Олимпиадные задания для 9 класса
олимпиадные задания по английскому языку по теме

Рощина Ирина Николаевна

Олимпиадные задания для 9 класса


Предварительный просмотр:

Школьный этап всероссийской олимпиады школьников по английскому языку

                                          Ханты-Мансийский автономный округ-Югра

                                                             2012-2013 учебный год

                                                                       9 - классы                           

CLASS: ________ NAME: ________________________________ DATE: ________________________

Teacher’s  SIGNATURE: ___________________________ MARK: ____________________________


  1. Read the text and fill in the gapes choosing the right option. (11 points)

It was in 1947, and Jean and Tom were going to get married. But after the Second World War it was very difficult …....A….., new clothes in Britain. "Do not worry", Jean s dad …..В….. to Tom." You can …C…my suit". "What shall I wear?" thought Jean. She …..D….. and advertisement in her favourite magazine, "Picture-goer" ."British Film Studios three-day wedding hire services". They hired out dresses from films. She ……E….. three pounds before the war, and it was enough. Jean ……F….. in the form given them the size. The dress …...G….... in time. It was beautiful, and Jean ……H…... perfect in it. Their wedding day was wonderful. Now they have been married for 55 years. They always …...I….., the old films now, because who …..J….. - they might see someone …...K…... Jean’s dress.

A.        1) buying   2) buy   3) to buy   4) bought

B.        1) said      2) was saying   3) says   4) has said

C.        1) take      2) to take        3) be taking    4) have taken

D.        1) had remembered   2) remembers   3) has remembered    4) remembered

E.        1) saved   2) has saved   3) had saved    4) have saved

F.        1) filled    2) has filled   3) had filled   4) was filled

G.        1) has arrived   2) had arrived   3) arrives    4) arrived

H.    1) had looked   2) looked   3) was looking   4) has looked

I.     1) have watched   2) watched   3) were watching   4) had watched

J.     1) knew   2) is known   3) know   4) knows

K.    1) wearing   2)  wear   3) wears   4) wore

                                                                                                 (___) 11

  1. Match these English proverbs to their Russian equivalents  (5 points)

  1. Honey is sweet, but the bee stings.
  1. Недоученный хуже неученого.

  1. A cat in gloves catches no mice.
  1. Мотовство до добра не доведет.

  1. Better untaught than ill taught.
  1. Поздно пришел, кости нашел.

  1. First come, first served.
  1. Без труда не вытащишь и рыбки из пруда.

  1. Waste not, want not.
  1. Видит око, да зуб неймет.


                                                                                              (___) 5  

3. Choose the right variant (25 points)

1. We saw her _____________ the door behind her.

a. to come in and close   b. come in and close

c. came in and closed   d. having come and closed

2. The work has to be done in ____________ possible time.

a. the least   b. least   c. the less   d. less

3. I asked the hotel service if I __________ have a cup of coffee in my room.

a. could   b. may   c. can to   d. will be able

4. Your car looks very clean. _______________

a. Did you washed it?   b. Had it been washed ?

c. Have you washed it?   d. Have you wash it?

           5. They asked him what _________________ .

           a. he wants   b. does he want   c. did he want   d. he wanted.

6. She ______________ something to me and then disappeared.

a. whispering   b. has whispered   c. was whispering   d. whispered

7. You’ll understand when you _____________ older and wiser.

a. getting   b. are   c. will be   d. will become

8. _____________, can we discuss our plans for the summer now?

a. To the way   b. On the way   c. By the way   d. In the way

9. .It _____________ half an hour to get there.

a. will take you   b. is take you   c. take you   d. will be take you

10. She didn’t let her __________ in the children’s room.

a. to smoke   b. that she smoke   c. smoking   d. smoke

11. Where ______________ when I met you?

           a. did you run   b. were you running

            c. had you run   d. were you run

12. I ______________ new windows next week.

a. have putted in   b. am putting in   c. have put in   d. puts in

13. Would you mind ____________ the TV down?

a. turning   b. to turn   c. turn   d. will turn

14. The money _______ not enough to pay the bill.

a. were   b. has   c. was   d. are

15. “Can I help you?” “I’d like a __________ of milk, please.”

a. box   b. pot   c. rasher   d. carton

16. Don’t phone me tomorrow, I _________ in the garden all day.

a. will be working   b. would working

c. work   d. will have been working

          17. At last I am in London. The weather is nasty. It ____________ now.

           a. is rain   b. rains   c. has been raining   d. is raining

18. Do they sell _______________ clothes here?

a. children’s   b. childrens’   c. childrens’s   d. childrens

19. __________of the two pictures do you prefer?

a. What   b. Who   c. That   d. Which

20. If you don’t study for your exams, you won’t __________ progress.

a. do   b. make   c. happen   d. perform

21. Our live would be difficult without ________ electricity.

a. an   b. a   c. −    d. the

22. Jane has got a pet, ___________ ?

a. doesn’t she   b. has she   c. hasn’t she      d. hasn’t Jane

23. While I was on holiday, my camera _______________ from my hotel room.

a. steal   b. was stolen   c. stole   d. was stealing

24. Take your raincoat. ___________looks as if it’s going to rain.

a. Else   b. There   c. It      d. Here

25. Tom gets a higher salary now. He ____________.

a. has been promoted   b. will promote   c. is promoting   d. promotes.

                                                                                                                                          (___) 25

4. Read the text 

A)  put the extracts in the right order (5 points)

B)  guess the title of the text (1 point)

__RO__N          __O__F

                                                                      (after  Jack  London)

  1.  At  the  end  of  the  week  Smith  tied  a  metal  plate  to  the  dog  with  the  words  „Please,  return  to  Smith, Ellen, California“, and  set  the  dog  free. He  disappeared  again.  This  time  he  was  sent  back  by  the  train, was  tied  up  for  three  days, was  set  free  on  the  fourth  day  and   disappeared  again.     As  soon  as  he  received  his  freedom, he  always  ran  north. The  dog  always  came  back  hungry  and  weak  and  always  ran  away  fresh  and  strong.   At  last  the  dog  decided  to  stay  with  Smiths, but  a  long  time  passed  before  they  could  touch  him. They  called  the  dog „Wolf“.

  1.    For  some  time  Wolf  watched  the  man. He  waited  for  him  to  return. Then  he  ran  after  the  man, caught  his  hand  between  his  teeth  and  tried  to  stop  him. The  man  did  not  stop. Then  the  dog  ran  back  to  where  Smith  and  his  wife  sat. He  tried  to  drag  smith  after  the  stranger. The  dog  wanted  to  be  at  the  same  time  with  the  old  master  and  the  new  one. The  stranger  disappeared  The  dog  lay  down  at  the  feet  of  Smith. Mary  was  happy. A  few  minutes  later  the  dog  got  up  and  ran  after  the  old  master. He  never  turned  his  head. Faster  and  faster  the  dog  ran  along  the  road  and  in  few  minutes  he  was  gone.

  1. One  summer  day  a  stranger  came  to  the  place  where  Smith  and  his  wife  lived. As  soon  as  the  dog  saw  him, he  ran  to  the  stranger  and  licked  his  hands  with  tongue. Then  the  stranger  said, „His  name  isn’t  Wolf. It’s  Brown. He  was  my  dog.“   „Oh,“ cried  Mary, „you  are  not  going  to  take  him  away  with  you?  Leave  him  here, he  is  happy.“

  1. The  stranger  then  said „His  mother  died  and  I  brought  him  up  on  condensed  milk. He  never  knew  any  mother  but  me. Do  you  think  he  wants  to  stay  with  you?“   „I  am  sure  of  it.“    „Well,“ said  the  stranger. „He  must  decide  it  himself.  I’ll  say  goodbye  and  go  away. If  he  wants  to  stay, let  him  stay. If  he  wants  to  come  with  me, let  him  come. I  will  not  call  him  to  come.“

   E)     One  day  John  Smith  and  his wife  Mary  found  a  dog. He  was  a  very  wild  and  strange  dog, The  dog  was  weak  and  hungry, but  he  did  not  let  them  touch   him  and  ate  the  food  they  gave  him  when  they  went  away.     When  the  dog  was  strong  again, he  disappeared.    A  few  months  later, when  Smith  was  in  train, he  saw  his  fog. The  dog  was  running  along  the  road. Smith  got  off  the  train  at  the  next  station, bought  a  piece  of  meat, caught  the  dog  and  brought  him  home  again. There  he  was  tied  for  a  week.


                                                                                                                         (___) 6


  1. WORDSEARCH ( the last letter of the word is the first of the next one) (7 points)

  1. The opposite of “sit” -
  2. To control a car -
  3. When do you get up to go to school? –
  4. A small ship -
  5. Here, antonym –
  6. A planet –
  7. One of the most important organs of the human body -








 ( из выделенных букв составьте слово)

                                                                                                             (___) 7

  1. Writing. Personal letter. (10 points)

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Jennifer who writes

In your previous letter you told me that you joined your English lessons at school. Is it difficult for you to study English? What other languages do you learn?

Besides my English I am fond of French…


Write a letter to Jennifer. In your letter

  1. answer her question
  2. tell her about your English lessons and your studying English
  3. ask 3-5 questions about her studying French and other languages


Write 100-140 words.  Remember the rules of letter writing.

Предварительный просмотр:

The keys

1 – 11 points

A-3, B-1, C-1, D-4, E-3, F-1, G-4, H2, I-2, J-4, K-1

2- 5 points

 1 e     2 d     3a     4c     5b

3 - 25 points

1b, 2a, 3a, 4c, 5d, 6d, 7b, 8c, 9a, 10d, 11b, 12b, 13a, 14c, 15d, 16a, 17d, 18a, 19d, 20b, 21c, 22c, 23b, 24c, 25a.        


A)   EACDB                 5 points

                        B)  Brown Wolf            1 point

5  - thread     7 points































  1. Writing. Personal letter. 10 points

TOTAL - 64

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