Тест для 4 класса на контроль навыков чтения
тест по английскому языку на тему
Контрольнsй тест по английскому языка для 4 класса на понимание содержания текста. Тема "My town"
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My Town
My name is Nick. My country is Russia. I live in a small town. Our town is not very big. Not all the streets of our town are long and wide. But they are green in summer with a lot of trees and flowers. On Saturdays and Sundays there are a lot of people and cars in the streets. The people of our town and from the countries around try to do shopping.
We can see a lot of people in the parks in our town. In spring and summer there are a lot of grannies and little children in our "Children's Park". Grannies usually sit or walk. And their little grandchildren like to play balls, ride small cars, run and jump. This park is the best place for our children.
In summer, when it is hot, the people of our town like to go to the river. It is not very long and wide, but it's warm and clean. There is a bridge across the river. Next to the river there is a large field. In summer it is yellow and very beautiful.
Some houses in our town are big and tall. But there are small houses too. And they have got small gardens behind with apple trees and flowers.
There are four schools in our town. My friend and I go to school number four. We are good friends and good pupils. In winter we like to skate in the park and ski in the field not far from the forest. We like our school and our town.
I. Choose the sentences that you read in the text. (Выбери предложения, которые есть в тексте, который ты прочитал)
1) Our town is not very big.
2) Our town is very big.
3) They are green in summer with a lot of trees and flowers.
4) They are green in spring with a lot of trees and flowers.
5) This park is the best place for our people.
6) This park is the best place for our children.
7) There are some schools in our town.
8) There are four schools in our town.
II. Choose the right version of the translation. (Выбери верный вариант перевода.)
1. There are a lot of people and cars in the streets.
а. Много людей в машинах и на улицах.
b. На улицах много людей и машин.
с. На улицах люди и машины.
2. In summer when it is hot...
a. Летом жарко...
b. Летом, когда жарко...
c. Этим жарким летом...
3. Next to the river...
a. Рядом с рекой...
b.Следующий к реке...
c. Следующий у реки...
4. Grannies usually sit or walk.
a. Бабушки вечно сидят и разговаривают.
b. Бабушки всегда сидят или прогуливаются.
c. Бабушки обычно сидят или прогуливаются.
5. But there are small houses too.
а. Но есть два маленьких дома.
b. Но маленькие дома есть тоже.
с. Но маленьких домов много.
III. Answer the questions. (Ответь на вопросы.)
- When are there a lot of people and cars in the streets?
- What is there across the river?
- What do the children do in the park?
- What do the children like to do in winter?
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