« Familiar and unfamiliar Britain »
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
Тема урока:
« Familiar and
unfamiliar Britain »
Конюхова Вера Ивановна
учитель английского языка
Муниципальное общеобразовательное
Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 24
Имени героя Советского Союза Ивана
Петровича Крамчанинова
Белгород 2009
Аннтотация к уроку:- Предмет – английский язык;
- 8 класс
- Продолжительность занятия – 45 минут
- Учебно-методический комплект:
- Примерная федеральная программа Кузовлев В.П., «Английский язык – 8 класс», «Просвещение»,2005 г.
- Учебник (Student’s Book): « Английский язык-8 класс», Кузовлев В.П., «Просвещение», 2005г.
- Книга для учителя (Teacher’s Book);
- Рабочая тетради (Activity Book);
- Книга для чтения (Reader);
- Контрольные задания к учебникам для 8 и 9 классов;
- Методические рекомендации к контрольным заданиям к учебникам для 8 и 9 классов;
- Аудиокассеты.
- Оборудование: физическая карта, буклеты об эмблемах, кельтская музыка, магнитофон, компьютерная презентация по теме.
- а) Тип: урок обобщающего повторения в нетрадиционной форме;
b) Форма: экскурсия.
7. Приемы: драматизация, ситуативные упражнения, игровая деятельность, восприятие на слух и обсуждение прослушанного;
Методы: словесный, наглядный, исследовательский, поэтапного контроля, стимуляции и мотивации учебной деятельности, закрепления и выработки навыков устной речи.
8.Список литературы:
1) Кузовлев В.П. Учебник «Английский язык-8 класс».-
М.: Просвещение,2005.
2) Штарина А.Г. Компетентностный подход в преподавании английского языка: Технологииразработки уроков.-Волгоград: Учитель, 2008.
3) Зайкова о.А. Увлекательный английский, 3-9 классы:внеклассные мероприятия.- Волгоград: Учитель, 2008.
4) http://www.woodlands- junior.kent.sch.uk/customs/questions/flowers.html
5) http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/English
6) http://www.jetune.ru/artist/9300/dervish/
Конспект урока:
Учебный аспект:
- создать для учащихся необходимые условия для обобщения материала о Великобритании;
- осуществлять совместное с детьми целеполагание;
- способствовать формированию навыков устной речи путем создания диалоговой ситуации;
- поэтапный фиксированный контроль знаний, умений, навыков.
Воспитательный аспект:
- воспитывать интерес к иностранному языку как к средству общения, к многообразию средств английского языка;
- формировать чувство ответственности при работе в группе.
Познавательный аспект:
- повышать мотивацию к изучению английского языка;
- воспитывать любовь и уважение к стране изучаемого языка.
Развивающий аспект:
- развивать логическое мышление, память, умение работать самостоятельно и в группе.
Ход мероприятия:
- Организационный момент.
( слайд 1)
Top manager(Teacher): - In everyday speech the word "Britain" is used to mean the United Kingdom and the British are those people who live on theBritish Isles. Let’s us imagine that we are in Britain. Here you see two guides. I am a top manager of this excursion. I can solve all your problems. Don’t worry, be happy. So, our excursion is "Familiar and unfamiliar Britain". We'd like to give you some interesting facts in geography, culture of Great Britain. And of course we are interested in character and lifestyle of British people.
Top manager: I need your advice. What are the main reasons of our meeting?
Possible answers:
Guest 1(student 1): I think the main reason is to practice English;
Guest 2: I think the main reason is the possibility to communicate with people who wants
to know the Russian language, character and lifestyle of Russian people.
Guest 3: I think the main reason is to get more information about Britain.
Top manager: Thank you for your answers. Today you are our guests but you will participate in our meeting. You will do some special tasks. These tasks are specially for you. And you opinion is very useful for us.
II. Речевая разминка
Top manager: And now, please, close your eyes and think about Britain, its symbols and its people.( Слайд2;звучит музыка,учитель читает стихотворение)
by George Gordon Byron
It is the hour when from the boughs
The nightingale's high note is heard;
It is the hour when lovers' vows Seem sweet in every whisper'd word; And gentle winds, and waters near, Make music to the lonely ear. Each flower the dews have lightly wet, And in the sky the stars are met, And on the wave is deeper blue, And on the leaf a browner hue, And in the heaven that clear obscure, So softly dark, and darkly pure, Which follows the decline of day, As twilight melts beneath the moon away.
Top manager: So, answer, When you think of Britain what images appear in
your mind?
- Top manager: - Nice job. It’s high time to speak about its flag. Listen very attentively and be ready answer the questions:
- What is the national flag of the UK made up of ?
- Who remembers how its is called?
But before we start, look at the blackboard. Here you see some words-combinations which will be used in the speech of the first guide, read and translate:
the red upright cross on the white field-
красный вертикальный крест на белом полотне
the diagonal white cross on the blue field-
диагональный белый крест на голубом полотне
the red diagonal cross on the white field-
красный диагональный крест на белом полотне
1. Информация о флаге:
(Слайд 3;рассказ экскурсовода о флаге)
Guide 1 : The UK's national flag is Union Jack. It was set up in 1801 after the last of the three Acts of Union. Union Jack presents the com
bination of colours and crosses of national flags of England, Scotland
and Ireland of that time.(слайд 4) The name, the colours and crosses symbol
ize the union of the united parts of the country, Union Jack has three
crosses. The red upright cross on the white field is St George Cross -
the patron saint of England.(слайд 5) The diagonal white cross on the blue field is St Andrew's Cross – the patron saint of Scotland.(слайд 6) The red diagonal cross on the white field is St Patrick’s Cross – the patron saint of Ireland.(слайд 7)
Guide 1 :So,tell me,please.
- What is the national flag of the UK made up of ?
- Who remembers how its is called?
( гости отвечают на вопросы)
T: Thanks for your interesting story about the UK’s flag. Our next report is about the UK’s symbols. Be ready to do the task after the repoter has finished. ( в паузах между рассказами звучит музыка)
2. Информация о символах:
( Слайд 8; рассказ экскурсовода о символах )
Guide 2 : Britain is a country which full name is The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is made up of four countries: England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland. The national flower of England is the rose. The flower has been adopted as England’s emblem since the time of the Wars of the Roses - civil wars (1455-1485) between the royal house of Lancaster (whose emblem was a red rose) and the royal house of York (whose emblem was a white rose). The emblem of Northern Ireland is shamrock. The emblem of Scotland is thistle. John Bull is the symbol of the typical Englishman.
Guide 2: And now, let’s read about the symbol of Wales. ( экскурсовод раздает буклет о символе Уэльса, приложение 2)
The national flower of Wales is the daffodil, which is traditionally worn on St. David’s Day. The vegetable called leek is also considered to be a traditional emblem of Wales. There are many explanations of how the leek came to be adopted as the national emblem of Wales. One is that St David advised the Welsh, on the eve of battle with the Saxons, to wear leeks in their caps to distinguish friend from foe. As Shakespeare records in Henry V, the Welsh archers wore leeks at the battle of Agincourt in 1415.
Guide.2 : Let’s read these sentences and find true statements: (гости объединяются в группы, зачитывают предложения и находят верные, приложение 3)
- The red rose has been adopted as Scotland’s emblem since the time of the Wars of the Roses.
- The emblem of Northern Ireland is shamrock.
- David Beckham is the symbol of the typical Englishman.
- The emblem of Scotland is thistle.
- The national symbol of Wales is the eagle.
- The national flower of Wales is traditionally worn on the celebration of Halloween.
- The daffodil is also called cabbage.
Guide.2 : I suppose you all know the symbols of the UK. Who can tell me what languages are spoken in Britain? ( гид обращается к гостям) Do you Know the official language? But some people speak Gaelic (in western Scotland) and Welsh (in northern Wales). There are some regional accents “Cockney” in London, “Brum” in Birmingham.
Top m.: Thanks for your attention. You've heard some geographical and cultural facts about Great Britain. So, it’s time to check what have you got. Fill in the table, do it a writing form, using these phrases: (Слайд 8,9;каждый гость (ученик) заполняет таблицу на компьютере)
- The capital of …. is….
- People from …. are…
- People from ….speak…..
country | capital | people | language |
Scotland | |||
Cardiff | |||
The English | |||
The British | English | ||
Ireland |
( учащиеся заполняют таблицу на компьютере, озвучивают, используя специальные выражения)
Top m.: Good. But our information is not complete because we said nothing about the British. Who are they? Are they different from other Europeans? In what way? Who can answer these questions? Our special reporter will try to find answers to them.
Now he is at the airport. The reporter is meeting some tourists who were traveling in Great Britain. They've visited Scotland, Wales, England, and Northern Ireland. May be they can clear this situation and don't forget after that, we will do the task.
3. Сценка «В аэропорту».(слайд 10)
A reporter, 3 tourists. (репортер и три туриста выходят к доске, сценка начинается)(подготовленное домашнее задание, роль репортера, туристов выполняют учащиеся 8 класса)
Reporter. Good morning. Excuse me. I'm a reporter. My name is Jane Smith. We are making a programme "Familiar and unfamiliar Britain". Could you answer some questions for it, please?
Tourist 1. Yes, of course.
Tourist 2. OK.
Tourist 3. I'm sorry, lam in a hurry.
Reporter. Oh, it will take you for 5-6 minutes. Will you introduce yourselves?
Tourist 1. My name is Polly.
Tourist2 I am Mr Brown.
Tourist 3. Mr Whimper. Reporter. Where have you been?
Tourist 1. Oh, we've been to Great Britain.
Tourist 2. Yes, we've visited England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.
Reporter. Can you tell me, please, what are your impressions of these countries?
Tourist 1. Oh, it's a great country. It's rather interesting. There are many beautiful landscapes, old castles especially in Scotland. Oh, I've made so many photos. I liked everything.
Tourist 2. I'm of the same opinion.
I totally agree that Great Britain is a great country. As for me I was greatly impressed by the sights: Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square, Hyde Park.
Reporter. And what's your opinion, Mr Whimper?
Tourist 3.1 don't agree at all.
I didn't like this country. These uncomfortable double-decker buses, queuing is everywhere, even at the bus stops. And the weather? It's terrific! It rains cats and dogs every day! I had to buy a large umbrella and take it everywhere!
Reporter. I see. Thank you. And the last question. What can you say about British character and the lifestyle? Irish, English, Welsh, and Scottish - are they different or alike?
Tourist 1. I think they are rather different. English are polite and well-mannered. Besides they have good sense of humor. And they are rather charming.
Tourist 2. I think you are right. I'd like to add that English people like countryside.
Besides they are very prudent and careful. The Irish are very friendly. As for the Scots they are very serious, I think, rather inventive. The Welsh are very emotional people. But all British have the common trait - they are very polite!
Tourist 3. I don't agree at all! For centuries the British have been known as snobbish, aloof, hypocritical and unsociable. Besides you can hear "Thank you!", "Please!", "You're welcome!", "Not at all!" everywhere. Everything irritated me.
Reporter. Thank you very much! Good bye! Tourists: Not at all. Bye!
Top m.:Now you see what are the main traits of the British people. Can you tell me the main trait of all British people which is united British people? So, your next task is to divide into three groups and do the following: (учащиеся выполняют небольшую проверочную работу в группах, делают задание письменно)(Приложение4)
First group
1.2. Match the word on the left with the correct explanation on the right.
- conservative a) pays too much respect to social status and wealth
- reserved b) gives a lot of attention to doing something properly
3. polite c) shows care and thought for the future
4.prudent d) believes that his own country is better than all others
- careful e) having traditional attitudes and values
- emotional f) not polite
- respectable g) doesn't show feelings or express opinions
- chauvinistic h) has emotions and easily displays them
- snobbish i) has good manners and consideration for other people
10. rude j) decent in appearance and behavior
Second group
Подчеркните слова, которые обозначают черты характера людей
Emotional, mysterious, secretive, large, frank, national, famous, boring, beautiful, passionate, prudent, native, public, hard-working, different, provincial, reticent.
Third group
Translate into Russian:
- The English are said to be conservative.
- The Scots are considered to be serious people.
- The British are thought to be unsociable.
- Irish girls are Known to be beautiful
- Every Englishman is considered to be a countryman at heart.
- The English are said to have good sense of humor.
Top m.: You see, all people are different. As you notice they have one common trait - politeness. So, we can say that it distinguishes British people from other Europeans. And now we'd like to show you one comic scene about two very polite Englishmen. You're welcome.
4. Сценка «Учтивый разговор»(у доски два англичанина и автор) (слайд 10)
«Учтивый разговор»
История очень вежливая
И не слишком короткая
Один англичанин толкнул англичанина
И тут же сказал
«Извините, нечаянно».
Второй англичанин любезно ответил:
«Простите, но ничего не заметил».-
«Нет-нет, это вы, ради Бога, простите».-
«Простите, но что мне прощать, объясните».-
«Как-«что мне прощать»? Неужели не ясно?»-
«Сер, вы беспокоитесь, право, напрасно:
Я рад бы простить вас, но мне не понять,
Что именно должен я вам извинять».
И сразу сказал: «Извините!....Нечаянно».
На что собеседник любезно ответил:
«Прости, но- я ничего не заметил».-
«Нет-нет!!! Это вы, Ради Бога, простите».-
Но что мне прощать?!Объясните!»-
«Как-«что мне прощать»? Неужели не ясно?!!»-
«Сер, вы беспокоитесь, право, напрасно:
Я рад бы простить вас, но мне не понять,
Что именно должен я вам извинять».
И сразу сказал: «Извините!....Нечаянно».
Но тут собеседник
Ответил иначе:
«Простите, но я вам, пожалуй, дам сдачи».
Два англичанина
Друг друга до ночи
Авторская интерпретация, которая может не совпадать с читательской, или послесловие переводчика
По вкусу стоит досолить и завтрак, и обед.
Немножко можно пошалить-
Плохого в этом нет.
Подраться нужно иногда –
За слабого, к примеру,
Даже вежливость
Когда забудешь меру.
T.: Do you like it? It is funny, isn’t it? Are you agree with it?
IV Завершающий этап.
Top m.: And now, please, give me your answers:
- This country is situated on the British Isles but it is not part of the UK. (Republic of Ireland)
- It is the largest island of the British Isles. (G.B )
- This part of the United Kingdom is sometimes known as Ulster.
( Northern Ireland)
- This country lies in the north of the largest island of the British Isles.
( Scotland)
So, thank you very much for your work. You worked hard. You were creative, emotional, disciplined. But our excision is not over. We’ll continue our trip next time, next lesson. We’ll talk about sightseeings of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
The lesson is over. Good Bye.
Приложения к уроку:
- Презентация;
- Проверочный тест;
- Буклеты;
- Групповое задание по карточкам для выполнения письменного задания.
Приложение 2
England - St. George and the Rose | |
Scotland - St. Andrew - the Thistle and Scottish Bluebell | |
Wales - St. David and the Daffodil There are many explanations of how the leek came to be adopted as the national emblem of Wales. One is that St David advised the Welsh, on the eve of battle with the Saxons, to wear leeks in their caps to distinguish friend from foe. As Shakespeare records in Henry V, the Welsh archers wore leeks at the battle of Agincourt in 1415. | |
Northern Ireland - St. Patrick and the Shamrock |
Приложение 3
Тест ( true or false )
- The red rose has been adopted as Scotland’s emblem since the time of the Wars of the Roses.
- The emblem of Northern Ireland is shamrock.
- David Beckham is the symbol of the typical Englishman.
- The emblem of Scotland is thistle.
- The national symbol of Wales is the eagle.
- The national flower of Wales is traditionally worn on the celebration of Halloween.
- The daffodil is also called cabbage.
Приложение 4
First group
1.2. Match the word on the left with the correct explanation on the right.
- conservative a) pays too much respect to social status and wealth
- reserved b) gives a lot of attention to doing something properly
3. polite c) shows care and thought for the future
4.prudent d) believes that his own country is better than all others
- careful e) having traditional attitudes and values
- emotional f) not polite
- respectable g) doesn't show feelings or express opinions
- chauvinistic h) has emotions and easily displays them
- snobbish i) has good manners and consideration for other people
10. rude j) decent in appearance and behavior
Second group
Подчеркните слова, которые обозначают черты характера людей
Emotional, mysterious, secretive, large, frank, national, famous, boring, beautiful, passionate, prudent, native, public, hard-working, different, provincial, reticent.
Third group
Translate into Russian:
- The English are said to be conservative.
- The Scots are considered to be serious people.
- The British are thought to be unsociable.
- Irish girls are Known to be beautiful
- Every Englishman is considered to be a countryman at heart.
- The English are said to have good sense of humor.
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