Изменение климата на Земле
творческая работа учащихся по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме
В ходе работы предусмотрено.
Изучение теоретического материала про парниковые эффекты, глобальное потепление, причины и последствия глобального потепления, изменение солнечной активности. Проведение анкетирования среди школьников. Проведение опытов. Изучение данных британских метеорологов и архивных фотографий. Изучение изменение климата в Великобритании и состояния уровня воды.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Автор: Петров Дмитрий
ученик 6 класса
МБОУ «Полевобикшикская СОШ»
Батыревский район
Руководитель: Петрова Наталия Семёновна
учитель английского языка
МБОУ «Полевобикшикская СОШ»
Новочебоксарск 2012
Автор работы: Петров Дмитрий
Научный руководитель: Петрова Наталия Семёновна
Изменение климата на Земле.
1.Введение (актуальность работы, постановка задачи)
Наша планета нагревается и это оказывает огромный эффект на ледяные шапки земли.
Автомобильные выхлопы, заводские трубы и другие созданные человеком источники загрязнения вместе выбрасывают в атмосферу много углекислого газа и парниковых газов в год.
Жара, засуха – влияет не только на урожай, но и на здоровье людей. Наводнения - из-за наводнений происходит резкий подъем воды в реках, озерах, впоследствии морях.
Участились землетрясения. Ураганы, источником энергии для которых служат водяные пары, поднимающиеся с поверхности моря. Меняется поведение животных, птицы меняют график полетов.
Цель: Узнать, почему происходит изменение климата на планете.
Задачи: 1) Выяснить причины изменения климата на планете;
2) Доказать, что таяние ледников приводит к увеличению уровня воды Мирового океана;
3) Выявить последствия глобального потепления и меры, которые необходимо принимать для борьбы с этими последствиями.
2.Содержание тезисов, методы решения (текст, рисунки, таблицы).
В ходе работы предусмотрено:
Изучение теоретического материала про парниковые эффекты, глобальное потепление, причины и последствия глобального потепления, изменение солнечной активности. Проведение анкетирования среди школьников. Проведение опытов. Изучение данных британских метеорологов и архивных фотографий. Изучение изменение климата в Великобритании и состояния уровня воды.
3. Заключение (результаты работы).
Я считаю, если мы растопим ледники Альп, Гренландии или Антарктики, то все силы надо бросить на то, чтобы всё перерабатывалось и использовалось. Тогда Лондон и другие города не будут затоплены.
20 января 2012 г.
2. Содержание тезисов, методы решения (текст, рисунки, таблицы).
Can we actually see signs of global warming? Have you heard grown-ups say that they remember when winters seemed snowier? Or when summers didn’t seem to be so hot? People all around the world are noticing changes that seem to be related to rising global temperatures. Glaciers are shrinking in many places. Birdwatchers report that migrating birds are returning earlier in the spring and leaving later in the fall. Gardeners say that flowers are blooming earlier in the spring than they used to. These observations all seem to be part of a pattern of shorter winters, longer summers, and higher temperatures overall. But there’s scientific proof, too.
What makes Earth warm? Have you ever seen a greenhouse? In some countries people built a small glass house to plant crops in it. It is built to keep heat from the sun from escaping from the glasshouse. In a way, the earth is like a glasshouse or greenhouse. The earth has some very important gases in the atmosphere that keeps us warm. Some of these gases are water vapor, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane. When the sun heats the earth, these gases keep the heat on the earth’s surface.
Without these gases, heat would escape back into space and Earth’s average temperature would be about 60 degree F colder.
I WANT TO SHOW SCHEME how greenhouse gases work in the atmosphere in 6 simple steps.
1. The earth’s atmosphere is all around us. It is the air that we breathe.
2. Sunlight enters the Earth’s atmosphere, passing through the blanket of greenhouse gases.
3. As it reaches the earth’s surface, the land and water absorb the sunlight’s energy.
4. Once absorbed, this energy is sent back into the atmosphere in the form of infra – red rays.
5. Some of the energy passes back into space, but much of it remains trapped in the atmosphere by the greenhouse gases, causing our world or globe to warm up.
6. This warming up is called global warming and is caused by the greenhouse effect.
The greenhouse effect is important. Without the greenhouse effect, the Earth would not be warm enough for humans to live. But if the greenhouse effect becomes stronger, it could make the Earth warmer than usual. Even a little extra warming of the earth may cause problems for humans, plants and animals.
In this new era, the earth is full of industries, farms, cars, and airplanes. Cars, factories, landfills, airplanes – they produce a lot of smoke. Too much smoke in the air make Earth warmer and warmer. This is called global warming.
Why did I choose this work?
I want to do this work about global warming because it is an important global issue and we care about our planet. My hypothesis states that the majority of the factual questions on our global warming questionnaire «What students know and feel about Global Warming» will be answered correctly.
I did a review of literature on greenhouse gases, global warming, the causes of global warming, the consequences of global warming, the sources of greenhouse gases, and the recent international conference on global warming.
Next, I wrote my hypothesis. Then I developed a questionnaire on global warming and gave it out to 26 students at Polevobicshicskaya secondary school. When I got all the surveys back I scored them, analyzed my data, and wrote my summary and conclusion.
What students know and feel about Global Warming?
- A majority of 77% of the students surveyed didn't know about global warming.
- A majority of 68% didn't know that global warming is the same thing as the greenhouse effect.
- A majority of 96% didn't know that the last international conference on global warming was in Japan.
- A majority of 57% didn't know that the results of global warming are a rise in sea level, the melting of polar caps, and global flooding.
- A majority of 95% didn't know that too much smoke in the air make Earth warmer and warmer
- A majority of 71% didn't know that global temperature started rising in 1860.
Is global warming evident in the States of Water?
I did some experiments with the three states of matter, solid, liquid and gas.
1. I put some ice cubes in the freezer and observe that the ice cubes stay solid at that temperature.
2. I put some water in the refrigerator and observe that the water stays a liquid.
3. I boiled some water and observe that at higher temperatures the water turns to a gas and dissipates into the air.
I drew conclusion. A cold region, like the air in the freezer, and even in the summer the snow never melts. Warmer temperatures also dry up streams and rivers, killing all animals and causing droughts.
4. Notice how our hands are warm. Notice that an ice cube is cold. If I pass you an ice cube it will melt. The longer the ice cube is kept warm the sooner it melts.
I drew conclusion. When the earth warms up, Ice Mountains (and Icebergs) melt into water bodies. This includes flooding which destroys farms and animals and humans.
5. If you go outside on a hot day and place an ice cube on the sidewalk in the sun. Place another ice cube in the shade. Watch the ice cubes slowly melt.
How fast does the ice cube in the shade melt in comparison to the one in the sun?
I drew conclusion. The ozone layer acts somewhat like the shade of the tree. The world is heating up because the ozone layer is disappearing.
6. I take one glass of warm water and one glass of cold water. And put ice cubs into these glasses. And notice that ice cube in warm water is melt faster than in cold water. And water
level in the first glass is rise than the level in the second glass.
I drew conclusion. If the ice keeps melting, global sea level could rise. That would put a lot of coastlines under water. Whole islands could disappear!
Warmer oceans are also one of the main causes of rising sea level.
British meteorologists’ discovers.
British meteorologists have calculated the effects of global temperature rise of 4 degrees. The most problematic regions are marked with colored circles on the map. Brown - forest fires, blue - the lack of fresh water, green - sea level rise; dark brown - the drought; blue - the melting of glaciers, dark green - tropical storms, red - temperatures rise.
Last international conference on global warming was in Japan. The agreement at the last conference on global warming was to cut the percent of greenhouse gases produced in each country.
Some facts about sea level rise.
The image on the left shows the average ice cover at the end of the summers of 1979 - 1981. The image on the right shows the ice cover at the end of summer in 2007.
If the ice keeps melting, global sea level could rise. That would put a lot of coastlines under water. Whole islands could disappear!
If the Arctic sea ice and ice covering Greenland were to melt, sea level would rise 20 feet (6 meters)!
Sea level is another important measure of how fast our planet is changing. As temperatures rise, the sea will absorb heat from the atmosphere, causing it to expand and therefore creating sea level rises.
Changing sea levels and temperatures in the UK. I find out that in the UK, the effect of sea level rises goes hand in hand with the land movements being experienced across the country. Sea level rises increase the risk of flooding and coastal erosion, particularly in the south and east of England.
The sea level around the UK has risen.
UK coastal waters have warmed by about 0.7 degrees Celsius over the past three decades. In addition, the average sea level around the UK is now about 10 centimeters higher than it was in 1900.
Globally, the average sea level could rise by 18 to 59 centimeters, or more, by the end of the century. Rising sea levels could swamp some small, low-lying island states and put millions of people living in low-lying areas at greater risk of flooding.
I made a list of activities to help reduce global warming and can help stop climate change!
Go by bus. Get you family to go to school, work, market and holiday on a bus rather than on daddy s car!
Walk! Do not drive! Walk to the shop, market, school and everywhere. Sometimes, there are too many cars causing heavy, traffic and it is better to walk than to drive.
Ride! Do not drive! Ride to the post office, shop, market, school and everywhere. It is to fun to ride and good form of exercise too!
Planting trees is fun and great way to reduce greenhouse gases.
Recycle your waste! Recycle cans, plastic bags and newspapers. When you recycle, you send less trash to the landfill and you help save natural resources, like trees, oil and elements such as aluminum.
We can’t do hard things like making a law, but we can do easier things like not watching as much TV. You can listen to your parents when they say, turn off your lights or go play outside.
Imagine a lamp with an incandescent light bulb. I notice that it is cold. If you turn on the lamp and hold our hands just above it and notice that the bulb is hot.
Now repeat this with a new florescent bulb. I notice that bulb stays cool.
Florescent bulbs don't waste energy giving off so much heat.
Changing bulbs to florescent will help to slow Global Warming.
A majority of 63% students on my survey were answered incorrectly.. This tells that students do not know a great deal about nor do they have an understanding of global warming. I can apply my findings by informing teacher that global warming need to be taught more in the classroom.
1. Global Warming Kids Site. http://www.era.gov/global warming/ kids.
2.Мирская Е. Погода, - Лондон: Дорлинг Киндерсли Лимитед, 1997. Чандлер Т. Воздух вокруг нас. – Л.: Гидрометеоиздат, 2000.
3.Т.Миллер «Жизнь в окружающей среде». Т. 1. Москва, изд. 1980.
4. www.nauka.ru.
5. http://www.2b2.ru/ 11.htm. - Минздрав Великобритании. Гибнут тысячи людей.
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