Внеклассные мероприятия для 3 класс по теме :The Seasons.
методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме
Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия на тему «The Seasons»
для 3 класса на английском языке
The Seasons
Цели мероприятия:
- Тренировать навыки устной речи.
- Тренировать восприятие речи на слух.
- Формировать навыки самостоятельной работы с материалом.
- Формировать умение составлять выступление.
- Расширить по сравнению с базовым уровнем знания учащихся о традициях и обычаях, существующих в англоязычных странах.
6.Активизировать учебные умения и навыки школьников
Программа праздника:
1.Вступительное слово ведущего.
2.Стихи,песни,номера художественной самодеятельности.
4.Награждение участников праздника.
Ход мероприятия .
Compere: Good morning everybody! Today we are going to speak about the seasons of the year. Listen to the rhyme. Will you say which season the boy is telling you about?
Boy(Гриша Зайцев): This is the season
When snowdrops bloom,
When nobody likes
To stay in the room.
This is the season
When birds make their nests.
This is season
We all like best.
Compere: What season is it?
Class: It is spring.
Мальчик уходит со сцены.
Compere: Come here, March? April and May and two more children, a boy and a girl.
На сцену выходят 3 ученика в костюмах весенних месяцев, мальчик и девочка. На груди месяцев прикреплены карточки с соответствующими названиями: March, April, May.
Girl(Женя Латышева):Pass the happy news along,
Listen to the birds' sweet songs:
Spring is coming, winter's gone!
Pass the happy news along.
Boy(Максим Голышев): The birds are returning,
Their songs fill the air
And meadows are smiling
With blossoms so fair.
Girl and Boy: We are happy, we are happy!
We sing all day,
It's spring, it's spring again.
March: In the spring, in the spring
Sweet and fresh is everything.
Girl: In the merry month of May
All the little birds are gay.
They hop about and sing and say:
“Winter days are far away,
Welcome, welcome ,merry May. ”
Boy: In the merry month of May
Children all are happy and gay.
They laugh and sing and say:
“Winter days are far away,
Welcome, welcome, merry May.”
May: In the merry month of May
Children all are happy and gay.
They laugh and sing and say:
“Winter days are far away,
Welcome, welcome, merry May.”
Boy: The days are clear,
Day after day.
When April is here,
Then soon comes May,
And June
Must follow soon:
Come, June, come!
Girl: In winter I can ski and skate.
Compere: Says little Kate.
Boy: In summer I can go and swim.
Compere: Says little Jim.
And what do you do in spring?
Girl and Boy: In spring we play and sing.
Весенние месяцы, мальчик и девочка уходят со сцены.
Compere: And what season is this? Try to guess.
This is the season when nights are short
And children have plenty of fun and sport.
Boating and swimming all day long
Will make us well and strong.
Class: It's summer.
Compere: That's right. Now I want the summer months and one boy and one girl to come up to me.
Летние месяцы, мальчик и девочка выходят на сцену.
Girl: The sun is shining,
Flowers are blooming;
The sky is blue,
And rains are few.
Boy: Without my shoes,
Without my socks
My feet touch grass,
My feet touch rocks.
June: Come, my children, come away,
For the sun shines bright today.
Little children, come with me,
Birds and trees and flowers to see.
July: Get your hats and come away.
For it is a pleasant day.
August: Let us make a merry ring,
Talk and laugh, and dance and sing!
Quickly, quickly, come away,
For it is a pleasant day.
Летние месяцы, мальчик и девочка берутся за руки и танцуют.
All together: We like flowers than are bright,
We like flowers that are white,
We like flowers that are blue,
We like red and yellow flowers too.
Все участники вечера поют песню.(We love)
Girl: Summer is here and the days are long;
And the sun shines bright and strong.
Boy: Rain, rain, go away!
Bob and Sally want to play.
June: For the field and for the wood
Summer rains are very good!
July: Every river, every pool
After rain is always full.
August: Rain in summer sings a song-
There'll be apples all year long.
Летние месяцы, мальчик и девочка уходят.
Compere: Now we come to autum. September, October and November, come up here.
На сцене появляются осенние месяцы.
Compere: There are twelve months throughout the year,
From January to December-
The finest month of all the twelve
In the merry month September.
September: Autumn is the season
When apples are sweet.
It is the season
When school-friends meet;
When, noisy and gay,
And browned by the sun,
With their books and bags,
To school they run.
October: “Come little leaves,” said the wind one day,
“Come over the meadows with me and play,
Put on your dresses of red and gold,
For summer is gone and the days are cold. ”
November: Dancing and whirling the little leaves went;
Winter called them, and they were content,
Soon, fast asleep in their earthy beds,
The snow laid a coverlet over their heads.
Compere: Is autumn a rainy season?
Class: Yes, it often is.
Выходят мальчик и девочка.
Boy: What a rainy season!
The sky is dark and gray;
No sunshine any more;
No playing out of doors.
Girl: But in the rainy season
I have other joys,
I read my books and play
At home with all my toys.
Compere: Which is the coldest stason?
Class: It is winter.
Compere: Let us talk about winter. You are welcome, winter months, and one boy and one girl.
Осенние месяцы, мальчик и девочка уходят. На сцену выходят зимние месяцы и другие мальчик и девочка.
December: This is the season
When children ski,
And old Father Frost
Brings the New And old Father Frost
Brings the New Year tree.
January: The windows are blue at night,
But in the morning they are white,
And snowflakes are falling.
“Come out,” they are calling.
February: Get out of bed and take your sled
This cold and frosty day;
The sun is bright, the snow is right
For outdoor winter play.
Boy: Where is my cap?
My warm little cap?
My boots and my mittens too?
I want to go and play in the snow
And have a lot of fun. Do you?
Girl: When windows are frosty and ice in places,
I like to write letters and draw funny faces.
The snow is falling, the north wind is blowing;
The ground is white all day and all night.
На сцене появляется мальчик, изображающий ветер, а также девочки в костюмах снежинок.
Wind: Little snowflakes, come and play,
I have nothing to do today.
Снежинки начинают танцевать.
Snowflakes: Here we come! Oh, what fun!
We are dancing and floating in the sun.
Все поют песню «Snowflakes»
Snowflakes fall on trees and walk.
Snowflakes fall as white as chalk.
Snowflakes fall into my hand.
Snowflakes brighten up our land.
December: See the pretty snowflakes,
Falling from the sky:
On the wall and house- tops,
Soft and thick they lie.
January: On the window- ledges,
On the branches bare,
See how fast they gather,
Filling all the air.
February: Now the black bushes
All look soft and white;
See the snowflakes falling:
What a pretty sight!
Все выходят на сцену, образовывают год и поют песню.
Winter is white,
Springtime is green,
Summer is golden
And autumn's a flame.
Four lovely seasons
To make up a year,
Sing them by colour
And sing them by name.
Класс делится на четыре команды: Winter, Summer , Spring and Autumn.
Задания для команд:
1.A little old woman with twelve children,
Some short, some long, some cold, some hot.
What is she?
(a year)
2.A blue sheet which covers the whole world. What is it?
(the sky)
3.What is without hands and without feet, without a head or a body, but can open a door?
(the wind)
4.What is it that can catch me in the garden and make me wet, but cannot reach me when I am in the house?
5.It is white, it is cold. We can skate n it. What is it?
6. It's blue by night,
By day it is white.
It is cold and not dry,
It falls just from the sky.
7. What man cannot live inside the house?
(a snowman)
8.Higher than a house,
Higher than a tree;
Oh, whatever can that be?
(a star)
2) Задание: каждая команда должна описать время года, изображенное на картинке.
Например: It is summer. It is hot. It is not windy. It is not rainy. It is sunny. The sun is shining. The grass is green. I like the weather. The weather is good.
3) Задание: каждая команда получает лист бумаги, на котором все члены команды должны написать по одному прилагательному к заданному времени года.
4) Задание: дети изображают время года, а команды отгадывают, задавая общие вопросы.
Например: Is it hot? Is it cold? Is it windy?
Итог: подсчитываются баллы, распределяются места, участники награждаются.
Дополнительные материалы для проведения мероприятия:
Интерактивная доска для использования слайдов
Презентация «Времена года»
Музыкальное оформление
Выставка рисунков участников мероприятия
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