Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия "Halloween Party"
методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме
Внеклассное мероприятие (может быть общешкольного формата), интегрированного типа (английский язык, ИЗО) знакомит детей с праздниками и традициями страны изучаемого языка.
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Сценарий праздника «Halloween Party»
Интегрированное мероприятие: английский язык, ИЗО.
Цель: ознакомление учащихся с праздником страны изучаемого языка (Halloween).
оформление зала (рисунки детей, воздушные шары, тематические газеты, выставка «Они разыскиваются», тыквы, поделки);
учащиеся готовят костюмы для праздника;
учащиеся разучивают песни, стихотворения; готовят танец.
Костюмы для ребят, занятых в сценках, необходимые предметы для воссоздания атмосферы школьного кабинета, скелет, маска тыквы, реквизит для проведения игр и мастер-класса, для инсценирования стихотворения, музыкальное сопровождение, пригласительные для администрации школы.
Scene 1
Чтение стихотворения «Disbelief».
«Disbelief» by Doug Macleod
I don’t believe in werewolves
or the mummy from the tomb.
I don’t believe in vampires
in the corner of the room.
I don’t believe in lots of things
for now I’m getting older.
But I do believe in skeleton
just tapped me on the shoulder.
Ведущая: Hello everybody! We've gathered together for our Halloween Party. We want all of you to enjoy the party, to be merry and jolly. Today is October, 31. But a week before… Look and listen.
Scene 2
Класс. Ha стене висит календарь – 25 октября. Расписание – English. За партами сидят ученики. У доски – учитель.
Teacher: Dear pupils, as you know, in a week's time we are going to have a Halloween Party. And now we have to decide who will be who and what shall we do. In this part pupils from the 5 till 10 forms party will take. What are your suggestions?
P1: We should have a contest of posters.
T: It's a good idea! What else?
P2: To make a lot of pumpkins with terrible grins and lights in then.
T: Of course, we will.
P3: To draw monster pictures to frighten the little ones.
T: Just don't frighten them to death.
All pupils: Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha...
T: Any other ideas?
P4: Why not make a dress-up parade? I'll be a vampire.
P5: I'll be a witch.
P6: Me too.
P1: I'll be a demon.
P2, P3: We'll be evil spirits.
P7: I'll be a monster.
P8: I'll be a black cat.
T: OK, OK. Wait, Wait... A large carnival procession. Well, and then make your costumes. And don't forget, we should write and send out invitations to our party. (пригласительные для администрации, дискотека на час в этот же день после уроков, дети в масках и костюмах, афиша на дискотеку).
Next time we'll talk about when Halloween was first celebrated and why a pumpkin is a symbol of this festival. Goodbye for now. (дети уходят со сцены)
Scene 3
На сцене – группа учащихся в костюмах.
PI: Hallowe'en is coming.
What will you wear?
P2: I might wear a blanket
And be a brown bear.
P1: Hallowe'en is coming.
Who will you meet?
P2: I might meet a princess
skipping down the street.
P1: Hallowe'en is coming.
What will you do?
P3: I might go trick-or-treating.
How about you?
PI: Hallowe'en is coming.
What will you be?
P3: I might be a pirate
On the deep blue sea.
P1: Hallowe'en is coming.
What will you see?
P4: I might see a Jack-o'-Lantern
Winking at me.
P1: Hallowe’en is coming
What will you be?
P4: It's a secret,
So, wait and see!
Scene 4
Песня «Pumpkin Pumpkin».
Появляется Jack-o '-Lantern, ученик в маске тыквы. Во время рассказа можно выключить освещение в помещении
Jack-o'-Lantern: Hello! My name is Jack and here is my lantern made from a pumpkin. As you see, I've cut out slits for two eyes, a nose, and a mouth, and put a lighted candle inside. I used to play practical jokes on the devil and I'm punished for it.
Ведущая: Жалеет Джека и угощает его конфетой. (Poor Jack). Джек уходит к зрителям. Many people carve happy and funny faces. They place the pumpkins in the windows or on the doorsteps. The children also put on strange masks and frightening costumes every Halloween. Some children paint their faces to look like monsters. Then they carry baskets and bags. They go from house and knock on the door. They sing “Trick or treat! Trick or treat”, meaning “Give us a treat or we’ll play a trick on your”. People give the children sweets, cookies and apples.
Scene 5
Звучит музыка. Появляются ученики в костюмах. ( с визгом и криками). Далее они исполняют песню «Trick or treat!» (на мотив «Хоп-хей» Леонида Агутина).
«Trick or treat!»
Oh, Halloween’s the time
When the ghosts can really talk;
The night when witches ride on brooms
And skeletons can walk.
We put on masks and dress
To scare the folks we meet.
It’s lots of fun to knock on doors
And holler: «Trick or treat!»
Hop-hei, trick or treat,
Give us something good to eat!
Give us candy, give us cake,
Something sweet to take.
Hop-hei, trick or treat,
Give us something good to eat!
You had better do it quick
Or we’ll surely play a trick.
«Trick or treat!»(кричат дети из зала).
Учащиеся танцуют в костюмах танец ча-ча-ча.
Scene 6
Ведущая: Now let’s play a little.
Проводятся конкурсы и игры, мастер-класс по изготовлению тематических поделок.
«Wrap up, everybody!»
The ancient Egyptians had dead people really wrapped up. A picture is great for getting wrapped like a mummy. You’ll probably need more than one roll of toilet paper. Just wind the paper round and round until your whole body is covered. You might need someone to help. Have a competition to see who can get wrapped up the fastest.
«Wandering wand game»
All you need for this game is a hat, a piece of string, a bottle and a wand (a pencil will do). Tie one end of the string to the hat. Tie the other end around the pencil. Put on the hat. Now try to get the pencil into the bottle without using your hands. See how quickly you can do it.
«Make a ghost»
Make lots of ghosts. Put a small rubber ball, a balloon or an orange into a pillow case or white cloth to make the head. Fasten a rubber band around the cloth under the head. Stick on spooky black eyes and draw a mouth. Hang up your horrors with thread or string.
Желающие разгадывают кроссворд на английском языке.
Scene 7
Ведущая: We suggest you to see some witches and to learn how to recognize a witch when you see one.
Демонстрация мод (звучат музыка и слова ведущей, либо участница сама описывает свой крстюм). (Ведьма №1,№2…..).
A real witch is always to be wearing gloves when you meet her.
A real witch is always bald.
Look for the nose-holes.
The eyes of a real witch are different from yours and mine.
Witches never have toes.
Their spirit is blue.
Ученица читает стихотворение:
«The little witch»
Once long ago
In a wee small land
Lived a witch, her cat
And a mouse.
They stayed together
And didn’t fight,
Though they lived
In a very small house.
The cat was little,
The mouse was small.
But the teeny-tiny witch
Was the smallest of all.
Scene 8
Ученики инсценируют стихотворение «Love Story».
«Love Story» by Mark Burgess
Two skeletons once in love.
Each night was perfect bliss –
They’d dance beneath the moonlit trees,
They’d cuddle and they’d kiss.
But then, alas, they fell apart,
As though it hadn’t mattered.
One left – she hadn’t any heart –
The other one was shattered.
Scene 9
В заключение исполняется песня « This is Halloween».
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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