An old-fashioned canteen- a physics room-
A messy cloakroom- a language laboratory-
To decorate an assembly hall- a nursery school-
We were engaged in after-class activities-
To be invited to the Headmaster’s office-
Boarding schools-
A first grader-
School age-
Test №3 (unit 3)
- Change the underlined words using the following vocabulary:
1. I like to make tablecloths stiff.-
2. When you eat, you crush food into little bits in your mouth very carefully. –
3. Tom fixed one end of the rope to the sledge & began pulling for all he was worth. –
4. I have never seen such a huge building in my whole life! –
5. Do you know where I can buy amusing clothes for our New Year party? -
6. When is the ceremony of burying beginning? –
7. Most books by this author are good enough for reading.-
8. The collars & the cuffs of the shirts could be removed. –
9. I don’t like this toothbrush, it’s too hard, I like them softer. –
10. I can chew this sweet, but I can’t swallow it.-
11. Men wear it round the neck inside a shirt collar.-
12. The flag was waving in the wind.
- What or Which:
- Which /What would you prefer – juice or Pepsi?
- Which /What country would you like to visit?
- Which /What kind of teacher do you like best?
- Tell me, what/which books can I read on the subject?
- What/Which parent is more important in the first year of life?
- What/Which way shall we go – up the hill or along the river bank?
- Choose the best verb: to buckle/ to unbuckle, to button up/ to unbutton, to zip up/ to unzip, to lace up/ to unlace
- Застегнуть молнию-………………………….. 4. Застегнуть рубашку …………………………….
- Расстегнуть пальто-………………………….. 5. Завязать ботинки…………………………………
- Расстегнуть ремень-…………………………. 6. Расшнуровать кроссовки-……………………….
IV. Give the English Equivalents:
1.Стоит купить это снаряжение…………………………………………………………………………
2.Этот воротник стоит накрахмалить…………………………………………………………………..
3.Эту собаку не стоит привязывать…………………………………………………………………….
4.Не стоит идти туда…………………………………………………………………………………….
V.Choose the right word funny/ hilarious/ ridiculous to complete the sentences:
1. What? You think you’ll win a million in the lottery? Don’t be ………………….
2. The film was absolutely …………………..The audience shrieked with laughter.(визжать от…)
3. When we were younger our granny told us …………………….stories that she made up herself.
4.What a …………………… little animal! What is it?
5. Take off this stupid hat, you look ……………………. in it.
VI.Fill in the necessary preposition to make a phrasal verb ( over/ off/round/down/across )
- Father came ………….with a cold & he has a high temperature.
- I hope I’ll come ………………to you tonight.
- We don’t know what came ………him yesterday, he didn’t talk.
- Come …………the grass. You mustn’t walk on it.
- Look! The button has come ………….your waistcoat!
- I don’t know such an idiom! I have never come ………… it before!
Test №4 (unit 4)
I Give the Russian Equivalents:
Please Do Not Disturb - Keep Right -
NO VACANCIES – Please Queue Other Side -
Please Keep off the Grass – Do not Leave Bags Unattended -
II. Choose the best preposition: (through, off, around, to)
- Our friends want to see ………….all their relatives who go travelling.
- I don’t see my cousin …………….these days..
- We are going to see you …………., when are you leaving?
- Don’t worry about that, I will see ……. that .
- You can’t make a trick because I can see you …………
III.Use the definite article where necessary:
- Don’t envy(завидовать) ………rich: they are often unhappy.
- ……blind can learn to read with the help of their fingers.
- ……deaf people study at special schools.
- Government have to develop social programs to help…….disabled people.
- This is the part of London where ……poor live, it looks dirty & miserable.
- Our duty is to help ……crippled, because they need our help.
- Have you ever communicated with ……. dumb people?
- ……young people often have problems with their future jobs.
IV.Choose the proper variant:
- I don’t want to go to the concert beside/ besides I have a lot of work to do.
- These socks are not pair. They are various/ different.
- These gloves are expensive – beside/ besides they are too small. I’m not buying them.
- Computers are a great discovery/ invention of the 20th century.
- We are so various/ different – I like being at home, but Mary often visits clubs & discos.
- -Why didn’t you call Helen? – But I did/ do call her.
- Would you like an orange or a tangerine? – Either/ Neither is fine, thank you.
- None/ Neither of us have seen today’s newspaper.
- I offered him coffee or tea, but he didn’t want either/ any.
- I have two good friends, neither/none is my classmate.
- John collects stamps. He has various/ different stamps, including rare ones.
- Sir Alexander Fleming was a Scottish scientist who invented/ discovered penicillin.
V.Complete the sentences using the most suitable model verb: must /mustn’t or have to/ don’t have to:
1. The accident was your fault. You …………….. be more careful in future
2. Please remember that’s it’s a secret. You ………………..tell anyone.
3. The Browns ………………pay for their new car every month: they’ve bought it on credit.
4.I ……… visit my granny in the hospital, I haven’t visited her this week!
5. Some pupils live far from school & the …………….get up earlier not to be late for school.
6.I ………………….wake up early because my classes start at 14.20.
VI.In these sentences one word of your new vocabulary is missing. Guess the word & fill in it.
- I think I’ll take some extra money with me, just in……………………
- What a modern studio ………………………, now we can …………………..music daily!
- There is a special branch of science that ………………….future.
- He had the only …………………to finish his work because he was very tired.
- Who ………………….your school with computers & other equipment?
- The ……………….of languages is so great that one can’t know them all!
- I’d like to buy a new pair of jeans because my old ones are very ………………
- From the expression on my friend’s face I understood that he was ………………..
Test № 5 ( unit 5)
- Give the English Equivalents:
- To drop on smb – a)…………………………………………… b) ………………………………….
- To drop in (on smb / at some place) – ……………………………………………………….
- To drop off – a)……………………………………………… b)…………………………………….
- To drop out – …………………………………………………………………………………
II. Insert the missing parts of the phrasal verb to drop to complete the sentences:
1. Jane said she would drop the jacket …… at the cleaner’s when she went to the centre.
2. I dropped …..my old diary when I was looking for my notebook.
3. Why drop …me? Going there was his own decision.
4. Denis was injured in the first round & dropped …. of match.
5. We were passing by (проходили мимо) your house & decided to drop …..
6. At the end of the week we dropped …… a nice attractive flat & decided to rent (арендовать) it.
7. Drop me ….at the corner of my school, please.
III. Choose the right item:
1.All the children knew the answer besides / except Irene.
2.Here is your cup of coffee. Would you like anything besides / except?
3.I usually have cornflakes besides / except bacon & eggs for breakfast.
4.Mr.Bell led a quiet / quite life in the village.
5.Trevelling by train is not quiet / quite so thrilling as travelling by sea.
6.I think I quiet / quite understand you.
7.How long have you been waiting / awaiting for the letter?
8.It’s not easy to predict what is waiting / awaiting us in the future.
9.Max has a lot of friends but I know only a couple / pair of them.
10.I badly need another couple / pair of sleepers.
11.A couple / pair of black horses were pulling the wagon.
12.I usually eat a couple / pair of sandwiches & a cup of tea for lunch.
13.I’m going to post office, it’s only a short voyage/ journey/ trip & I’ll be back in half an hour.
14.I can’t sit on the back seat of a car: I get airsick/ travelsick/ seasick.
15.Alice never travels by plane because she gets airsick/ travelsick/ seasick.
16.I’d better / rather go to the cinema than to the theatre.
17.You’d better / rather not to go out today, it’s pouring outside.
18.One of us would better / would rather help with the cooking, Liz can’t do all the cooking herself.
19.I’d better / rather go home, I’m tied a bit.
20.You’d better / rather not argue with your parents.
21.We’d better / rather not to be late for the classes tomorrow as we are going to write a test.
22.My voyage/ journey/ trip from London to New York was exciting
- Give the Russian Equivalents:
- I saw tears of joy on her face.
- What is your destination?
- Her trousers were wrinkled and she had to iron (press) them.
- My aunts hadn’t seen each other for about a year. When they came to our place and saw each other, they embraced tenderly.
- The sea was rough and the ship began sinking.
- Her voice trembled with emotion.
- When will our annual meeting of graduates take place?
- I heard the clatter of dishes in the kitchen.
- A fishing vessel appeared in the distance.
- His leg hurt badly, with a groan he rose and walked to the house.
Test №6 ( Unit №6)
- Fill in the necessary preposition: about/ for/ from/ in/ of/ to:
- I object …….moving to another city.
- I dream ……..learning several languages.
- The passengers complained………the flight being delayed.
- I don’t blame her ………spoiling my dress.
- He succeeded ………writing the article about the financial situation in our country.
- I respect people who are capable ……….. telling the truth.
- I’m looking forward ……go to France.
- We apologize ……… missing your birthday party.
- They were tired ……….writing different tests.
- I don’t blame you ………behaving so bad.
II.Use offer or suggest to complete the sentences:
1.She … me 2 suitable people for this job.
2.Tom… us going to the cinema.
3.We went to the movie because you had …it.
4.The report … various ways to improve the service.
5.Alice … me 20 dollars for the picture.
6.I … that we should have dinner first, & then watch the film.
III. used to do smth or be used to doing smth./ get used to doing smth
1.Я привыкла пить молоко. ………………………………………………………..
2.Он не привык учить правила. ………………………………………………………..
3.Когда я был маленьким, я ел много конфет. ……………………………………………………
4.Бывало, мои родители читали английские книги. ………………………………………………….
IV.Complete the sentences, use the –ing form or the infinitive:
1.I’d like to say that I do look forward to watch/ watching my favourite film on television.
2.Do you mind my turn / turning the TV down?
3.Why go / to go / going there so early?
4.Tell me when go / to go / going to the forest?
5.Nobody objected to stay / staying at home a little longer.
6.I know that aerobics is difficult, but don’t give up to try / trying.
7.In Mike’s view talk shows are the best programmes to see / seeing on a Saturday evening.
8.To tell the truth, very few people are used to do / to doing hard manual work.
9.His behavior is difficult to understand / understanding.
10.Why not to explain / explain / explaining this rule again?
11.Did you remember to buy / buying the TV Times with the new programme?
12.My father says that when he was young he used to get/ getting three or four letters every day.
V. Choose the proper variant:
- Sorry, but we do not allow to listen / listening to music in the library.
- They couldn’t stop the journalist from to tell / telling the truth about the events he witnessed.
- Don’t you regret to speak / speaking badly of your good friends?
- If I were you I would never allow my child to play / playing with stray animals.
- We stopped at the old church to admire / admiring its beautiful architecture.
- Please stop to whine / whining, I’m sick & tired of your complaints.
- I regret to inform / informing you that tonight’s performance has to be cancelled.
- Stop to talk / talking!
VI.Choose the best variant:
1.Father still remembers buying/ to buy his first TV.
2.Don’t forget taking / to take your passport with you.
3.I will never forget skiing / to ski in the mountains.
4.Remmember sending / to send a telegram to your aunt.
5.Do you remember travelling /to travel about Europe last year?
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