Олимпиадные задания 9-11 класс
олимпиадные задания по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
Пример олимпиадных заданий для 9-11 класса
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Всероссийская олимпиада школьников по английскому языку 2010-11 год
окружной (муниципальный тур) - 9-11 класс
Part 1 Listening
Task 1
The Origins of the Roman Alphabet
One of the areas of communication you have decided to investigate is writing. You attend a lecture on the origins of the Roman alphabet, the alphabet English is written in. Listen to the lecture and write short answers for questions 1-10. The first one is an example.
Example: What is the most widely used alphabet? – Roman.
Where did alphabet shapes first appear?___________________________________
What word best describes the shapes used in the modern alphabet? ___________________________________________________________________
The continuity of what surprises the speaker? ______________________________
From what have modern alphabets developed?______________________________
What does the ancient Egyptian system combine in order to make words? ___________________________________________________________________
What two pictures could represent the word belief? A picture of ___________________________________________________________________
and a picture of ______________________________________________________
In the next stage, what sounds would a picture of a bee represent? ___________________________________________________________________
How old is the writing found by Flinders Petrie? ___________________________________________________________________
What sounds did this first alphabet not have? ___________________________________________________________________
What does the Arabic letter alif represent? ___________________________________________________________________
Part 1 Listening
Task 2
You will hear five different people talking about their favourite teacher. For questions 19-23, choose from the list A-F what each speaker says. Use letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use.
My favourite teacher trained me in skills which are useful in my present job.
19 |
Speaker 1
My favourite teacher prevented me from making a mistake.
20 |
Speaker 2
My favourite teacher encouraged me to create something original.
21 |
Speaker 3
My favourite teacher believed lessons should be amusing.
22 |
Speaker 4
My favourite teacher allowed me to break a school rule.
23 |
Speaker 5
My favourite teacher wouldn’t let me miss any classes.
Part 2 Reading
Task 1
Read the following magazine article about mobile phones and answer questions 1-5. Indicate the letter A, B, C or D against the number of each question in the table given below. Give only one answer to each question.
Menace or Convenience:
The lure of the mobile phone
A friend of mine was a penniless student at university in 1985 when she started to go out with a man who lived in an oil-rich eastern state. To all her friends he seemed like the possessor of boundless riches, not least because he gave her a mobile phone so that he could contact her at any point of her day directly from his home country. Although virtually none of us had ever seen a mobile phone, the overriding reaction was, ‘What a waste of money ringing all that way’ as opposed to, ‘Wow, that’s brilliant.’ From their earliest incarnations, these telephones have never had the capacity to thrill us in the way that other new bits of technology can. Sighs of contempt, rather than envy, would be breathed in all the first-class train carriages where mobiles started ringing in the late 1980s.
By the mid 1990s, the mobile was no longer the preserve of image-conscious businessmen. Suddenly, it seemed, every petty criminal could be seen organising their dodgy deals as they shouted into stolen ones in the street. It was at this point that I bought a mobile. I had been sneering for years , but I reasoned that as everyone now had one, surely no-one would be offended or irritated by mine, as long as I used it exclusively in the back of taxis or other places where I could avoid intruding on people’s mental privacy.
But I immediately grew to depend on it and constantly checked that I had it, in the way that habitual smokers are said to keep checking for their cigarettes. And it affected my behavior. Without the means of ringing ahead to say I was going to be late, for example, would I have set off for my business appointment with so little time to spare? I began to understand how those inexperienced walkers come to call out the Mountain Rescue Team from the top of some perilous peak. Without the false sense of security the phone in their pocket provided, they wouldn’t have gone up there in the first place.
What’s more, after a while, I realised that once it has got a hold on you, all telephone calls are urgent in exact proportion to the availability of a mobile to announce them. Because our modern lives have so much capacity for urgency, the mobile is turning into an enemy rather than a helpmate. It is enabling us to dash from one activity to another in the mistaken belief that we can still be in touch – with work, with other family members. Yet, although we are constantly on standby, we are not in a position to be fully engaged with anything else. No mental commitment to the task in hand is possible when the mobile can ring at any moment with another demand for our attention, no matter how legitimate. In this way, I began to feel persecuted rather than liberated.
And mobiles may be even more sinister than any of us could have dreamt. When activated, it seems, they serve as miniature tracking devices which, unknown to their owners, reveal their whereabouts at any given time, even if no calls are made or received. In a recent murder trial, the police showed that the suspect travelled to and from the murder scene, despite his having denied this, through using the computer records of his mobile’s whereabouts.
But what has really put me off my phone is a conversation I had with a terrifyingly important man – one of the most conspicuously successful in Britain. He had been to dinner the night before with two other such figures. ‘Do you know,’ he said, ‘they sat there taking calls all through dinner.’ What a let down. In my book, importance is denoted not by a ringing mobile, but rather by the ability to build up the kind of efficient and trustworthy support team that ensures you never to need to take an urgent call in public. One suspects moreover, that it is the very existence of the mobile phone that prevents effective delegation in such situations, that it represents a menace rather than a convenience.
According to the writer, how did people react when the first mobile phones were introduced in the 1980s?
They were rather suspicious of them.
They saw how useful they might be.
They realised how popular they would be.
They were generally unimpressed by them.
Why did the writer eventually decide to buy a mobile phone?
She accepted that one was needed for her work.
She realised they had become widely accepted.
She had seen how to use one effectively.
She had got used to the idea of them.
What immediate change did the mobile phone make to her life?
It tended to make her less reliable.
It caused her to do irrational things.
It led her into dangerous situations.
It forced her to make better use of her time.
Why did she eventually come to resent her mobile phone?
It allowed her employers to monitor her movements.
It prevented her from concentrating on what she was doing.
It allowed people to make unreasonable demands on her.
It meant that her work was invading her free time.
The writer tells us the anecdote about the important man to show that mobile phones
are essential in modern business.
are a nuisance in social situations.
may lead to less efficient management.
may lead to a loss of business confidentiality.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Part 2 Reading
Task 2
You are going to read a newspaper article. Seven paragraphs have been removed from the article. Choose from the paragraphs A-H the one which fits each gap and indicate it in the table given below. There is one extra paragraph which you do not need to use.
The Perils of Pizza Making
It looks easy but it really isn’t, says Chandos Elletson, whose efforts turned out far from perfect.
My first pizza was cremated. I hadn’t even got to the toppings, let alone the tossing stage. I was stuck on the rolling-out bit. I fast discovered that specialist pizza chefs – pizzaioli- don’t use rolling pins, they use their hands to shape the dough into perfect circles. Francesco Sariitzu, the pizzaiolo at The Park restaurant in Queen’s Park, London, where I went to be trainee for the evening, took one look at my sorry effort and signed.
Real, or original, pizza is an art: the pizzaiolo is baker, fire stoker and cook. A wood-burning oven is an essential part of the proceedings. However, before the pizzas get to the fire, they have to be properly shaped and it was this procedure that was causing me all the grief.
From here it was all hands. He pressed out the dough with his fingers, all the time working in flour and pressing the edges out until a small round circle had emerged. He then threw it into his hands, twirling it to shake off the excess flour. He did not toss it in the air. “Tossing is for show”, he said disdainfully. “It is not necessary.” Once the flour was shaken off, put the dough onto the steel work surface with one half of it hanging over the edge. One hand pressed and stretched and the other pulled in the opposite direction. Before you could say “pizza Margherita” there was a perfect circle ready to be topped.
The object is to press out the edges, not the centre, using the flour to dry out the stickiness. However, the temptation to press everything in sight to make it stretch into a circular shape is too strong; before I knew it, I had thick edges and a thin centre.
Then I noticed, to my horror, that some customers were watching me. “Shall we watch the man make the pizza” a man asked his young daughter, who he was holding in his arms.
A hole appeared in the centre. “Look, Daddy. There’s a hole,” the little girl said. I looked up from my work, crestfallen. I was defeated. “it’s my first evening,” I admitted. Francesco stepped in with the paddle and my second pizza went where the first one had gone: on the fire. We all watched it go up in flames.
Francesco noticed and applauded. I wanted to call back the little girl and tell her: “I can do it! It’s just like swimming!” My base was not perfectly round but it was not bad. It wasn’t perfectly even but it was certainly an improvement. We decided to top it. We put on a thin smear of tomato sauce and some mozzarella.
When I got there, Francesco showed me where to put it. There was a point in the deep oven away from the fire, where the pizzas go when they are first put into the oven. I put the long handle deep into the oven and, feeling the heat on my arms, brought it back sharply. The pizza slid onto the floor of the oven. My first pizza was in the oven and not being burnt alive.
To put those things right, I did as Francesco had done and slapped it with the palm of my hand. This made me feel better and I slapped it again. Next, I did some twirling and the flour showered everywhere.
Instead, Francesco quickly made one of his own to act as a comparison. When they were done and brought from the oven, we had a tasting. The result was astonishing. Mine was tough and crunchy in places, not bad in others. His was perfectly crispy and soft everywhere.
Having done that, it was time to get it on to the paddle, which felt like a pole vault. With one determined shove, the pizza went on halfway. Another shove forward got it on completely but put an ugly buckle in it. I turned and headed for the oven.
Francesco made it look easy. He showed me what to do again and I tried to take it in. The chilled dough balls, pre-weighed at 170 g, were all ready in a special fridge below the work counter. The dough was sticky and Francesco worked fast. First it was dropped into a large pile of flour and then it was mixed with a small handful of polenta.
Clearly, the stage was all mine. I had been told to concentrate on the edges using the flat edge of my hand under my little finger. I started to work the dough and tried to stretch it. It did begin to take shape, but as soon as I let it go it just went back again and didn’t get any bigger. I felt more and more eyes on me. Then the worst thing happened.
That was because it wasn’t so much a circle as an early map of the world. Silently, Francesco reached for his pizza paddle, scooped it up and threw it disdainfully into the red-hot stone oven, where it burnt rapidly on top of a funeral pyre of burning wood. I made up my mind that my future efforts would be good enough to be spared the death sentence.
I was baffled and embarrassed as it did so, but I thought I was onto something. On my next attempt, I quickly got to the shaping stage with half the pizza hanging over the edge. This was where I had gone wrong. Using only the bottom edge of my hands with my fingers working the edges, I started to do the breast stroke: fingers together, fingers apart, working and stretching. It began to work.
I moved nervously into position to have a go at achieving the same result myself. I scooped up a piece of dough from its snug tray. It immediately stuck to my fingers and when I threw it at the flour, it just remained stuck. I had to pull it off. The first bit is easy, or so it seems, but unless you follow the right procedure you sow the seeds of later failure.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
Part 3 Grammar and Vocabulary
Task 1
For questions 1 – 15, read the text below and then decide which word best fits each space.
Put the letter you choose for each question in the correct box.
0 | B |
The task begins with an example (0).
Sometimes you might feel that if you had a perfect memory, all your problems with learning would be (0)….. . You would be able to (1)……… through exams without much revision. You would never again (2)…….. the embarrassment of forgetting someone’s name. But imagine, for a moment, not forgetting anything – not even last year’s shopping (3)…….. . You would be (4)…….. with information.
With hard work you can recall the parts of a verb or the layout of a town as you need them, so that you can learn a foreign language or (5)………. a taxi driver’s licence. But the memory (6)……….. called for by some professions are only one of the roles memory plays in our lives . Memory covers a (7)……. range of actions and needs. What we (8)……….about the brain is far from complete, so philosophers and scientists find it difficult to be (9)………about the nature of memory. Remembering and forgetting can be understood in many different (10)……….. but broadly, three distinct classes of memory have been established: personal, cognitive and habit memory.
Personal memories are those acts of remembering which (11)……… specifically to each person’s life history. If you say, “I remember the first time I travelled by train”, you will probably have an image in your mind of the (12)……… and be able to describe things in it. Cognitive memory helps us learn, for example, stories, a speech or a (13)………….. of music. Habit memory (14)……….. those abilities needed to perform actions such as typing or driving. All those actions must be learned but once they have been, you will rarely remember anything (15)…………as you perform them.
1 | A | sail | B | walk | C | run | D | float |
2 | A | encounter | B | face | C | realise | D | accept |
3 | A | receipts | B | notes | C | lists | D | bills |
4 | A | overweight | B | stuffed | C | burdened | D | overloaded |
5 | A | win | B | gain | C | earn | D | award |
6 | A | concepts | B | choices | C | feats | D | methods |
7 | A | wide | B | large | C | long | D | big |
8 | A | study | B | learn | C | discover | D | know |
9 | A | precise | B | explanatory | C | correct | D | aware |
10 | A | ways | B | concepts | C | forms | D | types |
11 | A | connect | B | appear | C | have | D | refer |
12 | A | occasion | B | happening | C | process | D | thought |
13 | A | piece | B | tune | C | sound | D | instrument |
14 | A | means | B | covers | C | enables | D | directs |
15 | A | totally | B | hardly | C | knowingly | D | consciously |
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
B |
Part 3 Grammar and Vocabulary
Task 2
For questions 1-10 read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form the word that fits in the space in the same line.
There is an example at the beginning
0 | necessity |
Tube Inspired a Book
For many people, the London Underground is
a grim (0) ____________ that gets them from A to B. NECESSARY
But for (1)___________ author Preethi Nair, it is a BUD
source of inspiration. She has just published her first
novel, ”Gypsy Masala” – a tale she dreamt up whilst
commuting on the Metropolitan Line. “Have you
observed people on the tube?” she asks (2)___________ enthuse
“Everyone is in their own little world. I just sit there
and imagine what kind of lives they led”.
“Gypsy Masala” charts the adventures and (3)_________ inner
thoughts of three members of an Indian family
living in London, as they search for happiness.
“It is a story about following your dreams”, says
Preethi, who gave up her high-pressure job as a
management (4)_________________ consult
in order to go in (5)_________________ pursue
of her ambition of becoming a writer.
“It was a big risk but it was definitely the
right decision in terms of peace of mind
and (6)___________ “ she explains. content
Preethi was born in a small village in the
Indian state of Kerala and moved to London
with her parents at the age of three. She says
the striking contrast in cultures made a (7)_______ last
impression and is reflected in her story, which
flits between the suburbs of London and (8)___________ far
India. Many of the scenes in the book are based
on the place where she was born and spent long
summer holidays.
“It is a tiny village that is lost in time. There is still
no (9)______________ water and it is quite difficult run
to get to. It is completely (10) _____________ touch
and so beautiful”, she says.
Part 3 Grammar and vocabulary
Task 3
Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence and circle the letter
A, B, C or D
Jimmy’s feeling a bit under the weather today, but I expect he’ll be as right as………by the weekend.
an athlete
You’re not getting enough to eat, Karen. Look at you! You’re as thin as a …….
stick insect
You’ll have to shout, I’m afraid. My father’s as deaf as ………..
a leaf
a post
a politician
a stone
It’s hard to believe Brian and Stephen are brothers, isn’t it? They are as different as ……………
mars from Jupiter
milk from honey
chalk from cheese
margarine from butter
Although we had been told that the film was very exciting, both my wife and I found it to be as dull as ……………
a don
a dungeon
a museum
Kathy was as pleased as …… when she heard she had passed the exam.
a poppy
a sunflower
pound notes
I hope the computer course starts this term. We’re all as keen as ……. to get going.
a gigolo
Jane looked ………at the shop assistant who had been rude to her.
I’ve heard that argument before and quite frankly it just doesn’t….!
face the music
hit the nail on the head
carry weight
hold water
He has a quick temper and easily ……off the handle
Part 2 Grammar and Vocabulary
Task 4
Using the verbs and particles given, make up phrasal verbs which complete the sentences:
VERBS: blow call carry cut fit set shake slip wear work
PARTICLES: down for in off off on out out up up
To make a mistake is to……………………………………
To leave on a journey is to………………………………..
To destroy a bridge using explosive is to……………..it…………………
When people demand something, for example, a change in the law, we say that they………………… …………………. a change.
After a long time and lot of use, things like machines and clothes are no longer any good. We say that in time things………………… ……………………
If you decide to reduce the amount of cigarettes that you smoke or the amount of food you eat, we say that you have decided to………………… …………………….
To solve a problem, such as a mathematical problem, is to………………….it……………………
To continue doing something is to …………..…………doing it.
If you recover easily and quickly from a cold, we say that you were able to……………………it………………………..
If new people join an established group and they quickly become accepted, we say that they ……………………… ………………………..very well.
Part 3 Grammar and vocabulary
Task 5
For questions 1 – 10, match each literary character from column A to the author from column B in the table given below.
There are two extra names in the author’s column.
David Copperfield A. William Shakespeare
Becky Sharp B. Washington Irving
Jennie Gerhardt C. William Makepeace
Julius Caesar Thackeray
Emma D. Margaret Mitchell
Mr. Gatsby E. Charles Dickens
Jane Eyre F. Charlotte Bronte
Rip Van Winkle G. Francis Scott Fitzgerald
Ivanhoe H. Jane Austen
10. Rhett Butler I. Theodore Dreiser
J. Lewis Carroll
K. Walter Scott
L. Jonathan Swift
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Part 4 Culture Quiz
Where are “The Crown Jewels” kept?
A | The Bank of England | B | Buckinghan Palace | C | The Tower of London | D | Windsor Castle |
Where was Sir Sean Connery born?
A | Ireland | B | The USA | C | Scotland | D | England |
On which day of the week is “maundy money” traditionally given?
A | Thursday | B | Friday | C | Sunday | D | Monday |
Who is the patron saint of Wales?
A | St. David | B | St. Patrick | C | St. Thomas | D | St. Andrew |
Which English King once hid in an oak tree?
A | Henry VII | B | Richard II | C | George III | D | Charles II |
What is “bangers and mash”?
A | An English dish | B | A type of firework | C | Something Scottish people wear | D | The name of the Welsh National Anthem (Song) |
What do the Scots traditionally eat on Burn’s night?
A | porridge | B | haggis | C | Black pudding | D | hotcakes |
What do the English traditionally eat on Shrove Tuesday?
A | Ice-cream | B | pancakes | C | Black pudding | D | Yorkshire pudding |
What famous event occurred on the 5th of November 1605?
A | The coronation of James I | B | The gunpowder plot | C | The union of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales to form the UK | D | The first tennis tournament at Wimbledon |
Where is the Peak District?
A | In Ireland | B | In Scotland | C | In England | D | In Wales |
Which county is known as the Garden of England?
A | Lancashire | B | Yorkshire | C | Kent | D | Sussex |
Lady Jane Grey holds the record for the shortest reign of any King or Queen of England. How long was she the Queen for?
A | 1 day | B | 3 days | C | 7 days | D | 9 days |
Which of the following was NOT written by J. R. R. Tolkien
A | The Hobbit | B | Farmer Giles of Ham | C | Finn and Hengist | D | The Elf Queen of Shannara |
Where might you find the skeletons of dinosaurs and see a blue whale in London?
A | The Natural History Museum | B | The River Thames | C | The British Museum | D | Madame Tussaud’s |
Which of the following was not a president of the United States?
A | Margaret Thatcher | B | Thomas Jefferson | C | George Washington | D | Abraham Lincoln |
If someone is a scouser, which English city are they from?
A | London | B | Birmingham | C | Newcastle | D | Liverpool |
Which country has the longest coastline?
A | Great Britain | B | Australia | C | Canada | D | The USA |
Which major US company has its headquarters in Washington State?
A | MacDonald’s | B | Microsoft | C | Coca Cola | D | Ford |
Which Forest was the legendary home of one of Britain’s most famous outlaws?
A | The New Forest | B | Keilder Forest | C | Robber Forest | D | Sherwood Forest |
What or who is Big Ben?
A | A bell | B | A clock | C | A tower | D | A very tall person |
Part 5 Writing
We invite you, our reader, to write an article on: The Future Role of Technology in the Home In what ways do you think people’s homes will be different in the future? In what ways will they still be the same? |
You see this announcement in an international magazine.
Write your own article in an appropriate style.
Use 200 - 250 words.
Part 6 Speaking
Preparation time: 1 minutes.
Speaking time: 3-5 minutes.
Variant 1
For both candidates
Look at the list below. Discuss some of the important achievements that have occurred in these areas and how they have influenced the world we live in. Then decide which three achievements have offered the greatest benefit.
sport transportation politics medicine trade engineering
space exploration buildings science
Remember to:
discuss all the options
take an active part in the conversation and be polite
come up with ideas
give good reasons
find out your friend’s attitudes and take them into account
invite your friend to come up with ideas
come to an agreement
Part 6 Speaking
Preparation time: 1 minutes.
Speaking time: 3-5 minutes.
Variant 2
For both candidates
Look below at the list of different people who have a responsible role in society.
Talk to each other and discuss what kind of responsibility each person has and who or what they are responsible for. Then decide who you think has the greatest responsibility.
a teacher a parent a police officer a doctor a scientist
a journalist a judge a pilot
Remember to:
discuss all the options
take an active part in the conversation and be polite
come up with ideas
give good reasons
find out your friend’s attitudes and take them into account
invite your friend to come up with ideas
come to an agreement
Максимальное количество баллов: 20
Внимание! При оценке 0 по критерию "Содержание" выставляется общая оценка 0.
БАЛЛЫ за содержание | СОДЕРЖАНИЕ (максимум 10 баллов) | Взаимодействие с собеседником и оформление речи (максимум 10 баллов) |
Взаимодействие с собеседником (максимум 4 балла) | Лексическое оформление речи (максимум 2 балла) | Грамматическое оформление речи (максимум 2 балла) | Фонетическое оформление речи (максимум 2 балла) |
9 - 10 | Коммуникативная задача полностью выполнена: цель общения успешно достигнута, тема раскрыта в заданном объеме. Участник высказывает интересные и оригинальные идеи. | 4 балла Участник способен логично и связно вести беседу: участник соблюдает очередность при обмене репликами, при необходимости участник начинает первым или поддерживает беседу, восстанавливает беседу в случае сбоя. |
7 - 8 | Коммуникативная задача полностью выполнена: цель общения успешно достигнута, тема раскрыта в заданном объеме, однако выступление не отличается оригинальностью мысли. |
5 - 6 | Коммуникативная задача выполнена не полностью: цель общения в основном достигнута, однако тема раскрыта не в полном объеме: высказанные положения недостаточно аргументированы. | 3 балла В целом участник способен логично и связно вести беседу: участник соблюдает очередность при обмене репликами, но не всегда проявляет инициативу в поддержании беседы. |
3 - 4 | Коммуникативная задача выполнена частично: цель общения достигнута не полностью, тема раскрыта в ограниченном объеме: высказанных положений мало и они не аргументированы. | 2 балла Участник не способен логично и связно вести беседу: не начинает и не стремится поддерживать ее, в значительной степени зависит от помощи со стороны собеседника. |
2 балла В речи участника нет лексических ошибок; словарный запас участника богат, разнообразен и адекватен поставленной задаче. | 2 балла В речи участника нет грамматических ошибок; речь участника богата разнообразными грамматическими конструкциями. | 2 балла В речи участника нет фонетических ошибок. |
1 - 2 | Коммуникативная задача не выполнена: цель общения не достигнута, содержание не соответствует коммуникативной задаче. | 1 балл Участник диалога не способен вести беседу. | 1 балл Словарный запас участника в основном соответствует поставленной задаче, однако наблюдается некоторое затруднение при подборе слов и/или имеются неточности в их употреблении. | 1 балл В речи участника присутствуют грамматические ошибки, не затрудняющие понимания или используются однообразные грамматические конструкции. | 1 балл Речь участника в целом понятна, участник допускает отдельные фонетические ошибки. |
0 | Отказ от ответа | 0 баллов Отказ от выполнения задания по диалогу | 0 баллов Словарного запаса не хватает для общения в соответствии с заданием. | 0 баллов В речи участника присутствуют грамматические ошибки, затрудняющие понимание. | 0 баллов Понимание речи участника затруднено из-за большого количества фонетических ошибок. |
БАЛЛЫ (за содержание) | СОДЕРЖАНИЕ (максимум 10 баллов) | ОФОРМЛЕНИЕ (максимум 10 баллов) |
Композиция (максимум 2 балла) | Лексика (максимум 2 балла) | Грамматика (максимум 2 балла) | Стиль (максимум 2 балла) | Орфография и пунктуация (максимум 2 балла) |
9-10 | Коммуникативная задача полностью выполнена с учетом цели высказывания и адресата. Тема раскрыта полностью. Участник демонстрирует оригинальный подход к раскрытию темы. | 2 балла Работа не имеет ошибок с точки зрения композиции. | 2 балла Участник демонстрирует богатый лексический запас, необходимый для раскрытия темы, точный выбор слов и адекватное владение лексической сочетаемостью. Работа не имеет ошибок с точки зрения лексического оформления. | 2 балла Участник демонстрирует грамотное и уместное употребление структур, необходимых для раскрытия темы. Работа не имеет ошибок с точки зрения грамматического оформления. | 2 балла Работа не имеет ошибок с точки зрения стилевого оформления. | 2 балла Участник демонстрирует уверенное владение навыками орфографии и пунктуации. Работа не имеет ошибок с точки зрения орфографического и пунктуационного оформления. |
7-8 | Коммуникативная задача выполнена с учетом цели высказывания и адресата. Тема раскрыта полностью, однако в работе не хватает оригинальности в раскрытии темы. | 1 балл В целом текст имеет четкую структуру, соответствующую заданной теме. Текст разделен на абзацы. В тексте присутствуют связующие элементы. Допустимы незначительные нарушения структуры, логики или связности текста | 1 балл В целом лексический состав текста соответствует заданной теме, однако имеются неточности в выборе слов и лексической сочетаемости, которые не затрудняют понимания текста. Или: используется стандартная, однообразная лексика. | 1 балл В тексте присутствует ряд незначительных грамматических и/или синтаксических ошибок, не затрудняющих общего понимания текста. | 1 балл Участник в целом демонстрирует владение жанрами письменной речи, однако в тексте присутствуют незначительные нарушения стилевого единства. | 1 балл В тексте присутствуют орфографические и/или пунктуационные ошибки, которые не затрудняют общего понимания текста. |
5-6 | Коммуникативная задача в целом выполнена, однако имеются отдельные нарушения целостности содержания. Тема раскрыта не полностью: не приведены все необходимые аргументы и/или факты. |
3-4 | Коммуникативная задача выполнена частично. Содержание текста не полностью отвечает заданной теме или объем работы менее 50% от заданного. | .0 баллов Текст не имеет четкой логической структуры. Отсутствует или неправильно выполнено абзацное членение текста. Имеются серьезные нарушения связности текста и/или многочисленные ошибки в употреблении логических средств связи. | 0 баллов Участник демонстрирует крайне ограниченный словарный запас. Или: имеются многочисленные ошибки в употреблении лексики, затрудняющие понимание текста. | 0 баллов В тексте присутствуют много численные ошибки, затрудняющие его понимание. | 0 баллов Текст не оформлен в соответствии с требованиями жанра. Или: в тексте присутствуют значительные нарушения стилевого единства. | 0 баллов В тексте присутствуют многочисленные орфографические и/или пунктуационные ошибки, затрудняющие его понимание. |
0-2 | Коммуникативная задача не выполнена. Содержание текста не отвечает заданной теме. |
Инструкция для преподавателей
Региональная олимпиада 2010-2011. Письменный тур (АЯ)
Необходимо выяснить все ли учащиеся пришли на олимпиаду по английскому языку и все ли зарегистрировались.
Попросить отключить мобильные телефоны и предупредить, что в случае звонка или шума или любого нарушения (разговоры, списывание и т.д.) нарушители будут удалены с олимпиады и дежурный преподаватель должен будет составить протокол о дисциплинарном нарушении.
Предупредить, что после раздачи олимпиадных материалов выпускаться из аудитории никто не будет. В экстренном случае, учащийся может быть выпущен с одним из организаторов, но предупредить, что дополнительное время не дается.
Не разрешается пользоваться словарями, мобильными телефонами и другими электронными приборами.
На парте может лежать только олимпиадный материал.
Можно писать только синей или черной пастой. Работы, написанные красной, зеленой пастой или карандашом, проверяться не будут. Почерк должен быть разборчивым!
На работах нельзя рисовать, делать пометки, не касающиеся существа работы, так как они могут нарушить секретность номера автора. В случае обнаружения рисунков, работы проверяться не будут, а участники будут дисквалифицированы.
На каждой странице работы должен быть четко написанный идентификационный номер учащегося. Фамилии и номера школ на работе не указываются.
Работы собираются в строго указанное время. Работы, сданные после указанного на доске времени, не принимаются. Работы можно сдать до указанного срока. В случае, если учащийся отказался от выполнения работы или части работы, он должен написать и подписать отказ на отдельном листе, который прикрепляется к отчету преподавателей.
Необходимо на доске прописать время начала и конца олимпиады.
Общее время в 7-8 классе – 2 часа 50 минут; в 9-11 классах – 3 часа 25 минут. Начало определяется после инструкции.
Необходимо написать на доске время, отводимое для каждого раздела олимпиады: (см. таблицу по классам).
Председатель оргкомитета региональной
Олимпиады по иностранным языкам Махмурян К.С.
Инструкция для членов жюри по проведению первого (письменного)
тура Олимпиады
по английскому языку 04 декабря 2010 года
Регистрация учащихся состоится с 9.30 до 10.00. Каждый учащийся регистрируется согласно идентификационному номеру в списке системы СтатГрад.
Регистрационные листы по окончанию регистрации сдаются ответственному по зданию.
Инструктаж участников олимпиады проходит в каждой аудитории.
Зарегистрированные учащиеся распределяются по аудиториям по мере заполнения и рассаживаются по два за парту. Учащимся запрещено пользоваться словарями и какими-либо записями. Всем необходимо отключить мобильные телефоны и любые другие электронные устройства. Во время проведения олимпиады следует соблюдать тишину и порядок.
Познакомить учащихся с форматом письменного тура Олимпиады и написать его на доске (Очередность выполнения заданий, время на выполнение и т. д. в приложении).
Написать на доске и объявить учащимся, куда они приходят на устный тур.
Результаты олимпиады будут объявлены через систему СтатГрад.
Таблица данных по муниципальному туру Всероссийской олимпиады школьников по английскому языку на 04.12.2010 года
9-11 классы
№ | Вид дея-ти | Ко-во заданий | Ко-во баллов | Время |
1. | Аудирование | Зад. 1- 10 Зад. 2- 5 | 15 бал. | 30 мин. |
2. | Чтение | Текст 1 – 5 Текст 2 - 7 | 12 бал. | 45 мин. |
3. | Лек.-грамматика | Зад. 1 – 15 Зад. 2 – 10 Зад. 3 – 10 Зад. 4 – 10 Зад. 5 – 10 | 55 бал. | 45 мин. |
4. | Викторина | Зад. 1- 20 | 20 бал. | 30 мин. |
5. | Письмо | Зад. 1 - статья | 20 бал. | 45 мин. |
Итого: | 5 | 102 | 122 бал. | 3 ч. 25 мин. |
75 % = 90,75 балла 51% = 61,71 балла
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Олимпиадные задания для 5 класса
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