конспект урока "Любовь"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме

Имайкина Луиза Альгисовна

материалы предназначены для старшей ступени (уроветь upper-intermediate)


Предварительный просмотр:

Имайкина Луиза Альгисовна , МАОУ Лицей №3  

План урока.

Love Conquers All

Целеполагание. A song”I am a believer”

a)Listen to the song, rise the lines of the song when you hear them. (3 min)

b)What is the song about?

- weather



Scanning. Look through the text and give it a title.(2-3 min)

Read the text carefully and fill in the columns with the words in bold. Then check in pairs. (4 min)




Group work. Match the word and the meaning in the table. Find the missing word or definition on the wall.(5 min).

Explanation of word meaning.. (3 mi)

Let’s play a game “Find someone who…”. (groups of 3) . Ask and answer questions in your groups. For example:…. Then in 5 min one representative from each group will speak about the whole group.

Imagine that all of you are professional novelists or writers. Again you’ll work in groups. I’ll give you pictures- write a love story about the people in them. Use no less than 5 words from the target vocabulary. Don’t show the pictures to other groups. Then we’ll hang them on the board, you’ll read your stories and others will mathch them with the pictures.(5-6 min)

       8. Thank you for your attention.  Let’s sing the song “I am a believer” together.


pluck up smb's courage – набраться мужества

give chase – гнаться, преследовать

stalking – осторожное преследование

encroach – вторгаться, покушаться

puncture – высказать резкое замечание

disclaimer – письменный отказ

insane – душевнобольной, сумасшедший, безрассудный

spread virally – распространяться со скоростью вируса

crank – причуда, фантазия, каприз

pounce - ухватиться

maelstrom – водоворот, вихрь

nascent – появляющийся, зарождающийся

nagging – навящивый

Предварительный просмотр:

Handout 2

“No Sacrifice” by Elton John

It's a human sign when things go wrong

When the scent of her lingers and  ___________'s strong

Into the boundary of each married man

Sweet ___________ comes calling and __________ lands

Cold cold heart hardened by you

Some things look better baby just passing through

And it's no sacrifice just a simple word

It's two hearts living In two ______________

But it's no sacrifice no sacrifice

It's no sacrifice at all

Mutual misunderstanding after the fact

______________ builds a prison In the final act

We lose direction no stone unturned

No tears to damn you when  ____________ burns

“No Sacrifice” by Elton John

It's a human sign when things go wrong

When the scent of her lingers and temptation's strong

Into the boundary of each married man

Sweet deceit comes calling and negativity lands

Cold cold heart hardened by you

Some things look better baby just passing through

And it's no sacrifice just a simple word

It's two hearts living In two separate worlds

But it's no sacrifice no sacrifice

It's no sacrifice at all

Mutual misunderstanding after the fact

Sensitivity builds a prison In the final act

We lose direction no stone unturned

No tears to damn you when jealousy burns

Temptation(искушение, соблазн)

Deceit(обман, хитрость)


separate worlds

Sensitivity(чуствительность, восприимчивость)


Предварительный просмотр:

Handout 3

Q 1. How many times does your husband tell you that you are beautiful?

 a) Almost after every hour.

b) Often, especially during romantic moments when you are wearing a dress he likes very much.

 c) You are still waiting for him to say these beautiful words to you.

Q 2. Your man is like

 a) A truly romantic lover who can risk anything and everything for you.

 b) He has been saying that he loves you but you are still confused about how he feels for you.

 c) Sometimes you are trying to attract him towards you and sometimes he is trying to attract you.

Q 3. When you ask your beloved to escort you for any tedious and tiresome activity. How does he respond?

 a) “Your wish, my command!” Just tell me the time and place and I would be there in no time.

 b) I am very busy, but I will surely try.

 c) You should have told it earlier, I have other important work to do.

Q 4. How many times in a week does your hubby takes out time to be with you?

 a) Four times  though if his schedule approves, he would be at your doorstep for every single day of the week.

 b) At least two or three in a week depending on how busy he is for the week.

 c) One or none and it is you only who takes the initiative and plans the outing.

Q 5. Do you think that your husband might cheat on you at any point of life?

a) No, in fact he is more worried about your wandering eyes.

 b) Sure, this thought has crossed your mind quite often.

 c) Once it did when he was having dinner with his ex-girlfriend but you snapped out of it.

Q 6. When you introduced your beloved to your friends, what was his response?

 a) Wow! I have heard so much about you all that I was dying to meet you.

 b) Nice to meet you all " accompanied with a big smile.

 c) “Hello, How are you?” then silence and looking as if bored.

Maximum As:

 Heartiest Congratulations! You have got a very doting and devoted husband. He has the perfect ability to bestow his love on you, to lend you his support when you are depressed and low in life and shows complete interest in your life. He can do anything for you, be it devoting a whole weekend for you or canceling his plans for setting up your apartment. You are very lucky for getting him as a husband and should thank your stars for bestowing on you their blessings.

Maximum Bs:

 Your beloved can be termed as an adoring amour and more balanced than a banker’s chequebook. He is a great listener and he consciously tries to be open and attentive to what his woman says. He does not believe in exhibiting his love by showering expensive gifts and praises on his darling. He is very much confident that you love him and he doesn’t need to pamper you or to praise your looks after every ten minutes just to grab your attention towards him.

Maximum Cs:

 Sorry, but your husband is a lame flame who will barely lift his index finger for you. Whether you want him to pick you up or want him to give you a nice surprise, he can never fulfill your expectations. Though you can try to change his attitude with your romantic and charming ways but this can take some time. But it’s a famous saying that ‘where there is a will there is a way’, so never loose hope and give it your best shot for the sake of your relationship.

Предварительный просмотр:

Handout 1

Find someone who:

Plucked up one’s courage and confessed in love.

Stalked his or her beloved.

Punctured somebody with a rude word and deeply regretted for the mistake.

Wrote a disclaimer that she didn’t want to continue the love affair.

Did something insane for the sake of love.

 Thought that people who were in love were cranks in a way.

Pounced on every chance to find love.

Was in the maelstrom of love and didn’t  notice his beloved’s unfaithfulness

Had friends who spread false rumors virally.

Had nagging admirers.

Предварительный просмотр:

Handout    4

A Love Story

Once upon a time there lived a young guy, Johny. He was not a pop-star, a fanatic person like those nagging young lads of his age.  On the contrary he was  romantic,  out of time, conservative.  He worked as a clerk, and everybody in the office knew that he fell in love with a new trainee, a student of the local university. Everybody was sure he was  no match for her. ………

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