Тесты для учащихся 3 и 4 классов.
тест по английскому языку по теме

 Анна Валерьевна Смирнова

Образцы тестов предназначены для учащихся второго и третьего года обучения и ориентированы на УМК Верещагиной для школ с углубленным изучением английского языка. Тесты для третьего класса составлены по теме "We Read Fairy Tales", а последний тест по теме "Daily Life". Тесты для четвертого класса предназначены для детей, изучивших тему "Food" и прошедшее простое. Использовать данные тесты на уроке можно и как дополнительный материал для сильных учащихся, и как форму контроля знаний, и при проведении различных соревнований для учеников  начальной школы, а также на индивидуальных занятиях с учащимися.


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Предварительный просмотр:

            Test 1 ( 3-d Form ).

1. This child … not lazy.                                                    

        a) is    b) are   c) have got   d) has got

2. My friend’s uncle … a new car.

        a) is    b) are   c) have got   d) has got  

3. These kittens … nice little ears.

        a) is    b) are   c) have got   d) has got

4. These kittens … nice animals.

        a) is    b) are   c) have got   d) has got

5. My parents … like sports.

        a) don’t   b) doesn’t   c) isn’t   d) aren’t

6. His wife … a doctor.

        a) don’t   b) doesn’t   c) isn’t   d) aren’t

7. My Granny … like watching TV.

        a) don’t   b) doesn’t   c) isn’t   d) aren’t

8. This boy is my friend. … is kind.

        a) he   b) she   c) his   d) him

9. Mike lives with … grandparents.

       a) he   b) she   c) his   d) him

10. Let’s play with … .

       a) he   b) she   c) his   d) him  

11. … do you go to play tennis? – To the gym.

          a) when   b) where   c) why   d) who

12. … do you come home? – At three o’clock.

          a) when   b) where   c) why   d) who

13. … is a good sportsman? – Mark is.

          a) when   b) where   c) why   d) who

14. Dan works and works and works. He is very … .

          a) lazy   b) ill   c) tired   d)kind

15. Mary doesn’t like working. She is … .

          a) lazy   b) ill   c) tired   d)kind

16. Helen is in bed today. She is … .

          a) clever   b) ill   c) hungry   d)kind

17. Mark wants to eat. He is … .

          a) clever   b) ill   c) hungry   d)kind

18. It’s very nice of you to … your mother.

          a) know   b) come   c) look   d) help

19. … your mouth. I want to look at your tooth.

         a) come   b) look   c) open   d) close

20. I think I can … the ball from the table.

            a) come   b) look   c) get   d) help

            Test 2 ( 3-d Form )

1. … do they play football? – In the park.

       a) when   b)where   c) how   d) what

2. … many dolls have you got? – Seven dolls.

       a) when   b)where   c) how   d) what

3. … games does he like playing? – Tag and football.

       a) when   b)where   c) how   d) what

4. …can dance on the ice? – Kate and Mary can.

       a) when   b)where   c) who   d) what

5. … do you ski and skate? – In winter.

       a) when   b)where   c) who   d) what

6. I don’t want to play with … .

      a) he   b) his   c) him   d) she

7. … brother is a very lazy boy.

         a) he   b) her   c) you   d) she

8. My parents are doctors. … are very clever.

         a) he   b) they   c) you   d) she

9. Where is Mark? – He is … school now.

        a) to   b) at   c) in   d) under

10. My aunt lives in London, … Oxford Street.

        a) on   b) at   c) in   d) under

11. My nephew … a big black dog.

            a) is    b) are   c) have got   d) has got

12. The dinner … ready.

            a) is    b) are   c) have got   d) has got

13. I … two cousins and an uncle.

            a) is    b) are   c) have got   d) has got

14. My father … life fish for dinner.

            a) isn’t   b) aren’t   c) don’t   d) doesn’t

15. These boys … silly.

            a) isn’t   b) aren’t   c) don’t   d) doesn’t

16. John always … his toys into this box.

            a) gives   b) puts   c) eats   d) helps

17. I don’t … , where your toys are.

            a) open   b) make   c) come   d) know

18. … at my cat! Isn’t it nice?

           a) see   b) look   c) eat   d) sit

19. Bill can read, write and count very well. He is a … boy.

           a) lazy   b) silly   c) clever   d) brave

20. Helen doesn’t want to eat, to play, to run, to work. She is … .

           a) hungry   b) kind   c) clever   d) ill

           Test 3 ( 3-d Form )

1. These birds … very nice.

         a) is    b) are   c) have got   d) has got

2. Rabbits … long ears.

         a) is    b) are   c) have got   d) has got

3. A fox … a long tail.

         a) is    b) are   c) have got   d) has got

4. My friend … like winter.

         a) isn’t   b) aren’t   c) don’t   d) doesn’t

5. My parents … eat fish for dinner.

         a) isn’t   b) aren’t   c) don’t   d) doesn’t

6. My cousin works … an office.

         a) at   b) on   c) in   d) to

7. I go … the stadium at three o’clock.

         a) at   b) on   c) in   d) to

8. Look!  Your cat is sitting … a tree!

         a) at   b) on   c) in   d) to

9. The new shop is … our school.

         a) at   b) under   c) near   d) on

10. … is he ? – He is at school now.

         a) when   b) why   c) where   d) who

11. … does he have dinner? – At two o’clock.  

         a) when   b) why   c) where   d) who

12. … animals do you like? – I like cats.

         a) when   b) why   c) where   d) what

13. … he lazy?

          a) is   b) does   c) has   d) do

14. … he like his work?

          a) is   b) does   c) has   d) do

15. … your friends want to play with us?

          a) is   b) does   c) has   d) do

16. Jane has a headache. She is … .

          a) kind   b) happy   c) brave   d) ill

17. Is Bob afraid of snakes? – No, he isn’t. He is … .

          a) kind   b) happy   c) brave   d) tired

18. Please, open your books and … at the picture.

          a) help   b) look   c) eat   d) come

19. Please, … the toys and put them into the box.

          a)eat   b) ask   c) take   d) close

20. Mary, can you … me a pencil?

          a) eat   b) take   c) close   d) give

              Test 4 ( 3-d Form )

1. … are you going? – I’m going to school.

        a) when   b) where   c) who   d) what

2. … book are you reading? – “Winnie-the-Pooh”.

        a) when   b) where   c) who   d) what

3. … is getting up now? – My sister is.

        a) when   b) where   c) who   d) what

4. Jack is riding his new bike … .

        a) usually   b) now

5. I get up at seven o’clock … .

        a) every day   b) now

6. … he taking a shower?

        a) is   b) are   c) do   d) does

7. … they walking now?

        a) is   b) are   c) do   d) does

8. … she get up at six o’clock every morning?

        a) is   b) are   c) do   d) does

9. They … playing chess now.

        a) isn’t   b) aren’t   c) don’t   d) doesn’t

10. We are going … the park.

        a) at   b) to   c) with   d) in

11. My mother doesn’t have supper … the evening.

        a) at   b) to   c) with   d) in

12. I don’t want to play … him.

        a) at   b) to   c) with   d) in

13. … your eyes and sleep!

        a) open   b) close   c) look   d) help

14. It’s time to … your face.

         a) wash   b) dress   c) get   d) shake

15. Don’t be afraid! The dog doesn’t … .

         a) fly   b) bark   c) live   d) take a shower

16. I usually have … at eight o’clock in the morning.

         a) dinner   b) supper   c) lunch   d)breakfast

17. He … home from school at three o’clock.

          a)reads   b)helps   c)comes   d)lives

18. Mark cleans his … every day.

         a)tail   b)nose   c)teeth   d) paws

19. I want to …  a toy for my little sister.

         a)do   b)make   c)help   d)close

20. I walk in this park very… .

a)usually   b)often   c)never   d)day

           Test 1 ( 4-th Form )

1. Last week we … our Mum clean the house.

        a) help   b) helpt   c)helpd   d) helped

2. My father … a new TV-set last month.

       a) buys   b) buyed   c) bought   d) boght

3. John … his breakfast yesterday morning.

        a) didn’t eat   b) didn’t ate   c) not ate

4. Where … they go last year?

        a) do   b) did   c) was   d) were

5. Children … very tired after classes.

            a) do   b) did   c) was   d) were

6. The cake … very tasty.

        a) do   b) did   c) was   d) were

7. My little sister … milk now.

        a) drank   b) is drinking   c) drinks   d)drinking

8. We … apples every day.

        a)eat   b) eats   c)are eating   d) eating

9. Helen is working … .

        a) now   b) every morning   c) often

10. I … have a glass of juice in the evening.

        a) now   b) usually   c) every day

11. My sister often goes … the hospital.

         a) at   b) in   c) to   d) under

12. Bill often comes home … three o’clock.

          a) on   b) at   c) to   d)in

13. … do you read English books? – I like English.

          a) what   b) where   c) why   d) when

14. … animals do you like? – Cats and dogs.

          a) what   b) where   c) why   d) when

15. … much soup would you like to have? – One plate, please.

          a) what   b) where   c) why   d) how

16. … sweets aren’t very tasty.

          a) This   b) That   c) Those   d) That’s

17. … is an apple-tree, I think.

          a) This   b) These   c) Those   d) She

18. How much … do you put into your cup of tea?

          a) salt   b) sugar   c) coffee   d) cheese

19. The best drink is fresh …

          a) soup   b) porridge   c) jam   d) water

20. How … porridge do you usually eat?

          a) many   b) much   c) a lot of

         Test 2 ( 4-th Form )

1. I … the film “Robin Hood” last week.

a)watch   b)watched   c) watcht   d)watchd

2. Last summer we … in the river Kamenka.

a) swim   b)swam   c) swum   d) swimmed

3. Helen and Mark … to school yesterday.

a)didn’t go   b) didn’t went   c)not went

4. … you put your toys into the box yesterday evening?

a)does   b)did   c)do   d)was

5. Robert … in America last winter.

a)did   b)was   c)is   d)were

6. The animals at the Zoo… very hungry.

a) was   b)were   c)did   d)do

7. They… very tasty food now.

a) ate   b)eat   c)are eating   d)eating

8. Helen … an orange every day.

a) eat   b)eats   c)is eating   d)eating

9. John… drinks coffee without milk.

a) now   b)every day   c)never

10. We are drinking Cola … .

a)now    b)every day   c)very often

11. Jack! Look… Sue. She is dancing.

a)to   b)on   c)with   d)at

12. Mary is going home… school.

a)to   b)into   c)at   d)from

13. … is he doing? - Cleaning his teeth.

a)where   b)why   c)what   d)how

14.  … is he eating so much food? -He is hungry.

a)where   b)what   c)why   d)how

15. … many cups of tea do you drink a day?

a) where   b)what   c) why   d)how

16. … is a very tasty sweet.

a) She   b)This    c)These   d)Those

17. … are very big and tasty plums.

a) This   b)That   c)These   d) That’s

18. Jill often …  fruit in this shop.

a) buys   b)eats   c) takes   d) watches

19. When we cook meatballs we need … .

a)sugar   b) salt   c) oranges   d) sweets

20. My little sister dislikes drinking … .

a)soup   b)porridge  c) jam   d)coffee

           Test 3 ( 4-th Form )

1. … did you go yesterday? – We went to the stadium.

           a) why   b) when   c) where   d) what

2. … did he get up? – He got up at seven.

           a) why   b) when   c) where   d) what

3. … did she do yesterday evening? – She helped her mum.

           a) why   b) when   c) where   d) what

4. … you play football yesterday?

          a) do   b) did   c) does   d) are

5.  … they eat apples every day?

          a) do   b) did   c) does   d) are

6. … they eating ice-cream now?

          a) do   b) did   c) does   d) are

7. Mary …  sleeping now.

         a) doesn’t   b) isn’t   c) didn’t  d) don’t

8. Sue … like cakes and cookies.

         a) doesn’t   b) isn’t   c) didn’t  d) don’t

9. Children … drink milk yesterday morning.

         a) doesn’t   b) isn’t   c) didn’t  d) don’t

10. Take this apple and give … to me, please.

         a) him   d) it   c) her   d) he

11. My sister does … homework in the evening.

        a) she   b) he   c) her   d) his

12. Mum … potatoes and carrots yesterday.

        a) buy   b) buys   c) buyed   d) bought

13. Helen … roses in her garden last summer.

        a) grew   b) grows   c) grow   d) growed

14. Ben didn’t … porridge in the morning.

       a) eat   b) ate   c) eaten   d) eating

15. Boris … “Hi!” to his friend.

      a) saw   b) say   c) said   d) sayed

16. I like different vegetables: potatoes, carrots, … .

      a) lemons   b) oranges   c) apples   d) tomatoes

17. We usually drink tea from ….

      a) caps   b) cups   c) cats   d) cans

18. You must wash your … before dinner.

       a) eyes   b) ears   c) tail   d) hands

19. English people like drinking tea with … .

       a) milk   b) salt   c) lemon   d) jam

20. I drink a cup of juice when I’m … .

       a) hungry   b) lazy   c) thirsty   d) tasty

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