презентация к уроку по английскому языку по теме
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The proverb : An apple a day keeps a doctor away
an apple
a carrot
a lemon
a hamburger
a cucumber
a porridge
an apple apple s meat meat bread bread an egg egg s
fish fish tomato tomato es peach peach es cherry cherr ies
Statistics show that we eat more fruit and meat than 10 years ago. It is the right sentence!
Carrots is for eyes. It is the wrong sentence! are
A child ate four hamburger and chips at a sitting. It is the wrong sentence! s
It is the wrong sentence! During the ferst World War the Coca-Cola Company send Coca-Cola to American soldiers in Europe. i t
Сахар плох для ваших зубов. Мы должны есть здоровую пищу такую как фрукты, овощи, рыбу, орехи и пить молоко. Чтобы быть здоровым люди не должны есть чипсы, гамбургеры, жирное мясо и пить газводы .
Sugar is bad for your teeth. We must eat healthy food such as fruits, vegetables, fish, nuts and drink milk. To be healthy people must not eat chips, hamburgers, fat meat and drink gas waters.