Открытый урок - "Наша школьная жизнь"
методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме
Полный конспект с заданиями по теме "Школа" для 4 классов школ обучающихмя по учебницу Верещагиной.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Учитель: Рощанинова А.А.
Конспект урока английского языка
по теме «Моя школа»
Урок английского языка в 4 «А» классе
2011 -2012 учебный год
(УМК О.В.Афанасьевой И.Р. Верещагиной) December 01.2011.
Цель урока: более эффективное использование выраженных способностей учащихся младшего школьного возраста к овладению иностранным языком и к речевому развитию в целом, развитие навыков устной речи по теме «Наша школа»
- Учебный аспект:
формирование и развитие коммуникативных умений учащихся на основе языковых, лингвострановедческих и социокультурных знаний, навыков: умения воспринимать на слух и понимать небольшие сообщения ;
- Развивающий аспект:
Задачи урока повышать познавательный интерес учащихся к языку через использование игровых моментов ;
развитие языковых, интеллектуальных и познавательных способностей, чувств и эмоций школьников, готовности к коммуникации,
развивать креативные способности, умение проектировать,
интеллектуальное развитие учащихся, формирование логического мышления;
- развивать внимание и память учащихся
- отработка в речи грамматических структур
- обучение навыкам чтения
- обучение навыкам диалогической речи , используя структуры :
- Do you like …? Is (Maths ) your favourite subject ?
Воспитательный аспект:
- расширить интерес учащихся к предмету при помощи информационно-коммуникационных технологий;
- воспитание любви к школе;
- пробуждать творческие начала личности
ТСО: проектор, компьютер, экран, мультимедийная презентация , раздаточный материал к уроку.
В презентации используются материалы из архива школы по теме «Школа» при создании проекта “Our school”.
(Использованы фотографии из личного и школьного архивов)
Подробный конспект урока
Мотивация учащихся
Мотивация учащихся обеспечивается через использование игровых приемов, мультимедийной презентации как средства наглядности для более яркого и образного восприятия материала.
Организационный момент.
а) рассказать как можно больше о нашей школе, о предметах изучаемых в школе.
Ход и содержание урока
Слайд -11.Начало урока. Приветствие .- Good morning . I’m glad to see you!
1 . -Let’s do our phonetic exercise
The more we learn, the more we know.
The more we know, the more we forget.
The more we forget, the less we know.
The less we forget, the more we know
So why study?
Слайд -2. The topic of our today’s lesson is:
- School subjects Pupils and teachers School life
The moto of our lesson is connected with school: “ Knowledge is power”
Phonetic drill. Listen and repeat.
Russian, English, Mathematics (Maths), History, Art, Geography, Music, Information Technology (IT), Physical Education (PE), Literature, Handikraft, Literature.
Cлайд -3. Think and tell me please what do we celebrate on the 1st of Septemder.
Now I want you to answer my questions.
-Do you go to school?
What subjects do you learn?
-Do you know the proverb “Knowledge is power”?
-Do you like our school?
-Who is your class teacher?
-What is your favourite school subject?
-Where do you get knowledge from?
-Many of your classmates have good knowledge of school subjects. Why?
-How many girls and boys are there in your class?
Слайд 4 -6. Do you know words about school?
Read and translate them. CARDS!!!!
Слайд 5 - Guess what it is . W h a t f o r d o y o u n ee d t h e s e t h i n g s?
Слайд -6. Name these objects.
Слайд -7 Insert the vowels into the following words:
Слайд -8 Split the line into the words:
Слайд -9 Odd one word out
Слайд 10. Help the boy to choose the right variant:
- I go to school with my friend/ my teacher.
- I draw with a pencil/ a ruler.
- I write with a pen/ a rubber.
- I write in my book/ my exercise-book.
- I sit on a chair/ on a desk.
- My name is Jane. I am a schoolboy/ a schoolgirl.
Слайд 11 School subjects! Listen and guess what subject it is .
Слайд 12 We write Russian letters.
You read stories, novels, learn poems by heart. (Literature)We count at this lesson .
We write and read English at this lesson.
Слайд 13You study events that happened long ago. (History)We study nature at this lesson . (Biology) We study our planet at this lesson (Geography)
Слайд 14 We run and jump at this lesson.You can draw pictures (Art)
You can sing different songs. (Music), We can sew and do different things. (Handicraft )
Слайд 15. Плакат с расписанием. Что это? Fill in the table. (Игра у доски)
- What lessons have you got on Monday? Tuesday? Wednesday, Thursday.
- How many lessons have you got on Friday?
На экране компьютера появляется таблица
Вводится выражения: to be good at, to be bad at.
E.g. I'm good at Art, but I'm bad at History.
Which of the following activities do you like or hate? Работа с классом. Карточки.
- To take part in the concerts
- To draw pictures and posters
- To learn and sing the song
- To dance
- To translate texts from English into Russian
- To play basketball
- To play volleyball
- To read books
- To write a composition
Слайд 16 Обучение навыкам чтения с извлечением информации .
- Let’s read it ! (на экране появляется текст и уч-ся хором и индивидуально читают )
- Hello! My name is Pete and I’m ten. I’m in the 4th form. .I like Maths , PE, Music , Art but my favourite subject is English . And what about you ?
- Answer my questions : What’s the boy’s name ? How old is he ? What form does he study ? What’s his favourite subject ?
- Finish my sentences :
- His name is …(Pete)
- He’ s in the … ( ) .
- Pete likes … ( Maths,PE, Music )
- But his favourite is …( English)
Слайд 17 Guess the names of your teachers
- Слайд 18 A library What can you see in the library?
- Слайд 19 Say in one word… who they are. (We are classmates)
- Слайд 20 A school hall. What do we do there?
- Слайд 21 What holidays and plays do you remember?
- Слайд 22 Give a talk
Imagine that you have grown up and your son or daughter is going to school in the fourth form. Tomorrow it will be the first of September. Tell him or her about your first of September.
- Слайд 23 Remember to discuss:
- How did your first of September begin?
- What did you feel when you went to school? Why?
- Did you go to school with your parents or without them? Why?
- What did you do at school on the first of September?
- How did your day finish?
- What do you like to do at school most of all?
Do you like to go school? Why/ why not?
- Do you miss (скучаешь) your school when you are on holidays? Why/ why not?
- Слайд 24 Result the first of September
On the first of September I was going to school in the fourth form .
My day began early. I got up at 7 o’clock. Then I washed my face, had breakfast, took flowers and went to school. -3-
I went to school with my parents who made a video of our meeting.
I was happy that I met my old friends and gave flowers to my teacher.
- That day we had four lessons. During them we sat still, answered our teacher’s questions and got only good marks.
- I like to study. At our lessons we learn a lot. During the break we drew funny pictures on the blackboard and ran between the desks.
- After lessons we discussed our summer holidays. Then we all went back home. I was very tired. So I went to bed early. It was the best day in my life.
- Слайд 25 British school
- We have discussed our school life? And now it’s time to listen a diologue
- Слайд 26. We have a guest from London . Viktoriya and Sereza have met and they are talking.
Please be attentive because you will have a test after the diologue. Cards.
- Аудирование текста с пониманием основного содержания.
Vika: Well, Sergey, may I ask you a few questions?
Sergey: Yes, I’ll be happy to answer them if I can.
Vika: Know that you go to school. What’s your school like.
Sergey: Well, it’s a big school in Moscow. It’s nice.
Vika: What is the name of your school?
Serge: Our school is N 1566.
Vika: Oh? But our schools have no numbers. They have names.
How big is your school?
Sergey: About 400 hundred pupils.
Vika: So, your primary and secondary schools are under one roof, aren’t they?
Sergey: Yes, they are. Most schools in Russia are like that.
Vika: I see. But not in England. Our primary and secondary schools are usually situated in different places. What form are you in?
Sergey: I’m in the 4th form now.
Vika: How big is your form?
Sergey: There are 22 pupils in it – 10boys and 12 girls.
Vika: Have you got any good friends in your form?
Sergey: Oh, yes. I have some very good friends . Denis and Victor are my classmates.
Vika: Do you and your friends spend a lot of time together after classes?
Sergey: Yes, we do. We often play football or basketball. Sometimes we go to the cinema and watch video films or listen to music.
Vika :Thank you for your time, Sergey.
Слайд27 , 28
Слайд 29 Grammar WHERE ARE MISTAKES???
Слайд 30- Аудирование And now look at the screen
Мы сейчас посмотрим один эпизод из известного всем вам мультфильма «Пеппи –длинный чулок» и узнаем любит ли Пеппи учится.
- Is she a good, pupil?
- Do you like her?
- Does teacher like Peppy?
- Does, Peppy like mathematics?
I think, she doesn’t like to study. Do you agree with me?
Слайд 31 - Give the Russian equivalent:
- 1) Knowledge is power.
- 2) It is never too late to learn.
- 3) Live and learn.
Слайд 32- Please write new words in your ex.book.
Russian English Literature | IS | interesting easy Boring Exciting difficult |
Слайд 33 -What Emotions Do You Feel?
Слайд 34 - Песня «We learn English» на мотив песни «Учат в школе»
музыка сл. М. Пушанина
We learn English
- We like studing at school
- All the days are very cool
- We learn English (3 times)
- We can write and read, and play
- We learn English every day
We’re so happy, It’s important and quite funny.
- Our school is very nice
- It’s a real great surprise
- That all pupils are so friendly
- Are so friendly
- Our teachers are so great
- We read poems, play, create
- We learn English (3 times)
- Слайд 35 Hometask: -,My school (составить рассказ)
Portfolio: Make your own school timetable.
Примeрные ответы учащихся
1) I get up at 7o’clock, make my bed, have breakfast and go to school. Our lessons begin at 9o’clock. Every day we have six lessons, except Saturday. On Saturday we have only five lessons. Every lesson lasts 45 minutes. After third lesson we have lunch. Our lessons finish at 2o’clock.
2) We have many subjects. They are: Russian, English, Mathematics, History, Music, Sport, Physical training, Literature and others. My favorite subject is English. It is interesting and exciting at the history lessons.
3) I live in Moscow. I study at school N 1566. It is not very big but it is very nice аnd comfortable. Our school was build in 1999.
In front of our school there is a garden for flowers and trees.
4) I like my school. Here we have a computer class where we can work with computer. Our school library is not very big but there we can find every book we need. Our classrooms are well comfortable and nicely decorated.
5) My school is great. Especially I like my sport lessons. My favorite sports are basketball, volleyball, ping- pong and football. I like swimming but there is no swimming- pool in our school. Our schoolchildren can attend their favorite clubs. I attend basketball and volleyball clubs.
6) It is interesting and pleasant at our English lessons. We translate texts from English into Russian and from Russian into English. We read, write, play different games at the lessons. My favourite lesson is English.
6) There are some clubs: labor training, drama and sport games. I attend basketball club. We have different parties after classes.
Аудирование текста с пониманием основного содержания.
- Развитие умения передать прочитанное с опорой на текст. Гости из Великобритании захотят узнать больше о нашей школе. Вы должны хорошо подготовиться к рассказу о школе. Для этого выполните следующие упражнении
- А) Прочитайте текст на листе и сопоставьте части текста с номерами
1) a school hall 2) a gymnasium 3) a Chemistry classroom 4) a room for manual work for girls 5) a computer class 6) a library 7) our school 8) a teacher’s room | Topic “Our school”. (a) Our school is big and light. It is rather old. There is a schoolyard around it. There are many trees near the school. You can see a sports ground behind the school. Sometimes we have physical training lessons there. (b) There is a room for manual work for girls on the ground floor. They can sew and cook there. (c) There is a computer class, and pupils like such school subject as computing. We have the Internet in our school. (d) There is a gymnasium near the school. All pupils like to go there, because they like physical training lessons. (e) Our school has a library. There are a lot of interesting old and new books in it. (f) Our school has many classrooms. We have an English classroom, History, Geography, Physical classrooms and others. They are big and light and each of them has got large windows, flowers on the windowsills, bookcases with a lot of books in them, maps, pictures on the walls. There are very good blackboards in the classrooms. There is a TV-set or computer in each classroom. Sometimes we used them during the lessons. The teacher’s tables and pupil’s desks and chairs are new. (g) In the school hall concerts, meetings, conferences and parties take place. We organize concerts and parties when we celebrate our holidays. The pupils in our school sing songs and dance modern and folk dances and perform plays there. (h) The teacher’s room is on the ground floor. There are tables and chairs for teachers. It is a comfortable and cozy room and the teachers like to spend their free time in it. We like our school and proud of it. We go there and learn new things. |
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