методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме

Романчикова Галина Николаевна

Как представить себя


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Предварительный просмотр:


  1.  He is polite, tactful, patient with respect to authority, friendly attentive to his classmates.

     She holds authority with high regard and respect.

  1. He is very persistent, hard-working and when he gets some goals he won’t stop until they are accomplished.
  2. His determination helps to solve some problems.
  3. He is always cheerful in company
  4. He is very communicative and easy to get along with
  5. full of ideas, reliable
  6. He is active in all class activities
  7. She is responsible for   making wall newspapers

                                           making literary

                                           reviews in class

  1.  He is on friendly terms with all the classmates.
  2. She is a good sportsman. She has her own keep-fit programme.

She takes part in all kinds of sport competition.

She actively participates in skiing contents that are held at school.

  1. He has a keen sense of comradeship.
  2. She has a sense of duty and responsibility in everything she does.
  3. He is very sociable person.

            He was engaged in performing plays by English and American writers,

            in  making the scenery, costumes.

  1. He is willing to take any initiative in bringing about improvements.
  2. He believes in the virtue of hard work and that each individual has a

responsibility to do the best to achieve some great accomplishments.

  1. He is an optimist. He tries not to show his doubts. He used to say There is always some value in every trouble.
  2. He always expressed his personal point of view on this on that problem.
  3. He is quick to take decisions.
  4. She is a girl of character. In any crisis situation she tries to act and not to be a passive observer.
  5. He sets some goals for himself and works towards them.
  6. He is exact in everything he does. He strictly follows his daily schedules.
  7. He possesses such qualities as  self-discipline






  1. She is ambitious

       She believes that competition brings about the best in any individual.

  1. He possesses a good knowledge of math.

He has a good command of English and has some skills in German.

  1. She has an ear on music.

She composes pieces of music herself. She has left music school with honours.

  1. She tries her hand in writing scripts for plays staged at school.
  2. She is a good sportsman. She is good at skiing. More than once she has

won the first prices in skiing contests. Besides, she has achieved good results in swimming.

  1. He is keen on photography.
  2. He has a wide range of interests: history, art, religion.
  3. He has interested in literature.
  4. He has a special liking for poetry.
  5. He enjoys…
  6. He displays a keen interest in biology
  7. He is good at    humanities

                                 exact sciences

                                 natural sciences

  1. He is a keen observer
  2. He has a vivid imagination
  3. He has a passion for music
  4. He is capable of foreign languages
  5. He never waste time
  6. He doesn’t loose heart in the face of danger
  7. He is well-informed in the latest development in chemistry and biology.
  8. He is engaged in a research society attached to Moscow University.
  9. He is able to apply the knowledge and skills he got at school in different


  1. Her greatest concern is that we live in harmony with each other, and she

is very good at helping others achieve the same thing.

  1. She has a wonderful ability to interact with people of a different culture.
  2. She enjoys learning.

A very quality student

47)  He has a good relationship with his classmates, is always ready to help them in troubles and to give them moral support.

48)  He is a very curious person and finds pleasure in traveling and in getting

        to know new  things and people.

  1. When he faces failures his sense of humour always helps him to cope with


50)  When he finds himself the alien in a company he tries to be flexible to

become a member of it.

  1. All the classmates who come in touch with him admire his persistence

and industry.

  1. He is a personality in itself.

53)  He doesn’t believe in each other’s assertions but tries to taste the truth


  1. She has a sense of human dignity.
  2. She is open and direct.

 She is very realistic and practical girl and pragmatic to some extent.

  1. She prefers the direct way of informing other people of unpleasant


  1. His sense of wit, his determination is worthy of respect.
  2. All the classmates who come in touch with her admire her thoughtfulness

 and care of them. She always helps those who are in need.

  1. She has an ability to tolerate difficulties.

  She never gives way to despair.

  1. She is known for spending her free time wisely and makes the most of every                opportunity in every situation.
  2. She is a very curious person with a sense of self-motivation. If she had to      choose between sitting at home watching TV she would choose to

undertake a journey to some unknown places.

  1. He has a keen sense of humour that helps her to tolerate failure.
  2. She is an accomplished pianist.
  3. She finds pleasure in seeing new places, interesting people or just opening

 something new herself. In short she is a very curious person.


По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты


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