Интегрированный урок английский язык- физика "Исак Ньютон -украшение рода человеческого"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме
Интегрированный урок для 7 класса английский язык-физика на тему "Исак Ньютон- украшение рода человеческого"
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isaak_nyuton.docx | 12.88 КБ |
презентация | 1.05 МБ |
конспект урока | 15.39 КБ |
Предварительный просмотр:
Isaac Newton / Исаак Ньютон
Newton, one of the greatest scientists of all times was born in 1642 in little village in England. His father was a farmer and died before Newton was born. His mother was a clever woman whom he always loved.
After the school, Newton studied mathematics at Cambridge University and received his degree in1665. Then the university was closed because of the danger of plague and Newton went home for eighteen months. It was most important period of his life when he made his three great discoveries - the discoveries of the differential calculations, of the nature of white light, and of the law of gravitation.
These discoveries are still important for the modern science. Newton had always been interested in the problems of light. Many people saw the colours of a rainbow but only Newton showed, by his experiments, that white light consists of these colours.
It is interesting how he discovered the law gravitation. Once, as he sat at the garden, his attention was drawn by the fall of an apple. Many people saw such an usual thing before. But it was Newton who asked himself a question: "Why does that apple fall perpendicularly to the ground? Why doesn't it go sidewards or up-wards?" The answer to this question was the theory of gravitation, discovered by Newton.
Newton died at the age of 84, and was buried in Westminster Abbey, where his monument stands today.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Предварительный просмотр:
- Орг. момент.
- Актуализация знаний.
- Постановка целей урока.
- Уч-ль физики
- Уч-ль ан-го
-Today you will speak and learn about life and work of ISAAK NEWTON. What should you know and can do for it?
- Of course, you should can speak, read, translate, ask and answer the questions.
IV. Введение новой лексики.
- We have to find some information about Newton. Where can we do that? I invite you to the library. Have you ever heard about Diamond? Diamond was Isaac Newton`s dog. He made a lot of very important discoveries in Physics. Diamond is well-known because he once knocked over a candle and burnt his master`s scientific works. That`s why we can find only обгоревшие sheets of paper.
- Look through these sheets. Are there any new words for you?
- Choose unknown words and name them.
( на одном слайде выходят все новые слова)
- I prepared these words for you on cards. (раздать)
- And now let`s read and translate these words. You can write down them into your cards.
(перевод слов выходит анимацией на слайде, дети вписывают перевод себе в карточки)
V.Работа с текстом.
1) Работа с 1 абзацем.
- Take the first paragraph, read and find out the main idea of the text. After that you must retell it.
( наводящие вопросы)
- When was Newton born?
- Where was Newton born?
- Where did he study?
- What discoveries did he do?
2) Работа с 2 абзацем.
- Take the second paragraph, read and answer the question. What important discovery did he make?
(What did Newton say to people about rainbow? наводящий вопрос)
- Could you tell me about this discovery?...Why not?
- I`d like to give the word your teacher of Physics. She can tell us about the nature of white light.
(рассказ учителя физики)
3) Работа с 3 абзацем.
- Take the third paragraph, you must read, understand the text and make questions and answers about it. Then act out dialogues between each others.
1. What the law did he discover?
2. Where did Newton discover the law of gravitation?
3. How did he discover it?
( после диалогов)
- Who can tell us about the law of gravitation? Can you?
- Let`s give the word to your teacher of Physics.
( слово учителю физики)
VI. Подведение итогов.
- We have finished our travel about Britain. Did you like it?
- What did you learn about life and work of Isaak Newton?
- When was Newton born?
- Where was Newton born?
- Where did he study?
- What discoveries did he do?
- Where did Newton discover the law of gravitation?
- How did he discover it?
- Thank you for your work. Our lesson is over. Good-bye, boys and girls!
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