Неделя английского языка
материал по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме

Лапина Татьяна Ивановна



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Предварительный просмотр:

          Звездный  час


Цели: обобщение изученного материала по теме ''Лондон'';

      развитие аудитивных,грамматических и лексических  

      навыков; развитие интереса учащихся к изучению

      английского языка.

Оборудование :10 кубиков ( на каждой грани кубика напи-

     саны английские буквы) ; жетоны для игры ''Аукцион'' ;

     таблички с номерами от 1 до 6 по количеству участни-

     ков; картинки с изображением достопримечательностей


    Ход    мероприятия

- Hello,boys and girls! I am glad to see you . I hope you are

 fine.Today we shall play the game ''Star Hour''. Our topic

 is ''London''.We'l remember the places of interest of London,

 play different games with English letters and words.


 -I want you to listen to my stories .Ishall describe different

  places of interest of London.You can see the numbers of

  them on the blackboard and you will use the cards with

  the appropriate numbers on your desks.

  Запись на доске:

 1-Westminster Abbey

 2-Buckingam Palace

 3-Hyde Park

 4-the Houses of Parliament

 5-St.Paul's Cathedral

 6-the White Tower

Примерные рассказы:

1.There are many old and beautiful parks in London.This

 park is the largest one.It is one of the most popular places

 of Londoners during the hot summer days.The park is

 famous for its Speaker's Corner.

2- It is a wonderful building. The Queen of Great Britain

   lives there.It takes you ten minutes to get from this

  building to Trafalgar Square,which is in the center of


3-It was a fortress,a palace,a prison and the King;s Zoo.

   Now it is a museum.You can see a lot of interesting

  things in the halls of this building.William the Conqueror

  built it in the eleventh century.Twelve black ravens live

 in it.

4- It is one of the greatest English churches.It is not far

  from the Tower of London.It is a fine building with many

 columns and towers.Sir Cristopher Wren built it in the 17th

 century .

5- There are many monuments and statues there ,many

  English kings and queens are buried there.It is one of the

  most famous and beautiful churches in London.

6- It is a long grey building with towers.The large clock

  in one of the towers is known as ''Big Ben''.The members

  of the British Parliament work in this building.



The next task for you is to make up the long word  using

the follwing letters.You will have 2 minutes to do the task.

If you have the longest word ,you will get a ''star''.

3 тур


Will you look at the blackboard ,please? Let's read the

words on it all together.You'll have some minutes to think

 about the way of making sentences using these words

and write down as many sentences as you can on the

topic ''London''.We'll read your sentences in 4 minutes.

Слова на лоске:


4Тур Игра ''Аукцион''

Дети по очереди называют три формы неправильных

 глаголов.Ученик,набравший наименьшее количество

 жетонов ,выбывает из игры.

5 Тур

Учитель открывает на доске заранее подготовленную

запись слов''Parliament Square''.За 2 минуты ученики,

которые вышли в финал ,составляют слова из данного

словосочетания.Затем по очереди они называют свои

слова.В финал выходит ученик,который назвал слово


So you can see that the winner is    .....

Now it is his ''Star Hour''.





Предварительный просмотр:



            Морской бой


Цели: обобщение изученного материала по теме ''Америка''; совершенствование лексических навыков.

Оборудование: задание на карточках "Составь предложение", игровое поле для игры "Морской бой",

картинки и фотографии с изображением достопримечательностей Америки, 2 набора карточек ''составь слова''.


                         Ход мероприятия;

1.Good morning, boys and girls! I'am  glad to see you.

  Today we shall play the game ''Sea battle''.

  We have two team's. I hope you know how to play this game. You will try to guess where  the ship of

  the enemy is. Then you will have the task. If the pupls of one team do the task better, than another, they will

  have the ship. At   the end of the game the teams will count the ships and we shall find out who is the winner.

     Примерное поле для игры:

  Корабль А2

   I want you to answer my questions on the topic ''America''

    1 What is the capital of the USA?

    2 How do people call the American flag?

    3 When did Christopher Columbus discover America?

    4 What do Americans celebrate on the 4th of July?

    5 How many stars are there on the flag?

    6 How many stripes are there on the flag?

    7 What are the colours of the American flag?

    8 How many people live in the USA?

  Корабль В6

  I want you to listen to my stories. I shall describe different places of interest jf the USA.

 You can see the numbers of the places on the blackboard and you will use the cards with the numbers on your


 Запись на доске:

 1  -the Capitol

 2 - Times Square

 3 - the White House

 4 - the  Washington Monument

 5 - the Statue of Liberty

 6 - Central Park

1 It is one of the most beautiful places in the capital of the USA. It is the part where the President of the USA

   lives and works and it is not open to the public. It consist of 132 rooms .You can visit the library ,the Red Room,

   the Blue Room, the Green Room which have some fantastic old furniture.


2 It was built in New York Harbor in 1886.It was a gift from the people of France to America. About 12 millions

   immigrants passed through New York when they came to America. It was the first thing they saw after their long trip.


3 It is the tallest building in Washington, D. C., and the most famous building in the United States ,because it is

   a place where the laws are made. It is surrounded by a beautiful garden with many trees and flowers. You can

   learn a lot about the first settlement in New England in it.

4 It is the center of the theater district in New York. The lights from all the theaters and advertisements are very

   bright. On the New Year's Eve on the 31 of December crowds of people stand in it and wait for midnight. At

   midnight everyone shouts, ''Happy New Year!''

5 It was built in honor of George Washington. It is 555 feet tall  ,is called the ''Pencil''

   because of its shape. There is an elevator, which will carry you to 500-foot level

   observation windows.


6 It is used by thousands of New-Yorkers and visitors every day. Here you will see families walking

   their dogs and young people riding their bikes and roller-skating. Some people come here just to rest.

   They walk, sit in the sun, listen to music, or go to the zoo.

   Корабль С4


 Now each team will have the task on the cards. You will have 4 minutes to make up the questions.

  Are you ready to start?

  Задание на карточке

   Put the words in a logical order:


 1 have , what, you , seen , in the park  ?

 2 who, last , was , in Los Angeles , year ?

 3 they , when , celebrate , will ,Halloween?

 4 going ,to Texas ,why ,he , is? 

 5 whom ,people ,near , House , the , White , meet?

 Корабль Е3

         ''Цепочка слов''

 I Can see you like to play games. The next task for you is to match the English words with their

   Russian equivalents.

 Слова на карточках:

  Country/ вооруженные силы , armed forces/ провозглашать,declare/ событие, event /  независимость,

  independence/ небоскребы,skyscrapers / волнующий,exciting/ привлекательность , attraction/ водный

  путь / waterway / демократия, democracy / ковбой , cowboy/ страна сountry.

Корабль F5

 ''Составь слова''

  It's time to play the game.   You will make up the English words using the parts of the words.


  Примерные карточки:


  ti                squ                    mus

  buil            gov                    mo

 eum           pal                     sta

 tou             ern                     ment

 nu              ding                   ace

 ment          rist                     ture

 zen            te                       ci    

Корабль D1

together. You 'll have to

 think for a while and write down as many sentences as you can on the topic ''America''. We will

 read your sentences in 4 minutes.


Слова на доске:

 Capital, skyscraper , mighty ,Disneyland ,rodeo ,cowboy ,native , turkey.

 Thank you for your work .Now it's time to finish our work. It is interesting to know who is the

  winner today. I want you to count your ships. Let's clap our hands. Let's recite our poem.

    Up, down, up, down,

   Which is the way

  to New York town?

  Where? Where? 

  Up in the air,

  Close your eyes-

  And you are there!


По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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